
minhamemoriasuja:“tanning the butt” photographed by Butu BilikhodzeSerendipity (2)Look what I’ve f


“tanning the butt” photographed by Butu Bilikhodze

Serendipity (2)

Look what I’ve found while hunting mushrooms…

Sometimes what you find is so much better than what you were looking for…


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WOW! Got to get on this bus, wherever it’s going…

Public transports (7)


mytypeofasianhk:MORE PHOTO Sunday morning lie-in… (16) Yet another Sunday morning lie-in is about to



Sunday morning lie-in… (16)

Yet another Sunday morning lie-in is about to turn naughty…


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Fairy sleeping on a grave

Fairy sleeping on a grave

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compatible–weirdness.tumblr.com on We Heart It.

compatible–weirdness.tumblr.com on We Heart It.

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~Chasing Whales~

As the day begins to close,

I find myself between the rows

Of golden sun and dappled trees

Midst dancing light and trembling leaves.


Setting fire burns the sky

Whilst framing gulls with scarlet dye;

A geyser springs from distant view,

Mist rising through the fading hue.


Sprint past pines and crumbling rock–

To jump the gate, ignore the lock.

I follow pull of creaking waves

And seek the salty breeze I crave.


Leap from sand and slice through blue,

The liquid life that cyclones brew;

I take a breath, the sting dies down–

Why sink to swim or breathe to drown?


I know they’re close: the current pulls–

A gentle rocking, drifting lulls

Me; farther from the foaming shore:

Far from a freedom held no more.


Holding tight to trace the lines,

Each scar a story set to rhyme–

I hear the groan of secrets deep

As I am lured back to sleep.


~Reigh Lynne

Así como el agua entre los dedos, la vida se me iba escapando, todos mis sentimientos se diluían en noches eternas de soledad.

Hasta el día que volviste, y pintaste de colores mi vida, iluminaste los rincones más oscuros de mi corazón. Y ahora no quiero que te vayas.


Vi el cielo, tan inmenso, tan azul, y me reí por dentro, recordando las veces que anhelé sentir esa paz a tu lado.



En un momento,
las flores de mi corazón crecieron,
una primavera inundó mis sentimientos,
y aquel frío invierno
en que mi alma se vio sumergida
se desvaneció ante tu prese

Volví a creer en la magia
detrás de los atardeceres,
en la cura existente entre dos labios
que susurran; Acá estás a sal

Volver al inicio era todo lo que necesitaba
mi seco corazón,
para inundarse en un mar de amor,
para sentir júbilo de nue

Empacar mis maletas,
tirar a la basura la promesas que nadie cumplió,
buscar nuevas cancione

Y ahí estás tú,
permitiéndome ser libre
de las ataduras del dolor
que se apoderó de mi
por tanto tie

Asleep;Alexander Alay.

Estoy sintiendo tantas cosas al mismo tiempo que sólo puedo llorar.


“Así es la oportunidad de amar, con riesgos, pero no hay culpas, simplemente apuestas por algo que puede funcionar o no”.


Era como volver a nacer, cada vez que me abrazabas, cuando escuchaba tu melodiosa voz. Así era, hasta que te marchaste con tu voz, y mi alma comenzó a morir poco a poco.


Tengo miedo, no puedo mentirte, ni puedo mentirle a mi alma y mi corazón. Tengo miedo, de volver a nuestro lugar, de regresar a aquellos días de lluvia donde nos dejamos ir, tengo miedo a recordar.


Hi tumblr o/ it’s been a while.

Lying down asleep in the grass on a warm Spring day

Lying down asleep in the grass on a warm Spring day

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magicalnaturetour:Zippy, Asleep on the Chair (by elycefeliz) 


Zippy, Asleep on the Chair (by elycefeliz

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Things you should know about Sleep Paralysis

Before I begin, you ought to know what sleep paralysis is. When you sleep you go through two cycles, REM and NREM. REM stands for “rapid eye movement” and during this phase your body is completely paralyzed but your eyes are moving around under the lids. NREM is “non rapid eye movement” and during this time your body moves about but your eyes are still. You need to go through both cycles numerous times for a proper nights sleep. Sleep paralysis occurs when you wake up during REM and can be alarming to someone who isn’t used to it. But don’t worry, as someone who has gotten it chronically since I was a young child, I am going to teach you how to get through it.

First of all, you might feel like you’re suffocating, but don’t panic. You don’t have control of your body right now, and that includes your lungs. When you sleep, your breathing is heavily decreased. So just calm down, it’s ok, you can breathe.

Don’t be idle! So many people just lay there and expect sleep paralysis to go away. But that isn’t how this works. You MUST wake yourself up and yes it will be uncomfortable. It feels like reactivating your nerves, so it isn’t pleasant, but it isn’t really painful either. Just get through it, and try to move, you could be stuck for HOURS if you don’t.

On that note, there are ways to make the waking up process easier. Try to move one part of the body at a time. Maybe start just trying to move your finger then slowly progess to “waking up” the rest of your body. Also if you simply can’t get whatever part to move try somewhere else. I have had times where I tried to move my arms but they wouldn’t budge, only to find out that moving my head was much easier and woke up my entire body.

Don’t immediately go back to sleep! There is a very high chance that doing so will make you return to sleep paralysis. I have made this mistake more times than I’d like to admit, so it’s ok, but still, get up. You don’t have to do anything big, maybe just go grab some water or read a little bit (or whatever else you feel like) before attempting to return to sleep.

For the love of god DON’T OPEN YOUR EYES!! You’ll hallucinate.I’ve seen some weird shit when my eyes are open, and although I’m usually too preoccupied to be scared about the surreal demonic shit I see at the foot of my bed, for lots of people it’s terrifying, so I recommend that you keep your eyes shut.

Sorry it took so long for me to make this post! I’ve been kinda busy. But I sincerely hope this helps. Don’t stress over sleep paralysis, you’re going to be fine and once you have it for a while it becomes more of an inconvenience than an emergency. Sweet dreams!
