

Tibetan bowls, if you need Sleep…

#tibetan    #meditation    #432 hz    #goodvibes    #insomnia    #sonoterapia    #cuencos    #tibetano    #budismo    #diapason    #healing    #holistic    
Omg @wavie_crocket_ it’s too realMe: I should probably go to sleep now.. Brain:…. Orr

Omg @wavie_crocket_ it’s too real
Me: I should probably go to sleep now..
Brain:…. Orrrrrrr we could just dream about hitting your VGP and FCA numbers and how you’re going to work on the budget for this month. Doesn’t that sound fun??

#DealershipLife #CustomersAreAlwaysRight #ButAreThey #Insomnia #WelcomeToCarSales

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[Image descriptions: A comic of Potsie. She is sitting at a table writing. Her note says, “Dear Universe, I could really use some extra cosmic energy (the stars have PLENTY!). Thank you, Potsie.” Later—specifically at 3:00am—Potsie is lying in bed staring at the ceiling. She says, “This isn’t what I had in mind!” A speech bubble pops up over Potsie’s head with a spacey background—it is the universe talking back! It says, “Then maybe you should have been more specific…”]

Be careful what you ask for kiddies…

I am in denial2019Willow, Conte, Compressed charcoal, Gesso, Paper

I am in denial


Willow, Conte, Compressed charcoal, Gesso, Paper

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Sleepless2019Willow, Conte, Compressed charcoal, Gesso, Paper



Willow, Conte, Compressed charcoal, Gesso, Paper

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Robin Williams, j'y reviens encore une fois, suite toujours à ce déchaînement d'inepties qui nous le

Robin Williams, j'y reviens encore une fois, suite toujours à ce déchaînement d'inepties qui nous les brisent sur les réseaux sociaux. Ainsi cette mise en garde de ne pas prendre à la légère la dépression parce qui voyez-vous ça peut s'avérer ‘achement dangereux (sans blague?), la preuve: même le “funniest man on Earth” (photo de Williams) peut y succomber.

“Funniest man on Earth”? - Bon, écoutez, je ne vais pas réactiver le cliché des “tears of a clown”, ni même prétendre (comme le fait feu Roger Ebert) que les meilleurs rôles de Williams sont des rôles dramatiques, mais force est de constater que dans la filmo du défunt acteur (et Netflix México permet une jolie rétrospective), le comique pur y est plutôt rare. Ceci n'expliquant pas du tout cela.

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politics, and sleep deprivation demons

politics, and sleep deprivation demons

Poetry woke me. it is not the first time, likely will not be the last. I have been working on two different projects as my poetry goes…I have been finding that I am writing a lot of political poetry…where I had not been before. I guess as I have aged my heart is just not in swallowing the rage I have been feeling for the way the world around me is. I don’t like saying nothing when I see a wrong…

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(viaEndocrine System, part 1 - Glands & Hormones: Crash Course A&P #23 - YouTube)

This is a good basic introduction to the endocrine system.  

Acupuncture works really well to help regulate the endocrine system!  For example:

  •  Digestion (including blood sugar)
  • Reproduction: Fertility and infertility
  • Menstruation (PMS, cramps, flow, etc.)
  • Menopause (hot flashes, sexual desire)
  • Thyroid function (including energy regulation)
  • Adrenals (do you feel drained, all the time?)
  • Sleep (insomnia)
  • and more!
  • #endocrine    #fertility    #reproduction    #infertility    #menopause    #hot flash    #insomnia    #adrenal fatigue    

    I work with a lot of folks who have endocrine concerns:

    • Fertility/ Infertility/ PCOS
    • Digestion & Blood Sugar Regulation (Diabetes, including Type I)
    • Insomnia & Sleep
    • Weight gain/ Weight loss
    • PMS/ Cramps/ Menstrual pain
    • Menopause/Hot Flashes
    • Low Energy/ Thyroid
    • Cold Hands & Feet

    All of these (and more) are related to Endocrine imbalances.  The way that acupuncture regulates the endocrine system is gentle and gradual - so if you have any kind of endocrine disorder, this is not something we can treat with a few visits.  I usually tell folks with these disorders to come in *at least weekly* for months - three to six months to start with.  Yes, it takes a few months but the side effects (relaxation and a sense of well-being) are a pretty nice benefit compared to what you might try pharmaceutically. Because pharmaceuticals - even Advil and Motrin! - can have terrible side effects.
    Learn more about the endocrine system:

    3am video - Kate Nash

    #kate nash    #girl talk    #heartbreak    #insomnia    
    [image description: A scary looking light blue face sneers. It might be a puppet face from an unknow

    [image description: A scary looking light blue face sneers. It might be a puppet face from an unknown Rankin Bass Christmas animation. Its eyes are glowing embers, its nose and chin pointed, its black cloak and ragged hair are filled with stars. The 10 wooden shadowbox sections frame the portrait to either side and contain: a Victorian era lock, a woman’s burnt sculpted face, an old electrical outlet, a left-facing seahorse, an ancient cylindrical ivory box in front of an equally-aged telescope, A two-legged clay pot with a protruding horned face from Mexico, A traffic light turning amber, an ovate sedimentary stone, a curious URL, and a sculpted silver globe. Text reads, “199, Sleep MISER, the small god of INSOMNIA”]

    • • • • •

    “Man, you look like hell.  Up all night playing video games?”

    “I wish.  I went to bed at nine-thirty.”

    “So what happened?”

    “I just didn’t sleep.”

    He is not a nice god.  We try to see the positive of even the unpleasant entities we document, to present them in a fair and measured light, to avoid attracting divine vengeance down on our own heads, but in this case, we have to come out and make a clear statement: he is not a nice god.  He does not have your best interests at heart, and his worship is better left avoided.

    Oh, his faithful—for he has them; every god has them, or they would no longer have their godhood—will try to tell you that he serves the ambitious, the creative, and the determined, that if you can work when the world is sleeping, you will have a greater life.  What they don’t tell you is that “greater,” in their eyes, means a life of irritability and exhaustion, of slow psychic poison as your brain fails to reset itself through dreams, of withering relationships and lost compassion.  To them, all that matters is that when your life is done, you’ll have made the most money, worked the most hours, refused the most indulgences.  In their eyes, sleep is a luxury to be earned.

    Lulah Bye, small god of a good night’s sleep, says that sleep is not a luxury: sleep is a gift given to you upon your birth, to be treasured and enjoyed.  It is the one thing you have that costs no money, is forbidden by no king, and is not socially shameful to speak of.  She would drive the Sleep Miser from the pantheon if she could, for he brings no blessings, and torments her faithful when they have done nothing to deserve it.

    Sleep Miser himself has no regrets about his position.  He enjoys it.  He’s not getting any sleep.

    So why should you?

    • • • • •

    Join Lee Moyer (Icon) and Seanan McGuire (Story) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a guide to the many small deities who manage our modern world:





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    This colorful, warm drink is called moon milk. Moon milk is the ancient Ayurvedic tradition of drink

    This colorful, warm drink is called moon milk. Moon milk is the ancient Ayurvedic tradition of drinking warm milk infused with healing herbs and spices at bedtime to aid in curing insomnia. This beautiful version was created by Gina Fontana of Healthy Little Vittles. She is an avid follower of the Ayurvedic practice and has actually written a book, Moon Milk, featuring over 50 different plant-based, dairy-free moon milk recipes. 

    Check out her book here. 

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    All night my fear like a candle
    not bright enough
    or hot enough
    to do much damage
    but ambient
    flickering and spitting
    a thick wisp of black smoke
    licking the ceiling:
    dreams of my undoing.

    Amanda Moore,fromRequeening

    Warm milk makes you sleepy — peptides could explain why

    According to time-honored advice, drinking a glass of warm milk at bedtime will encourage a good night’s rest. Milk’s sleep-enhancing properties are commonly ascribed to tryptophan, but scientists have also discovered a mixture of milk peptides, called casein tryptic hydrolysate (CTH), that relieves stress and enhances sleep. Now, researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have identified specific peptides in CTH that might someday be used in new, natural sleep remedies.

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one-third of U.S. adults don’t get enough sleep. Sedatives, such as benzodiazepines and zolpidem, are commonly prescribed for insomnia, but they can cause side effects, and people can become addicted to them. Many sedatives work by activating the GABA receptor, a protein in the brain that suppresses nerve signaling. Scientists have also discovered several natural peptides, or small pieces of proteins, that bind the GABA receptor and have anti-anxiety and sleep-enhancing effects. For example, treating a protein in cow’s milk, called casein, with the digestive enzyme trypsin produces the mixture of sleep-enhancing peptides known as CTH. Within this mixture, a specific peptide known as α-casozepine (α-CZP) has been identified that could be responsible for some of these effects. Lin Zheng, Mouming Zhao and colleagues wondered if they could find other, perhaps more powerful, sleep-enhancing peptides in CTH.

    The researchers first compared the effects of CTH and α-CZP in mouse sleep tests, finding that CTH showed better sleep-enhancing properties than α-CZP alone. This result suggested that other sleep-promoting peptides besides α-CZP exist in CTH. The team then used mass spectrometry to identify bioactive peptides released from CTH during simulated gastric digestion, and they virtually screened these peptides for binding to the GABA receptor and for the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. When the strongest candidates were tested in mice, the best one (called YPVEPF) increased the number of mice that fell asleep quickly by about 25% and the sleep duration by more than 400% compared to a control group. In addition to this promising peptide, others in CTH should be explored that might enhance sleep through other pathways, the researchers say.
