

May your keys never be where you thought you left them.


everybody thinks you’re kinda creepy and cool when you say you’re a witch until they see you collecting water under the rain and screaming at a jar

the level of accuracy


This simple curse will bad luck and mayhem into one’s life.


What You’ll Need

  • The target’s name on a piece of paper
  • A black or gray candle (can be a scented candle)
  • A small bowl
  • A small plate or tea saucer
  • A paint brush or stick
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Chili powder
  • Lime juice
  • Onion juice

What To Do

  • Place your candle behind the bowl and light it.
  • Take your ingredients and put two tablespoons of each in the bowl.
  • Mix them together until you get a gross, mushy paste.
  • Take your stick or paint brush and dip it into the paste.
  • Take your brush/stick and write “Fuck You” over the target’s name, while doing so say/think every injustice they’ve done you.
  • Once you’ve finished writing “Fuck You” on their name place the paper on the dish/saucer and drip the wax over it to seal their fate.
  • End the ritual by blowing out the candle and disposing of everything properly.
  • Keep that piece of paper in a dark area of your home where it won’t see sunlight.

***To break the curse cleanse the paper in full moon water, try to keep it from tearing, and burn it after it dries.***









This was so obvious when I realized it, but I think most people miss it, because we’re so desensitized by D&D-style magic with immediate, visibly, flashy effects, rather than more subtle and invisible forces of magic. When Gollum attacks Frodo on the slopes of Mount Doom, Frodo has the chance to kill him, but he doesn’t. Instead, he says:

Frodo: Go! And if you ever lay hands on me again, you yourself shall be cast into the Fire!

Frodo’s not just talking shit here. He is literally, magically laying a curse. He’s holding the One Ring in his hands as he says it; even Sam, with no magic powers of his own, can sense that some powerful mojo is being laid down. Frodo put a curse on Gollum: if you try to take the Ring again, you’ll be cast into the Fire.

Five pages later, Gollum tries to take the Ring again. And that’s exactly what happens. Frodo’s geas takes effect and Gollum eats lava.

On further reflection:

All the other people in the franchise who were offered the Ring declined to take it because they were wise enough to know that if they used its power – and the pressure to do so would be too great – they would be subject to its corruption.

Frodo uses the power of the Ring to lay a geas, and then five minutes later at the volcano’s edge, succumbs to its corruption. The Ring has gotten to him and he can no longer give it up. Because he used its power.

On further further reflection: I’d have to read the section again, but I recall that after throwing Gollum off and laying the geas, Sam observes that Frodo seems suddenly filled with energy again when previously he had been close to dead of fatigue. He hikes up the mountain so fast he leaves Sam behind – and doesn’t even seem to notice that he’s left him behind. 

Could he have been drawing on the Ring’s power at this point in the story? At this point in the story we’re relying on Sam’s narration, and Sam doesn’t know what’s going on in Frodo’s head, so it’s hard to say for sure. Having used it once, after spending so long holding out against it, was that the breach in the dam?

Which means that the moment that Frodo succumbs to temptation is not the moment at the volcano – it was already too late by then. The moment he is taken by temptation was when he used the power of the Ring to repel Gollum.

If so, this ties in neatly with discussions I’ve seen about how Tolkien subscribes to a “not even once” view of good and evil – that in many other works it’s acceptable to do a small evil in service of a greater good, but in Lord of the Rings that always  fails.

Re-reading Fellowship of the Rings, and I got to this passage in Lorien:

‘I would ask one thing before we go,’ said Frodo, ‘a thing which I often meant to ask Gandalf in Rivendell. I am permitted to wear the One Ring: why cannot I see all the others and know the thoughts of those that wear them?’

‘You have not tried,’ [Galadriel] said. ‘Only thrice have you set the Ring upon your finger since you knew what you possessed. Do not try! It would destroy you. Did not Gandalf tell you that the rings give power according to the measure of each possessor? Before you could use that power you would need to become stronger, and to train your will to the domination of others.’

In other words:

Frodo asks Galadriel, herself carrying a Ring of Power, “Could I, hypothetically, use the power of the One Ring to do something magical aside from turning invisible?” and Galadriel replies, “Yes, hypothetically, you totally could, assuming the magic you want to do involves laying compulsions on others, but I strongly recommend against it, because it would fuck up your brain.

This was in the first book. At the end of the third book Frodo uses the Ring to fuck Gollum up, forcing him to throw himself into lava if he disobeys Frodo’s commands.

Talk about a chekov’s gun.

Got to this point in my re-read and uh. This was a lot  less subtle than I remembered it.

‘Down, down!’ [Frodo] gasped, clutching his hand to his breast, so that beneath the cover of his leather shirt he clasped the Ring. ‘Down, you creeping thing, and out of my path! Your time is at an end. You cannot slay me or betray me now.’

Then suddenly, Sam saw these two rivals with other vision. A crouching shape, scarcely more than the shadow of a living thing, a creature now wholly ruined and defeated, yet filled with a hideous lust and rage; and before it stood stern, untouchable now by pity, a figure robed in white, but at its breast it held a wheel of fire. Out of the fire there spoke a commanding voice.

‘Begone, and trouble me no more! If you touch me ever again, you shall be cast yourself into the Fire of Doom.’

Then the vision passed and Sam saw Frodo standing, hand on breast, his breath coming in great gasps, and Gollum at his feet, resting on his knees with his wide-splayed hands upon the ground.



This is excellent re-reading.

And all the way back in Rivendell, when Frodo wakes up after being rescued from the Nazgul, Pippin jokingly says something like “Make way for Frodo, Lord of the Ring!” and Gandalf says “Do. Not. Even, Joke. About that.”

I’d noticed the laying of the geas, but hadn’t figured out that the moment of temptation was then, not later at the Sammath Naur. This is a brilliant deduction which deserves publication in a Tolkien Studies journal, IMNSHO.

Good reading! (I don’t often re-read those parts because they are painful…but important.)

I’ve wondered about other, lesser curses and oaths – through all of LoTR, and the whole legendarium, they play important parts. Characters are as good (or bad) as their word, and their word could be binding, perhaps with some outside assistance from various Maiar or Valar. (We know who started all that…looking at you, Fëanor.)

For instance, Faramir kind of curses Gollum earlier:

‘Then I say to you,’ said Faramir, turning to Gollum, ‘you are under doom of death; but while you walk with Frodo you are safe for our part. Yet if ever you be found by any man of Gondor astray without him, the doom shall fall. And may death find you swiftly, within Gondor or without, if you do not well serve him.

“Oh fuck, here we go”

I think we can all agree that is the general sentiment share over the latest chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen.

thewitchystuff:Banishing spells are made to get rid of negative energy and unwanted entities that


Banishing spells are made to get rid of negative energy and unwanted entities that may interfere with your magic. As for the bath spell, it´s made for banishing these energies from your body. 

We recommend it to be made on a New Moon, remember this February 26 would be great! You will need herbs, rosemary is excellent, aromatic candles , like pine or earthly ingredients, and an incense. 

Turn off all the lights and light the candles and incense. Place the herbs you chose in the hot water and relax once inside. Visualise a Banishing Pentagram over the bath water while thinking of cleansing you of all negativity.  Stay as long as needed. 

Remember you can get more witchy tutorials by supporting our Patreon.

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cursebearing hips

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Beside a long-forgotten highway, a strange motel appears at night–and those who chance upon it should never step inside.

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Part of the #09 goverdose pack and part of the jestem na ptak campagin

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Acturian Academy Masterpost: Semester Two Update

Finding your path as a witch is never easy. With so much information, it can often feel overwhelming and as though there is a barrier between you and becoming a better practitioner of witchcraft. Welcome, Acturian Academy! Acturian Academy is an online free school offering classes over all types of witchcraft. No matter your chosen path, Acturian Academy offers classes across the spectrum. With 49 current classes and counting, there is sure to be something interesting for you to take!

  • Deities & How to Work with Them
  • Green Witchcraft
  • Herbalism
  • Death Witchcraft
  • Angels 
  • Kitchen Witchcraft 
  • Glamour Magic
  • Thriftcraft
  • Elemental Magic
  • Art Magic
  • Technology Witchcraft
  • Dream Magic 
  • Grimoire/Bos Design
  • History of Witchcraft 
  • Self-Love & Witchcraft
  • Sea Magic
  • Spoonie Witchcraft
  • Divination
  • Fae Magick
  • Spirit Work
  • Chaos Magick 
  • Extrasensory Perception 
  • Art of Correspondences
  • Charms
  • Magickal Alphabets
  • Protections: Shields & Wards
  • Sigils and Symbols
  • Weather Magick
  • Astrology
  • Basics of Witchcraft
  • Crystals
  • Lunar Magic
  • Auras/Chakras
  • Essential Oils 
  • Tarot 101
  • Shapes of Magick
  • Runic Witchcraft
  • Energy Work
  • Curses and Hexes
  • Demonology
  • Spirit Companions
  • Blood Magic (18+)
  • Sex Magic (18+)
  • Potions and Teas

Vision Statement of the Academy

Acturian Academy was created to fulfil a growing need in the witchcraft community for an online community for individual witches to develop their craft. Witchcraft can be difficult for people to become involved in as a beginner at any age. Our vision, as a community of witches, is to remove those obstacles and provide a safe platform for the free exchange of magical knowledge. 

We are not a religion-based school but aim to encourage spiritual growth in whatever form that takes for the individual. We hope that those who join the Academy walk away with the knowledge and resources to practice and personalize their own craft. Acturian Academy is so much more than a name- it is a badge of honour upon its students, witches young and old. 

Belief Statement 

We, the students and staff of Acturian Academy wish to create a growing, healthy, and dynamic educational space for those interested in or actively practising modern witchcraft. We believe a diverse community enriches spiritual development and encourages appreciation of all people, regardless of ability, age, culture, religious background, colour, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 

 Interested in becoming a student?(click on the link)

Students must be 13+ years of age and have parental permission. This academy operates under the jurisdiction of United States law, which states that in order for a child to be taught anything regarding the concept of religion they must have parental consent. By checking the box on the application which states that you qualify under both of those conditions, you are stating that you take full responsibility that these are true statements.

We are currently in the middle of semester one! Semester two begins October 15th, with acceptances going out every Friday!  

Interested in Mentoring for the Academy?(click on the link)

Qualifications: Prospective Mentors preferably have two or more years experience in their field of study, be 16 years of age or older, and must undergo training and pass with 80% or higher. Once a mentor has signed on with Acturian Academy, the contract being signed holds them to a standard of teaching which states that they must have a semester or more of their class ready before their class will be listed as available to take.

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After that, all applications will be added to a waitlist for our third semester! Second semester begins October 28theveryone!

Silliness or brutal honesty - be prepared for anything.


Witch Tip: Curse Jars

When you’re making a curse jar/bottle, before you seal it off, fill it with smoke

You can use smoke from a burnt sigil or mix in certain things to have a desired affect, like cigarette smoke which is toxic and cancerous

Smoke can be used to:

Make your target feel like they’re suffocating

Cloud their judgement

Cause confusion

Hide things from them

Anything else you can think of!
