#incorrect next gen quotes


Janelle (OC): I didn’t think you’d take it that far!

Roxanne, offended: You didn’t think I’d savagely rampage on a group of random strangers? You think so little of me.

Auror: We’ve found the person that stole your identity and impersonated you.

Lucy: Cool, where were they?

Auror: We found them eating Cheetos and crying in their car.

Lucy:Wow, they really went for it.

[Pansy & Hannah have just found Hadley (OC) in a dumpster and have taken her in]

5-year-old Hadley (OC): I can’t believe witches are real! I thought they were just something adults made up to scare kids. Like vitamins.

Hannah: Hadley, vitamins arereal.

Hadley (OC): Well now I’m thinking they might be!
