#ed tricks


I went to the doctor last week and was prescribed ✨anti anxiety meds✨


I started them on Tuesday and I’ve lost 7 pounds bc I feel so violently ill after taking them ☺️

✨ fuck today ✨

I had, not even all, of an unwrapped burrito bowl and some Diet Pepsi did some yoga/ small workouts for an hour and a half and this is all I get? Wtf

My boyfriend knows about my eating issues. He’s so sweet about it. I just feel terrible because I know that all my habits worry him. I thought i wanted people to worry about me, i dont.

College has been so so so good for my ed. No one tells me I have to eat, no one has to know if I eat anything or not. If i skip out on going out to dinner everyone assumes it’s just cus I’m a broke college student (which i am). EUPHORIC

Tell me how my entire family has an eating disorder lmao

Fuck, I’ve been binging since Saturday. As soon as my meal plans go out the window for a day, I turn into a mess

Why THE FUCK do eating disorders have to ruin everything. EVERHTHING

Can’t wait until I’m skinny enough for my eating disorder to be taken seriously.

Anorexic panic. I’m going to C R Y

He is so sweet though.

I’m driven by everything that isn’t inside

Defining my worth by every half calorie I bite

Dragging blades along my size 6 thighs

Because they aren’t pretty enough

I’m not sick enough

If i lose 50 more pounds

Maybe I’ll finally deserve to be loved

He said I was his world. How do I tell him my world revolves around an eating disorder and not him?

everytime I start feeling good about staying on track with my restrictions, my father decides it’s the perfect time to essentially force feed me fast food. I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself.

I only have 200 cals left in my budget for today and I have to go out to eat tonight. I can’t keep doing this.

Why is my whole life falling apart when it’s all supposed to be coming together? I just want to be little, loved, and pretty.

I’m so hungry I feel like I’m about to throw up. None of this is fun. Fuck people who glamorize this shit. I’m so tired.

I want to be so little that when he picks me up he worries about how light I’ve become

Back on my bullshit ladies and gents. feel gross. Gained back a lot of the weight I lost from dec.-march. Devestated

POV: you’ve been on a week long binge and avoiding tumblr at all costs. I’m back bitches. Unfortunately.

Woke up: decided “fuck it I’m going to recover”: just went on a huge binge: now planning how much I can starve this week. Classic.

I feel disgusting


I been chewing and spitting my food. Can someone tell me their experiences with this? What % of calories you consume with chewing/spitting? Does it save a lot of calories? Anything and any knowledge will help :).
