#ed culture


# of likes = # of laps ill run today

Dedicated to keeping my morning skinny

Literally scratched both of my knees getting butt drunk every other night

Just found out stevia has calories dont talk to me crying and throwing up rn

I havent came back to this site in a while because i was finally starting to recover but a mix of cold weather and some shit thats been happening to me lately has brought me back.

I nearly forgot how great it feels to starve and run off empty and I know that im giving myself into destructive habits again and that I shouldn’t deprive myself of something so crucial to survival but the control just gives me a high that I can’t explain.

Anyways I hope you guys stay safe and that you’re seeking recovery because this always comes back and it’s never something that we can ever get rid of.

No because like i am 7 pounds away from my gw

Same shorts one year later

Bitch bitch yuhhh

That “we have the same height and weight and body shape but your body looks better than mine” mentality

Going from “you’re pretty cute” to “you’re so pretty”

“I havent eaten anything except for ice coffee within the past two days”

*me taking this as a challenge to double that

How I wish that one day I will transform into a piece of artwork, worthy of wandering eyes lingering on my delicate body


Okay what the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think its perfectly normal to tag triggering content with normal tags?

Like I’ve seen posts like “Just ate 400 calories now im gonna PURGE!!” and super low calorie diets tagged with shit like #aesthetic #grunge #selfie #meirl like.. no? The content we have in the ed hashtags is already triggering and harmful enough for the people that seek them out, and I can’t stand the thought of people being pulled into this community because of someone with an eating disorder using normal tags.

If you want to post ed memes, rants, etc, go ahead, but at least be thoughtful about it for fucks sake

Oh to be back in the good ol’ days of being 13 with your braces just put on and you’re unable to eat for a month

Howdy lovelies! I found this challenge online to achieve the splits in 30 days! Aside from just wanting to stretch more and become flexible i thought it would be a fun thing to try.

If anyone would like to join me, here’s how the challenge works:

-for the firsr five days you will perform the first 5 stretches on the chart, each pose lasting about 30 seconds-1 minute. Make sure to repeat stretchs for BOTH legs

-after the first 5 days you will continue with the same stretches except everyday you will add a new stretch to your routine! This means on day 6 you will perform the first five stretches and add the #6 stretch to the routine! And on day seven you will perform the first 6 stretches and add #7 stretch, and so on.

-you continue adding a stretch every day until 30 days has passed! By then you should be able to do the splits.

-make sure you stretch EVERY day. You cannot miss a day. You should aim to stretch for about 10 minutes, i find the best time to do this is right before bed but you may do it any time you like.

I will keep you updated with ny progress! Probably not every single day, but every once and a while I’ll give a progress report. By the end of the 30 days I will give a review of the challenge and show my progress photos!

Disclaimer: I honestly have no clue if it works because I haven’t tried it before but even if you dont achieve the splits it will definitely improve your flexibility.

Anyways have an amazing day my flowers

I just saw the joker movie and…. wow that thinspo tho-

I wish i had the body of a traumatized psychopathic murderer clown 

Santa baby just slip some mental stability under the tree, for me-
