

Some years ago I was a straight A student, I was motivated and successful in everything I was doing, now I’m accumulating B’s, I barely get out of my house and I stress over everything so much I end up failing or not doing it at all lmao wft went wrong

the fear is unendingpatreon

the fear is unending


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Miyazaki teaches us that learning is a lifelong metamorphosis; a continuous act of trying, failing, growing, becoming, and searching for moving castles.

o2021, 19 November. Il fallimento è la cazzata dell'ultimo decennio.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.“ - Thomas Edison.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.“ - Thomas Edison.

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Episode 19: Flash Fiction Failure

You’re in the middle of doing some writing and you’re deep into it, then your software fails and your work disappears. That’s when you need some recovery time. I got all my words and time in, but it’s all for naught.

I’m going to give the same subject matter a second go tonight. See you tomorrow

Please read my post from March 2nd so you know what I’m up to this month.

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holes in the patchwork quilt

I think I tried to

be too many things, only

to fail at them all.

Rachel: promise and failure

Rachel: promise and failure

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I could apply this to many things, I suppose its the key to living a life without regrets; at some p

I could apply this to many things, I suppose its the key to living a life without regrets; at some point you wanted it so much that you were willing to dispel the fear of failure for it. 

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