#body insecurities


Can we talk about the fashion industry

Look, don’t get me wrong, I love all of the plus size models we see represented now. But can we just have average sized women, please?

I’m not a plus size, but I’m definitely not small or petite in any way. I’m just average. And I cannot find models that looks like me hardly ever.

I love fashion, and I love to look cute, but I’m insecure in my body because I don’t see fashionable influencers with my body type, or models that are just normal sized.

I just feel like us average people need representation too.

not to be on my self-deprecation mode but existing as an ugly person be taking a toll on me as time goes by, like damn im ugly as fuck and nobody wants me and i am definitely not getting attractive ever, and i’ll just have to live like this for the rest of my life, this is pain



I think people who don’t have eating disorders and/or body dysmorphia don’t understand that we(the majority of us)don’t care about you. We don’t care that you’re 98lb or that you’re 220lb, or that you look like this and that. When we look in the mirror we’re not looking at you, we’re looking at ourselves and our insecurities. I’ve never looked in the mirror and saw anyone else’s face but mine and I hate my face. I’ve never stepped on a scale and read someone else’s weight. I’m too focused on myself to be berating others. Most of the people I find attractive are not at all what I think would look attractive for myself. Let’s cut the bullshit, I’m not going to be the pot calling the kettle black. And the people who are doing the shit I don’t tolerate. I’ve seen stunning people all shapes, sizes, and colors. Able bodied or not.

I wonder if it’s only me who secretly judges others just as harshly as I judge myself

I see all of your flaws too

I know how it can be fixed and what can make you look even better

I wish technology was advanced enough to easily make it happen - so we can all be pretty

  1. What we’re not going to do is say that someone’s feature’s are their “flaws”. Having one arm is not a flaw. Being in a wheelchair is not a flaw. Having freckles or gaps in between your teeth, or even being bald are not flaws. In this context, a flaw is your opinionand right now it’s not needed. Especially in the ED community.
  2. It’s okay to judge. But sometimes your input isn’t needed, like as of right now.
  3. You’re exactly what I just said; the fucking pot calling the kettle black.
  4. You’re superficial, and you bet your ass I’m gonna roast the shit out of you for writing something as disgusting as this on a post that warned people like you to steer clear. I don’t tolerate this shit.
  5. Not only are you shallow with your condescending attitude and choice of words but, your heart is ugly too. And that’s the most important thing about being a damn human being is how you hold yourself up. How do you even sleep at night knowing that you feel so superior to others that you think if you were able to you could “fix” them? There are bigger world problems out there like poverty, famine, homicide, suicide, mental illness, addiction, and you think by making something as superficial as making people “pretty” will help these issue? Will it pay their bills? Put food in their children’s stomach? Stop someone from overdosing because of the fact that there are too many people who are like you who are cruel with their actions?
  6. Do yourself a favor, if you follow me, unfollow me. Unlike this post and delete your post under this because I will be pinning so people like you know you’re not welcomed.
  7. Instead of looking in the mirror why don’t you reflect on how you can impact someone’s life by the way you act and the words you choose, whether they’re in person or online? Anonymity does not give you protection whatsoever here and can not save your skin if someone harms themselves because of what you say.
  8. The audacity.

On behalf of this person I apologize to anyone and everyone who has come across this post thinking that I align my feelings and thoughts with this inhumane individual. I do not believe in this persons opinions of flaws. Having a hooked nose, crooked teeth, or anything someone may be embarrassed about does not make it a flaw to others. You have every right to call what you see on your body a flaw but not on another’s. And even then, sometimes the flaws you believe yourself to have is often times something someone else finds attractive. I do honestly believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You don’t have to like how someone looks, but you don’t have to make someone feel bad about their genetics or whatever they might be going through. Please be respectful and understand not everyone is going to find the things you find attractive, appealing.

I could rant and rave about being kind to others but as you can clearly tell I’m not going to be kind in this situation, because I do not tolerate this behavior. I’ve worked too damn hard on my body dysmorphia to see a post like this. I’ve worked too damn hard trying to give the ED community a safe place where they feel no shame in eating. I’ve worked too damn hard as victim of ongoing mental abuse to hear the shit I’ve been told time and time and time again. I will shut down these people who try and spread blasphemy in my sanctuary.

If you find anyone using any of my post to condone any type of behavior like this contact me. I may be vegan but I got beef with people like this. And I will force them to get off of my tumblr posts.




my only advice to all the girls out there is to wear weird shit. just do it


  1. Men are more likely to be put off and thus, leave you alone.
  2. Women who are also weird may be inclined to start up conversations with you and befriend you.
  3. Little girls will feel safer around you because they are also weird.
  4. Small children may ask you if you are a fairy/princess/mermaid, and that’s just a really good feeling.
  5. You get that much closer to being a fairy/princess/mermaid.

6. You make your inner child happy and every time you do that, you heal.



  • We have very little control over how our bodies look
  • How much you weigh is honestly pretty boring, and the world is full of so many more interesting things to think about 
  • If you do gain weight, so what?
  • You have no obligation to be attractive
  • Physical health can be extremely complex & difficult to manage, and whether or not you can is not a measure of your worth.
  • Mental health is important too. 
  • You are worth so much more than the way you look.

Think about this and then give your mind and energies to more worthy ideas..
