#good vibes


Feel good playlist

•uptown funk - mark Ronson
•kiwi - Harry styles
•flawless - Beyoncé
•big for your boots - stormzy
•love on top - Beyoncé
•bootylicious - destiny’s child
•grace Kelly - Mika
•can’t stop the feeling - Justin Timberlake
•unwritten - Natasha bedingfield
•wake me up before you go go - wham!
•come on Eileen
•don’t stop me now - queen
•wannabe - spice girls
•what makes you beautiful - one direction

Things I realised while in hospital, part 3

17) focus on yourself. There’s no point comparing yourself to anyone else, because their situation is not relevant to your journey.
18) this is harder than I thought it would be and some days it feels impossible, but you get through it.
19) your suffering hurts the people who love you. There’s no denying it. But they love you despite it all.
20) when progress is slower than you hoped, that’s not your failure. You wouldn’t say you’re failing if your broken leg wasn’t healing as quickly as you’d hoped, would you?


A massive step in recovery is taking control. Because as cliché as it may sound, things aren’t going to get better until you want to change. You can get all the help in the world from people around you, but ultimately it is down to you.
However this shouldn’t be something to feel guilty about!! If you’re not at a place where you’re taking responsibility for making that change yet, if you’re not ready, that’s okay. I’m not there yet. That’s what other people are for - they help us to look after ourselves until we’re well enough to do that for ourselves. And that’s okay.

good vibes

I am doing my best to get back on the ball with all the goals that I have set for 2019 and journaling more is one of them.

I got an opportunity to go to Starbucks today and just sit and enjoy time by myself.

Every day I am going to try to journal something. Even if all I did was stay home lol. At least like track my emotions or something. I may write more later as the day goes on but I tend to like to journal around mid day ish.

Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of minimalist vibes and aesthetics. It makes my journal feel less hectic but I know that’ll probably change when I make my spread for March lol

Tonight I need to study… Like… Desperately. I’ve been falling behind a little bit lately but I have forgiven myself and move on.

I hope you all are having or had a fantastic day as well

‘morning guys ☀️

today it’s sunny, very cold, and I finally have a new cute agenda from an Italian artist who makes cute drawings and designs you can find her here

also I’m in love with the way morning light comes through the window to fall on the coffee glass and creates long shadows on my kitchen table ☕ it just warms my heart

the whole autumn aesthetic in my life is exactly this sunsets, orange skies, orange and yellow nature, books and my baby ✨

Revisiting that day on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.December, 2015. (James Sanders) Photo by @hRevisiting that day on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.December, 2015. (James Sanders) Photo by @hRevisiting that day on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.December, 2015. (James Sanders) Photo by @h

Revisiting that day on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.

December, 2015. 

(James Sanders) 

Photo by @hermespittakos.tumblr.com

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Tailgating at 5 Point Adventure Film Festival in Carbondale Colorado last weekend.  What an awesome

Tailgating at 5 Point Adventure Film Festival in Carbondale Colorado last weekend.  What an awesome community of people stoked on the outdoors and who embrace distilling life down to the most pure experiences.  

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Fika vid stranden en solig söndag kan man inte tacka nej till. Sagt och gjort.Allt var så lulligt oc

Fika vid stranden en solig söndag kan man inte tacka nej till. Sagt och gjort.

Allt var så lulligt och frodigt.

I väntan på en grillad toast tog vi varsin bulle och synda-drycken. Idun satt fint och fick smaka en minibit utav allt förutom Colan -_- Hon lyckas alltid smyga till sig något. Jag är inte helt konsekvent i min uppfostran..

Toasten blev klar. Innehållandes en skiva kalkon, dijonsenap och ost emellan två surbröds-skivor. Enkelt men jättegott :)

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