#herbal magic

autumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gautumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gautumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and g



It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gets your number within an hour of meeting him, all without you initiating anything or giving him any information at all. That is why this spell now exists.

A spell for protection against unwanted attention.


  1. Rose petals
  2. Boiling water
  3. Heat safe container of some sort
  4. Hairbrush
  5. Mirror

Optional Supplies/Process:

  1. Raw Honey (really great for your hair)
  2. Rosemary 
  3. Lavender
  4. Lemon (if your hair is on the lighter side/you want to start lightening your hair)
  5. Coffee beans/grinds (if your hair is on the darker side/you want to start darkening your hair)
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar (just a little, for conditioning)


Boil water in whatever way you have available. 

Pour the boiling water in a heat safe container and add the rose petals, and any of the optional supplies. Cover and let steep for at least 10 to 20 minutes. By the time you go to use it, it should be warm, not burning hot.

Take your mixture into the bathroom or place with a mirror. Sit or stand while dipping your hairbrush into the warm rose water. Start at the bottom of your hair and brush the water into it while singing the following:

Though I am beautiful (for feeling a bit more pep in your step add this line)

You will not touch

You will not talk

You will not come near me

Repeat the dipping of the hairbrush and brushing from the bottom of your hair until your entire head of hair is slightly dampened. Air dry only. 

This spell ends when the water is washed out of your hair, and can be repeated as necessary.

Optional Process:

  1. You can choose to do a little bit of knot magic in conjunction and braid a section of your hair to “lock” it in, which is what I did. 

Note: Any water not used can be stored in the fridge for around a week or two. I’d suggest warming it up, but it’s not necessary in order for you to repeat the spell, or to just use it as a hair treatment. You can also apply the water after a shower, if you don’t want to brush it in.

Note 2: Feel free to change the recitation to fit you and fit what you need out of the spell. Mine was focused on getting attention of males off of me, not getting harassed anymore, yours can be as simple as “don’t have the teacher call on me in class please”.


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Here are some really basic herbs for your magic workings :

  • Sage- Cleansing (properties : purification, wisdom, immortality)
  • Lavender- Calming (properties : love, healing, sleep, dreams, divination)
  • Rose- Opening (properties : psychic awareness, opening the heart, love)
  • Eucalyptus- Inspiration (properties : healing, protection, purification, invigorating)
  • Bay Leaves - Divination (properties : psychic powers, success, money)
  • Cardamom- Arousal (properties : lust, sexuality, reigniting intimacy)
  • Rosemary- Focus (properties : mental powers, banishing, purification, protection)
  • Bergamot- Increasing (properties : manifestation, wealth, success, prosperity, adds power to magic)
  • Oats- Grounding (properties : wealth, abundance, prosperity)
  • Dandelion- Releasing (properties : divination, wishes, summoning spirits, releasing)
  • Yarrow- Banishing  (properties : banishing, death, courage, psychic powers)
  • Cloves- Luck (properties : driving away negativity, cleansing, prosperity)


Witch Tip Wednesday 5.16.18

Tinker with Tinctures


Hey there witches! I’ve covered water infusions aka Hydrosols before, but it’s time to move onto the hard stuff: alcohol

A tincture is an extract which has an alcohol base. Traditionally, these were herbal infusions used for medicine, but for today’s topic, we’ll be talking about tinctures in all forms, but it’s up to you as to what’s for consumption, and what may be used as a perfume, floor wash, or ritual spray etc.

Tinctures can be a lot easier to make because they have a cold infusion method, as in no heat source is used to speed the process. Alcohol absorbs plant matter and dissolves quite easily, so heating it is a dangerous step not necessary for the occasional infusion.

What can be made into a tincture?

  • Flowers
  • Berries
  • Leaves
  • Roots
  • Stalks and barks
  • Spas and resins
  • Seeds

These can be dried or fresh.

Especially for flowers, some fragrance doesn’t carry once the flower withers, so using fresh can be super helpful if the fragrance is important!

What do I do to make one?

  • Take your container like a mason jar
  • Fill with plant material about halfway*
  • Add in your alcohol**
  • Shake and let infuse***
  • Strain and decant into its new container

Now it’s simple, but you do have to make some decisions like if you’re making individual tinctures or a blend. Individual tinctures can be blended later of course, but takes more containers and individual checking than throwing it all together. Go by instinct and research until you’ve got the experience.

That sounds simple, but I want some more tips:

  • Break apart or cut up ingredients so more of the matter gets mixed and infused. It releases fragrance, juices and gives more surfaces for the base to interact.
  • Shake your tincture while it’s infusing every day. You may want to infuse for a day, a week, or a full cycle of the moon, you do you!
  • If you’re using a mason jar or other metal lid container, a piece of Saran Wrap/cling plastic can protect the lid from corroding.
  • You can get a high proof alcohol and dilute it with distilled water.****
  • If taking internally, do so with care, and dosage is usually only a few drops at a time. Check with your doctor before starting any regiment.
  • If you want to make a ritual tincture for a salt bonfire, the alcohol has to be minimum 100 proof or it won’t catch fire. Don’t burn yourself.

I have a ginger tincture I use for upset stomachs. Just a few drops in mineral water and it settles right down (think ginger ale).

For tooth aches, I use a few drops of clove tincture in warm water and swish around. Plus my breath smells great afterwards.

Just remember, it’s concentrated, and in a lot of cases may not taste great by itself, just like if you took a spoon full of vanilla extract. Start small, dilute, or use in ritual.

Stay safe my little beasties.

Cheers, Barberwitch

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*, **, ***, **** down below the break

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How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 4)

Part four: lemon seeds

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon Seeds in witchcraft

  • My favorite way to use lemon seeds in witchcraft is using what nature gave me. I clean some seeds, add to tamp paper towels, place them in a baggy, and hang them on my window for about 2-3 weeks. Once they sprout, I’ll plant no more than two into a tiny little cup planter and keep it on my altar. Every time i go to water it, I’m reminded to care for my altar. Every time I care for my altar, I’m reminded to water it. It’s a simple but extraordinarily effective way to measure my own personal growth as well. Once they’re big enough to need a home outside, I’ll replant it, and start all over with another kind of seed. My orchard is ever-growing.
  • Wearing lemon seeds can be a little difficult to style, but it can be done. I personally let them dry for about a month before I do this. You can take a small lemon seed and slip it into a locket to carry with you. Make a little wire cage, or simply poke a hole in it and string it onto a piece of leather cord. Lemon seeds are little pockets o sunshine for your soul and represent the ability to grow and harvest a new way of life wherever you end up. Gifting someone jewelry with lemon seeds represents you wishing them a lifetime of good health, energy, and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Lemon seeds are also great ways to add lemon essence to things like spell jars. If they’re dried properly, they allow you to harness that lemony effect without needing to watch your spell jar turn into an ecosystem of manifestation and mold.

Please consider this post open for all ideas, comments, tricks, and tips! I use a lot of interaction from my blog to come up with new things to post about - so if you wanna say something, go for it! As always everyone, be safe out there, and Blessed Be :)

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 3)

Part three: lemon peel

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon peel in witchcraft

  • I love incorporating witchy things into my showers. Even if I melt down a soap bar and add lemon zest, toss in a few lemon slices into the tub, or make a sugar/salt body scrub with lemon zest, I feel like that little touch adds an energizing and wonderful spark in the mornings when I shower!
  • Lemon peel is also FULL of what is essentially… essential oil. You know when you have some orange peel, and you bend it about, a find mist propels into the air around it? Lemon peel does the same thing. Hack a slice off, spritz it onto the front of your shirt, and you’ll carry a light, refreshing, cleansing aura around with you all day! Plus, the effects linger, so when you wash it, your diluting a tiny bit of positivity into all of your clothes.
  • You can also use dried lemon peel as a smoke cleanse. It’s not very pleasant to smell, but it has an amazing effect. Lemon sucks up negativity like a vacuum, so naturally it’ll do just that as it’s wafting around your space. Open a window, turn on a fan, and watch a week’s worth of stress and anxiety rush right out of your home.

As always, if anyone has any other tips, tricks, or witchy hints on the subject, you are all more than welcome to add your ideas into comments, tags, and reblogs! My blog runs off of the ideas that you all give me, so interacting with posts not only get your ideas out there for others, but it also helps me find new topics to post about. As always, be safe, and blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 2)

Part two: Lemon flesh and juice

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Lemon flesh/juice in witchcraft

  • The best lemonade you’ll ever have is also a potent spiritual protection spell/potion! Cut off the peel of 2 large lemons, and slice the flesh into bits. Remove seeds. Add bits to a pot with a sprig of fresh basil, 2 cups of water, and 1 cup of sugar(or to taste, I personally only use ½ a cup). Simmer for 10 minutes and stir occasionally while mashing the lemon bits with a spoon. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature, and strain over 2 cups of ice water in a pitcher. This should give you about 4 or 5 cups of lemonade depending on your sugar taste. You can also add water, use more lemon - whatever calls to you.
  • Lemon juice is just full of cleansing energy and potent negative energy absorption. Add a bit to your water in the mornings to help absorb negativity all day! Easy, fast, delightful in sparkling water (but I am secretly a 65-year-old grandparent in a 22-year-old body so I like sparkling water)
  • Lemon juice is also very protective outside your body. You can dab it onto your clothes, add a tablespoon to your washing machine or dishwasher, or even just sprinkle a tiny bit into your mop bucket (And I mean TINY: a tablespoon to a gallon ratio, or even less). All of that with infuse you and your home with a clean, fresh energy.

Of course, these are just a few easy broom-closet-friendly ideas, so if you aren’t worried about keeping your practice hidden, feel free to add on your ideas and tricks! My blog is geared mostly towards beginners or people living in unfriendly environments, so a lot of my lists, tricks, and tips are for them. As always, remember to do your research and always practice in a cleansed environment! Blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!


How to use lemons in witchcraft (Pt. 1)

Part one: whole lemons

I’ve had a few people ask me for more information on lemons in witchcraft, so here’s a new series for you guys! There will be a few parts: whole lemons, flesh/juice, peel, and seeds. For simplicity sake, there will likely only be a max of three or four ideas on each post, so that it’s not overwhelming and I feel like I can go into detail without the posts getting too long. Without further delay, let’s get right into it!

Basics of lemons:

Zodiac: Cancer and Pisces
Planet: The Moon

Whole lemons in witchcraft:

  • This ultra-easy negativity absorption trick
  • This slightly mean but ultimately useful-as-fuck-around-the-holidays spell
  • Bring a whole lemon with you when you’re going somewhere that needs a significant amount of your energy. Lemons are extremely energizing and can offer a boost when you have tests, presentations, or interviews.
  • The first day after a full moon, press a whole clove into the feel of a whole lemon. Do this every day until the next full moon, preferably before you go to bed. The next full moon, bury it somewhere you consider a very peaceful place to invoke good luck and spiritual energy.
  • Throw one at your homophobic Mormon uncle.

Like I said, I’ll probably keep each post at three or four ideas, but if anyone wants to add more ideas or suggest a new kind of posts, my asks are open! Always remember to do your research and always practice in a cleansed environment :) Blessed be!

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

You can also support your local witch at my store, Hallow Grove!

- modern witchcraft -

It’s been a while since I upload a practice video. I was taking a break from sharing my private rituals, but it feels like it is a good time to post one.

I recorded this video a couple weeks ago. The spellcrafting in this video involves herbal and sigil magic.

When it comes to magical practices, the most important thing to remember is doing what you feel is correct and necessary. Power comes from within, and only you know how to unlock it. This is only an example on how I do my own practices.

Hope you enjoy it! Blessed B /

Song:  CVL† SH‡† - ßƟD¥ ßΔGƵ

#witchcraft    #eclectic witchcraft    #male witch    #sonora    #ritual    #spellcraft    #sigils    #herbal magic    #occult    #eclectic wicca    #eclectic witch    #neopagan    #modern withcraft    

witch’s banishing salt bowl

salt bowls, with some herb magick thrown in, are a potent method of ridding bad energy, harmful spirits or emotional hauntings from the home. 

☾ the bowl

salt can damage porous materials like wood, so using a bowl made of glass, ceramic or metal is best. glass helps clarify and amplify magickal intention. ceramic embodies earth energy— robust, strong, and unwavering. metal of any type helps project magick to fill a space.

☾ the salt

regular table salt is a classic cleanser and protecter. other specialty salts can have additional magickal impact: sea salt, associated with the water element, relieves residual negative emotions, like sadness and anger. himalayan pink salt is associated with astral travel and can help dispel curses and hauntings. if you need some serious no-nonsense banishing, add powdered charcoal to any salt.

☾ banishing / cleansing herbs

basil, black peppercorns, cloves, cumin, fern, garlic, lemongrass, mullein, pine, st. john’s wort, thyme, yarrow

set your salt bowl in the center of your home for a day or two, until you feel that there is a discernible improvement of the home’s energy. repeat as needed.

cleansing spell

this one’s great to help realign yourself when you’re just feeling a bit off, or if you feel like you’ve picked up other people’s energy, etc

what you’ll need;

white candle (birthday, tea light, whatever!)





glass of drinking water

☁️ in front of a fire safe bowl/whatever place your glass of drinking water. now lay a hefty pile of sugar into your bowl, you need enough to hold your candle upright, make sure to place it in the center of your sugar. going clockwise, add your honey in three circles around your candle. then take your rosemary (if it’s whole crumble it in your palm, if it’s powdered dw) now sprinkle it clockwise on top of and slightly around the outside edge of your honey circle, making three more circles. take your lemon and cut it in half, put one half in front of your candle next to the glass and begin to charge it with your intentions as you complete the spell. gently squeeze the lemon juice around the candle clockwise again like everything else until it’s given up most of its juice, make sure you’re working your intentions into everything as you do this, now light your candle. with the second half of the lemon slowly and gently squeeze most or all of its juice into your cup of water that’s been charging in front of the candle. work your intentions in as you do and drink up while you let your candle go out <3

abruxaroxa-blog: Herbs For Magical Empowerment & Protection - B Basil: Steady the mind, brings h


Herbs For Magical Empowerment & Protection - B


  • Steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity. Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.
  • Carry a leaf in your pocket or wallet to attract money. Place one in your cash register to attract money there too.
  • Soak basil in water for three days and then sprinkle the water over the threshold of your place of business to bring in customers and keep away thieves. (Haiti)To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead. (Hindu)


  • Add to fortune satchets or mojo bags to empower them.

Bay laurel: 

  • Add to any spell or potion to enhance psychic ability.
  • Great addition to dream pillows.
  • Use the leaves as a smudge during banising and exorcism rites, especially those involving poltergeists. Mixed with sandlewood, it is useful for breaking curses. 
  • If you want to see your lover again, go together to a bay laurel tree and pluck a leaf, break it in half and each keep one half.
  • Write a wish on a dried bay leaf and then burn it and your wish will come true.


  •  Stuff into a pillow or placed underneath to prevent nightmares and night terrors.


  • Protection
  • Love
  • Exorcism
  • Purification


  • Burn with frankincence to enhance psychic powers.
  • To be carried if you want to conceive.
  • mix with holy water for exorcism.
  • Bistort root remedy potion helps chase away earthbound spirits.


Healing Spell

Dip nine leaves in a natural water source and lay them on a burn or a red inflamed area. Say to each leaf as you lay them on the wound:

“Three ladies came from the East,

One with fire and two with frost,

Out with fire, in with frost!”


  • Protective hex-breaker in Voodoo and rootwork magic
  • Marriage protector - place bloodroot over your door to encourage all those who enter to respect your marriage.
  • Combined in a single sachet of red flannel, these are used to encourage a healthy marital sex life by placing the sachet under the couple’s mattress. 


  • General protection
  • Warding off spirits.

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As the wheel turns to spring, life begins to stir in the soil and earth magic grows more powerful with every day.

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As the wheel turns to spring, life begins to stir in the soil and earth magic grows more powerful with every day.

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