#self impowerment



ways to become friends with yourself:

  • set boundaries with people. those who respect you, will respect them.
  • allow yourself to accept good things. you deserve happiness and warmth and love.
  • it’s okay to be a mess. it’s okay to not know what your next step is. it’s okay to be scared. trust that the universe has your back.
  • remember that healing is not linear. you are not weak because some days are suddenly harder than others.
  • consciously feel the world under your feet as you walk and the warmth of the sun on your cheek.
  • do things you enjoy! even if they seem silly. even if you think you have no time. make time for yourself.
  • take care of yourself. take deep breaths. take bubble baths. take too long admiring yourself in the mirror.




my only advice to all the girls out there is to wear weird shit. just do it


  1. Men are more likely to be put off and thus, leave you alone.
  2. Women who are also weird may be inclined to start up conversations with you and befriend you.
  3. Little girls will feel safer around you because they are also weird.
  4. Small children may ask you if you are a fairy/princess/mermaid, and that’s just a really good feeling.
  5. You get that much closer to being a fairy/princess/mermaid.

6. You make your inner child happy and every time you do that, you heal.

I’m trying so so hard to love myself. I almost collapsed into a ton of self hate today and I completely snapped myself out of the cycle. I cannot recommend getting a self esteem workbook more, I’m really learning actual coping mechanisms


Do you have a plan? What is your plan? Have you failed to plan? Can you carry out the plan? If you do not have a plan, what do you plan to do? Life is much to precious to waste time on wonder and worry. You can predict your life’s alternatives now, if you take the time to plan.

Plan your moments to be joyous. Plan your hours to be productive. Plan your days to be filled with peace. Plan your weeks to be educational. Plan your months to be filled with love. Plan your years to be purposeful. Plan your life to be an experience of growth. Plan to change. Plan togrow. Plan to spend quiet moments doing absolutely nothing.

Planning is the only way to keep yourself on track. And when you know where you are going, the universe will clear a path for you.

Affirmation:I plan to be all that I am.

Reflection: What is your plan for self-expression today? What is your plan for self-acceptance tomorrow?
