
Silphium integrifolium (Rosinweed)Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep DESCRIPTION: A coarse perennial, 3-6 f

Silphium integrifolium(Rosinweed)

Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep 

DESCRIPTION:A coarse perennial, 3-6 ft. tall with numerous large, yellow composite flowers. Each flower head has 20-30 yellow rays and darker yellow disks. Stout leaves are joined at stem to form a small cup that holds water and attracts birds.(Wildflower Center) This species has square stems and leaves that are mostly opposite, egg-shaped, toothed, with cuplike bases that hold water (Kindscher 1987). The flower heads are rich, golden yellow, 2.5 centimeters in diameter, and closely grouped at the tips of the stems (Hunter 1984). The small, tubular disk flowers are in the middle of the flower and is sterile and does not produce fruits (Ladd, 1995).

PORTION OF THE PLANT USED: Leaves and roots.

TRADITIONAL USES: Chippewa Native Americans used the simple or compound decoction of root for “stoppage of periods,” for back and chest pain and for lung hemorrhage. A poultice of moistened, dried root was applied to wounds to stop bleeding.

Iroquois used the decoction of roots as an emetic and as face wash for paralysis. Burned root soot was placed on child’s cheek to prevent them from seeing ghosts. Meskwaki used the root to “alleviate the vomiting of pregnancy.” Infusion of root taken by women to prevent premature birth. Root used to reduce profuse menstruation and as an anti-emetic during pregnancy.

Ojibwa infusion of root taken for lumbago and other rheumatic back pains, stomach trouble and hemorrhage.

Cup plant’s young leaves were cooked in the spring as a green (Kindscher 1987). It was also used as a chewing gum to help prevent vomiting (Runkel & Roosa 1989). The Winnebagos tribe believed that this species has supernatural powers. They would drink a concoction derived from the rhizome to purify them before going on a buffalo hunt. It is used in the treatment of liver and spleen disorders and has also been used to treat morning sickness (Moerman 1998).

POLLINATOR:Rosin Weed attracts a variety of pollinators but it is especially relished by some of our smaller solitary bees. The plant gets its common name from the sticky rosin it produces, which was used as a chewing gum by the Native Americans. Rosin weed is quick to mature once germinated, reaching flowering size surprisingly fast.

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The wise women reaching to the light look over my altar and out into my living room. They remind me

The wise women reaching to the light look over my altar and out into my living room. They remind me about the women who came before me

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Bulk herbs kitchen pharmacy

Bulk herbs kitchen pharmacy

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Bulk herb kitchen pharmacy

Bulk herb kitchen pharmacy

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Squeezing out the marshmallow in the cold infusion after about 6 hours. The tea tastes sweet and ear

Squeezing out the marshmallow in the cold infusion after about 6 hours. The tea tastes sweet and earthy but the texture is hard to totally get over. I will keep working on it

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Going to class each week inspires me to get out of my comfort zone, dive into the intentionality and spirit of herbs, and spend my entire time drinking in new information. I am still waiting on herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs so I have not been able to dive into the hands on aspect of learning yet.  But I have a never ending list of teas to make now. I think this experience will change my life which I am in part looking forward to and in part dreading. I think the issue of finding time to be present to herbs, Dan, my physical body and shape, friends, work and my social activist life, etc., etc. will be the great challenge of this year. It may mean that my time with Dan will look different. I am looking forward to making teas together and letting him, a lover of tea blends and master of drinks in general, explore and learn too. 

I am feeling an interesting disconnect in life which I know will be sorted out more and more. My job in the political world does not value or appreciate the healing world. (I have one coworker who literally does not need see a need to change toxic behaviors and says “that is what pills are for.” Head shake.) Shelley is asking us to post on Facebook to engage and be spokespeople for the movement. I feel like my true friends who reflect my true self want to engage in this information but my work/professional world will disregard it. I may be making assumptions and maybe I should gain the courage to share my tumblr and my process on Facebook. 

Here is to jumping in, being true to myself, and learning to ride the wave of work/school/life! 

ASTERACAE FAMILY(sunflower): Look simple but are one of the most complex plants from an evolutionary

ASTERACAE FAMILY(sunflower): Look simple but are one of the most complex plants from an evolutionary perspective. They have sepals that appear as bracts often in many layers. The outer layer makes it look like one big flower but if you look up close and inside, you will find many small flowers. #1 plant family in North America. 

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LAMIACEAE FAMILY (mint): This family has square stalks with opposite leaves. They are distinctively

LAMIACEAE FAMILY (mint): This family has square stalks with opposite leaves. They are distinctively aromatic. 

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APIACEAE FAMILY (celery): Most known for the compound umbels (the stems of the flowers cluster from

APIACEAE FAMILY (celery): Most known for the compound umbels (the stems of the flowers cluster from a single point like an umbrella). Also known to have 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 5 stamens. (ovary is inferior). Includes some of the most poisonous plants in North America and some of the most used herbs. 

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ROSACEAE FAMILY (rose): All in this family have at least 5 sepals and 5 petals with numerous stamens

ROSACEAE FAMILY (rose): All in this family have at least 5 sepals and 5 petals with numerous stamens. The petals of these plants typical are oval in shape and have serrated leaves. 

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MALVACEAE FAMILY: Hibiscus is a classic example of the Malvaceae family (3-5 partially united stepal

MALVACEAE FAMILY: Hibiscus is a classic example of the Malvaceae family (3-5 partially united stepals and 5 separate petals. Ovary in a superior position. The leaves are alternate and are slimy when crushed.)

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Ruled By - Mars
Element - Fire?
Sacred to - Ezulie (Haiti)
Form - Fresh, Dried, Leaves

There is a lot of contradictory folklore across the nations. African folklore says basil protected against scorpions, whereas Greek lore said scorpions would breed around basil. The latin Basilisicum comes from Basilisk, and ingesting the herb was associated with curing madness or causing it.. European lore associated the herb with Satan and it was believed that cursing the ground you were to plant basil on would encourage proper growth (thus the French idiom “semer le basilic/to sow the basil” came from, meaning ranting. In India, Basil is highly looked upon and worshipped as a sacred herb, more valuable than kings and queens of ancient times.

Planting and Growing
This plant requires full sun and is a summer plant only. To get an early start indoors, plant 6 weeks before the last frost. Outdoors, make sure the soil is warm before you plant.. around 70F. Keep the soil moist and well drained during germination. Seed/lings should be ¼ in deep and about a foot apart. It grows between 1 and 2 feet tall. You may water Basil freely during the dryer summer months.
Pinch off flower heads as they bloom to encourage more leaf growth. If you’re to use this plant for cooking, avoid fertilizers and pesticides that leave harmful residues. Plant away from streets and driveways for the same reason.
A good companion plant would be tomatoes.
Problems you may have when growing this plant would be pests such as aphids, bacterial and fungal diseases in the leaves, stems, and root.

Harvesting and Storing
Keep the soil moist. After the first six leaves grow on a stem, cut it down to the second set. When a branch has 6 to 8 leave, repeat pruning down to the first set.
After 6 weeks, pinch off the center shoot to prevent early blooms. If flowers do grow, just cut them off.
Harvest basil before the cold weather settles in. Basil is very sensitive to the chill.

Basil tea after a meal is said to aid digestion and prevent flatulence.
In cases of extreme exhaustion, it’s been used effecively as a stimulant.
Useful for drawing out poisons when applied to venemos bug bites.
Basil oil has antifungal and antibiotic properties.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image source ediblegardenusa.tumblr.com
Ruled By – Leo, Sun, (or Moon), Jupiter, Hecate
Element – Fire
Sacred to – Hebe, Aphrodite, Virgin Mary
Forms – fresh sprigs, dried powder, oil

Long-time favorite herb of witches, it’s most known for counteracting bad spells, warding evil spirits and nightmares, blessing, and purification. Hang fresh or dried rosemary in the house to dispel witchcraft and evil plots. Carry the leaves in a red cloth bag for protection. Season your food to improve memory and increase clarity, for life and school. Burn when you meditate or do dream work to remember past lives. Can be used in spells for fidelity, dispelling jealousy, and to retain youth. Use in ritual baths for cleansing, burn with juniper to fumigate for health in the home (this comes from a period during WW2 when the mixture was burned in French hospitals to kill germs), or burn with sage to fumigate a ritual space and clear the energies.
This plant is a perennial evergreen that requires full sun. It’s ideal for a rock garden or the top of a dry wall.

Planting and Growing
To plant indoors, and for a headstart, place seeds or cuttings in soil 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost of Spring. Ensure the soil is well drained (rosemary is adverse to wet climates.) Make sure you give the shrub room to grow as they can grow up to 5 ft tall and just as wide. Companion plants to grow nearby are beans, carrots, cabbage, and sage.
It is ideal to prune rosemary after it flowers, and you may prune it regularly to keep it from growing lanky. Bring the plant inside for the winter, making sure it’s in a brightly lit area with a cool (but not cold) temperature.
Water the plant evenly and get cuttings or divide the plant for the next season.
Problems you may have when growing this plant include aerial blight, bacterial leaf spots, and root rot.

Harvesting and Storing
Prune the youngest stems or leaves fresh for immediate use. You may harvest up to one third of the plant at once, but must allow it time for regrowth before the next harvest.
To dry the stems for later use, wrap a bundle at the cut end and hang upside down in a dry, well ventilated area.

Rosemary tea is a folk remedy for nervous headaches. It can also be used as a mouthwash to freshen breath or treat mouth sores. If mixed with myrrh, it can aid bleeding gums.
It stimulates capillary circulation, which makes it helpful in healing colds, sore throat, and a slow liver.
It’s used in hair rinses to darken and retain hail color, and in shampoos or oils to control premature balding.
Rosemary is good in pillows to alleviate insomnia and restless sleep.
Bees are fond of rosemary.
Good for strengthening the hear and helps reduce HBP.
Can be used to help regulate periods. In the household, sprigs placed in drawers keeps moths away from clothing.

Do not ingest rosemary in large doses, or take medicinally when pregnant. Pregnant women way ingest with food as a seasoning.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image source - chasingrainbowsforever.tumblr.com

Ruled by - Venus, Mars, Pluto
Element - Air
Sacred to - Hades/Pluto
Form - Leaf, Extract, Oil

Legend states that the Nymph Minte/Minthe, lover of Pluto/Hades, was turned into a mint plant by her jealous rival, Persephone (or Demeter). Other legend states Hades made the plant grow from the dust she was trampled into. The plant was also used to mask the smell of the dead, and as such is associated with the Underworld.
Peppermint is called the lust herb; chew on fresh leaves to increase libido. Spearmint is associated with memory and intelligence; chew the leaves or rub the oil on your forehead or a white candle. Wintergreen is associated with protection; add the oil or sprinkle leaves into a bath or floor wash. This can also mean keeping away trouble, or troublesome people.
When ingested (eg: as a tea,) it aids in psychic and verbal communication of all types by stengthening our words. It is often associated with the Winter Solstice and makes a great addition as a fragrance or food additive in rites and rituals.
It makes an excellent addition to uncrossing mixtures, stength and courage mixtures, and breaking bad luck or jinxes. Keep mint in your shoe to prevent bad luck, or in your wallet to increase fortune.
Grow around the house to keep away unwanted guests, and even mice!

Planting and Growing
Mint plants are perennial, vigorous spreaders, and easily identified by their square stems.
Best grown from purchased plants or cuttings from a existing plant, place either of thee 2 feet apart in moist, well drained soil.
They grow 1 to 2 feet tall.
If planted above ground in a pot, this plant requires winter protection. Either bring it inside or cover the soil with mulch to protect the roots.
Minimal care for this plant, just keep the soil lightly moistened. To prevent the invasive nature of this plant, prune it regularly and cut the runners. You may also keep it in a medium/large pot.
Mint requires 3-6 hours of shade each day.
Good companion plants to have nearby would be cabbage and tomatoes.
Problems you may have when growing this plant include a powdery mildew, plant rust, leaf spots, anthracnose, and stem cankers.

Harvesting and Storage
Mint can be harvested as soon as it comes up in the Spring. It may be dried or frozen if harvested in larger quantities. For smaller harvests, leaves may be picked as needed.
For drying, it is recommended to harvest the plant by cutting stems 1 inch above the ground before the plant flowers. One plant may be harvested 2 or 3 times in the season.

Peppermint is used as a digestive aid and also eases gas, burping, and bloat after meals. Also great for intestinal pain, easing nausea, IBS.
Spearmint is similar medicinally, but mild compared to peppermint. It is stronger in its diaphoretic (causing perspiration) and diuretic properties.
Spearmint does not make a good medicinal tea, as it loses the majority of its oil. To infuse spearmint properly, do so in a closed container.
Spearmint is completely nontoxic.

Any kind of mint oil should be properly diluted before applying topically. Menthol is present (in varying degrees) in the mint plant family and causes a freezing-burning sensation that is harmful, especially to those who are sensitive to it.

Those who are taking iron supplements, immunosuppressants or drugs to reduce stomach acid production or to control heart conditions or high blood pressure should consult with their physician before using mint internally.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia
Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image credit - therestlesswitch.tumblr.com

Ruled by - Ghosts/Sprits, Mercury
Element - Air
Sacred to - Persephone, Venus, Aphrodite
Form - Fresh Sprigs

Parsley is mostly associated with the Underworld. Persephone was often depicted carrying a bunch with her. Ancient Greeks associated the plant with death, and as such never ate it or grew it inside, lest they invite death into their lives.
The custom of using parsley as a garnish is believed to come from the thought that the herb could appease the spirits of the dead animal it was placed upon. It refreshes, renews, and rids the area of negative or fearful energies.
Placed in a room, it can alleviate poltergeist activity. Steep fresh stems in a bucket of warm water and use to mop, or in a spray bottle to mist the room.
Brush a bundle of dry stems across a Ouija board before working to calm spirits and prevent malevolent forces from coming through.
Eat to cleanse your feelings and get rid of emotional baggage that is preventing you from experiencing loving relationships.

Planting and Growing
To start indoors, plant seeds 10 weeks before the last frost of Spring. To start outdoors, plant seeds 4 weeks before the last frost. It takes about 3 weeks to sprout, as it is a slow grower, but it can handle the cold to a degree.
Water often during germination and evenly through the summer, making sure the pot has proper drainage.
Parsley is a Biennial and requires 3 to 6 hours of shade each day.
Good companion plants to have nearby are Asparagus, Corn, and Tomatoes.
Some problems that may occur while growing Parsley are stem rot, leaf spots, black swallowtail larvae, carrot fly larvae, and celery fly larvae.
It doesn’t like to be transplanted.

Harvesting and Storage
Parsley is ready to harvest when the end of the stems hae separated into three segments of leaves. Cut stems from the outside, in, harvesting the oldest stems first. Cut near the base, leaving ¼ inch above the soil.
Leave the inner stems to mature.
To store for later use, place the ends of the stems in cool water and place in a refrigerator. You may also hang the stems upside down to dry, then crumble and store in an airtight container.

Outside of food garnish and flavorizer, parsley can also be used as an infusion in bathwater to soothe and cleanse the skin. (or a ritual bath to communicate with the dead)
The high chlorophyll content makes it a natural breath freshener.
Parsley has been credited to curing many illnesses dealing with the kidneys, liver, and bladder.
Using Parsley in recipes decreases the need for salt. This is due to the plant being a natural diuretic as it inhibits salt reabsorption by the body and increases kidney activity.
Small doses have a strong diuretic effect, but large doses are known to cause uterine problems.
Parsley also acts as a gentle laxative.

Pregnant women should not ingest large amounts of parsley.
Large amounts can have toxic effects on liver, lungs, kidneys.
Parsley oil should never be ingested.
Use caution when collecting wild parsley. Look alikes can be quite poisonous.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image credit - cozy-aesthetics.tumblr.com

I’m not being paid to promote this haha, but I have to share my adoration of Sam Guay’s Blood Moon Tarot! It consists of a full set of 78 standard-sized tarot cards, with original watercolor art on each one. The minor arcana consists of Dreams, Songs, Skins, and Honey!

You can learn more about it here:


It’s currently available to order from a few independent shops in MA!
