#safe food


recipe time!!

it’s my fav sweet safe food rn, it’s under 300cal and super filling!✨

you need:

150g no fat greek yoghurt (84cal)

10g of your preferred protein powder (41cal)

15g oats (54cal)

3g chia seeds (15cal)

50g of your fav fruit (30-50cal depending)

(optional): 10g granola or crunchy cereal (about 44cal)

i used raspberries and vanilla protein powder :)

1. mix the yoghurt and the protein powder so the two are combined well

2. cook the oats, chia seeds and the fruit with water together until the oats and chia seeds seem done

3. pour over the protein yoghurt and mix well

4. (optional) add granola as a topping

enjoy, i hope you like it :)

Had no clue but apparently fasting/ restricting is causing my acid reflux to act up,, my throat is in so much pain I wanna die but I can’t eat more or stop fasting

Can someone please send me meanspo or some advice I’m sick and tired of binging at work and then wondering why tf I gained weight or didn’t lose any at all

I work in a restaurant and what I used to do was eat a little and purge but then my coworker caught on and I’m too nervous to do it anymore

And half the time I end up drinking 2 or more energy drinks to suppress my appetite but then I’m hyped up and jittery for the rest of the day

✨Safe Food✨

I made these apple mini muffins today

This recipe yields 20 mini muffins

One of them is just 19 calories and literally .1 gram of sugar

This is everything I used you can always sub out things or exclude them

I’m vegan so I used an egg replacer and some vegan protein powder

Also if it’s too thick or you need to make it go a little further you can always add water,, I ended up adding 1-2 tablespoons

I also added oats to the top of mine to make them pretty

Size comparison to my hand,, my hands are pretty small tbh

I’ll eat like 2 of these and feel fine

When I want something savoury and can’t be bothered to count cals I just take two carrots (30 cals each for large ones but I rounded up. give or take but it’s carrots and even if I’m off it won’t be by a lot and I know it won’t make me gain weight so it’s totally fine!) this may seem weird but I put mine in pickle juice. It just so happened I finished the jar so I just dumped them in but usually I just put some in a bowl with them and mix them around with spices! Pickle juice is 0-2 cals for a huge amount. Basically the same concept as black coffee it shouldn’t even matter calorie wise! It’s all vinegar basically which is 0 cals. Then I pop them in the oven for half an hour. It’s SO GOOD with Walden farms barbecue sauce! You could make a lot more but I cut mine thick so they look like less! But this is my go to after work for something warm and safe yay (:


So ive tried to like angel hair/zero/shirataki noodles for ages but I can’t. Call me dramatic but It makes me want to cry and I just cannot get past the gross texture so I looked into RICE NOODLES. But my secret for bulk is bean sprouts, boiled!! Mixing them with the noodles (and the best part is you don’t need many noodles just keep them long and don’t break them apart for it all to mix together nicely!) and BOOM. Big bowl of cozy and normal texture noodles!! As you can see I added other things for bulk and flavour like veggies, sauces (these are my low cal ones I mix them!) and of course siracha thing (in my opinion it’s better ) it’s also really good wth crunchy veggies like cucumber, carrots and Kimchi!! It’s also super filling!! You can see how much it fills a plate next to my hand (: anyway! Enjoy

i got really high and binged just fantastic

some fear foods that I have:

peanut butter (more than 1 tbsp)

cereal (makes me bloat)

dairy milk




white bread

chocolate/coconut keto chunks (SO many cal)


any type fast food (besides chipotle)


butter (in large quantity)


any meat that’s not lean/healthy

orange juice


sugary energy drinks


fried shrimp

mozzarella sticks

box mac n cheese

yogurt (low fat greek yogurt safe tho)

coffee creamer

salad dressing



i have problems :)))

Corn cakes are sO mUch better then fucking rice cakes yall

Also even a few cal less per piece

Kraft fat free mozzarella cheese is only 45 cals per ¼ cup now I can eat some cheese with my French onion soup in peace

Skyr y'all

One of my safest food ever, and I think this yogurt is really underrated and deserves recognition

Very low fat, low cal, high protein yogurt

~ 50 cal / 100g

~ 20g protein / 100g

Comes in fruity/vanilla flavors (good for sweet cravings, breakfast, snack, overnight oats)

Or just plain (good to avoid binges while having protein, healthy dip with veggies, low cal dressing, anything)

You can buy it in 100g tub so it’s a perfect portion, or in big pot!

When I was really underweight and my parents would keep a close eye on what I ate, they never suspected it to be an “Ana food” bc it’s not labeled as “low cal” or “0%” or “diet”

I said I wanted to gain muscle mass and protein was good, so I was allowed to eat them :)

kinda intermittent 5:2 fasting

  • max 800 - 900 cals a day
  • 2 days of fasting in a week

i lost almost 3kg with this method and never felt hungry, binged once because of my fam, but if i continue this for another two weeks, i’ll be at my ugw

Got really bad food poisoning but it helped me get over a weight plateau I’m going to milk it for one more day to get away with not eating much and maybe ill make it to my 1st goal weight! I’m only 0.3kg away!!!

But can I keep the weight off is the real question

These bitches are my bffs. Relora is ~amazing~ if you have stress or anxiety it has been shown in studies to lower your cortisol levels (that is the stress hormone). I don’t like supplements so I only take them if I can find real peer-reviewed studies on them.

It won’t replace prescribed meds but really helps me. Unfortunately, it is not good for people with medical conditions that have to do with estrogen (like Endo).

It can also help prevent stress eating

January 20 breakfast

  • Chocolate chip latte: 115cals
  • Yogurt: 90cals
  • Total: 205

I already hate myself. I’ve been binging a lot the past few days. I want to stay under 600cals today.

January 19 Lunch

Cucumber: 45 cals



Breakfast: 350

Lunch: 45

Total: 395cals

January 19 breakfast

Coffee 0cals

2 steamed eggs: 144cals

Waffle: 113cals

Yogurt: 85cals


Running total: 342, lets round to 350

This is the same breakfast I had yesterday but I added the eggs because I was so hungry after breakfast yesterday that I gave into my cravings and had ice cream. This is more cals than I would like for breakfast but im hoping to prevent a binge. I binge hard at nights

January 18 dinner

Chocolate meal replacement shake with 100ml milk: 190 but let’s just call it 200.

Steamed egg: 70cals

Ritz crackers and Gouda: 300?

Breakfast: 400cals

Lunch: 160cals

Dinner: 570cals

Final total: 1130cals

I was doing great until the evening cravings kicked in I think I should try to eat something a little more filling at lunch because now I want oreos and milk too ☠

Update: I had the oreos and milk so final total is probably over 2000 cals. I didn’t count because I don’t want to know…

January 18 lunch

Soup: 60cals (this soup is my ultimate safe food)

Biscuit/cheese snack: 98cals


Post-lunch big mug of green tea: 0cals

Breakfast total: 400cals

Lunch total: 160cals

Running total: ~560cals

My goal was to stay under 800 today (see my pinned post) but I have a R A G I N G headache that will not go away so I might end up eating a bit more. At least it is snowing~~ ❄

Hey, new diet!

Lately I’ve been having trouble following diets like the ABC (because the more I restrict, the more I binge) or the healthy girl (because over 1000 cals is too much for me), so I created ✨the album diet✨.

Basically I don´t like taking the typical body check photos, it causes me very bad dysmorphia but at the same time it’s motivating to do something that tracks my progress on those diets.

I made it based on the past times I´ve restricted and been able to lose and maintain my weight.

I have lost up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs) per week without negative physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or fainting.
