#trust yourself


You’re too young, you don’t know what you want, you spent four years of your life in college for the job you have right now, no one will approve. 

These are a few reasons you shouldn’t take the risk to build the life you want.

But you can’t live your life by shouldn’t. Don’t make decisions based on what you can’t do. Fuck can’t.

There will always be reasons why you shouldn’t do what you love. 

No matter how big or “true” the reason you have to decide whether you’ll give in to it or break free.

You don’t have to quit your job to start taking action toward your goal. You don’t have to leave college either.

You might not even be one-hundred percent sure this vision really is your dream.

But you have to try anyway.

From, How to Follow Your Dreams Even When You “Shouldn’t”

The only way to learn is to try - simple as it is! Leave your worries behind, trust your gear, trust

The only way to learn is to try - simple as it is! Leave your worries behind, trust your gear, trust your body, be bold and kick some ass!


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當然也是有想要的東西我一直得不到,例如我一直想存錢買的包包們總是會先被比較富裕覺得幾萬很便宜的朋友買走,每當這個時候雖然內心充滿了莫名委屈(覺得為什麼我錢比人家少) 還有idea被偷 (明明是我先說我很喜歡) 的那種不快感,但畢竟都是膚淺虛華的東西,再繼續糾結也沒有什麼意思。

現在隨著年齡增長,想像計畫開始變得重點式,但相對的實現難度也提高了不少,本來我幾度想放棄,但有一天突然回頭去看以前,當發現我其實有在實現曾經的想像時,自信心又回來了,人果然還是要帶著希望生活著啊~ 希望大家的夢想也都能夠實現,不管怎麼說,還是要相信著吧:)

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Totalmente cierto.

Totalmente cierto.

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Believe in yourself and try.

Believe in yourself and fail. 

Believe in yourself and succeed.

Believe in yourself and trust your intuition.

Believe in yourself and obey your calling.
