


Finding the little cathartic things that meld my spirit and mind into state of being at peace with each piece of each other.

And he saved you from

disaster and ruin,

your beautiful fire-starting boy.

The flames he lets lick your

salt-soaked remains

don’t change that.

Many times,

he saved you.

Many times.

(It only takes once for


to lay waste.)

(It only takes

forever for a

heart to break.)

Another sad night. Same shit. Same mood.

Lying on my bed, staring from nowhere.

Tears suddenly fall as realizations hit me hard telling me that no matter how strong I am at the end of the day,

I will always be a worthless and stupid piece of a trash begging people just to stay.

A “delete feelings” button would be nice.

I’m sorry for being such a mess.

I’m naturally funny because my life is a joke.

Life tip: When nothing goes right go to sleep.

I wish I was a kid again. I used to be a happy kid. Then shit happened.

Risk is always better than regret.

If seagulls flew over the bay they’d be called bagels

I can say cheese without smiling
