


White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer removes lint from Senior White House Advisor Stephen Miller&

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer removes lint from Senior White House Advisor Stephen Miller’s jacket as he waits to go on the air in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, February 12, 2017.

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PSA: stop making your favorite songs couple songs, if you break up your going to hate the song afterwards. It`s not worth it, find new songs that way you can keep your favorite songs even if you break up.

The King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for WarThe King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for WarThe King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for WarThe King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for WarThe King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for WarThe King’s Advisors.Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.This is the final piece for War

The King’s Advisors.

Acrylic and Acryla gouache on illustration board.

This is the final piece for Warlords & Sellswords, one illustration for five cards that is meant to be sliced up individually but can be shown as one for promotional purposes, a la Magic: the Gathering’s panoramic lands. Each of these advisors care about different aspects of the army, and most of them represent the highest level unit of their type: the general who cares about soldiers, the engineer who cares about equipment, the witch who cares about other mages, the grizzled trainer who cares about one individual strong unit, and in the center, the king’s second in command who cares about the army as a whole. My goal with this piece was to have each section be suggestive of what each character did, down to background details, and also to continue to highlight diversity, as I have with all the other pieces for the game. A side note about wizards - the skullcap was inspired by Merlin’s costume in Excalibur.

This was a long, but rewarding project, and I learned a lot from it. And best of all, the client is happy!

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Ask for help and help yourself.Admitting to yourself that you need help is being brave, whether gett

Ask for help and help yourself.

Admitting to yourself that you need help is being brave, whether getting a night nurse or seeking help for counseling.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help and there’s nothing to be ashamed of it. You don’t have to be perfect.  No one is!

Opening up your heart, increasing vulnerability to others, and talking about it is the way you can truly help yourself.

Speaking with a Sisterhood Agenda advisor is like speaking with a big sister, wise aunt, and life coach. We are also trained and certified, therefore, our approach is integrated for mental health and emotional well-being.

If you need someone to talk to or if you could use some advice, let us know.

You can reach us via phone call at:
(833) 3-SISTER / (833) 374-7837
(410) 654-3310

Or click here to reach out to us online: https://sisterhoodagenda.com/contact/

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