#caloric deficit


my monday so far has been really good!!

i lost 2kg since last week and i found an even more lowcal yoghurt option

recipe time!!

it’s my fav sweet safe food rn, it’s under 300cal and super filling!✨

you need:

150g no fat greek yoghurt (84cal)

10g of your preferred protein powder (41cal)

15g oats (54cal)

3g chia seeds (15cal)

50g of your fav fruit (30-50cal depending)

(optional): 10g granola or crunchy cereal (about 44cal)

i used raspberries and vanilla protein powder :)

1. mix the yoghurt and the protein powder so the two are combined well

2. cook the oats, chia seeds and the fruit with water together until the oats and chia seeds seem done

3. pour over the protein yoghurt and mix well

4. (optional) add granola as a topping

enjoy, i hope you like it :)

struggling rn bc i underate today and i kind of wanted to recover but i’m also feeling so proud and don’t feel the need to eat so ed voice wins

also tw weight, but i somehow lost 1kg since this morning like whut?

why did i get to have an ed that makes you gain weight

✨ fuck today ✨

I had, not even all, of an unwrapped burrito bowl and some Diet Pepsi did some yoga/ small workouts for an hour and a half and this is all I get? Wtf

Literally scratched both of my knees getting butt drunk every other night

Just found out stevia has calories dont talk to me crying and throwing up rn

I havent came back to this site in a while because i was finally starting to recover but a mix of cold weather and some shit thats been happening to me lately has brought me back.

I nearly forgot how great it feels to starve and run off empty and I know that im giving myself into destructive habits again and that I shouldn’t deprive myself of something so crucial to survival but the control just gives me a high that I can’t explain.

Anyways I hope you guys stay safe and that you’re seeking recovery because this always comes back and it’s never something that we can ever get rid of.

No because like i am 7 pounds away from my gw

Same shorts one year later
