#faery wicca


Just a daily reminder to drink water, eat food, take your meds and go drink some tea


A reminder that, 

you chose this wondrous path, child

that you drifted off in the boundless arms of mother nyx

and woke up in the illuminated sky of apollo and helios

you, are blessed

and you, are gifted

take one step forward in your journey today

and may Hermes, protector of travelers, guide you

and as above, so below, so ‘mote it be. 

it’s a day off, go do something you enjoy my angels *mwah*


- Z

∆Healing and embracing your path Ritual∆

What you will need:

  • Black candle (that can stand alone)
  • Bowl of moon charged water
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Parchment/papertowel
  • Sage
  • Dragons blood incense
  • Lotus incense
  • Ginger oil
  • Angelica
  • Cinnamon
  • Mugwort
  • Myrrh
  • Frankincense

Start by bathing in the sage as you ground yourself. Snuff the sage and burn just enough of the dragons blood in order to inhale the smoke for protection then snuff it as well. Now hold your black candle in both hands and meditate with it, enchant it with the intent of it not only protecting you throughout your ritual but banishing and absorbing any and all negativity in order to make room for the healing. Now light it and set it down infront of you. Grab the mortar and pestle and one by one add the healing herbs in. As you do so say these words “Angelica, to heal the head.” And place a bit in. “Mugwort to heal the heart.” And place it in. “Cinnamon to heal the body.” And place that in. Lastly “And Myrhh to heal the Spirit.”

Grind this mixture up and repeat these words two more times each as you do. Then take a pinch and sprinkle it on top of your head, and another pinch and sprinkle it in the black candles flame. Now mediate on these healing intentions and energies for a few minutes.

Now burn the lotus incense just enough to breathe in it’s smoke, focusing on it opening your mind, body and spirit to the energies you have gathered and to the intent of what will come next. Empty the contents of the mortar onto your chosen papertowel or parchment and add the frankincense to it. Grind it up and add it to the bowl of moon water. “Frankincense to strengthen my spiritual abilities.” And three drops of ginger oil into the bowl. “Ginger to bring power and confidence along my path.” Stir the bowl, meditating on these properties and visualize yourself confidently walking your personal path, happy and strong, as you wash your hands in it.

Close by thanking the universe, yourself, your guides and deities that help you everyday, then blow out the candle.

(This is just a ritual that I wrote up for personal reasons, but I’m posting it here in hopes that it’ll help someone!! Stay safe and many blessings!!Note: doing this on the full moon will be helpful as well!!!)

∆Witchy Reminder∆

A healthy dose of self criticism is perfectly fine within your craft, however remember not to wholly disregard everything always as you’ll lose confidence in yourself and much information that was otherwise important.

∆Witchy reminder∆

If you’re feeling disconnected with your witchcraft tools, try cleansing them and doing a small spell or ritual to reconnect your energetic ties with them.

I’m writing a spiritual growth and healing ritual for personal reasons, but would anyone like me to post it here for you and anyone else that’d possibly get help from it?

Don’t forget to keep going. New witches and old, there shall always be obstacles, blocks and healings that are needed, but these times will pass, and only make you stronger.

∆Witchy Reminder∆

Next time you find yourself singing with emotion, try channeling your feelings and energy into a spell or a protection bubble or shield and see how it feels.
