#iron man




~ Tony Stark remembering little things about others ~

- remembers Peter’s exact address

- remembers that Peter left the band and how long ago, from what Happy told him

- remembers what Peter told him in the messages he left him like the lady who offered him a churro.

- remembers what Happy’s favorite show is and why he loves it so much (+ asks the nurse to put it in the tv for him while in a coma)

- remembers that Couslon’s girlfriend is a cellist and where she lives from what he overheard Pepper say

- remembers that Harley’s sister’s watch was broken and buys the same limited edition watch. He also remembers Harley’s Potato Gun and gives him a new one.

- remembers the names of the journalists

- remembers Pepper’s uncle’s name (even in his dreams)

He’s so attentive and caring, I love him so much

#BringBackTonyStarktolife (petition)

i didnt notice he bought a new watch

tony, i love you, but you were a bit of a bitch in ca:cw

All Tony did in CW was to do everything to protect the population, avoid the colateral damages, keep the Avengers together, keep them out of jail, keep them out of blame, and avoid the fights until exhaustion.

While taking a lot of blame and insults in his face when he’s the one who did everything to keep everyone safe ^^

Here’s my post about it

❤❄Merry Christmas ❄❤


Project for Tony’s birthday (here)

Tony in Paris (pics of my trip to Paris for Christmas)

A cute Iron Man plush dancing in a Christmas window

And and Iron Man action figure

I bought this beautiful t-shirt and this little one

Tony and the Opera Garnier

Tony and the Wall of Love (with “I love You” in every languages)


#BringBackTonyStarktolife (petition)

If you want to write a message for Tony’s birthday (here)

I love how Tony immediatly understands that Harley is not okay, that he’s being bullied at school, and how he immediatly gives him something to help him

He’s always so attentive to others, empathetic and compassionate



falcon-caps:billionaire, genius, philanthropist! we love a supportive boyfriendalso i love it when Afalcon-caps:billionaire, genius, philanthropist! we love a supportive boyfriendalso i love it when Afalcon-caps:billionaire, genius, philanthropist! we love a supportive boyfriendalso i love it when A



we love a supportive boyfriend

also i love it when AA subtly shades the MCU and it’s stevetony dynamic

Post link

Now the opening riff from Iron Man is gonna be stuck in my head all day.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were indeed doing that

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were indeed doing that

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Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man(requests are open)

Aro Ace Marvel Captain America + Iron Man

(requests are open)

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The Many Things I Love About You

Tony Stark x Fem!Reader

“Jarvis, is she asleep?”

Tony’s voice is reduced to a whisper as he enters the bedroom and gently closes the door behind him.

“By analyzing her breath and heart rate I can deduce that she’s in a light sleep phase, sir.”

I must have been woken up by some noise from the outside and can’t remember anything about the dream I was having. Slightly moving my legs under the fresh sheets my mind is still clouded, floating in a bubble hovering between sleep and wakefulness while my heart gets lighter knowing Tony’s finally here.

I can ear his footsteps, the noise of his bare feet on the floor approaching and then the weight of his body leaning on the mattress behind me, as discreetly and quietly as possible to not risk waking me up completely.

When he gently puts an arm around me zeroing every distance between us, the warmth of his body against my back makes me spontaneously smile and softly sigh, in a state of bliss and peace.

“Hey, honey…you awake?”

I barely nod and smile while he moves a lock of hair behind my ear, smiling in turn before slightly kissing my cheek.

“Sorry, I lost track of time down there.”

“Like every time.” I say in a sleepy voice.

“…like every time.” he repeats, sighing.

I lay my hand on his, intertwining our fingers and holding it on my chest. I love his hands. So precise and fast to assemble mechanical parts, tinkering for hours and hours in his lab. Big and strong to fight, to train, not afraid of hard work. Delicate and gentle, soft like silk on my skin. Tony with his hands can do real magic.

I turn my head, slightly opening my eyes and finally glimpsing the features of his face in the twilight of this dark room. Our lips bend in a slight smile and then meet in a kiss, so soft and tender that almost makes me melt under his touch. His hand caresses my cheek, his lips on mine are soft as velvet and I feel like I’m still dreaming here in his arms. Without saying anything I turn my body to his, putting my arms around him and leaning my head on his chest. I sigh peacefully.

The dim blue light of his reactor shines from under the fabric of the black tank top, just a few inches from my face. If I listen carefully, holding my breath, I can hear its very light hum.

“Baby, maybe you should-”

“It doesn’t bother me. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”

When I see the faint light that comes from his heart something in me warms up. Sometimes I open my eyes in the middle of the night, awakened from a bad dream with my heart beating fast, and seeing that blue light in the pitch dark beside me istantly calms down my soul. I know that Tony is next to me and nothing can hurt me.

There’s no place in the world I’d rather be right now than here, in our bed, lulled by the warmth of his body and the scent of his cologne still on his skin, at the base of the neck. My breath synchronises with his. Slow, steady.


My voice is reduced to a whisper as I say it, gently rubbing the tip of my nose against the beard on his chin. Tony doesn’t answer me, already asleep while I caressed his back with the tip of my fingers. I smile.

Here, in his arms, is the place I want to be forever.



i love catfish so much because they act like theyre fbi agents or something when theyre really just using reverse google image search

i thought you meant the animal and let me tell you that was a wild minute of me trying to figure out the psychology of fish thinking they’re federal law enforcement

I also thought they were talking about the animal but I agreed with it up until you said reverse google search. Only then did I realize fish don’t have google….they have bing

Just leaving this here to say that Kamala outsmarted three doctors in a single row.The Amazing SpideJust leaving this here to say that Kamala outsmarted three doctors in a single row.The Amazing Spide

Just leaving this here to say that Kamala outsmarted three doctors in a single row.

The Amazing Spider-Man v5 #10 (2018)

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 Thank you for these past 11 years! Hope I did them at least a bit of justice Captain America one is Thank you for these past 11 years! Hope I did them at least a bit of justice Captain America one is Thank you for these past 11 years! Hope I did them at least a bit of justice Captain America one is

Thank you for these past 11 years! Hope I did them at least a bit of justice Captain America one is an update of an older painting I made of him

Post link

Tony: Loki and I are going to adopt.

Peter: Oh wow, that’s gre—

Tony: *slamming papers on the table* It’s you, sign here.


Tony *making coffee*: So, have you ever been in love?

Loki *smirking*: Of course!

Tony *with jealousy*: With who?

Loki *watching him intently*: With you.


Tony: Bambi, both of us working for the first time on the same mission is a really special moment and I think we should celebrate it by getting married.

Loki: … No.



Tony: Going steady?


Tony: A date?


Tony: A kiss?


Tony: A handshake?


Tony: I’ll see you tomorrow?


Tony: I’ll take it!


Stephen: So… You’re saying me you.. lost Tony in a crowd??

Loki: To be fair he’s very small


Trans!Peter & Genderfluid!Loki

  • Even if they’re technically enemies Thor still respects Loki so so much so of course uses appropriate pronouns whenever they change and he knows about it
  • One time he’s talking with all the avengers about Loki and he uses “she” cuz Loki is a girl right now so he explains to everyone
  • After that instead of being just an insane villain they understand Loki just a little bit better cuz that must be hard
  • After whatever conflict that is is over Peter comes onto the scene
  • He meets Thor and is of course hella excited and just totally adorable like he is
  • And Thor starts talking about his sister, Loki
  • Peter is a little confused so Thor explains that Loki was born female but found that she identified as male most of the time but still female some of the time so she’s genderfluid and right now Thor has a sister not a brother
  • And Peter is internally like omgomgomgomgomgomgomg someone who is similar to me
  • He explains that he’s trans to Thor and that makes Thor happy cuz the young spider opened up to him
  • Thor admits that he still has contact with Loki even though they’re trying to kill each other just a little bit and Peter is excited he wants to meet this trans AFAB genderfluid asgardian villain
  • Thor trust’s his sister enough and is 110% sure that Peter would tug her heartstrings in just the right way that she wouldn’t kill or manipulate him so he lets Loki know that she has a fan
  • Loki obviously thinks it’s a trick until Thor is really insistent and pleading and she knows him and his voice and eventually gives in and then bip bop boop next thing you know Thor is ferrying Peter to meet Loki (who is male again)
  • Thor stays very nearby but doesn’t eavesdrop just is near enough that if something happens he can slap a hammer on Loki’s head and carry Peter to safety
  • Peter also has his suit on hand but isn’t wearing it
  • “Hi it’s nice to meet you Mr. Loki sir!”
  • And they talk for quite a while actually first about gender which is the whole reason that Peter wanted to see Loki in the first place but then about other stuff like parents and lonliness and Loki is surprised at how much of himself he sees in this bouncy little spider toddler
  • They get along pretty well and even though Loki had at first been planning to manipulate Peter and turn him he actually truly doesn’t want to anymore because he doesn’t want Peter to be led down the path he took and especially not by Loki himself
  • He gets pretty heckin soft for Peter after a few meet ups and their conversations go from completely deep about terrible dysphoria their worst mistakes regrets and childhood trauma,,, to really chill stuff like music taste (Peter introduces Loki to some things) and other interests (magic and science)
  • One day “Hello Mr— oh! Hi Miss Loki!” And Loki grins so purely because the only other person who’s respected her like that is Thor
  • And she can shapeshift so it’s really obvious what gender she is at any given time
  • Basically Peter becomes Loki’s life after a while like screw taking over the world let me take care of this kid instead
  • And honestly Thor is shook because Loki seems legitimately happy and Peter doesn’t seem brainwashed or anything
  • But he decides to actually come be with the two while they’re talking one day and he’s surprised to learn a some things about his sister like she knows a lot about the plants on Midgard
  • But it’s not nearly the kind of conversation Thor imagined them having
  • He puts his hammer down
  • “Oh, oh, Mr. Thor can I try to lift it!?”
  • He swings it around for a little while while Thor and Loki are actually frozen in astonishment
  • “Miss Loki, catch!”
  • AND SHE DOES!,?!?!?!!?
  • Thor feels super outdone at this point tbh but Peter and Loki just wanna play catch with it
  • Thor doesn’t let them he takes Peter home (stark tower just cuz) immediately but Loki follows them
  • She appeals to Tony like please I’m fine now I just wanna protect this sweet summer child you have found and put in a spider suit
  • The hammer thing is actually what convinces Tony she’s not a complete menace so she’s allowed to stay
  • He’s a little shook that she’s a girl tho

Kind of an AU where

Thor dies instead and even though Loki has ‘tried to kill Thor’ before he never REALLY did and he was totally unprepared for the death and kinda takes it hard so zoop he appears in Stark tower very late/early one night/morning and Tony wakes up to Loki making coffee in his kitchen and there’s like an pause for a verrry long time where Tony is trying to figure out what the hell to make of this and Loki is waiting for Tony to decide what to do while also trying to look as innocent as possible as if he didn’t break into Tony’s house and steal his food and eventually Tony makes the ‘huh okay’ face like with the smushed frown and a little tilt of the head and a blink that’s a millisecond too long and goes over to sit elsewhere and just goes “two sugars in mine, thanks” and Loki acTUALLY OBLIGES AND THEY SIT ALMOST NEXT TO EACH OTHER BUT LIKE REALLY FAR APART AND SIT THERE AND ITS SUPER QUIET AND THEY JUST KINDA SIP FOR A WHILE UNTIL TOny looks over at Loki until Loki also looks over and Tony goes super casually “what the fuck are you doing in my living room”

Also hc that his coffee is always kinda cold cuz frost giant I guess and Tony sees a Lack Of Steam and just sticks his whole goddamn finger in it one day and is like “this is cold” and Loki looks at him like ‘you just defiled my drink you repulsive uncultured midgardian’ but instead he says “I‘d say it’s more lukewarm” and power move drinks it anyway
