#eclectic witch


Birthday stones

There are differents ways to clasify stones. This is one. There are also:

Zodiac Stones

Traditional birthstones vs Modern Birthstones.

With a like you let me know if you want the other clasifications of stones


If you pay attention on your daily life, you can see and feel the universe giving you signals. This set of numbers are an example. Keep it always with you or take notes of the numbers you see and when.

It’s amazing

Caution when casting spells! ⚠️

When casting spells, you have to be as specific as possible.

You always have to specify what and how you want this to go.

For example: if you want more money, you don’t have to say “i want money” and thats it. Becouse you might get what you wanted, but your husband died and you got his life insurance.

You can say: “i want more money to come to me, with the less harm to me and to others”

Doing this, you are putting your energy in one spot, causing less or any side effects of your magic.

Be safe and protect others from harm

Evening Witch Tip from a Sleepy Witch

Even if you’re not Wiccan, I recommend checking out the Wiccan Rede. It’s a great spell writing aid, as it has a lot of information that most pagans adhere too.

Do not forget that the Gods are not kind, nor are they cruel, they simply are.

Btw out of the three tarot sets I have, the only one I have at my boyfriends is a game of thrones themed one and I love it.

I’m stuck in my craft. I don’t know where to go from here, I feel like I’ve explored what I know to death essentially, and I don’t know how to branch out from here. I don’t know if I should just start over with something new? Or try to find a new angle from what I already know? Argh, I hate this.

Spells shouldn’t be stolen either

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of spells that are posted that aren’t original, and aren’t credited. Just like artwork shouldn’t be stolen, spells are the product of time and energy put into something and we shouldn’t steal them and repost them under the guise of passing them off as original. Even if you found the spell on a site like SoM, you can always link the original page.

Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE


Tarot Time - Beltane Spread

Beltane is approaching! If you are like me, you like to do a reading for the upcoming season change. Here’s a simple three-card spread to help you get some insight!

Keep reading

Reminder for Beltane/May Day

Today is Beltane! (or May Day)

An animated pastel scene of a glass of presumably some sort of juice sits on an outdoor table. A hand stirs the beverage with a straw. The setting is likely summer and the sun shines out of view.

There are so many ways for you to celebrate and honor the coming of Summer. You can do divination, plant some herbs/flowers, make some strawberry jam, the world is your oyster!

For anyone who can’t celebrate today or feel like you aren’t doing enough: it’s perfectly okay to hold off on any celebrations until the next day, next week, or even later this month! The world has been really tough these past few years, the Gods, Spirits, and Mother Nature understand that we live in a hectic world and don’t want you to overdo it.

The idea that you can only go all or nothing, one and done, in or out, 100% 24/7 with deity work is entirely false.

If you personally would like to dedicate yourself wholly to a deity, by all means, more power to you! However, for folks to act like that must be the case is

  1. Historically inaccurate. Many cultures worshipped or had relationships with deities in the ways that you may have a relationship with different professors in college: you go to the one you need for their area of expertise. Of course there were cults dedicated to a singular deity but they still believed in the other deities and would interact with them, even worship/honor them, as needed.
  2. Based way too much on Abrahamic religions. Now I am not talking down on these religions, if you are a monotheist in one of these Abrahamic religions then that’s perfectly fine. That’s not even getting into those who are believers in the God of the respective religions but are also polytheists. I think a lot of it comes from those who were brought up in these religions and are taught that you must devote–even sacrifice if needed–your life to God in some cases.

Paganism isn’t like that. Deity work isn’t like that. Don’t stress people out over your personal beliefs.

Also, if you see a post online or even read a passage in a book saying that you should definitely, 100% dedicate your life to a deity please take it with a grain of salt. It doesn’t make the author or poster’s personal path incorrect, they just need to be more careful with their wording.

Anyway, this is the second time I’ve posted something like this and it’s honestly a call out to myself. Growing up as a Christian really messed me up and there’s that inner voice that tries to tell me that my practice needs to be this way or that based on the Christian practices I grew up with. Live your life, follow your path, do what feels right for you.

with love,


Here are some ways to cleanse the space where ritual or spellwork will take place.

  • Plants are a great natural filter for negative energy. Not only do they purify the air but they are also a beautiful decoration. Having a couple of houseplants in the room will make the energy very different. This works with flowers as well.
  • Take rock salt or sea salt, there are a few ways to cleanse a space with this.
    • Dilute in water and spray around a room.
    • Put in bowls and place at each corner of the room.
    • Simply sprinkle it on the floor or other surfaces and clean up after a bit. The longer it is left the better.
  • Physically remove it by walking around the house and verbally banish any negative energy that might be around you. Verbally and visually bring positivity back into the space.
  • Smudge the place. Buy or make your own smudge sticks and smudge the space. Be sure to leave doors and windows open when doing this.
  • Make a room spray with either salt (as previously mentioned) or with essential oils and other herbs used for cleansing. Spray it around the room.
  • Sweep the space to rid of physical and spiritual dirt. 
  • Ring a bell at each corner of the room to rid of any stagnant energy in the space.
  • Add any cleansing or banishing crystals like black tourmaline or selenite to the room. Placing it in the corners of the room, the windowsill or about all entrances.
  • Burn incense with cleansing properties. Let it burn out and monitor the smoke.
  • Light candles, especially white candles, to help banish negativity. They also give off a beautiful ambiance.
  • Open all the doors and windows! Let fresh air in and let the breeze blow through the house. Change your bedding, curtains and couch cushions and asperge everything.
All of us could use a little Full Moon Energy™ rn, if you’re on quarentine please keep on the self c

All of us could use a little Full Moon Energy™ rn, if you’re on quarentine please keep on the self care, and if you have to go outside please also use all the precautions at your disposal, & look for the good things that’ll come .+゚*。:゚+

There’s more uses on patreon unlocked for all of our tiers ◞*✰ But really the sky is the limit with moon water, just be safe as exposed water can go bad, never drink any strange potions*:·゚✧

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If you can’t gather with your coven right now, there are always online seancés & readings *:·゚✧ 

If you can’t gather with your coven right now, there are always online seancés & readings *:·゚✧ 

This was an exclusive gif from last year on patreon ◞*✰

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