#marvel x reader


Pawn (Moon Knight x Reader)

So this is Angst. I’ve probably watched moon knight at least 5 times now. I have so many theories and headcannons about this show I love this so much. (especially Steven Grant aka Best Boi)

Also I haven’t slept in a while so have fun!

(I also hope I did the switches right)

It was supposed to be a simple mission. 

In and out. 

You, Layla, and Marc with the assistance of Konshu got a tip that a group of Ammit followers, a seemingly small group from what it entailed, were targeting this artifact located in a museum in New York. Konshu said that while the artifact wasn’t nearly as important as what the followers believed. It could still cause harm to whoever they chose to use it on. So, naturally, the group decided to scope it out and put an end to it. 

It was supposed to be a small group. 

You guys got to the site only for it to be an ambush, a lot more followers than what was originally entailed. Marc had luckily already been wearing the suit. However, you and Layla weren’t as fortunate. While both you and Layla were very good at combat, you still had to be careful. Unlike Marc, you didn’t have sacred healing armor from a Moon God. However, despite being careful you ended up finding yourself cornered between three of the followers. Your gun only had one bullet left and you were sure that one dude broke a rib or something when he landed a hit. You weren’t in the best of shape and you were waiting for him to have your back. 

Even as they beat the shit out of you, you were confident he would have your back. 

As they landed punch after punch, kick into your ribs that made you see brown and the metallic taste of blood filled your mouth, you were sure he would come. 

He was supposed to have your back. 

Like you always had his. 

When it became clear he wasn’t coming back you fought harder, breaking more things in the process, and luckily with cleverness you managed to get two of the followers. The last one didn’t put up much of a fight after you killed the two people with him.

When you noticed the place empty except for the bodies of Ammit’s followers a sickening feeling filled you. 

Where were Marc and Layla? 

You gathered what strength you had to look for them a little before deciding to make your way back to where you guys were staying. 

When you got back there you saw your two teammates patching up, Marc didn’t have a scratch, and Layla looked like she had some bruising on her knuckles however Marc was tending to her delicately, devotedly you would say. Marc didn’t even notice when you entered the room looking for the hydrogen peroxide and pain killers, however Layla being the attentive person that she was noticed almost immediately your state. 

“Holy shit,” She said as she made a beeline for you, her curls bouncing, “what in the fuck happened?”

“I’m fine Lay,” You comforted, “I just need some hydrogen peroxide,bandages, pain killers, and a decent amount of sleep and I’ll be right as rain.” You looked behind her and saw Marc’s brown eyes run over your visible injuries. However pissed off you wanted to be at him, you never could be. You barely managed to get Layla to attend to her own injuries when you got to your room where you bandaged yourself up. It was a painful process, the hydrogen burned like all hell in your open wounds, your hands shook wildly as you bandaged those and took those painkillers dry. You knew you should probably drink more water, especially in this case. You no sooner downed the pain killers when you heard a knock at your door. Carefully checking the peep hole only to be met with the stoic expression you know all too well. You opened the door to Marc and motioned him in. 

“I’m sorry,” he said. Regret shown clearly on his face, “I should have been there.”

“You were busy being Moon Knight,” you said, “let’s just not make this a habit, yeah?” You said lightly, wincing as you tried to lay back. Sharp pain shooting through you like lightning. 

“Yeah,” he agreed as he watched your face scrunch in pain, “What’s the damage?” 

“Oh you know, a couple of scratches, bruises, and cuts, and harmless fractured ribs.” You said. 

“So nothing serious.”


Silence rang throughout the room. You and the dark haired male in front of you have always interacted like this, having known him since before his brother’s untimely death. You also knew Steven and Jake. You had grown to like and love each part of the man in front of you, the good and the bad. 

Not that he ever noticed. 

You could see him look into the mirror next to the dresser, locked in some sort of conversation before turning his eyes back to you. 

“Steven wants to talk to ya,” he said, “he just wants to make sure you’re alright.” 

“I don’t know,” you said unsure, “I don’t really want him to see me like this.”

“He just wants to make sure you’re ok, he’ll be fine, he’s tougher than we give him credit for.” He said. You nod, in that instance you see his demeanor shift into one that is more open, more…Steven. 

Steven immediately went into full Steven mode. Fussing over you, making sure that you were set up and that your injuries tended to adequately. It took Steven some time to get adjusted to seeing blood and bruises regularly, however, once he did it turned out he had a natural gift for tending to people’s needs.  

“Oh dear,” Steven frets, already adjusting the pillow below your head to get you into a better position, “those wankers really did a number on you sweetheart.” You hold on to his hand and look at him. 

“I’m fine Steven, really, let’s just not make this a habit hmn?”

Steven nodded in agreement before looking back at the mirror then back at you. 

“Jake wants me to tell you that he’s sorry as well.”

“Really I’m fine Steven with a V,” You smiled and squeezed his hand to comfort him, “All I need right now I just need to sleep.” After that you bid your good nights before you fell asleep, slipping into the comfortable arms of dreamless sleep. 

This is the fifth time. 

Fucking fifth. 

The first two times you were sure they were just accidents, the heat of the moment distracting them. Being cornered, taking most of the heat from your shared opponent while Marc and Layla did what they did best. They made sure to apologize after, promising that it wouldn’t happen again. 

After the third you started to think maybe it was you. 

Maybe if you were stronger, more durable, cleverer, it wouldn’t happen. If only you were smarter you wouldn’t get cornered on missions taking the brunt of it. So you began to brutally train your body, you ran yourself beyond the point of exhaustion. 

The fourth time rolled around and only Layla noticed your state. 

Marc said nothing. 

He looked…disappointed. 

This was the fifth time, you were slowly bleeding out from the deep gash from your leg, luckily the person missed any important muscles and vessels. You were left, again, alone while Marc and Layla were nowhere to be found. You assumed they were already back and were tending to themselves, or Marc tending to Layla more like it. 

With each step you find your temper flaring with the searing pain. You could see what was going on now, clear as fucking day. 

You were bait. 

A goddamn distraction while Marc and Layla got in and got out unscathed or barely. Fire burned behind you as you came to the realization. Tears burned at the corners of your eyes, with the burning rage settling in your gut your heart felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly, nothing but complete sadness settled there. It hurts that no matter how much you’ve been there with him, love him, been both his confidante and his best friend. He would toss you aside for Layla. 

Always Layla. 

You loved her as well, You would’ve given your gun arm if it meant that she lived. You would’ve laid down your life for either of them. 

And the most sick and twisted thing of all. 

Was that even in the midst of your heartbreak and sorrow,

You still would. 

Once the gash in your leg was healed enough you quietly grabbed your things. Some part of you wanted to say goodbye to Steven and Jake, you loved them and you had a feeling they didn’t have a part in this, that this was purely Marc. 

You didn’t want to leave, but you knew if you stayed one day you wouldn’t be so lucky. You had been lucky so far, they always missed something vital but that wasn’t a guarantee for next time. Next time you could be so seriously injured that you won’t be able to walk back to get what you need for treatment, you could die. 

And you refused to die as someone’s bait. 

Once you reach the nightstand you find two pictures that haunt you now. One was a group photo of you, Marc, and Layla. The other was an old picture of you and Marc, you both were still children and nothing in the world mattered more than each other. The angry part of you wanted to smash it, leave the glass everywhere and leave. But the larger, more sentimental part wanted to keep these pictures, since despite everything you still loved them with all your heart. 

You were so engrossed in the photos you didn’t notice the door opening. 

“What’s this?” 

You turned and saw the mess of dark curls leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest, the hardened look in his midnight eyes tipped you off. 


You look away from him, not being able to look at him longer. You stuffed the photos in your bag before moving on. 

You reached the pair of jeans on the bed only for Marc’s hand to grab your wrist firmly. 

“Stop,” He said you still refused to look at him, “What the hell are you doing.” 

“What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?” You asked shortly before yanking your arm away from him to continue. Before you could stuff more belongings your bag was suddenly halfway across the room, its contents spilling out. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you Spector?!” You raised your voice still not looking at him. 

“Me?” He asked incrediously, “what the fuck is wrong with me, I’m not the one fucking leaving for no goddamn reason! I mean, you’re not even fucking looking at me!”

“You’re fucking rich y’know that?” You bitterly laughed, “so fucking rich.” 

“Why the fuck are you laughing?”

“Because I’m fed up.” You said finally looking at him, “I’ve loved you, all parts of you, even the bits you’re ashamed of and hate yourself for. I’ve never hid that fact, not even when we were children.” You admitted, “I resigned myself to the fact that you’ll never feel that way about me, I’m ok with that. I’m glad you love Layla, and I couldn’t be anymore grateful that Layla loves you the way you’ve always deserved to be loved. I can live with that, and I have been. However, something I can’t live with…is you using me as a pawn.” 

Marc starts to open his mouth. 

“Shut up,” you said, “I’m not done.” Marc closes his mouth. 

“The first few times I didn’t think much of it, when really the red signs were right there. I just thought it was a mistake. Hell, at some point I blamed myself for not being stronger.” You could see his eyes fixating on anything but you after that sentence, “But when those people were hurting me, kicking my stomach until I coughed blood and my vision turned everything blurry, my ribs littered in fractures, and bleeding, and bruised. You were supposed to protect me, I’ve always understood Layla was your number 1 priority, but I was your friend, I’ve been your friend since the beginning. Does my loyalty and friendship mean so little to you?”

“No,” Marc said immediately, looking at you fiercely. 

“No Marc,” You said, “you lie to me one more time I’m just fucking going.” 

“It took me the fifth time to realize, you used me, you used me as a goddamn human shield so that Layla wouldn’t get hurt. You were perfectly ok with me getting stabbed and injured, but not Layla. Not your precious Layla…You didn’t even consider the fact that you knew all too damn well that if it ever came to it, I would die for her. I would do it happily, with a goddamn smile on my face because you’re not the only person who loves her. I would’ve done it for you as well you selfish asshole.” You gathered your bag and belongings from the floor, You didn’t even notice the shards of glass and broken picture frames littering the floor. 

“I’m done,” you said, “I loved you, with everything I had in me I did. I would have given my life. But clearly that was one-sided.” You put your duffle strap over your body and made your way past him to the door. 

You’re almost to the main door when your arm gets pulled back, and there’s Marc, his gaze hard but cracking. 

“Don’t you leave me,” he said, his voice gruff and laced with fustration, “Don’t you fucking leave me.” 

You yanked your arm out of his hold, “You think grabbing my arm will make me stay?” You were met with silence, you went to reach out for the doorknob when you felt his calloused hands hold yours softly. Completely different from two seconds ago. 

“Please sweetheart,” Steven said, his voice soft and pleading, “we need you.” 

You turned to Steven, you could see it in his eyes. He knew what was going on, but Marc kept him quiet. It wasn’t Steven’s fault. 

You brought your hands to his face and wiped the tears that already had formed. You knew what Marc was doing, it was a low blow. Letting Steven front, hoping to change your mind. For him. 

You gently kiss Steven’s eyelids. His salty tears coated your lips as you pressed your forehead against his. 

“I don’t blame you my Steven with a V. I will miss you and Jake, and don’t you or him ever hesitate if you need anything. But I need time away from Marc.” Steven nodded, he sniffled and let go. 

“Marc’s not happy ojos de angel,” Jake warned, “Steven and I will try to hold on to the body as much as we can. But when we slip, he will search for you. He will not stop.” 

“Thank you Jake,” You thanked and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I will miss you.” 

And with that you exited the flat and onto the busy streets of London, your heart breaking with every step. However, at some point, each step got easier, and for the first time you felt like you could breathe. 

You felt like you could sleep.

Saturday Night Fun (Should’ve Known Oneshot series)

A/N: Hey so this chapter gets a little heated. Also I’m so sorry for not posting in MONTHS! I recently just got done with college and there are still a lot of things I still need to do. I am hopefully going to see M.O.M tomorrow so NO SPOILERS FOR M.O.M In comments please!

Summary: Nick watches the twins while you and Wanda deal with an old friend. (by popular demand this is the oneshot where you and Wanda confront Bucky for being a damn snitch.)

“Alright Nick looks like we have everything,” You said after double checking to make sure your phone was charged and you had your wallet in your purse, “You sure you’ll be alright with the twins until we get back?”

“Do I look like an amature to you (L/n)?” Nick asks with his arms crossed, to anyone else the eyepatched man would be intimidating, however you’ve grown used to his intensity. 

“It’s Maximoff now!” Wanda called, she took a little longer than you in the bathroom but you didn’t mind. She looked beautiful to you regardless.

“You still haven’t asked for my blessing!” Nick retorted. 

“We should be back around three or four,” You ignored the banter between your wife and your only father figure, “if you need anything don’t hesitate to call. The twins are already down for the night but they should be good. There’s leftovers in the fridge in case you feel hungry or anything, the wifi password is-”

“You worry too much, has anyone ever told you that?”

“Once or twice.” you respond sheepishly. Nick gave you a firm squeeze on your shoulder, the closest thing the feared director of SHIELD Nick Fury gives to a hug.

“Everything will be fine,” Nick reassured, “and don’t be shy and get you and Wanda a room if you’re feeling tired after your night of fun.” Nick lets go of your shoulder. 

“Are you sure Nick?”

“I’m certain,” Nick says firmly. 

“Alright,” Wanda says coming out of the hallway, her scarlet hair curled and she wears a black dress with a red leather coat. Black lined her eyes and a nude lip, as she was busy grabbing her purse you were mentally fist bumping whatever god gave you the hottest fucking woman you’ve ever seen as your wife. “We should get going if we want to make our reservation.” As if noticing you for the first time Wanda does exactly the same thing in her mind, your hair was styled and goddamn your ass looked fine in those pants. 

“Stop gawking at each other and go already,” Nick impatiently said, “you’ve got reservations to keep.”

“You just want us gone so you can watch the bachelorette.” You sassed. 

“It’s the season finale and I refuse to be kept in suspense for longer.” Nick defended. You link your hand with Wanda and go towards the door together. 

“Oh and ladies,” Nick called as you were leaving, you both stopped to look at him, “try to play nice, I would hate to apologize to the Princess of Wakanda for ruining her handiwork.”

“I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.” You said before finally saying goodbye and going off in the night with Wanda by your side. 



“Is the reservation ready?” You ask Wanda, the lights of brooklyn illuminating her in its glow.  

“Seems so,” Wanda says, pointing to the lone silhouette in the diner across the street. You both look at each other in a comfortable silence. You made your way across the street and into the diner. It was run down and you silently thanked it was a slow night in this diner in brooklyn. The only ones there were the cook, waitress, and the man in the booth whose back was to you and Wanda. You gave Wanda a look and with a wave of her hand the everyone in the diner froze in place. Everyone except you and the man in the booth. You and your wife made your way to him. And without him having to look behind him he says. 

“I was wondering when you were going to show up.” 

“But you knew we would,” Wanda said, ushering you into the seat across from the dark haired man. The fluorescent lights glinted off of his artificial arm. His blue eyes glanced at the frozen staff. 

“I would offer to buy you ladies a drink but I don’t think the waitress is taking any orders.” Bucky said, taking a sip from the glass at the table. A moment of silence passed, tension thick and sharp as knives, you and Wanda did not hide the animosity in your glares. 

“Before we get started,” You said leaning forward, “do you have anything to say in your defense?”

“Like what?”

“Like why you did it,” You said, “why you betrayed my trust and not only kept me in the dark but also put my family’s safety on the line.” 

“He had the right to know-”

“You should have told me.” You interrupted, “you should have discussed it with me. Instead of pussy footing around-”

“That’s not very lady-like language-” Before he could antagonize you further you reached over the table and slammed his head down on the table. Careful not to cause more than a broken nose. Bucky grunted in pain before holding his nose and without hesitation with a sickening crack, realigned his nose. You leaned across the table again, the heat of your glare scalding the winter soldier before you. 

“Anything else smart to say.” you dared, he looked as though he was about to say something but one look to the redhead beside you and he thought otherwise. 

“You betrayed me,” You said, “You betrayed us.” You motion to your wife beside you. “And I think I know why.”

“Enlighten me,” Bucky said, a hint of aggression in his tone and something else you knew all too well. 


“You love Steve, you always have.” you start, “I know it broke your heart as well as mine when he left for Peggy all those years ago.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about-”

“Yes I do,” you interrupt, “I think I’m one of the only people who knows.” Bucky sighed and looked at his hands. 

“You were pissed off,” you continue, “it felt like the world had stopped spinning, there was too much noise, and yet you never felt so alone.” Your eyes never left his large frame, which now had seemingly shrunk. “Now you had memories and dreams of someone who was no longer there. And there was a hole, a hole that no matter how much you tried to fill it with someone or something… it would never be complete without him.” You take a breath and take your wife’s hand, it was smaller than yours, softer as well. 

“But he didn’t stay with Peggy-”

“No he didn’t,” you said, “but I think, maybe, that pissed you off even more.”

“Why would I be more pissed off at that?” He gruffed. 

“Multiple reasons.”

“Enlighten me then sweetheart.” He whispered, anyone else would shake at the look he was giving you. However, you’ve faced worse. 

“You were pissed off because it showed that he was willing to leave you behind for someone else,” You said your eyes matching his, “you were pissed off that even though he came back he wasn’t going to stay,” his eyes narrow, “but I think what pissed you off more…” You paused, unsure whether or not you should go that far. 

“What sweetheart,” he snarled, “you think you know me so well, tell me what pissed me off more.” 

“What pissed you off more,” You started, “was that he didn’t come back for you.” 

As though he was just stabbed, Bucky’s frame flinched and tensed. The truth was as plain as day on his face. 

You were rarely wrong on such matters. 

“So you did what you could do,” you continued, “you lashed out on the person he came back for.” His shoulders still tense as his eyes refused to meet your gaze again, “Instead of telling me, you decided to make my life hell by keeping the ghost of him around with the justification of giving me ‘puzzle pieces to put together’ as though I was in the right state of mind to do that.” You continued not caring about the 6 foot soldier curling in on himself, “and when that didn’t work out, you took all that energy and directed it to everyone else around you.” You motioned Wanda to lift Bucky’s head up, red swirled around her fingertips as Bucky’s face was suddenly brought back to focus on yours. “And you know what I think pissed you off the most out of all these reasons?” There was a pause, “Was that I had moved on, while you were stuck in the past.” And with that you landed the final blow. You nod at Wanda letting her know to drop her spell. With a wave of her hand the diner returned to its previous bustle. Just as you were about to leave the dark haired man alone you stopped. 

“I understand why you did what you did,” you said, “Even if I’m wrong I understand…I would forgive you if it was just me you fucked over… But it wasn’t. You completely turned my kids life upside down, and you made my wife terrified. I’m thankful that Steve understood and we reached an amicable arrangement, but it had all the potential to not be so. In that regard you are lucky, because if you thought that this talk was bad, there would be no telling what I would do to you if that wasn’t the case. You didn’t just fuck me over when you did that, you put my family through hell. And for that, I will never forgive you.” 

And with that you and Wanda walked hand in hand out of that diner, together, ready to put the past behind you once more.

Cuddling with Loki and Sylvie headcanons :

  • First of all ! They will fight about who gets to hold on to you.
  • Fed up with their arguing you agreed you would lay in the middle so that the both of them could hold you
  • Sylvie and Loki will tug on you as if you were a blanket they were fighting over.
  • Loki will definitely want to be the little spoon. He’s gonna want that assurance that you’re there and that you’re real and with him . Holding onto him tight .
  • While Sylvie will want to be the big spoon.She spent her whole life running so just holding on to you makes her feel grounded and safe.
  • The both of them will treasure every moment they get to cuddle with you.
  • You will probably suffocate with the amount of affection they give you,but it’s totally worth it to get to see them like this.
  • Don’t tease them about how affectionate they are with you cause then they’ll probably back off on the cuddles. Don’t worry they’re just embarrassed.
  • They both fall asleep so quickly when they lay with you
  • Sometime you’ll stroke Loki’s hair
  • Or trace the shape of Sylvies face
  • They know you love and admire them
  • But they love and admire you even more
  • Prepare to be very warm though
  • There may be a frost giant in that bed ,but boy does it feel like a furnace
  • They will pamper you while you’re cuddling
  • “Would you like some tea my dear?” “ No thank you Sylvie I just want to stay here with you and Loki”
  • “Do you want me you read you a book my love ?” “ No thank you Loki.”
  • Sylvie will crush you with the amount of force she uses with she holds you,but she’ll let off if you start to get uncomfortable
  • “Sylvie your squeezing me too much” “ I’m sorry y/n I’ll let go.” “ No no! It’s okay just don’t hold me so tightly,haha”
  • She’ll smile and loosen her grip a little
  • Loki will put your arms back around him if you happen to let go of him. He’ll lock his hands in yours and make sure you stay.
  • “Lokiiii!! My hands are getting sweaty!” “ Too bad my love.Get over it.”
  • They won’t let go of you unless they absolutely have to
  • “Loki, Sylvie, I really have to use the bathroom.” You’ll say as you pull out of their grasp.
  • They’ll both sigh and reluctantly let you go,but be prepared to be pulled straight to the bed as soon as you’re done. They’re not ready to end the cuddle session yet.
  • All in all cuddles with them are absolutely amazing! And you’ll love every minute of it! They certainly do!!


Chapter 2

Hi! So this chapter will not follow episode two it’s more so a chapter for readers and Loki’s history.Don’t worry there will be more to the readers and Loki’s history but I want to take it slowly.This is more so just how you two met and how you got together( at the time of writing this I haven’t even seen episode 2 yet.. so..) anyway. Enjoy!!!

You had known Loki sense you were a child. Your and his Mother were friends long before you were born or even a thought. Your mother was a witch as well , teaching you the ways of magic. When you mother passed Friga had taken you under her wing and continued your magic lessons along with Loki.

Loki and you were two peas in a pod. Always pulling pranks on Thor together, walking in the gardens, going to lessons with his mother or just reading silently together . His mother knew that you two were destined for each other. Friga had know from the first time she saw you two interact. It used to be an on going game between her and your parents on when the two of you would finally admit your feelings for each other ,but they also knew that you were both still young .

As time went on and you both got older it was only natural for the two of you to grow apart in some aspects. Of course you two were still close, but Loki had become more reserved and distant. Always seeming to avoid you or make illusions to trick you. You hadn’t known at that time ,but Loki had come to terms with his feelings towards you. His solution was to ignore you hoping that those unwanted feelings would leave him alone.

Eventually you had became fed up with Loki so you had asked Thor . Thor of course outed Loki. Explaining how obvious it was that he fancied you. You felt like a complete and utter fool. It seemed so obvious to you now. The thought that Loki liked you back made your heart flutter. With a quick thank you to Thor you rush to Loki’s chambers.

Loki heard a loud knock on his door “ who is it?” Loki asked. “ It’s y/n” you answered. Loki cursed at himself and shot out of his chair throwing his book down. Messing with his hair and clothes to make himself presentable before he rushed to his door. He steadied his breath before slowly opening the door. There you were, beautiful as ever, light catching your eyes perfectly. He loved your eyes but not as much as you. He would never in a million years admit that though.

“ We need to talk .” You said, pushing Loki out the way and walking in his room and sitting on his bed. You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the floor. Loki closed the door behind him and walked to stand in-front of you. “ and what is there to talk about?” He said blatantly. You looked at him as if it was obvious “ are you serious!” “ us you dingaling!” You stood up to stand in-front of him “ I went to Thor and he-“ Loki stopped you mid sentence “ wait you went to Thor?” he asked. “Yes , and he told me that you like me.” You said with a smug smile. He scoffed , “ as if” he said ,before turning away and going back to the chair he was previously sitting on. “ Oh really?” Well, if that’s so I guess this won’t affect you. With that you sat on his lap kissing him.

You and Loki had become closer after that, although your affection was kept in secret. You both felt it best to keep your relationship a secret , less Thor decided to spread the news around Asgard. Friga of course knew ,but she had no intention of saying so until you both felt that the time was right. She was happy for both you and her son . The difference in his mood wasn’t noticeable to those who weren’t close to him,but to the select few who were close , they could see that he was much happier. You two were destined for each other after all.


This was honestly inspired by this very scene in the trailer and since the trailer just dropped, I could not resist writing about it. sorry for the many mistakes, i haven’t managed to fix them all! Also, title has nothing to do with the imagine. I was coincidentally listening to the song when i was writing this! hope you enjoy. 

“That was great!”

You sneak up to Peter the moment May lets him out of her embrace and cover his eyes with your fingers. “Guess who?” You whisper quietly. Although, you reckon Peter already knew you were behind him because he chuckles and raises both of his hands to pull your fingers away from his face.

Peter turns around to look at you and he greets you with one of the brightest smiles you have ever seen on his face. “Hi, Y/N.” He says almost breathlessly, and you look up at him, giving him a smile in return. He leans down to press his lips shyly against yours and you giggle quietly, standing on the tip of your toes to deepen the kiss the slightest bit. Peter takes that chance to wrap one of his arms around your waist to pull you closer.

Despite going out with you for half a year already, Peter still tends to get rather shy when it comes to showing affection in public – especially when he can still feel Aunt May’s gaze on his back. He pulls back and can’t help the smile on his face from widening.

“So proud of you, Peter.” You pull one of your hands away from Peter’s hold to wrap an arm around his torso, leaning against him. He chuckles, nodding his head shyly. “You were amazing too, Aunt May!”

May smiles endearingly at the both of you; this is one of the few times where she has actually seen her nephew looking very happy and she’s glad you are one of the reasons as to why he looks less miserable. When May had found out about her darling Peter’s involvement as the neighborhood friendly Spiderman, she had almost fainted, worried herself over Peter’s wellbeing, ranted about how Mr. Stark had the audacity to lie right to her face and felt upset about how you seemed to know about Peter’s secret before she did and it wasn’t necessarily in that order.

It took a lot of groveling from Peter, Happy (who May learned from Peter worked for Mr. Stark) and you. Although, granted, Happy really didn’t do much groveling – he was there to supervise and step in whenever Peter had no idea how to answer any of her questions. But once she finally calmed down and listened to all of his explanations, May all but demanded to be in on the (unofficial) team as well.

The endearing scene before her lost its serenity when the door opens and Happy struggles to walk through the door with the check he is currently holding. Peter and you turn to look at the door and a smile appear on your face.

“Hey, sorry, I’m late.” Happy closes the door behind him with much difficulty and walks up to where the three of you are standing around and he pauses, looking over at May appreciatively. “You look nice.”

The moment Happy said that, you had to swallow the gasp that almost threatened to leave your mouth and just about pushed yourself even closer to Peter. He is staring at Happy and May in confusion.

May smiles, (almost shyly, you noted), and gives him the once over. “Thank you.” The smile on her face grows bigger. “You too.”

Happy moves the check over to his other hand as he still continues to stare at May. His eyes zone in on her dress and he nods his head once more. “New dress?” He definitely has never seen that on her before – Happy thinks May look absolutely beautiful in it.

This time, you had to bury your face on Peter’s chest and wonder briefly if this was how May felt whenever Peter and you tried to flirt with each other and fail miserably. Judging by how Peter is still looking at the two of them in confusion, you almost want to giggle at how clueless your boyfriend is.

Flatter over how Happy seemed to know that she had gotten a new dress, May giggles. “Yes, it is.” She looks away shyly from him, but it doesn’t last long because a few seconds after May looks away, she turns to look back at him. “How’d you know?”

This is when you decide to slowly pull Peter away from the two of them, which hadn’t been a hard thing to do because of how engrossed Happy and May seem to be with each other, and your cheeks are starting to warm now. You have always seen May as a parental figure and to see Happy and her looking at each other like that made you just a tad bit shy.

Once the two of you are a bit further away from Aunt May and Happy, Peter pulls himself away from you and stare at you in confusion. “What just happened?” He asks incredulously. Whatever he had seen just now, Peter cannot for the life of him wrap his head around it and you chuckle, throwing your arms around your boyfriend’s torso. Peter wraps his own arms around you too but he still left some space in between the two of you just so he can stare at you in absolute (adorable) confusion. “Please tell me whatever happened didn’t actually happen?” He pleads and you stand the tip of your toes to pull his head down to kiss him.

Pulling away, you made sure to hold his face in place with your hands and you stare at him. “If Happy is the one for Aunt May, Peter, I will be really happy for her. She deserves someone like him, don’t you think?”

Peter makes a choking sound before he coughs. “Y/N!” He whines. “That’s Aunt May we’re talking about.” He shivers and shakes his head. “Happy and Aunt May? How did this happen – has this been happening for a while?”

You soothingly pat your boyfriend on the back and simply smile at his antics. “I think so. I mean, I had a hunch but I think that just confirmed my suspicions. But enough talk about them, let’s talk about you, Peter. I am so proud of you tonight,” You tell him earnestly and Peter relaxes a bit, giving you a look.

“I’m glad you were here to witness it too. I had all of my favourite loved ones in the room and I felt happy.” Peter leans down so that his forehead is touching yours. “Thank you for coming tonight, Y/N.” He murmurs as his eyes slid down to your mouth. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I need some Star Wars, Marvel, DC, & Queens Gambit requests! I’ll be writing tonight so the sooner you ask the sooner it’ll be posted!

Hoping to focus on Black & POC and Chubby & plus sized readers! WLW ALWAYS accepted.

Holiday and seasonal asks are encouraged (also AU, love that for us.)


The Love Hypothesis (1/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader

Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X fem! Reader

Word count: 2K


Two years, Eleven months later

In all honesty, Y/N wasn’t exactly sure what motivated her to take the leap and kiss this man. It was a mere instinctive movement toward the first man in sight upon seeing Natasha walk through those doors at the end of the hall. She was supposed to be on a date, living life and not working on her project on another Friday night. That wasn’t normal, nor was it exactly along the standard procedure of your average 28-year old.

Initially, it was an awkward second before the man adjusted, perfectly understandable given the circumstances of their situation. It became an awkward minute of her pressing onto her tip-toes to reach his face, her hands curved around his neck to press against him. If this wasn’t criteria for the most uncomfortable encounter with a stranger, she was clueless to what would beat it. She pondered if this would even work until he finally responded and the prospect of Natasha possibly believing she was actually on a date with this man could be true.

Soon enough, that agonising moment drifted into something else and the kiss evolved into something…different. The man inhaled sharply and craned his neck down to reach her, his cold hands meeting her waist. It was quite nice for the few seconds, until the real prospect of the stranger’s lips pressed against her’s became prominent at the front of her brain. The fact she had barely had the time to whisper, ‘Can I kiss you?’ before she moved in.

Her original plan was to fool Natasha, but soon enough she lost all scape of her thoughts, engrossed in the embrace. The sensation of his hands on her waist and the softness of his lips. One of her hands rested on his defined chest, another hand slowly grasping the hair at the back of his neck. She felt herself sigh, a wonderous feeling clouding her brain as that feeling washed through her body until - No.

She should not be enjoying this as much as she was. Y/N didn’t even know this man’s name. A gasp escaped her as she pulled back and finally got a good look at the man. In the bluish glow of the lab at this late hour, 11:00pm, she flickered around for Natasha. She swore she saw the redhead walking through those doors.

The man she locked lips with just a moment ago stood in front of her - mouth agape in slight shock, eyebrows twisted in confusion, which is when the thought crashed into her of who he was. She would have cursed, but then he would have heard the range of expletives from her mouth. 

Of course, she kissed the most notorious ass at Columbia University - Dr. Stephen Strange. It was just her luck and possibly the universe saying another thing about the type of person she was. Or possibly, something else entirely.

From the rumours, she knew a few things about Dr. Stephen Strange. He was remarkable. Eidetic memory, allowing him to get his M.D and Ph.D. at the same time. He was the top of his class and renowned for failing his students. He was also the reason her roommate, Sam, had to scrap two research projects and would likely graduate one year later. The sole culprit for nearly making students throw up from anxiety. The source of many students leaving their lab crying because they had to delay their projects. Dr. Stephen Strange may be one of the smartest people at Columbia, but that didn’t detract from his daunting hypercritical personality. Within these walls, he was a notoriously moody, obnoxious and critical dick. 

And she had just made out with him in a hallway.

She almost dropped to the floor in anxiety, the silence lasting far longer than it should have. He was the one to break it, standing there in all his 6 ft. glory, with his dark hair and those grey streaks on the side. They should have made him look older, but it rather gave him this edge that she found attractive as his gorgeous blue eyes popped.

Stephen Strange

Destroyer of research careers and every biology student’s impending doom.

“Did you…did you just kiss me?” he sounded puzzled and almost out of breath, which confused her for a second. His lips were pink and slightly fuller…those lips that she had just kissed. Her eyes fell shut as she swore internally, the prospect of leaving here without an awkward conversation was miniscule.


“Oh, alright then.” he twisted his body around and moved toward the water fountain down the hall, presumably where he was initially headed toward. She thought she off the hook for a moment, until-

“Are you sure?” he twisted back toward her, a smirk on his mouth that struck something in her stomach as her body froze.

“I-” she buried her face in her hands, flushing away from him, “It’s not what it looks like. I swear.”

“Okay,” he replied slowly, “Okay…I-”

His voice was deep and low, almost like he was stowing away his frustration. Or he was on his way to being frustrated. “What’s going on here?”

She pulled her hands away, not entirely sure of what her next move was. “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but is it really any of your business?”

“Yes. Of course.” he wore a tilted smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “I’ll just go back to my office and work on my Title IX complaint.”

“Yes, right-wait, what?”

He cocked his head, “Title IX is a federal law that protects against sexual misconduct within academic settings-”

“I know what Title IX is.” she replied, staring at him wide-eyed.

“I see. So you wilfully chose to disregard it then.” he pointed out.

“I-what? No, no I did not!” 

Stephen shrugged, “I must be mistaken, then. Someone else must have assaulted me.”

“Assault-I didn’t ‘assault’ you.”

“You kissed me.”

“But not really.”

“Without first securing my consent, might I add.”

“I asked if I could kiss you!” she stared at him, mouth agape.

“And then did so without waiting for my response.”

“What? You said yes.”

“Excuse me?” he leaned down, his lips curving into astonishment.

She straightened her posture, slightly disturbed by his height and sight on her as she flickered back to his eyes. “I asked if I could kiss you and you said yes.”

He crossed his arms against his chest, “Incorrect. You asked if you could kiss me and I snorted.”

Her eyes narrowed, I’m pretty sure I heard you say yes.”

Stephen raised an eyebrow at her, and for a minute, Y/N considered what it would be to drown someone that day. Dr. Strange. Herself. Both were suitable options.

“Listen, I am truly sorry about this-weird situation, but can we just forgot it ever happened?”

He studied her for a moment, his high cheekbones and sculpted face turning into something serious as he looked at her. There was something else there too, not which she could decipher as it morphed into concern? 

She had known he was tall and slightly older than her, but she had never stood in the same room as him, nor this close. The rumours had forgotten to mention the intimidating and gorgeous features the Dr. had.

“Is there something wrong?”

“What?” she shook her head, “No. Why would you think that?”

He huffed, “Well, I suppose kissing a stranger in a lab at this late hour begs to differ.”

“No, there isn’t. There isn’t anything wrong.”

Stephen nodded, moving to walk past her, “Okay. Expect mail in the next few days.”

“You don’t even know my name.” she blurted out, unsure of why that was precisely what she should be concerned about.

“I’m sure anyone could figure it out, given you also had to swipe your badge to gain access to the lab after hours. Goodnight.”

“Wait! Please.” she grasped his hand, a warm flush reaching her wrist until she realised what she did again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-again,”

“The kiss. Explain.” he ordered.

Wide-eyed, she sighed and organised herself. “Natasha Romanoff. The girl who was passing through. She is a graduate student in the biology department.”

“Natasha has…” this is where her face flushed in embarrassment, “I was seeing someone in the department. Steve Rogers, he has blonde hair and works with Dr…Anyway, we only went out a couple of times, and then I brought him to her birthday party, and they sort of hit it off and-” she swallowed her words and shut her eyes. This was probably a bad idea, waving her hand and continuing.

“Long story short, we ended things and he asked Natasha out. Thing is, she said no because of…some code amongst friends and I-I can tell she really likes him. She’s afraid she’ll hurt my feelings or something, despite the number of times I’ve told her it was fine. She won’t believe me.”

“So I lied and said that I was already dating someone else. She’s my closest friend and I’d never seen her so hung up on someone and I want her to have the best-what she deserves and-” realising she was rambling, she inhaled sharply “I told her that I was on a date tonight.”

“Ah.” he finally spoke up.

“Obviously I wasn’t so I decided to work. That panned out pretty well until I saw her walk in. You were the first person I saw and…” she sighed, “I didn’t really think.”

He hadn’t said anything yet.

“I just wanted her to believe that I was on a date. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

“So you kissed the first person you saw? That seems perfectly logical.” he nodded.

“Okay, maybe it wasn’t my best moment.”


“I panicked, alright. I don’t always do well under pressure. Besides, I’m pretty sure Natasha saw us, so hopefully she’ll think we were on a date and she will actually go for Steve-” she shook her head, “Look, I’m really, really sorry about the kiss.”

“Are you?” the sides of his mouth twisted into a smirk.

“Please don’t report me. I really thought I heard you say yes. I didn’t mean to-”

She sighed, the reality of the situation hitting her as she sighed and relinquished the tension from her face, absolving to wear a tired smile. “You know what, you’re right. I’m sorry. If you felt harassed in any way, you should report it. It’s only fair…Not that my intentions matter, it’s your perception…” realising the whole she dug for herself, Y/N angled her body to leave.

“I should probably leave now before I make it worse. Thank you, and…I’m sorry, Dr.” spinning on her shoes, she all but ran for the exit.

“Y/N,” she heard him say, “Y/N, wait-”

But she didn’t stop as her feet kept moving toward the stairs leading to the first floor. She rushed through the halls and the past the library toward her dorm room where her roommate would be passed out. 

But once she slumped on her bed, tossing the lab coat from her person did she realise. She never told Dr. Stephen Strange, notorious ass, her name.




Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.

A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor and reader is a Ph.D. student studying at the same college (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). @eviesaurusrex credit for the photo. For the life of me, I could not find a gif to match the story. Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. Some chapters will be exclusively from the novel, others I will spin my way. I do not own anything, this is my reinterpretation of the novel with MCU characters.

Pairing: Stephen Strange X fem! Reader

Word Count:2.1K


Some would say the timing for love and romance was never fair, nor suitable. In most cases, it probably wasn’t, but Y/N could use some of that magic just about now. Something to take the edge off the exponential stress growing with each day all because of her dissertation.

The life of a college student was by far, no means easy or as exciting as movies or books painted them out to be. While some aspects, like the copious amounts of coffee consumed to finish that report, were slightly accurate; the exaggeration was obvious on the fun spectrum. Y/N Y/L/N didn’t exactly have time nor the mental energy to be doing anything besides working on her dissertation project. Once you decide to even pursue past your Bachelor’s, you give up the reigns to any type of social life.

At least that is what she told her best friend. Natasha didn’t understand all of the factors playing into the pressure she was under with her thesis. She was focused right now on the fact of Y/N’s lacklustre dating life. At least the conversation only began after her and Steve broke things off.

Y/N was a biology graduate and this was her final year - that meant finishing up her thesis and finding someone to, hopefully, fund her research after all of the effort and tears to get here. Frankly, the one occasion that kind of changed her perspective on grad school was an encounter with someone she denoted as ‘the Guy’. A guy whose name she never got, but he certainly made an impression.

On the morning of her interview to Columbia’s biology department, she stumbled quite fast out of her dorm, without her glasses of course, resorting to an old pair of contacts stashed in her bag.

“Out of curiosity, is there a reason you’re crying in my restroom?” A deep voice asked.

She gasped lightly, wiping her eyes gently when her vision blurred even more. Tears leaked from her eyes as she looked up.

Tall, dark haired, man. Certainly wasn’t the women’s bathroom then.

“…this isn’t the women’s bathroom, then.” She sighed, pulling her hands from her face.

“No, it’s not.” He replied, a dreamy voice reaching her ears.

“I swear I don’t usually do this. I’ve had a stressful morning.”

“It’s okay.” His voice sounded nice.

“Are you sure?” her face twisted in embarrassment, a heat flushing her face.

“Yes.” the voice assured her.


“Fairly, since this is my lab’s bathroom and I don’t think anyone else will be using it. Not unless they barge in unsuspecting of others.”

Yet again, she was stumped. 

“I’m so sorry, did you need to…”, gesturing to the stall behind her.

“I just needed to pour this reagent down the drain.” He said, although she wasn’t focused on that and rather self-consciously moving her hands to her face to wipe away at warm sensation in her eyes. "Are you okay?“

"Sure.” She nodded, inhaling lightly as she forced herself to ignore the urge to itch her eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“Because you’re crying. In my bathroom.”

“Oh, I’m not crying. Well, I am, but it’s not because of anything, really.” She assured.


“I forgot my glasses and I might have accidentally put in expired contacts. They were never great to begin with. Don’t actually improve my sight that well either…”

“You put in expired contacts?” He almost sounded offended by her statement.

“Yes?” She supposed, slumping against the tile wall. His echo of disapproval was obvious as he questioned her. “A little…”

“What quantifies as 'a little’?”

“A few years, I think.”

What?” His voice was crisp in her ears as he voiced his astonishment.

“A couple years.”

“A couple of years.” He repeated, “I’m not so sure that’s what they intended with the user guide.”

“It’s fine, expiration dates are just a recommendation. Not like it could make my vision any worse than it already is.”

“Expiration dates are so I don’t find you here crying in the corner of my bathroom.”

Why he kept reaffirming it as his bathroom was beyond her. As if he was entitled to the restroom for some other reason.

“It’s okay.” She waved, “The burning should stop after a few minutes. Or so.”

“So you’ve done this before then?”


“Put in expired contacts?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, “Never. I prefer my glasses. Contacts aren’t exactly cheap.”

“Neither are eyes, I hear.”

She couldn’t argue there when he had a point. “Have we met before? Where you at the recruitment dinner with prospective Ph.D. students last night?”


“You didn’t go?”

“Not really my scene.” He was curt.

“Not even for the free food?" What college student wasn’t trying to snag free food at any chance? It was free, that was the perk.

"Not worth the awkward small talk.” He changed the subject, “Are you interviewing for a spot in the program?”

“For next year’s Biology cohort.” She wore a small smile, hoping to hide the anxieties fluttering in her mind. “What about you?” Pressing her palms together.

“Me?” she could see him step back and lean against the door of the bathroom to look at her.

“How long have you been here for?”

“Probably six years. Give or take.”

Her eyebrows raised in intrigue, “Oh, you must be graduating soon then?”

“I, uh-Not exactly.” He paused, causing Y/N to flush in embarrassment.

“Sorry, you don’t have to tell me. I forgot, first rule of grad school is don’t ask about another grads’ dissertation timeline.”

A beat passed before he responded, smiling “Right.”

“Sorry. Again.” she grasped her arms to her chest, an apologetic smile on her lips.

“It’s okay.”

“I didn’t mean to channel your parents at Thanksgiving or anything.”

“You could never.” He laughed, a beautiful sound she wished to hear again.

“Oh, annoying parents?”

“And even worse Thanksgivings.” He reaffirmed.

“I suppose that’s a given for science majors.”

“I’m Y/N, by the way.” Extending her hand out. The hand that grasped her’s was larger and warm, sending shivers along her arm as she wrought to focus. “If you happen to talk to anyone on the committee, could you not mention my mishap with the expired contacts? I have a feeling it’s not up to their criteria for stellar applicants.”

“You think so?”

She would have glared at him, instead, forcing her face into a neutral expression at his deadpanned response.

“Are you planning to enrol?”

“I’m not sure. Depends if I even get an offer.” Although, she and Professor Xavier had really clicked. He was understanding of her goals and her stellar GPA also helped. Not having a social life was useful in other ways.

“Are you planning to enrol if you get an offer, then?”

It would be stupid not to, I mean - Columbia University had the best medical and science programs in the state and probably the country. At least, that is what she had been telling herself for the past few months while it dwindled over her head. Grad school was a big decision that posed the question of other prospects outside of studying. The prospect of new beginnings. But that brought her right back here when he reminded her of something else.

“I…maybe. I’m kind of dwindling on the line of excellent career choice and critical life screwup at this stage. Not my best work.”

“Seems like you’re leaning toward screwup.” It sounded almost like he was smiling, the slight tilt of his voice upward. It brought a flutter to her stomach, but the not the anxious kind that twisted her insides. It was a light feeling that fluttered toward her chest.

“If that was supposed to be reassuring, I’ll tell you, it wasn’t.” To answer his question, she thought it over again.

“No. I’m not entirely sure.” She breathed out a laugh, “I…”


A beat passed as she exhaled, her lips forming a tight line “What if I’m not good enough? What if I-mess it up?”

She wasn’t sure why she was blurting out her deepest thoughts to a stranger. Random bathroom guy without a name. What was the point? Every time she had spoken her friends, she was met with the same meaningless point - You’ll be fine. You can do it. If it’s what you want. I believe in you.

And that is exactly what she expected from this guy too. It was to expect the expected, in her case. Any moment now-

“Why do you want to do it?”

Her face twisted into confusion, “The program?" 

A beat passed before he repeated it, "What’s your reason?”

“Well, I’ve always had an inquisitive outlook and graduate school is the ideal environment to foster that-”

He snorted, cutting off her practiced words.

A frown twisted her face, her heart pounding in her chest at the response, “What?”

“I wasn’t asking for the line in the interview prep book. Why do you want a Ph.D.?”

She sighed, wondering how far she had moved to end up explaining herself to a stranger in a bathroom. “It’s true. I want to broaden my research abilities and-”

“Is it because you don’t know what else to do?”


“Because you didn’t get an industry position?”

She shook her head adamantly, frustrated with his assumptions, “No-I didn’t apply for industry.”

“Ah.” He nodded, moving toward the sink to deposit a liquid. It smelled of ethanol, detergent and something clean and fresh, the slightest whiff of cologne. An odd combination brought to her attention.

“I need more freedom than industry can provide me.”

“You won’t have much freedom in academia. I can tell you that.” His voice was much closer this time. “You’ll have to fund your work through ludicrously competitive research grants. You would make better money through a nine-to-five job that actually allows you to entertain the concept of weekends.”

A frown formed on her lips as she turned to his face, or the blurred image of where his face would be, “Are you just trying to decline my offer? This is you’re anti expired-contacts-campaign?”

“Nah.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m trusting it was just a misstep on your part.”

“I don’t usually do this-” she promised, “This has never happened before.”

“A long line of missteps, clearly.” He sighed, “Here’s the deal: I have no idea if you’re good enough, but that isn’t the question you need to ask yourself. Academia is a lot of work for little payoff. What matters is whether your reason for being here is good enough.”

“So, why the Ph.D.?”

She stared up at him, thinking about it over and over. She knew the answer, the reason, it was about voicing it and speaking the words to another person that got her throat closing up.

“I have a question. A question I need answered and no one is going to help me find the answer.” Her eyes fell shut, “I’m afraid no will if I don’t.”

“A question?”

A shift in the air. A beat passed as she forced herself to breathe. “Yes. Something that is very important to me. I won’t trust just anyone to do it. So far, they haven’t been-Because…”

Because something happened and from that moment she has rescinded her trust in others. She needed to do her part so it wouldn’t happen again. Not to anyone again. Heavy thoughts plagued her as she stood still, her back against the cold tile. The sound his breathing still reached her ears, the air still. He was looking at her, the image fuzzy around the edges. The dark hair balanced by the white coat.

“Its something important to me. That research is the reason I’m here.”

Y/N was alone in this world and she swore that if she could, she would do anything to reverse time. Do anything to make it not so and force the odds in her favour. Because if it wasn’t true, then she wouldn’t have to face the tragedy of her life. She wanted-yearned to be less lonely. She didn’t care about a good salary or spending weekends with friends.

“Is that a good enough reason to go to grad school?”

He paused, “It’s the best one.” His lips tugged upward, eyes creasing. He was smiling, probably something like that.

“Good luck with your interview.”


She still hadn’t gotten his name as he was almost out the door.

"Maybe, I’ll see you around?” A flush ran over cheeks, “That is, if you haven’t graduated already. And if I get in.”

He left her with, “Maybe.”

And then he was gone and Y/N was left in the bathroom. When Columbia’s Biology department got back to her with an offer, she accepted it. 

No hesitations.

“Oh this reserved character wouldn’t show actual care to the person they love even if they absolutely trust them and adore them they’d be shitty and borderline toxic even if I’m pulling this from my ass-” if you were a spice you’d be flour.

Not every cold and closed off character is a war criminal with no heart chill.

Prompt: The reader has been busy and stressed and decides to blow off steam an extra hour after the week comes to a close. Reader over does it but doesn’t take care of herself, leaving Bucky worried.

One shot

Paring: Bucky Barnes x reader

Warnings: Indication of body issues and eating problems


              I open the fridge looking for anything that seems appealing. The cloud of fog thickens in my head and my eyelids are heavy. I’m starting to realize my extra time at the gym this morning may have been a mistake. The second mistake is living with a bunch of guys who never have food in the refrigerator.

              I grab the contents to make a sandwich and make my way over to the counter. Scratch that, I’m making myself two. I’m not sure what I am putting on the sandwich, as long as it ends up in my stomach who cares.

“Hey doll,” Bucky walks over and kisses my temple from behind.

              We’ve been dating for a few months but Steve introduced us years ago. He has been very slow to warm up, but hopefully he knows I’m not going anywhere. When we first met it was almost comical. He barely said a word and hardly looked into my direction. He later admitted that he was afraid of scaring me or hurting me somehow. So he kept his distance, up until we all came back from the blip and Steve left us.

“Sweetheart, you look a little pale.” He comes to the other side of the counter and gets a better look at my face. “Are you feeling okay?”

              I feel my energy depleting by the second, but I respond with a nod. If I look this worn out, I couldn’t image how I would sound. I just need to get some food in me and I hope that is enough. Maybe a nap, a nap sounds amazing right now too.

              Bucky’s gaze lingers on me for a moment more before leaving my peripheral vision. I hear cabinets open and Bucky wrestling around with crinkling bags. Next, he moves onto the refrigerator. He grabs some of the things I am no longer using and returns them to their spot, and I hear him grab something else as well.

              Bucky appears besides me once more and arranges a plate of food. He places a little pile of grapes, along with a thick slice of watermelon. Two hands grab at the sandwiches before me and places them on the plate of fruit.

              Before I can even look up at him in protest, Bucky lightly takes his hand in mine and leads me to the couch in the next room. His head nods for me to sit down and I oblige. Bucky places the plate of food on my lap and takes a seat next to me. I knit my eyebrows in confusion but his face gives nothing away. His beautiful eyes flicker to my food and back to my face.

“Okay fine.” I say with a smirk before popping a grape in my mouth. He seems pleased as his posture becomes more relaxed. His fingers twirl some hair hanging from my ponytail and I can feel him silently urging me to eat some more.

“Buck I’m okay.” I plead, but truth is I’m too tired to really convince him.

              A few months ago, I had more time to workout and I did. I spent as much time as I did today in the gym 5 days a week. Most of the day following I was pretty tired. I remember going through two or three cups of coffee a day to make it to bedtime. And suddenly it clicks.

“You don’t look okay,” Bucky whispers.

              His eyes flicker to mine and I see some of the worry he keeps hidden. I take a bite out of a sandwich. The surge of energy waves through my body almost instantly. I know it isn’t taking effect yet, but if I feel this great already then it is a start. I figured out recently I wasn’t eating enough back then. I felt like I was sleepwalking through the day. I never told anyone because I didn’t want them to worry, I scaled back on my workouts, and made sure I was eating enough for what I was doing. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who noticed I wasn’t eating enough.

              I finish eating my plate a lot faster than I anticipated. The dried sweat clings to my skin and clothes to my back. Quickly I excuse myself and run to a shower.

              The warmth of the water feels good against my skin. In true girl fashion I grab my shampoo bottle and begin singing along with the tune playing off my phone. The shower is my stage and the sound of the water mimic my cheering fans in the audience. Sam has complained a lot about me using all the hot water. I told him that the show must go on.

              Only this time the show may need to be cut short. The music seems to be coming from a distance and my eyes are beginning to feel really heavy. I lean my body against the cold shower wall and find a little comfort in it. The peace only lasts a moment as my body heat replaces it.

              On instinct I get out of the shower and grab a towel. I take a seat on the floor and place my head in between my knees the best I can. Taking deep breaths, I find the world come back into view, enough to get myself from the floor and into my bedroom.

              I grab the closest things resembling clothes that I can find as the world begins to shift again. Struggling to put them on, I stay on the ground as I decide it is good enough. Closing my eyes, I tell myself I will only stay here for a few minutes and then I’ll go get coffee.

              I allow my body to lay a few minutes more after I start to feel better. Letting it soak up as much strength as it can to get me into the kitchen, and hopefully without running into anyone in particular. Except I am not that lucky.

              Bucky rounds the corner of my door frame and I nearly knock into him. It takes more strength than I’d like to spare to catch myself and stay balanced. Thankfully there is no spinning, just overwhelming exhaustion. But the next thing I know, my feet are no longer on the ground and two arms cradle me into a toned chest. They set me on my bed and find a nearby blanket to wrap around me.

              He doesn’t say anything before he leaves. Bucky doesn’t say a thing and leaves me alone in my bedroom with the door open. If it wasn’t for being so tired, and my bed being comfy, I would have followed him. I would have tried to convince him that I was okay and ask he joined me for another morning snack.

              Guilt begins to make its home in the pit of my stomach. Bucky cares so much about me and I can barely take care of myself. It’s selfish, I shouldn’t be worrying him. It is not like I am trying to do this. It was a mistake; one I’ve made before but hasn’t taken this much of a toll on me before. The best way I could describe it is feeling like a stale cookie that has not slept in a week. Well, I guess if cookies slept that would make more sense.

              I hear his footsteps down the hall from my door. Maybe he’ll yell at me. That would be better than the silent treatment. At least I would know exactly how he is feeling instead of having to guess.

              Bucky enters the room with a tray of food and an unreadable expression upon his features. Great, this will be fun. He carefully places the tray next to me and takes a seat near my feet. I sit up a bit and see that the tray is filled with all of my favorites. Not really caring which one I want first, I grab a random item and start to devour it.

“The last time you looked this pale was months ago.” Bucky breaks me out of my thoughts. I can see him trying to decide if he wants to continue. “I’m worried about you. You started acting like you again once you stopped working out so much. Your eating never changed but you had more energy.”

“Bucky I am eating, see.” I take another bite of the sandwich. Please, I just need him to see that I am okay.

“It isn’t enough.” Bucky sighs and soothingly rubs my feet through the blanket. “If you keep doing this, you’ll have to eat all the time until maybe the afternoon, maybe. I know you and you won’t do that. It will slow you down.”

              We sit in silence as I continue to eat. Bucky moves his hands to my calves next and I can feel more of my muscles loosen. His eyes seem far away in thought, not like earlier when he watched me eat. I wonder what he is thinking. I understand that not eating enough is dangerous, but I can’t help but feel like I am eating too much when I do. It has been a constant struggle since I was a teenager, and for the most part I felt like I was doing an okay job up until recently.

              I try to imagine what it would be like if the roles were reversed. If I was the one having to beg him to eat enough, or to stop working out quite as much. I paint the picture of us sitting on his bed while I massaged out his muscles while I make him eat a plethora of foods. Seeing him on the ground because he is too exhausted to even crawl to his bed or for help.

“I’m sorry,” my voice comes out course and small. I can sense tears not too far behind.

“I know, doll.” Bucky gives me a little smile and his dazzling eyes find my own.

              I finish all the food on the tray and set it to the floor beside the bed. Bucky comes up beside me and helps us both slip in under the covers. I cuddle into his chest and his warm arms engulf me to him. Forever safe in his embrace and it reminds me of things I already knew but needed to be reminded of. Bucky is the best man I could ever ask for… and I need to try to do better, not just for him but for myself too.

Won’t Stop

    You are the newest recruit for the Avengers. Your room is right next to the Winter Soldier, and since being here you are awaken by the sound of Bucky restless after his nightmares. One night you decide to go in to check if he’s okay, and your relationship transforms in a way you never thought possible.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Part 9

Original Prompt: You are the newest recruit for the Avengers. Your room is right next to the Winter Soldier, and since being here you are awaken by the sound of Bucky restless after his nightmares. One night you decide to go in to check if he’s okay, and your relationship transforms in a way you never thought possible.


Author’s Note: Okay dang… so it was three years ago when I first started this. My first ever fanfiction, and series. I started writing this cause I was in a very low point in my life and needed to let these feelings all out with a nice silver lining, which is where Bucky comes in. It really helped and I loved the support and requests I have gotten along the way. You guys helped me pull out of it, unfortunately I wasn’t in the same headspace to continue with this story. I hope you all believe me when I say I have truly been working on a way to finish this for the last few years. I wish it didn’t take this long and I am thankful for all of you that are willing to see how this ends. I hope you enjoy it! I love you guys :) <3


Part 1     Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6     Part 7    Part 8

Your Pov

             Maybe if I can get Steve to… no I can’t send Steve down there. They will be expecting it, especially since he knows the layout. Any scenario I can think of plays a loop in my head, leading on a massive headache. Leaning onto the cool table I press my forehead against to alleviate the pain.

             Tears build up in my eyes as exhaustion and frustration course through my veins. How am I supposed to figure this out if I can’t stop crying? Every time I hit a block, which is often now, a wave of overwhelming despair sinks me to my knees. Warm salty tears fall down my cheeks as I meet the hard tile floor. A burning sob rips in my throat but I fight against it. If I don’t let it out then I can push it in, maintain control faster.

“(Y/N)?” A gentle and concerned voice steps next to me. A hesitant arm winds around my shoulder pulling me into a slightly muscular chest. Tony. “We’ll get him.”

I try to speak but the sob erupts from deep inside and swallows me whole. Complete cold darkness fills my veins. His words feel like lies, but I can’t afford to think like that. Tony is right. We’ll find him. I Just hope that when we do, it won’t be too late.

“He is strong (Y/N). You helped him before.” Tony’s voice is powerful over my sobs. He strokes a comforting hand through my hair. Being closer to people has gotten easier. “You’ll help him again.”

We stay in silence, exempting my sobs. Tony just holds me together as I threaten to break at the seams. More scenarios run through my head but I can’t think of anything I haven’t thought of before. There has to be something else. There just has to be, otherwise I don’t know if I could survive truly losing him. Even if I keep breathing, a big part of me will be dead and only Bucky could resurrect me back to life.

“I wish I took Natasha instead of Barnes.” Tony mummers, not thinking I could hear him. That is when inspiration strikes.


“If we get in close enough Natasha can infiltrate without being detected.” You continue your pitch. “She can take them down from the inside allowing us to get in and save Bucky. I’ll also need Clint and Thor. I’m sorry Steve and Tony but they would expect you two. That’s why I’m not going in either.”

             The team looks at each other in confusion. They all agreed to my plan but I suppose they believed I would go in too. I knew they would fight with me on going so that’s why I am staying on the quinjet, not that they know that either.

“I gotta say kid,” Tony steps forward. “I thought I was gonna have to pass on your plan but you did good work.”

“Bucky would be proud (Y/N).” Steve interjects.

             A surge of gratitude flows through me as I walk over and hug them both. Since getting back I have been tough to be around, I’m not going to lie. I’ve been working on being close to people again and even though my stomach turns, I do not pull away.

“Alright, let’s suit up.”

Bucky’s Pov

             Loosing track of time in a place like this is easy. I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you. There are no windows to tell if it’s day or night, random tests that leave one tired and disoriented. But for Bucky there are the added nightmares.

             Screaming, he jolts from the ground ready to fight. The nightmares have grown increasingly worse as time continues on. Good memories turned into nightmares of him killing everyone he loves, and they fill is conscious as he remembers his latest dream.

             Dreams of being around (Y/N) snuggled together on the couch, or her showing him new foods blindfolded. Any dream that is remotely good is turned into his worst nightmare. I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you. The only thing he has left to cling to is the fact that he knows (Y/N) is safe at the compound surrounded by her family. It was so easy to offer himself up to replace her in their experiments. Bucky loves her too much to even think about her returning to this hell hole, and he knew she would be safe with the team.

“Get up.” Someone from outside commands.

             Too tired to fight anymore, Bucky does as he is told and heads toward the door. The locks systematically unlock creating a clicking pattern, almost like a song. Coming face-to-face with a guard Bucky expects him to turn around and direct him toward the next torture chamber with his name written all over it.

“Now don’t tell me the untamable mustang is broken.” A friendly female voice jokes beside him. “Don’t let (Y/N) see that.”

             Nat. Bucky recognizes her in an instant. She always talks to him like she has a permanent smirk tattooed on her face. Knowing something is about to go down he centers his mind. He is not about to let any distractions keep him from escaping. I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you.

Your Pov

“I thought you were staying at the compound.” Clint raises his brow.

“God Clint, you really have the dad stare down to a T.” I try to lighten the mood with no success. Huffing I roll my eyes. “Did you really think I was going to wait another minute to see him?”

             Pleased with my answer, Clint walks to the other side of the quinjet to keep Thor occupied. I figured that by now the rest of the team would have pieced together where I am. Honestly, who could believe that I was just going to sit around for him to come home? He would be doing the exact same thing for me. Hell, he switched places with me!

             We land in no time, the boys take their positions like we discussed and wait for Nat to come with Bucky behind her. My plan will work, it has to work because I need it to. I don’t know what version of Bucky will be coming home with us but he’s still my Bucky. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get him back.

             A thunder of bullets invade my senses as Natasha comes into sight. Fear strikes my heart as I wait in anticipation for Bucky. Suddenly there is a cry out and Natasha’s frame falls to the ground. Immediately Clint is out there trying to get to her but someone one else researches her first.

             Bucky swoops down and picks Natasha up with one arm and cradles her body to his chest. My legs start to wobble and I grip onto a panel to keep myself up right. Tears flood down my cheeks as I take in the sight of him. I can’t believe it is actually Bucky, I have been prepared for my plan to fail but I haven’t prepared myself for it to work. I’m bringing Bucky home!

“Nat, we are going to get you home and patch you right up.” Clint’s voice waivers slightly. “You hear me?”

             They lay her down in the middle of the quinjet, but I cannot move. My body wills me over to clean her wound but my mind is trained on Bucky. As if on cue he finally looks up at me. He gives me a perplexed look, like he is trying to decide if I am real or a figment of his imagination. I shiver at the thought of all the horrible things Hydra did to him while in there. Should I walk over to him? Can I touch him? Kiss him?

             A fire ignites in my chest as I walk in a painful slow motion. All I want to do is run into his arms, his safe-warm arms and kiss him. Late at night I would envision various scenarios about being together after we save him. Some where we wouldn’t leave each other’s rooms for days and just hold each other. Others where we would cry constantly at the harsh realities that Hydra forced upon us both.

             Bucky’s expression falls into furrowed borrows and a frown. I stop in my tracks and assess what I should do. Should I wait for him to come to me? I can’t imagine why he is looking at me like this.

“It’s me Bucky, (Y/N).” I say loud enough for only him to hear. “It is really me.”

             Bucky doesn’t say anything. He barely reacts. Pondering for a few moments more, Bucky finally takes a step toward me. I let him take the lead and stay in my spot, my heart racing with anticipation. His body is only mere inches away from my own. Blue orbs circle around me, drinking me in. Every few seconds his hand will twitch, gaining the courage to touch me.

             Eventually his soft fingers graze against my shoulder. His touch sends an electrifying pulse through my core. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and the urge to wrap my body around his. Bucky gets a little more brave and cups my cheek in the palm of his hand. Our eyes gaze into the others and I can see his defense start to melt. Whatever lies they have been feeding him are ripping from the seams. He is deciding what to believe.

             His hand leaves your cheek leaving the skin cold to the air around it. But before I could miss it, Bucky’s arms wrap around my waist as I am pull into his embrace. His chest rests against my own as he sags into my hold. The remaining part of his energy is depleting and so is the rest of his resolve. Bucky hides his face in the crook of my neck, and I begin to feel the light kiss of his fallen tears escaping from his beautiful eyes.

             My grip on him tightens as I feel a few stray tears fall against my cheeks. Warmth, joy, and electricity erupt in my chest. The realization is finally starting to hit me, I have my Bucky back. The only man I have ever truly loved that loves me back with the same fiery intensity.

“I won’t stop.” Bucky’s muffled voice vibrates against my skin. “I won’t stop protecting you, and I…”

             Bucky’s words choke against the side of my throat. Tears of my own impede my vision as I keep my sobs at bay. They are last words he spoke to me on the worst day of my life. His promise, which became my promise.

“I won’t stop loving you.” I finish for him.

A Year Later: Your POV

             Nerves run down the sides of my limbs down to my fingers and toes. Pacing back-and-forth, I think of all the things in my life that have lead me up to this moment. My father who abused me in more ways than one, my aunt who kicked me to the streets, Steve who found me, and meeting Bucky. The love of my life. It has been a year since I got him back from Hydra, half a month before that Bucky switched places with me, and a month before that I was taken by Hydra. It all feels so long ago, but like it was yesterday as well.

“(Y/N),” Nat’s voice breaks me out of my trance. “They are ready for you.”

             I nervously swallow as I offer a nod. With a reassuring smile she turns around toward the door and I follow her lead. Memories of my time with Hydra flood my mind and it is almost overwhelming. I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you. I repeat Bucky’s mantra. He later explained that he repeated those words to himself when being in that cell became too much. As a reminder of why he is there, his promise.

             Descending the stairs I am careful not to trip down them. Nothing is easy when in these heals, but they complete the ensemble. According to Wanda this aspect is very important, I’m sure it is, but I feel like to me there is something else significantly more important.

             I see Wanda a few paces ahead of me. She gives me a goofy wink as the excitement bursts off of her body. A soft giggle dances in my throat that I allow to escape. It is a good day, the perfect day.

“Are you ready?” Tony’s deep voice lures me to his attention. “If not we could always duck out of here. No one would ever have to know. Though I’d probably feel a little bad. He did ask my permission after all. But again only a little.”

             I hit my hip against his in a joking manner that grants me a laugh from him. Wrapping my arm around his I take a deep breath trying to calm what is left of my nerves. Tony knows there is no where else in the universe I’d rather be than right here… or well perhaps a few yards from here.

             Suddenly the music changes indicating that it is my turn. The traditional “Here Comes the Bride” floods the room from a secluded piano. Bucky requested it, still old school at heart. The church doors open wide indicating your presence. Tony and I walk through the doors to the beat of the song. I find familiar faces in the crowd of people taking in the site of me in a wedding dress. The one dress I will ever allow myself to wear.

             My eyes cling to the family I have found at the Avenger compound. The people who always have my back. Rounding the corner I am found face-to-face with him, Bucky. My Bucky. I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you. He stands at the end of the isle in a black tuxedo. His hair slightly shorter than how he usually wears it. The biggest smile with tear streaked eyes marveling as I continue toward him.

             The floor beneath my feet is gone. I’m floating, gliding toward him. Toward my forever. Every last nerve or fear of self-doubt has fled since the moment I laid eyes on him. My grip on Tony’s arm lightens and air fills my lungs. A bone tearing smile rips across my face and I’ve never felt so much happiness in my life. Maybe that’s why I had to go through so much pain and suffering. So I could fully and confidently one day experience this day.

             Standing before me is Bucky, my soon to be husband. Tony guides my hand to Bucky’s who swiftly accept it in his. Being this close allows me to see the how incandescently happy he is and I silently pray that we have a forever of this.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Bucky Barnes and (Y/N) (L/N).” Steve’s voice rings out to the crowd. “I’ve known Bucky for quite some time. Every girl he met had a thing for him, but the only one that ever caught his eye is (Y/N).”

             Bucky’s hand lightly squeezes mine. I sneak a glance at him and find that his radiant smile is still shinning across his face.

“Though the hardest parts of their lives they found comfort in each other which brings us here today to their wedding.” Steve looks first at Bucky with pride gleaming from his eyes. Looking to me I see some tears building up as he looks at me like his little sister. “Bucky repeat after me, I-“

“I Bucky Barnes.” He interrupts Steve and turns toward me. My eyes become lost in his. No one else exists, “take you (Y/N) (L/N), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do we part.” Bucky takes my other hand with his metal one. “I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you.”

             My trance continues as I stare deeply into his dark eyes. I don’t hear Steve begin my part of the vows for me to repeat. All I can see, feel, and hear is Bucky. Everything else is white noise, lost. Taking a deep breath I say the vows like I’ve imagined saying to this man the moment I fell in love with him.

“I, (Y/N) (L/N).” My voice slightly wavers as the overfilling joy takes over my senses. Bucky squeezes my hands once again and I am centered. “Take you Bucky Barnes, to be me husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do we part.” Taking a deep breath I continue the last bit. “I won’t stop. I won’t stop protecting you, and I won’t stop loving you.”

And you never did stop….   THE END

< Previous




I got a Scarlet Witch costume today. I’m so happy. What do y’all think?


Series Summary: She was done and retired. After Thanos and after the battle of a lifetime, she had called it quits and had distanced herself from the Avenger lifestyle. But word finds her that someone from her past is in danger. What the journey entails was never one she wanted to face nor one she saw becoming her reality again. The rollercoaster that comes with fighting evil odds arrives on her doorstep not leaving much room for a no…

Pairing:Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 3400+

Chapter 11:

The ride wasn’t long and just about 3 miles out from where they were headed, she knew where they were going. 

She stayed silent the whole ride and sat in the passenger side while Clint drove and Nat and Wanda sat in the back of the SUV. 

Upon pulling into the driveway, she didn’t instantly get out of the car. She took a moment to reminisce on the last time she was here. It was right after the blip and she came to check on Lori and Marley, and found that Marley had run away and Lori had been a victim of Thanos’s actions.

She had seen Lori since, but it was never back at this house. Lori had come to Avenger compound to check on Y/N before she even had the chance to make her way out to her home. Since then, they had met in the middle of the city to catch up, or stuck to sending postcards and letters in the mail.  

It was as if she were stuck to her seat. She knew upon getting out of the car, what was to come. She thought she was ready for the next step in her grieving process, but seeing it was on the doorsteps in front of her now, it was harder to accept. 

Seconds later, Lori opened her screen door and walked onto her porch. She was older. A little more fragile looking than the last time Y/N had seen her. 

It’s funny to see a friend you’ve known since college age up when you’ve stayed the same. At the same time, it’s just as painful. 

Y/N took in a small breath, and opened the car door. The others within the vehicle took it as their cue to leave as well. 

No words were said between the old friends as Y/N approached the steps to the porch. They shared a look, and within it silent words were spoken. Lori met her halfway as she stood at the banister and Y/N went up the steps knowing it would have been somewhat of a struggle for the near 60 year old woman. 

Once at the same level, Lori sent her a kind smile and opened her arms. At her age she had lost some height, therefore making Y/N bend down a little to embrace her. 

They stayed in that hug for as long as the other needed. When they eventually broke, Y/N smiled back. 

“I’ve missed you, friend,” she said softly. 

“I’ve missed you too, old lady,” Lori winked. 

Y/N laughed slightly at that before remembering why she was here. 

“I’m sor-” she started. 

“None of that,” Lori shook her head, grabbing her arm, and directing her into the home. “We aren’t here to mope about the past.”

Isn’tthat the whole reason we’re here,” Y/N countered.

Lori stopped in her step and turned, giving Y/N a motherly glare. 

“Let’s not forget you’re older than me, even though I may look it. You’re supposed to be the wise one,” she hummed.

“Yet, you’ve somehow always beat me out in that area.” Y/N smirked slightly. 

“Well, then take this advice,” Lori patted her arm, continuing to walk her toward the backdoor. “To grieve is to show true love for those that have gone on to their next journey. Even when we aren’t exactly ready for it, we have to accept it.”

Just as they approached the back porch, Y/N saw outside the door was the entire team and then some gathered around her lovely garden she had spent years creating. 

Everyone, including herself and Lori, were wearing various shades of Marley’s favorite color instead of black. Marley loved to spend time out in nature and had created her own plot in the garden that Lori and her created where everyone now stood.

A flashback to a moment of time with Marley in the garden hit her as she looked out to the group. 


“Why do people wear black to funerals?” Marley asked. 

Y/N paused in her laying of mulch as she pivoted on her knees and gave the young girl a raised eyebrow. 

“Where did that question come from?” she chuckled slightly under her breath, before turning back to the creation of the garden and patted down some dirt. 

“Well, when we buried that bird over there the other week,” Marley pointed out to a tree far off in the distance, “you said it’s tradition to wear black to funerals when I asked if we could have one for it.”

“And that memory is coming to you now?” Y/N laughed again. 

“Well, all the digging we’re doing…” Marley shrugged. 

She had been referring to a bird that unfortunately had flown into one of the windows and passed away due to the harsh impact with the glass. It was one of the few animals that they had practiced relieving its pain when Marley was working on her powers. 

It was an unfortunate situation, but Marley had asked for help in easing its pain and then later asked to host a funeral for the little guy. 

“I see,” Y/N nodded, patting down one last patch of mulch before standing and dusting her hands off. 

Marley finished planting the few seeds she had been in charge of and joined Y/N at her side quickly after. 

Y/N threw her arm over the young girl’s shoulder as they slowly made their way to a small bench under a tree where some lemonade left out by Lori was waiting for them. 

“I believe it dates back to Roman times actually,” she answered. “They would wear darker togas when a loved one had fallen to show they were in mourning. It’s considered a sign of respect. I guess it just continued on as a tradition.”

They sat and Y/N poured a glass for her and Marley before taking a seat and taking off her hat, wiping the sweat produced from the hot summer sun. 

“But why black?”

“I don’t know. I guess when you think death, you think darkness. Therefore black,” Y/N shrugged, taking a long drink after. 

“I don’t want black at my funeral,” she said after a minute. 

Y/N quirked her head at the comment. 

“I’d prefer we didn’t talk about your funeral,” Y/N shook her head. 

She had seen enough death in her lifetime, and it never seemed to be something she could find herself getting used to. If anything, she despised it more and more with each person she lost as she never grew older. 

“I’m just saying. When the day comes, I want everyone to wear my favorite color. Not dreary and depressing black,” Marley continued, her lemonade in hand forgotten as she continued on her little daydreaming scenario. 

“What color would that be?” Y/N asked. 

“Green. Any kind of green. My favorite is hunter green though. It reminds me of new plants…”

“New plants, huh?”

“Yeah, when something dies in a garden, a new plant usually replaces it. And when it does, well… Almost everything in nature when it first starts out is green or has tones of green. It’s like the color that symbolizes a new start.”

Y/N stared at Marley as she stared off into the beginning of her new garden. 

“I guess you’re right,” Y/N nodded, still watching the wise young lady before her. 


And just like she had mentioned all those years ago, her funeral was filled with people wearing the color that meant a new start. 

Y/N looked down and noticed the tone she was wearing was that of her favorite. The dress was a dark hunter green just like Marley had made note of before. 

She looked back up to see that Wanda was now in the backyard along with Vision, and Nat and Clint had made their way back to the garden as well. 

“Wanda planned it all,” Lori spoke up. “Every detail she made sure was fit for our Marley.”

Y/N nodded and a tear she hadn’t realized was falling, tumbled down her cheek. Once they came down the steps of the back porch, everyone turned. 

Tony, Bruce, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Peter, Clint and Laura,… Everyone that could be there, was there. 

They had left a small gap that led to the garden’s gate that was open. A path was paved for her to walk, with Lori on her arm.

As she approached everyone, she gave them small head nods showing she was grateful for their presence and help with everything. But looking ahead, she wasn’t sure she could take the steps. 

Wanda approached her side and took her other arm. 

“We can do it together,” she whispered. 

Y/N felt a sense of relief flow through her and she turned to Lori. Though she may be fronting as brave and strong, Y/N could still sense her sorrow in all this. 

Though she didn’t have much of her own to give, she sent the same type of wave Wanda had to Lori. 

Lori took a deep breath as if somewhat relieved of the pain and smiled up at her. 

With the motivation to carry on, they started their walk through the garden, right to the spot where Y/N and Marley had sat for lemonade more than once on that monumental bench. On the tree providing shade to it, a beautiful wisteria tree that Y/N may or may not have used some magic to grow, there was a plaque placed on the giant trunk of it. 


Wanda and Lori took a step back and allowed Y/N her space to inspect and read what it read. 

To live in the hearts we love, is not to die, but to live on in love and peace. May her kind heart live on in a world not ready for her, but in need of her. Rest in Peace, Marley. 

She walked up slowly to the wooden plate and brushed her fingertips along the engravement. A feeling of pain hit her, but more than that was a feeling to ruminate or reflect. 

She had the last two weeks to mourn and fall in the pit that Bucky had mentioned. Would she rather have stayed in that empty and hollow pit she was finding her new sense of comfort in? Yes. Would it have been what Marley would have wanted? Would it do anything to help her actually move on from all the trauma? No and most definitely not… 

Now was the time for a new start. A concept Marley had found herself believing even at a young age.

She had brought it up and explained it many years ago and it wasn’t until this moment, surrounded by others ready to help Y/N and themselves in the next step of the grieving process that how she had been reacting was somewhat selfish. 

Marley chose the finality of her death. She sacrificed herself for the greater good without hesitance and right after getting her life and mind back. Who was Y/N to take that away from her?

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and flattened her hand on the plaque. 

In the next second, a rustle of wind surrounded the group and the branches and flowers from the tree swayed in a calming yet powerful way. 

Instantly, a feeling of tranquility and alleviation surrounded everyone. As if the feeling was sprinkled throughout the petals falling from the tree. It was beautiful. Purple and violet pieces from the flowers that swayed in the wind rained on the guest and created a beautiful scenery.

One that represented the start of a new life. What was once dead is now moving on to its next journey. 

Bucky looked up seeing how the colorful petals flowed around them staying within that part of the garden, until Y/N removed her hand from the trunk and they blew up and floated away in the wind. 


Looking at her, she was still sad, just as anyone would be at saying goodbye to someone they love dearly, but she was now at peace like Marley was. 

She had accepted her fate and sacrifice no matter how against it she was. She had accepted that Marley’s time here was done and wouldn’t be continued on this earth. Their earth at least… Moving forward was all that was left. 

And it wasn’t just Bucky who noticed the difference. In her action of accepting the new feeling of peace, every guest around her felt it as well. 

It was in the air. It was in the entire garden. The time to grieve is never truly one that ends, but the feeling of being able to continue on in one’s own life is one that some never reach. And lucky for Y/N, she had taken that step thanks to everyone that was surrounding her now. 


Inside, Wanda, Nat, Sam, Clint and Laura began on a small late night dinner for everyone. What better way to celebrate life than spending time with those you still had the chance and time to be with?

However, Y/N had disappeared a while ago and Bucky noticed as they were finishing the last part of cooking, she was still nowhere in sight. 

As he tried to casually look around for her without giving away his worry, Wanda smirked looking up at him then back at the strawberries she was cutting. 

“She’s up in Marley’s room. First door on the right,” she said, causing Bucky to look at her with a surprised face. Oh right… Mind reading. “Do you mind going up there and letting her know the food is almost ready?”

“Me?” he asked.

“Uh, huh,” she nodded with a small smile, still watching her fingers as she cut the red fruit. 

Bucky hesitated, wondering if he was the right person for the simple job, but did as asked anyway. 

He walked up the stairs in a quiet manner, nervous to invoke on Y/N’s privacy. However, once he reached the top, the door Wanda had directed him to was open. 

There was a soft song coming from the doorway and as Bucky slowly moved closer, he noticed the slightest bit of scratching that only comes from a record player. 

He peeked his head around the door frame and saw Y/N looking at an album in her hand. He didn’t recognize the song, but it had a calming and comforting tune to it. 

He didn’t say anything at first. He let her sit there for a second, not wanting to interrupt whatever moment she could have been having. 

But he should have known she would sense his presence before he even came up the stairs. 

“All the Wild Horses, by Ray LaMontagne.” Bucky straightened at her voice. “This album was our favorite to listen to when we had late nights.”

She still never looked up from the plastic cover she was holding.

“I like it. It’s nice,” he responded after a minute. 

“It is, isn’t it?” she hummed with a slight smile. Then she looked up at him and said softly. “I bought it for her on her 14th birthday. It’s been used a lot since then.”

There was silence as Bucky wasn’t sure he knew what to say, or if he really needed to say anything. Though Y/N didn’t say anything and seemed to be in her own headspace for a minute. 

“Sorry. You came up here for a reason,” she said, snapping out of it. 

“Oh, I was just going to tell you dinner’s almost ready. Wanda sent me up. But no rush,” he waved off, leaning on the door frame.

“No, it’s ok. I’m just reminiscing,” she smiled, putting the vinyl album down with it back in its sleeve. 

He could sense the slightest bit of resistance to her putting it up. 

“You should take it.”

“What?” she looked up at him. 

“You should take the album back with you,” he rephrased. 

“I don’t know…” she said hesitantly. Something about disrupting the peace with her room that was the same from before she left, felt wrong. 

“Something tells me she would want you to have it. A keepsake from her,” Bucky shrugged. “I mean you don’t have to, I’m just saying it would be a nice piece of her to keep.”

She looked back at it and picked it up once more. She brushed the little flakes of dust that had collected over the years on it and turned it in her hand. 

Then she smiled down at it before looking at Bucky with the same smile. 

“You know? I think you may be right.”

Bucky couldn’t help the smile that formed on his own face and he stepped away from the doorway and motioned to the stairs. 

“Ready whenever you are,” he said.

“Thank you,” she smiled a little wider and hugged the album to her chest as she descended the stairs with him behind her. 


The dinner was simple and quaint. 

They ended up doing breakfast for dinner as it was Marley and Y/N’s favorite tradition and time she came to visit. 

There were chocolate chip pancakes, quiche, biscuits and gravy, fresh fruits and jam, orange juice, coffee, and tea… And little things on top of that. 

The evening was happy and light. Upbeat and silly stories shared about Marley and Y/N, which turned to ones about Marley and Wanda, and sparked stories within the crew outside of just Marley. 

Alot of them consisted of the team making fun of each other for dumb normal things that happened within their life outside of missions. 

It was perfectly normal and nuclear. 

After dinner was served, half went out onto the patio on the back and drank a glass of wine or beer, and the other half stayed inside going through photo albums and talking about times Y/N and Lori were in college and the many adventures that came out of that. 

They stayed for a while. But when it got late, Lori was ready to call it a night as she wasn’t as much of a night owl as she used to be, which led to the team packing up and getting out of her hair out of courtesy. 

“I expect you to come visit more often, you understand?” Lori said as she hugged Y/N, not letting go of her for at least 2 minutes. 

“What about you visiting me?” Y/N countered.

“You’re funny if you think I’m going to take a 8+ hour flight to the middle of nowhere Europe,” she laughed back. 

“Eh, worth a try,” Y/N chuckled as they finally pulled away. 

There was a moment of silent communication and sad smiles exchanged. 

“She would be proud,” Lori said with a knowing grin. “I know I am.”

Y/N didn’t know how to respond to it as she didn’t necessarily agree with the comment herself. She knew that would be the next step in her grieving process, but it just hadn’t hit yet, nor was she sure it would.

“Love you, Lori,” she winked, going in for one more quick hug. 

“Love you too, Sunshine,” she hugged her back tightly. “Oh! There’s one more thing I meant to give you before you left,” she rushed over the kitchen counter and opened a random drawer. Coming back, she had a little box perfect size for a piece of jewelry. “I found it when I was cleaning out her room the other week. I finally got the courage to clean up some in there and when I opened her drawer to put something in it, I found this with a note attached to it… It’s for you.”

Y/N looked at the brown cardboard box, simple and not accented with anything but her name written in beautiful cursive letters. 

She could have opened it right there, but a part of her was telling her to wait until she was alone. Something about it was too sentimental to open in front of an audience. 

“Thank you,” Y/N nodded, taking the box gently. 

The two said their last goodbyes and gave one last long hug before Wanda went in for hers, and they packed up the cars and headed back to the compound. 

Though today was hard, it was needed for not just Marley’s next step in her journey, but Y/N’s as well.


Everest Tags: (if I missed you in tags, comment on this chapter to let me know:)

@ginger-swag-rapunzel​​​​ @annazierden​​​​

Marvel Tags:

@thejourneyneverendsx​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @mythos-writes​  @srrymydood​​ @xa-dia​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @morganclaire4​ @connie326​ @captain-asguard​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​ @teenagedreams-bucky​​ @shower-me-with-roses​​@livstilinski​​ @basicallylool​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​

My Lovelies forever:

@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​@deannotmoose​​ @their-bibliophile​​ @kitkatd7​​ @willowbleedsonpaper​​ @mariaenchanted​​ @snffbeebee​​ @couldabeenamermaid​​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​

Bucky Barnes Tags:

@chloe-skywalker​​​​​ @charmedbysarge​​​​​ @jbarness​​​​​ @bellamy-barnes​​​​​ @katiaw2​​​​​ @aikeia​​​​​ @stopjustlovethemcu​​​​​ @enchantedbarnes​

Vision: I brushed my teeth with toothpaste that’s making everything taste far too effervescent.  

Clint: I’m constantly looking up words you say to find out what they mean.  

Vision: Teeth are the sharp things in your mouth, and toothpaste helps to keep them clean and shining.


Y/N: You can eat?

Membership Pass-Steven Grant x Reader

(GIF credit to@stevenrogered)


Requested by anonymous:‘Imagine Reader meeting Steve at the museum and both are super shy but since then they come across each other everyday and it’s really cute ’

Characters:Steven Grant x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Just fluff


(Y/N) beamed as she stepped into the museum. She hadn’t visited since she was little, it had changed so much, but that only meant she had more exhibits to see. She didn’t care that she was by herself, no one was there to distract her. She could really focus on the history on display.

Her whole day was spent there, and a day we’ll spent in (Y/N)’s opinion. She knew there were others around her that also appreciated the displays and information set out, though there were also a lot of children either fascinated or bored during their trip. Just like when she was a little girl, she ended the trip with a visit to the gift shop.

Steve was obviously bored, repricing items that were headed for clearance, the stupid and inaccurate toys mocked him almost. As he carelessly stuck new price stickers on the items, he noticed a woman waltz in, staring a little too long. He couldn’t help it, she was beautiful. Steven assumed she would walk through to the exit, it was always kids and their parents who stayed to buy something. He was surprised when she saw her jaw drop at the sight of something.

(Y/N) rushed over to the Egyptian section, spotting the newest book by her favourite author. It was another installment from the author who studied all aspects of Egyptian life, and it was exclusively released to the museum first. She picked up one from the pile, seeing that she had grabbed one of the signed copies. With a big grin on her face, she made her way to the till, already wanting to flick through the papers.

Steven clumsily fumbled with the sticker machine, almost dropping it on the floor as he scurried over. He tried to play it off by laughing when he got there, greeting the woman with blushing cheeks.


“Hi.” she smiled back.

“You seemed excited to pick this one up.”

“Yeah, well, I have all the other books in the collection so far. And I realised literally as I walked in here that the new one is being sold here so of course I have to get it.”

Steven was in awe. There were hardly any customers that would know of this author, let alone want to buy a book from the museum in the first place.

“I have all the books too!” Steven exclaimed.“Volume one is always my favourite though.”

“Egyptian gods? Yeah, that’s a good one. You’re so lucky to work in a place like this.”

“The gift shop? Nah, it’s not as good as being on the floor, you know, like a tour guide.”

“That does sound fun.”

“The shop or the tours?”

She laughed.“Sorry, I have to go with the tours.”

He let out a short chuckle as he scanned the book, grabbing a gift bag as she got out her card.

“Oh, I have one of those member cards to scan!” she quickly whipped it out.

“Oh cool, so you’ve got yearly access to the museum.” he took it from her to scan.

“Yep, it was a present from my parents. I’ve just moved to London because of my new job, but they knew I would want to come here all the time. I was so excited when they gave it to me, it was even better than the new TV they helped me buy.” (Y/N) froze before she could talk any further.“Sorry, I talk a lot when I get excited.”

This shop assistant was so cute, and here she was embarrassing herself. She saw his name was Steven from the name tag, noting that it was with a 'V’ and not a 'ph’. As he returned her card, he dropped it on the counter, both of them fumbling to pick it up, cringing as their hands brushed multiple times.

“So, that’s thirteen pounds and fifty pence please.” Steven said when they recovered.

She tapped her phone on the card machine, thanking him as he put the receipt in the bag and slid it over.

“Will you be visiting again soon?” Steven dared to ask.

“Yeah, I think I most definitely will be.”

They shared a smile before she walked away, shoulders tensing up from how giddy she was.

“My name is Steven by the way!” he called after her.

(Y/N) turned around.“I know. Because of the name tag! I’m not a stalker!”

He nodded as they laughed again, (Y/N) about to walk away when she remembered she hadn’t told him her name.

“Oh, I’m (Y/N) by the way. It was really nice to meet you.”

They were both bashful as their conversation ended. Steven had a bit more spring in his step for the rest of the day, hoping (Y/N) would become a regular visitor who he would be seeing more often. (Y/N) now had another reason to come to the museum, maybe she would grow the confidence to speak to him for more than five minutes.

The week passed, Steven being nagged by Donna and (Y/N) was settling into her new workplace. But it was now Saturday, the weekend, it was time for (Y/N) to head to the museum again. She got up extra early this time, hoping to catch Steven before the rush. Although she had been in high spirits the whole way there, she halted outside the doors, wondering if Steven was even working. Of course (Y/N) would still enjoy her time there, though she had wanted to talk to Steven again.

(Y/N) felt silly as she walked in, scanning her membership card. She had dressed up more, made an effort. It was still a casual look, she just wanted to give off a good impression to Steven. Who was she kidding? She had never even been asked on a date, how was she going to speak with this guy?

Although she tried to walk around the exhibits, take down her own notes of anything interesting, she couldn’t keep her mind off of Steven. He was just so handsome, and cute, and so adorable when he spoke. It was clear he was shy too, though that made him more attractive. They also shared a big interest, something they were both passionate about. (Y/N) really hoped he was working today.

Steven had dashed through the museum, running late for work again. He prayed Donna wouldn’t catch him, hopefully she hadn’t noticed his absence yet. Luckily there weren’t many visitors yet, so he got away with running through the halls. But he spotted someone familiar, only for a second, but it still made him stop, almost skidding across the room on the polished floors. It was her, and she looked beautiful.

“(Y/N)?” he cautiously said as he approached her.


The way she said his name gave him butterflies.

“Long time no see.” he joked.

“I did say I would be a regular.”

“That’s great, not many people devote their time to the museum.”

“I love it, I always have.”

There was a short silence before an idea popped into his head.“Um …I was actually wondering…My lunch break is at one, did you, like, want to have lunch together or something?”

(Y/N) felt herself blushing, heart racing. Would this be a date?

“Yeah, I’d love that!”

Too enthusiastic (Y/N).

“Great! I’ll meet you by the Egyptian section?” Steven hoped it wasn’t too on the nose.

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”

Steven nodded, mumbling out 'bye’ before he really had to make sure he got to the shop before Donna. (Y/N) was relieved that she had made an effort into her outfit, though she knew Steven ultimately wouldn’t have minded what she wore.

One o'clock took it’s time to get to. Both Steven and (Y/N) had glanced at the clock or phone too many times. Steven had to deal with customers bribing their bratty children with toys, whilst (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on any of the information she read. Her eyes would skim over the words but nothing would register. When it was five to one, (Y/N) made her way to the meeting point, trying to look around for Steven ut not making it too obvious.

Steven had his lunchbox and flask in his hands, quickly making his way to the Egyptian area. He was excited, could this be a date? Oh, what if it was? He kicked himself for not asking her out properly, they could have at least gone to a nice cafe nearby. It was too late now anyway, as he had spotted her.

“Hi.” Steven grinned.

She turned around at the sound of his voice.“Hi. Oh you were smart bringing a packed lunch. I had to go buy mine.”

“Oh, I would have bought it for you! I was the one who suggested lunch in the first place.”

“It’s OK, I really don’t mind.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

She nodded.“So, where shall we sit?”

“I’ve got just the place.”

He guided her through the halls of artifacts, finding a bench pressed against a wall. Opposite was a huge tapestry, it was faded but you could still clearly make out what was weaved on it; there were pictures of God’s and humans, (Y/N) knew what it was instantly.

“Journey to the afterlife.” she muttered.

“Yeah, I just thought, lunch with a view.” Steven nervously said.

“A very good view indeed.”

They tucked into their lunches, speaking when they weren’t chewing about the piece in front of them. Steve knew he didn’t have a lot of time for his break, but there was so much he wanted to know about her.

“Can I ask, what got you so interested in all this?”


He nodded.

“I dunno, I think… Well for starters, I love all history, I could talk about anything in the past, you know, Tudors, Romans, Aztecs, Victorians. But, something just drew me to this, I found it all so beautiful and fascinating. I wish I had persued it in uni or something, and not just as a hobby.”

“Why didnt you?”

“My parents have always been supportive, but we weren’t very well off. I think they were worried that I would end up with little money if I went down that route, they encouraged me to do something other than history. And I do like my job, I’ve got good colleagues and I’m able to afford rent in the capital! It’s not the greatest flat in the world I’ll admit but it’s still a place I’m paying for.”

“Good for you. That’s really admirable.”

“Thanks Steven, that’s a very sweet thing to say.”

He mentally high fived himself, he was doing a good job here.

“What about you? Why aren’t you a tour guide?”

“Same sort of story really. I would love to be one. It just feels good telling people all this information you know, and then seeing their eyes light up at things they never knew about. The kids faces are funny when they hear about how mummies were actually made.”

“I can imagine. At least we can still enjoy the exhibits I suppose.”

“Yeah.” Steven glanced at his watch, he only had ten minutes left, and he had to be back at the shop sharp.“Hey, um, I was thinking…Maybe we make this a regular thing? And perhaps we could also go out for dinner sometime?”

(Y/N) tried not to giggle in glee, feeling herself turn red.“Like, a date?”

“Yeah, only if you want it to be. I would like that.”

“Yes. I would gladly go out with you. On a date.”


They were smiling widely at one another, not sure of the next move to make.

“I have to get back to work, but will I see you on your way out?”

“Of course. I really liked having lunch together.”

“Me too. Discuss details of our 'date’ later?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”

“Laters gators.”

Steven turned quickly before he could regret what he said. Why? Why did he have to end it like that? At least he could be happy knowing he had a date with a girl he really fancied. And he was also looking forward to her finishing her visit, he had to think of somewhere to go now.

(Y/N)’s cheeks were aching from how much she was smiling. She had a date! It was her first date! What was she going to wear? Should she bring a bottle of wine? But they were surely going out so why would she do that? (Y/N) had to remind herself that they hadn’t even said what they were doing, that would be discussed later. Just like before, (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on anything in front of her, daydreaming about her date with Steven. She was going to have a shorter trip today, just so she could see Steven sooner, she thought. What a great reason to visit the museum every week.

Too Trusting-Thor Odinson x Reader

(GIF credit to@slice-of-thunder)


Summary: (Y/N) starts to sense a pattern whenever Thor tells stories of his brother, and she can’t help but point it out to him.

Characters:Thor Odinson x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Arguing, fluff


As Thor told me yet another tale about Loki, I had to stop myself making faces or rolling my eyes, because I knew what was coming next as he spoke. Although he was telling the story in a joyful way, I knew that he had gone through a lot of hurt due to his brother. This was how the anecdote would go: Thor was the hero, he needed help, bargains with Loki, everything goes smoothly until Loki betrays him and/or fakes his death. The day would still be saved but Thor was still upset over his brother.

“My love, did you hear what I said?” Thor asked.

“Yes, I did.” I didn’t mean to snap.

“What is wrong? Did something happened today? I’m sorry, I never asked, I just started rambling.”

“No, nothing happened today. It’s just…” I didn’t know how to go about this without hurting his feelings.


“Thor, these stories are all the same.”

“Oh, I do not believe they are, I’ve been on many adventures and quests, none are the same as the other.”

“Not the stories per say. It seems that every time Loki is involved he…he uses you.”

He scoffed with a smile.“What?”

“He always either betrays you or lies to you about dying. I just thought after all these times, maybe you would clock onto it.”

“Are you saying I’m stupid?” he stood from the bed where we had been lying opposite each other.

I sat up.“No, of course not! It’s more like, you’re too trusting.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Sometimes it is.”

“You don’t know Loki, you’ve never met him.”

“I know, but what else am I supposed to think when all the stories you tell me portray him as the cunning one?”

“That’s what he is though, the God of Mischief, it’s in his nature.”

“I understand that Thor, but I thought mischief might mean playing tricks on people. Not invading Earth.”

“I told you about that time he turned into snake and bit me, right?”

I sighed, it either wasn’t getting through to him or he was too stubborn to admit I was right.

“You don’t know my brother. He’s…misunderstood. He did not receive the love father gave me as we grew up.”

“Well, that’s very unfortunate but what did you ever do to him?”

I could see he was getting angry now. I really didn’t want this to turn into an argument, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But if I couldn’t tell him, who could?

“Thor, please can you just sit down? I really didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Well I can’t stop thinking about it now. Who else sees me as an idiot? Was I a fool in front of all of my family and friends, my friends from work?”

He was pacing now, slowly, but it was clear to see he was trying to keep calm. When he was angry it wasn’t pretty. He had never directed it at me, and I know he wouldn’t now, however this had hit a nerve.

“No one sees you that way.” I crawled to the egde of the bed, now sat on top of my knees.“I only brought it up because I don’t like thinking of you in those situations. I just…it sounded like you didn’t realise what was happening in those moments.”

“I would like to see you battling monsters and evil men, I don’t think you would come out of it lightly.” he spat.

My mouth dropped open. Now I was angry too. I stood on the bed, only just coming to eye level with him.

“This isn’t about me winning any battles! I know I wouldn’t last a second out there. Why aren’t you acknowledging this?”

“Because no matter how many times I gave him a chance he let me down!”

A sudden crack of thunder made me jump, I faltered on the bed, almost falling. Thor moved to steady me until he saw that I quickly regained myself. But it was weet to see him still caring even though we were bickering.

I let a few seconds pass by, a small trickle of rain gently hit against the windows. OK, it wasn’t a huge storm, that was a good thing.

“Thor,” I gently said, stepping down to the floor,“I’m sorry for confronting you about this. I thought maybe you were in denial. And I understand why you would be. You love Loki, you want to give him second chances because you’re a good person, you see the good in everyone. But you can’t let yourself be in harms way when things like that happen. What if the next time he betrayed you-”

“There may not be a next time!” he then looked like he was thinking.“Oh, I’m beginning to see what you mean.”

I calmly continued.“What if next time he betrays you, you get seriously hurt, or killed even! And even if Loki quickly regretted his decision, it could be too late to save you.”

Thor lowered his head. He hated being wrong, just like I did. I watched as he turned his back to me, sitting on the end of the bed. I had learned that although Thor liked to be alone with his thoughts, he did need a calmer person to talk things through, make him see this all from a different perspective.

“I didn’t meant to make you sad.” I mumbled, looking out at the rain.“I hope you know I said all this because I love you. It would crush me to see Loki go behind your back again.”

He didn’t say anything, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Slowly I approached him, kneeling on the bed again but behind him. I rested my whole body on his back, wrapping my arms around his torso as much as I could.

“Please talk to me.”

“I know you are right. But I don’t want you to be.”

Oh, he sounded so sad.

“Neither do I. You now I didn’t say it out of spite against you or Loki. It’s just hard to paint a pretty picture of him.”

“I know.”

I kissed the back of his shoulder.“Do you want to be alone?”

“No.” he placed a hand over mine.“But, please can we not talk about this anymore?”

“Of course.”

“I wish you could meet him. Or have met him before he turned into what he is now.”

“Me too.”

“I hate disloyalty and dishonesty. I am sorry I got angry but it is a difficult subject for me to talk about.”

“I know. Shall we just go back to lying down together?”


Loki x reader

Summary: Being an avenger and starting a relationship with Loki when you both are on Sakaar. (part 1, don’t know when I’ll be posting part 2)

word count: 524

warnings: if you have read some of my previous fics you know the drill, not really NSFW but sex it suggested. no dirty words this time though, just some moaning!

You woke up, feeling an arm around you. for a brief moment you felt alarmed and confused until you remember where you were. Memories from last night slowly started to come back to you. You started to remember the elegant green dress that you wore, which now laid discarded on the floor. You started to remember the slight buzz you felt as the alcohol settles in your veins. you remembered the handsome stranger who flirted with you. You remembered the moment you saw Loki, drinking and chatting away without a care in the world. The first and last time you was him, he was trying to take over the world. 


You stood with a drink in your hand, looking at the trickster god. You thought your eyes were deceiving you, but what you was was real. Loki was laughing at someone’s joke as he looked up and locked eyes with you. For a brief moment confusion crossed his features, but it was promptly replaced with intrige. He excused himself and got up from the couch he was sitting on, walking towards you.

“What are you doing here”, you asked him when he stood in front of you. Loki chuckled and said “I could asks you the same Y/N”. He looked at you with a mischievous smile as you asked “How do you know my name?”. Once again Loki chuckled “Thor talked about you and the other avengers, however he neglected to mention how beautiful you are”. His words brought a blush to you cheeks. 

As the night went on you and Loki talked and drinked. It started with you wanting to keep a eye on the God but it quickly morphed into something different. You soons started to enjoy Loki’s company and his bountiful complements, which never failed to bring a blush to your cheeks. The flirting didn’t stay one sided. The longer the night went on, the more drink you had, the more you flirted back and the more intense it became.

Before you knew it you were laying in your bed, the trickster god above you kissing down your neck towards your chest. You moaned as he nibble and kissed your sensitive skin, wanting to make you as his own. He moved back up and kissed you with passion you have never felt before. You moaned into the kiss as his hands were roaming over and admiring your body. Your hands were tangled in his raven locks, him groaning in your mouth whenever you would tug on them. Both of your clothes were quickly discarded and before you knew it, you were drowning in each other.


The arm around you tightened as you moved. Loki pulled you back into him, his bare chest touching your exposed back. You tried to move again but to no avail. The arm around you held you close to Loki. Sighing you gave up and decided on trying to get some more sleep. You setled yourself between the messy sheets and the god, slowly letting sleep take you.

Loki smiled when you were back asleep, happy to have more time to hold you close to him.

Maria: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right

Clint: Looking right because you left

Natasha: Looking up cause you let me down

Y/n: Looking down cause you fucked up

Fury: What is wrong with you guys

Yelena: I CAN’T DO IT!

Wanda, laughing: I CAN’T EITHER!




Yelena: I appreciate it,


Y/n: Yelena-


Kate: Yelena we gotta-


Yelena: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY ‘What am I willing to put up with today?’

Yelena, motioning to Clint: NOT FUCKING THIS
