
 Here are the first three pages of the nsfw comics you asked me for. I didn’t think it would t Here are the first three pages of the nsfw comics you asked me for. I didn’t think it would t Here are the first three pages of the nsfw comics you asked me for. I didn’t think it would t

Here are the first three pages of the nsfw comics you asked me for. I didn’t think it would take this long for only three pages. (And without color). Besides, i’m not sure i’ll color it. There are two reasons. It’s too long and my computer can’t take it. ( It is old and it used to lag when i put the bubles in) So i don’t know, i’ll see when i’m done with the black and white version.

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I imagined a little scene that completes the drawing I had done (just below). I hope you like, now aI imagined a little scene that completes the drawing I had done (just below). I hope you like, now a

I imagined a little scene that completes the drawing I had done (just below). I hope you like, now all I have to do the colo, the part I hate the most. 

Byebye ;) XD

Post link

jason: i just feel like there’s something missing

duke: jason, we went over the shopping list three times

jason: i know, but i still feel like we forgot something at the store


jason: where’s damian?

damian wayne: acouple of dogs started barking at titus, and i couldn’t let him be outnumbered so naturally i started barking too


“A Guide to the Animal Residents of Wayne Manor by doc-squash age 5.”



can someone for the love of god tell me who the op is because im inconsolable


I love fics where Jason has a nightmare and he goes to Bruce and Bruce comforts him and while it’s super cute if it’s him as robin I think its 100 times funnier when it’s Jason as an adult waking up bruce cause I always imagine bruce waking up and just seeing

“Wake up old man it’s time to process my trauma”


putting this in a separate post + even more silly battinson/corensupes stuff based off this post (and op’s tags)


Bruce showing up to Dick and Jason’s little league game like:

hey guys I brought clementines and Kool aid jammers


Dick Grayson, age 9: Bruce it’s parent night at school. Do you remember? You have to meet with my teacher at 7:15.

(Battinson)Bruce, standing very still because one of the bats landed on his head and he’s not sure what do to:7:15?

Dick: yeah!

Bruce: …do you need a babysitter? Alfred is in New York.

Dick: yeah you should probably get someone to watch me? I’m only nine. *holds up nine fingers* I’m little, Bruce.

Bruce, still frozen with the bat nestling into his hair:clark I need your help

Dick: Bruce you can’t wear a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt and sunglasses to the parent teacher conference. And you need to wash your hair. There was a bat in it earlier.


Clark, with Dick climbing all over him like a jungle gym: What’s his bed time?

Bruce, pulling on his woolen coat, ready to walk out the door: bed time?

Clark:Yeah, the time he needs to be in bed? Because he’s a child?



Dick: I usually sleep at 8:00, Clark.

Clark: Oh good, I was worried—

Dick: Unless it’s the weekend, then B lets me go out and beat up bad guys with him and we get McDonalds at 4 AM!!!! And he got me a booster seat so I can drive the Batmobile now!!!!

Clark: Bruce I think we need to talk—


Bruce, sitting down in the small kid-sized chair opposite Ms. Wilson, Dick’s teacher:hi I’m Bruce

Ms. Wilson: Hello, Bruce. Thanks for coming. I just wanted to check in and let you know how Dick is doing academically and socially. I know he’s has a rough couple of years, but I want to start by saying that he’s a remarkably well-adjusted boy overall. He hasn’t gotten into any fights in five months!

Bruce, overjoyed, bursting with happiness: hn

Meanwhile, Clark and Dick are snacking on some pizza and watching Encanto. Dick is leaning against Clark’s arm.

Dick: I know you’re Bruce’s boyfriend.

Clark, pizza halfway to his mouth: ???

Dick: I saw you kiss him last week.

Clark, blushing:Dick…

Dick: You shoved him realhardagainst the wall.

Clark, blushing at maximum levels, because darn it Bruce you and your got-dang strength kink: Dick, this isn’t appropriate…

Dick, not taking his eyes off the movie:if you hurt him I’ll find a way to hurt you.



Later that night, Bruce gets home and sees Dick asleep and drooling on Clark’s shoulder. Clark is watching Homeward Bound and crying a little.

Bruce:how was he

Clark: Good. He’s great. :)

Bruce:is something wrong

Clark: I think a nine year old just gave me a shovel talk.



I like imaging Jason breaking into the manor in full Red Hood gear just so he can go into the kitchen and stress bake

Bruce: [walks in]

Jason: “no! Out! OUT!”

Bruce: “I livehere!”

Jason: “I don’t care- look you made my soufflé collapse!”

Bruce: “I didn’t do anything, I just wanted to see who was making all this damn noise in my kitchen and get some water”

Jason: “your ugly face scared my fucking soufflé”

Bruce: “Jason you can le-… never mind, I just want my drink”

Jason: “oh my god! Get out already!”

Bruce: [mumbling to himself] “remember you love him, it’s a miracle he’s here today, you love him, you missed him, he is a blessing”

Jason: [throws water bottle at Bruce] “here’s your fucking water, switch over to a filter you fucking asshole. You’re killing the environment, it’s not like you can’t afford a damn filter”

Alright, but the concept of Jason fucking stress baking randomly at the ass crack middle of the night has SO much comedic potential.

Im imagining stressed Jason absolutely HAS to drop everything he’s doing just to stress bake asap.

Unfortunately, that means he’ll break into the nearest kitchen if he has to

And yknow, since Jason is often out on cases/missions where he’s taking down criminals or staking out one of the rogues, there’s not many options for him when it comes to satiating his stressbaking needs sooooo ya gotta do what ya gotta do

[Goon running in hysterical]

Goon: Uh, sir, it’s-it’s the Red Hood.

Black Mask: And you’re telling me this why? Just shoot him, I hired you guys for a reason!

Goon: Well yeah, but uh- He’s um…baking?

Black Mask: He’s what?

Goon: Yeah, he uh, he broke into the kitchen and started baking..but like..REALaggressively

Black Mask:

Goon: Sir, he’s scaring us.

[Cut to Jason in the kitchen, ordering a bunch of Black Mask’s henchmen to run errands and help with the baking]

Jason: Are you KIDDING me?? What kind of henchmen does Black Mask hire?? You’re telling me you can’t even break an egg?? Ridiculous, move over.

The henchman (Who Jason threatened into helping him):Uh-

Jason: And LOOK at these cookies! Do these look fully baked to you?? DO THEY??

The Henchman, now sweating: I’m sor-

Jason gesturing wildly: AND you didn’t even try to separate the yolks from the whites! How did you even get hired?

The baking session ends with a good handful of the henchmen in tears.

Bonus scene of the batfam infiltrating Black Mask’s lair, expecting a shit ton of goons to attack them but little do they know they’re all too busy baking with the Red Hood.

Bonus BONUS scene of the batfam later walking into the kitchen only to see a fuck ton of henchmen frantically scurrying around the kitchen trying to fulfill Jason’s orders, while Jason’s in the corner baking and mumbling about how goon hiring standards have lowered since his old days as robin.

Jason just infiltrates anyone’s kitchen- doesn’t matter if you’re the most feared rogue in Gotham- he’ll waltz in like he fucking owns the place. And oh yeah say goodbye to your goons because they’re Jason’s now :)

Okay I’m gonna break a fourth wall here for a minute

So we all know this is an RP page and I never post about my personal life just fun Batfamily online edits I make with my OC. Well I’ve been absent for a bit and you guys deserve to know what’s been going on. So my personal life has been a world wind of a mess recently and a lot has been going on that I rather not go into detail and I’ve been battling my mental health because girl it is after me ‍♀️, but I’m looking on the bright side and starting to feel like myself again. And I’m so sorry about the absence I’ve really missed making these and I promise I will be back very soon and I’m gonna try to make them even better because I haven’t liked everything I’ve done recently and you guys deserve better. I started this as something fun and to pass time and didn’t expect it to really blow up. And I’m so thankful for every single one of you who love what I enjoy making. This has become one of my favorite things to do and honestly I can’t thank you guys enough for the support and love. I promise to be back soon with so many new and great post. Also if anybody is going through anything and needs someone to talk to know my inbox & messaging is always open. Also if you just have any questions feel free to message!!


