#new moon


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Tarık Tufan

17.05.2022 23:18#newsharing

Seni karanlıktan kurtaracak şeyin ışık olmadığını öğrendiğinde,

Sabahların ve sokak lambalarının hiçbir önemi kalmayacak…

08.05.2022 00:12#newsharing

New Moon in Aquarius: Dynamic Changes

New Moon in Aquarius: Dynamic Changes

New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st, 2022, and this seems like a good time to kick off the New Year with our goals and dreams in mind. It could feel challenging with the New Moon squaring Uranus and conjunct Saturn, but nothing worth working for is ever easy. Although we can face the challenges from the Square, there is hope lingering in the air, especially with Jupiter in domicile. Aquarius is…

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The New Moon on December 4th is a solar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. What makes this transit meaningful is that it will be the final eclipse cycle in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis that began on June 5th, 2020. We’ve already experienced the beginning of the Taurus/Scorpio axis cycle in November which will have different themes from this current cycle. The eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius, these two mutable powerhouses, have allowed us to learn a lot more about changes in our lives that are linked to how we communicate and our ideologies. Think back on how this cycle has changed your mindset and the way you connect with others. Now that we enter the close of this period, this New Moon will have us all contemplating our philosophy for the next six months. Although the nodes have shifted, we will still see the impact that this 18-month transit had on us for just a few more months. See how this solar eclipse will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – We have entered the fire season and this transit will have you feeling a lot more energized and focused. You might be more willing to put your thoughts on paper, discover new books, interact with more people or set your sights on getting more involved with your education. That stagnant energy will begin to dissipate as you set your sights on greater things.

Taurus – During this time you will reminisce and be more nostalgic. The New Moon will highlight topics that might still be lingering in your psyche. This 18-month cycle in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis has allowed you to experience transformative periods that have helped you find your sense of strength.

Gemini – Since this New Moon will impact your relationship house, expect to feel this quite strongly. It represents a close to the chapters that might have been lingering on your mind for quite some time involving past relationships. The nodes in your sign have taught you a lot more about your independence, goals, and the vision you are trying to create. Reflect on how far you’ve come.

Cancer – Patience will be a keyword for you during this transit. There will be a lot of responsibilities building but you feel confident enough to tackle each obstacle that comes your way. The nodes have taught you about focusing more on yourself and becoming more organized with your career goals. You will have no problem achieving and succeeding.

Leo – Lovely energy for you as this transit is going to make you feel radiant, confident, and ready to take on the world. The New Moon will bring you a much-needed change of pace and more optimism. You could meet new people or begin a creative project you’ve been contemplating for a while.

Virgo – This transit is going to bring a dynamic change to your environment. You will feel a lot more optimistic when it comes to home and work. If you feel that it is tough to strike a balance, this is your time to see things in a clearer way that can bring you much ease.

Libra – Confidence is a keyword during this transit. The playful energy of this New Moon is going to make you feel ready to take on the world and to make your dreams a reality. Connecting with others gives you the courage and fearlessness you’ve desired.

Scorpio – The eclipse cycle has taught you a lot about how you value yourself. This New Moon will bring you optimism when it comes to managing your finances and how you view your material possessions. This is a transit about learning and growing in time for the next eclipse axis in your sign.

Sagittarius – You have gained a lot of understanding and tapped into your power during this 18-month transit with the nodes in your axis. There have been lessons that have transformed you, so now you need to understand and reflect on how much you have changed and where you see yourself as the nodes have shifted.

Capricorn – With this New Moon transit, you are going to learn a lot more about taking breaks, being patient, and considering some much-needed recharging time (if you need it). We prepare for Capricorn season to begin soon, so reflect and do things that bring you happiness and relaxation for the time being.

Aquarius – During this transit, you will feel luck and joy from your connections. Your friends are your greatest support system during this transit, so they can lift your spirits and give you great ideas to build more.

Pisces – As a mutable sign, you will experience this transit quite powerfully as the New Moon highlights the highest point in your chart. This is your sign to focus on your vision and dreams to make them a reality. You can begin to make plans that will bring success for the next six months.

The dark of our long New England winter is the perfect time to clear what no longer serves us well, and to listen to our heart as we set our goals and aspirations.

The last couple of years, I’ve found it really helpful to work with Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map processInk + Volt’s planners, and returning frequently to the wisdom of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estesto stay grounded in my…

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Aries New Moon ♈️

April 11, 2021 … 6:28 am EST

[image credit: foreverconscious.com]


Aries is the firstsignof the zodiac marking a new beginning of the lunar cycle. Embrace this new chapter.


Under this New Moon our manifestation abilities will be heightened. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and choices at this time.

Allow your thoughts to be an expression of opportunity and hope. Shift your perspective from limitationtoabundance.

You may have to take some action… you may need to follow your instincts at this time…, and make those hard choices that stem from your intuition. Know there is cosmic support on your side.

The fire sign energyof this New Moon May heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, needing additional love & support from those around us or our higher selves.


[image credit: RebeccaGordonAstrology.com]


Blessed Be!

WelcomePisces Season♓️

Neptune, God of the Sea, is the ruler of Pisces.

In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. It rules spirituality, and all things subtle … Neptune is associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment… it is also a planet of mercy and compassion.

The more negative manifestations of Neptune include deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction…” (cafeastrology.com).

How to Thrive During Pisces Season

This is a time to hone your healing gifts, the zodiac’s deep-diving fish directs attention to what lies beneath the surface …

Remember that Water is life, carry a reusable water bottle with you to stay hydrated wherever you go. 71% of the Earth is made up of water. Roughly 60% of the human body is comprised of water as well…

Let your emotions flow like water. Pisces season brings us a heightened intuition, and we will be receiving a lot of ‘messages’ during this time especially. Pick up a journal and spend time letting your thoughts flow onto the paper ✍

Release old grudges. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. The Pisces sun illuminates places where we have fallen into a negative mentality, which can inspire forgiveness & change. This is the time to ask yourself, “what did I learn from this?”.


[image/artcredit: @spititdaughter on Instagram]

[image/artcredit: @butterfly.medicine on Instagram]

Valentines Day Magick

Take time today to sit with your Rose Quartz. Admire its beauty, & admire your own beauty! Inside & out.

If you have Rose Petals, sprinkle some on your altar. To bring more loving energy into your space

Your relationship status doesn’t define you, your worth, or appearance


[credits:@occult.ish on Instagram]

New Moon in Aquarius ♒️



@butterfly.medicine (Instagram)

@crystalreikihealer (Instagram)

@spiritdaughter (Instagram)


New Moon- The new moon is a time of new beginnings, set your goals and intentions for the next month. If you’ve had a rough time lately, use the new moon as a sign to take a rest. This is a great time for self reflection and self care. Build up your energy and allow yourself time to rest, take time to yourself to recharge. 

    Magick ideas: Combine self care, mindfulness, and magick! Take a bath, infuse it with herbs and flowers for extra magickal properties. Reflect on the past month, and think about what needs to come next. Begin to set your intentions for the following month. 

Waxing Moon- Manifestation is key during the waxing moon! The moon is growing, making it a great time for magick that helps you grow (grow love*, money, etc). Speak things into existence, manifest what you want to come to you in this cycle. Take the energy you’ve earned from the full moon and get to work!

     Magick ideas: Perform a love* or money spell, any spell or ritual that brings good things your way! During the waxing moon I like to write out my goals for the month, and write down what I’m doing to accomplish those goals. I combine magick and just plain old motivation, using spells and rituals to help me accomplish the goals I have set. 

Full Moon- The full moon increases the power of any kind of magick, and increases your own personal power. This is a time for reaping what you’ve sown, where your manifestations will begin to come to fruition. Keep working hard to fully let your dreams flourish!

     Magick ideas: Charge your crystals under the light of the moon, use the moonlight to make moon water for future spell work. The full moon is also a great time to connect to the Earth. Meditate under the light of the full moon, connect to the moon and the Earth. If you follow any gods or goddesses, this is a great time for devotional work. 

Waning Moon- The waning moon is a good time for physical and spiritual cleansing. The themes surrounding this moon phase are release and letting go. Release any negativity to prepare for the intentions you will set during the new moon. 

     Magick ideas: Magick that has to do with banishing or reducing things is good for the new moon. Do a ritual to banish insecurities or bad habits. Cast a spell to make leaving a negative person* or behavior behind easier. Do a simple ritual to release all of the negative energy that has built up over the past month!

Thank you for reading!

*i dont condone love magick being used on others, only magick that would enhance your own self love or lovable qualities✨

alicesasylum-blog:A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon


A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon is a good time for banishing negative energies and manifesting new intentions. It’s a new beginning, my lovely witches, make the best of this coming week.
Love and light, always. ✨

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