


speaking of misogyny

let me tell you guys something that ACTUALLY happened in my screenwriting class last week

one of the female writers in our class is writing a feature about this gang of teenage girls who sort of become vigilantes and murder men who harass women (that’s a shitty logline of it but it’s actually fucking awesome and highly stylized and over-exaggerated like tarantino in a good way bc i fucking hate tarantino). ANYWAY their first kill is this guy named taylor. taylor is one of the girl’s boyfriends. it is heavily implied and the writer confirmed that he abuses and rapes her. not explicitly seen, but she has bruises, there are scenes implying it etc.

so. she wrote the part where they kill taylor. and one of my professor’s comments was about how he felt like he didn’t hate taylor enough.

to which me and my female friend were like um what?? we hate him. he fucking raped and abused her. wE HATE HIM. HE IS A HORRIBLE PERSON.

and my prof was like well yeah i hate him but i don’t HATE hate him. and we argued about it. so he took a poll of who hated taylor. ALL of the girls in the class raised their hands. none of the boys did. when he asked who didn’t hate taylor all of the men raised their hands. and me and my friend started laughing because of COURSE they did.

and my prof was like why are you laughing and the writer was like “i think they’re laughing at the gender difference in that answer” and my prof was like “well, from my male perspective, i don’t think i’m being sexist”


first of all did you hear that sentence at ALL do you understand how paradoxical it is?????

second of all, no. just no.

and then my prof went on to say “i feel like we need to see taylor be horrible. like bad solution, he kicks a dog”

evidently a man can abuse and rape a girl and not be hated, but if he kicks a dog then he’s PURE EVIL

and THAT is exactly what’s wrong with our society

And we need more women writing this kind of fiction for exactly this reason..subvert the dominant paradigm!

P.S. Vigilante female killing male rapists? Welcome to the subtext of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! One of many reasons I love that show. 

feminists rule da world | via Facebook on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/64123179/via/rina

feminists rule da world | via Facebook on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/64123179/via/rinacarolina

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do men have resting bitch faces as well or do they not have negative characteristics ascribed to them for putting on a neutral rather than a deliriously happy facial expression

Yes, Black men in majority white spaces do. If I don’t smile every single second of the day my coworkers become in intimidated and start asking me what’s wrong, telling me to smile, make jokes about how I’m trying to be a thug/act hard, why am I angry, etc. And it’s not just white men at my job God FORBID I my large Black ass makes a white girl feel threaten because I’m sitting down with a neutral expression.

I’m not trying to take this post away from women and make it about Black men but I want to point out that wether it’s patriarchy or white supremacy; those who feel as if they have power over you HATE to see you not smile. They are so used to people like you smiling to gain their approval that when you don’t there’s a cognitive dissonance that makes them extremely uncomfortable.

That’s why “angry Black women” is a thing. They have to put on a smile for everyone (yes even feminist white women) or we all get uncomfortable.

This is such an amazing response.

am I in a mentally bad place or is he actually a misogynistic asshole


- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown

- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world

- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music

- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever

- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 

- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 

- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much

- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.

- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 

How OffalWhat do you do when misogyny rears its ugly head?Susan and her friend stand in front of a lHow OffalWhat do you do when misogyny rears its ugly head?Susan and her friend stand in front of a lHow OffalWhat do you do when misogyny rears its ugly head?Susan and her friend stand in front of a l

How Offal

What do you do when misogyny rears its ugly head?

Susan and her friend stand in front of a large table obscured by a variety of meats and bone meal.

They discuss, with grand laughing smiles, the aftermath of an encounter with a chauvinist whose head hangs on the wall behind them…

how offal…

[ queue: studio audience applause & laugh track]

Visitbit.ly/how-offal for prints, apparel and more!

How Offal. Brent Pruitt, collage, 2019

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if you’re anti choice stop pretending to give a shit about sexism.

you don’t give a fuck about sexism, you perpetrate misogyny. you aren’t angry that female fetuses are aborted for being female, you’re angry that those people are allowed to abort for any reason.




-When I told the army doctor that sometimes my period pains make me unable to function for days, he didn’t even write that down.
-When I told my dad “don’t touch me, I’m in pain” he backed down for a moment until my mom told him “she’s on her period”. Then he just laughed.
-When I told my teacher before a big test that I was unable to do it because I was in extreme pain and could barely move at all, she said I was making up excuses and that it wasn’t a real reason not to do the test. 
-Wenever I tell someone about how different I feel during my period emotionally they say I’m just “making up drama”. 

We need to start treating people on their periods like actual human beings in pain. 

-The fact that it occurs monthly doesn’t make the pain less real. It should be treated seriously and with respect.
-The fact that the hormones effect the emotions doesn’t make your sadness less painful or the anger less valid or that terrible feeling of being lost less terrifying. Guess what? Hormones affect everyone. Feelings aren’t always rational. It should be also treated seriously and with respect.

Please stop mocking people with periods. Please stop dismissing us. Please stop violating our boundries. Please respect people with periods. 


my mom always tells me to get some exercise to help with cramps because it helps with the pain- and it does, sometimes- but most of the time i just want to curl up in a ball with a heating pad but then i’m forced to go on at least a mile walk

so please- respect peoples different pain tolerances and respect how they feel when bleeding profusely

This is so true. Remember this when you’re telling yourself you should just suck it up and move on -

This is so true. Remember this when you’re telling yourself you should just suck it up and move on - whether it’s from trauma in your personal life or from the trauma of structural oppression. This is why gaslighting is so harmful. Pain demands to be felt and validated. 

[Text: Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only be the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can begin]

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J. K. Rowling and the Complex Gender Narrative

So, J. K. Rowling wrote an extremely weird and rambly essay about how people shouldn’t call her transphobic, just because she doesn’t support trans people’s rights to have a public space to safely pee. She said she’s been cyberbullied for liking the posts of some TERFs, which, for the record, is awful. You shouldn’t handle transphobes by calling them cunts and bitches who should die in a gutter.…

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White women need to go to hell for the constant glorification of unpaid labor (being a housewife) like u seriously ignore millions of women who are under abuse and have to depend on their abusers to survive. These women were quite frankly raised to be wives and mothers and nothing else. “I just don’t want to work”. HOUSEWORK IS WORK.

Seriously not enough talk about how housework includes constantly cleaning, doing laundry, cooking dinner, child care,… when upper class white women fantasize about being housewives they also expect someone else to do these labor for them. And funny enough, poor women who have full time jobs as their maids still have to go home and take care of their own house chores and kids :/ white feminism is frankly a fucking joke like can u get any more ignorant :/

When women say shit like that, I want to shake them and yell STOP MAKING YOURSELF INVISIBLE TO THE MEN YOU LIVE WITH AND WORK FOR

Because the work they are doing is on their husbands’/partners’ behalf, so that their men don’t have to do that shit themselves. Unfortunately, too many men are willing to take advantage of that and pretend that they’re the only ones that actually make a difference to the household because the men are the ones with the paying jobs. Add abuse into that, as OP says, and you get a real shitstorm.

My ex used to accuse me to my face of not contributing to the household when I was the one cleaning the house, doing the laundry and grocery shopping and errands, cooking the meals, and taking care of the pets, so that he didn’t have to. I did this often on top of having full-time employment outside the home. And then add in childcare duties on top of that once we had kids. And this, among other things, is why he is my ex.

Housework is work.

Childcare is work.

Unpaid labor is still labor.

Ladies, stop selling yourselves short.

Men, start paying attention to all your partners do for you, and start pulling your own weight in the home.

Wow. Staying with my sisters, and they’ve managed to press all my fucking buttons in less than a day.

Talking about how my brother-in-law’s sister is a lesbian (from what they’ve explained, sounds an awful lot like she was trying to explain to them that she was bisexual), and saying that she ‘ruined her husband’s life’, and 'is too old to just be figuring it out’. So, homophobia!

Talking about how people shouldn’t live in a household with 'so many strong females’ (talking about my Granddad), and how my sister’s really strong muscly friend 'won’t get any men’, looking like that, and being kinda strict. (Also talking about how women shouldn’t be so opinionated.) So. Sexism.

And talking about how my sister’s friend left her partner (who came out as a trans woman), 'obviously’, and continuously misgendering and insulting her, when they know full fucking well that I’m trans! Transphobia!

(Also, my nephew’s super fucking racist.)




i wish all “body language experts” on youtube, tiktok, and all social media a very Die

not only is it a stupid pseudoscience that is based on ableism and western centric ideals, these people are ghouls who latch onto every controversial subject or person in the spotlight in order to churn out content about how someone’s quick blinking means they’re really a monster with 590492341 mental illnesses (which is what makes them inherently a monster),  passing off their vibe and clout farming as Scientific Evidence. they literally salivate for a new person to be at the center of controversy so they can make millions of view and thousands of dollars over their babbling that their new target is a Narcissistic Abuser. and you literally cannot convince these people’s fans that this is utterly fake and also abbhorent behaviour to farm money and fame over others’ misery. they + these social media “therapists”/doctors/health and legal professionals who do the same online are utter scum who are gleefully making money off suffering. but i have a special kind of hate for the body language experts.

and this isn’t just about the heard/depp trial either. these fuckers have been doing this in True Crime TM communities for a while now. they’ve also been the ones boosting the harassment of random people on tiktok like the couch guy and that trans woman who was just dancing in her basement. they make money and clout off all of this. they push so many ableist, racist and transphobic ideas onto people who just drone on about how body language PROVES somebody is lyuing or a serial killer. they ruin lives.

i wish all of them a genuine and heartfelt very die

“hey, I don’t like it when you say those things about my body is makes me really uncomfortable”

“I’m from a different generation, it’s just who I am”

Excuse me??? In what world is any reaction other than “I’m sorry I won’t do it again” acceptable????

Y'all know. Y'all know someone exactly like it. Either a relative or a colleague or a family friend.
