


Firstly, big shout out to @epfks ​ for messaging and asking for this to be included in the next post!

Both of these mean ‘clothing’ or ‘clothes’ - I’m sure all of you will know, but fewer people will know 의류. is a native Korean word, whereas 의류 has a Chinese root (衣類 - 衣 means ‘clothes, covering’, 類 means ‘kind, type, category’). In the past I have mentioned that words with Chinese roots tend to be more formal than the native Korean word - that is also true here. is an everyday word, but 의류 is much less used unless you’re using it in a professional sense. You could think of clothes on two different scales, a small (personal) scale and a large (industrial) scale - 옷가게 (a clothes store) vs 의류 산업 (clothing industry) - you couldn’t interchange and의류 in these situations, it just doesn’t feel right. refers more to the actual clothes that a person wears, but 의류 is often used to refer to a type of clothes (e.g. 남성 의류 - men’s clothing), the clothing/fashion industry, or to sound more formal, like ‘garment’.


Both of these words mean ‘goal’ or ‘aim’ like to have a goal/aim to achieve something, but there is a subtle nuance between them. It can be easy to confuse the two, and whats worse is that, often, translation apps translate both of these words to ‘goal’ in English - but there is a difference: 

  • 목표 refers to a goal or target that you might have - an overall large thing that you are working towards, maybe like a goal for next year (New Years Resolution), a goal to get into college, or a sales goal/target that your company might meet. For example: 제 목표는 올해 TOPIK II 시험에 합격하는 것이에요 =My goal is to pass the TOPIK II exam this year. Here I used 목표- it is an overarching target I am working towards.
  • 목적 however is talking about an aim or purpose of something rather than a goal - it refers to the reason/purpose for doing something, such as the aim of a lesson, the purpose for the meeting, etc. For example: 제가 한국어 수업을 듣는 목적은 올해 TOPIK II 시험에 합격할 수 있도록 도와주는 것이에요 =The purpose of me taking Korean classes is to help me pass the TOPIK II exam this year. Here I used 목적 as it is an aim, objective, purpose of something.


These two words mean ‘idea, concept, notion’, like you have an idea about something, or you understand the concept of something (abstract thinking). Actually, the meaning of these two words are quite similar so it is easy to get them mixed up, but largely it is understood if you were to confuse them - the difference is almost a philosophical thing….

  • 관념 refers to ideas and opinions that people naturally have about something (ideas that naturally appear in the mind), as well as any abstract/not realistic ideas about things (e.g. stereotypes about things/people, beliefs etc). e.g. 강박관념 = an obsession (literally: a compulsive idea), or 고정관념 = a stereotype (literally: a fixed idea)
  • The Hanja (觀念) means: 觀 = to see, observe, view; 念 = to think of, study, recall. So it means, you see something and form an idea (without knowing more).
  • 개념 refers to concepts (ideas) about something that have been formed after reviewing evidence on the topic (e.g. the concept of space, or time etc.), e.g. 시간 개념이 없었어요 = I had no concept of time (I lost track of time).
  • The Hanja (槪念) means: 槪 = generally; 念 = to think of, study, recall. So it refers to generally held thoughts (concepts understood by many people)


If you are this far in your Korean studies (or like a good legal KDrama, like me), you will have come across as as a word to mean ‘law’. indeed means ‘the law’, as in ‘You broke the law - 너는 법을 어겼다’.법률 talks about a specific law, act or legislation within the legal system e.g. ‘새 법률 = a new law’. 

Meanwhile법칙 doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the legal system. It refers more to ‘principles of something’, like Newton’s Laws of Motion, or the law of gravity. 

There are actually numerous nouns with the stem in it, which I don’t want to overload everyone with - but these are some common ones that come up a lot. I’ll cover some other ones in a later post.


Keeping with the law theme for the final word difference (was I watching a lot of legal dramas when I was making my list for this post? I can’t remember). When most Korean learners learn occupations, we all learn 변호사 to mean ‘lawyer’ - this is a typical lawyer who will argue a person’s case in accordance to the law, and who you may often find in a courtroom. 

So then…. what is a 법률가? I saw this in a book and was like…. wait, is this a lawyer too? Actually if you look closely at the word, it has 법률 in it (legislation) - these people are experts in laws and legislations, and have studied the law in great detail (and sometimes are lawmakers too). This is a term that is used to describe a legal scholar more than a lawyer arguing a case (although these people might also be practicing lawyers too!)

Yesterday morning, when I was kind of half asleep, I took this test which asks a number of questions in Korean, ranging from pre-intermediate to advanced levels, and makes an assessment based on your answers about the size of your vocabulary and the age of your vocabulary. As always - interpret quizzes like this with caution - they are not always a true reflection of skill and ability.
Access the quiz through this URL: https://www.arealme.com/korean-vocabulary-size-test/en/
This is my score:


I actually know that I got two wrong (you know when you just click on the wrong one), but I don’t think it made a huge difference to my score. It’s interesting because some other people I know took this quiz and their vocabulary size is around 4000, but their vocabulary size is like that of a 4 year old child….. I (cautiously) take this to mean that I probably know fewer words than them, but might know more difficult words (probably as a result of joining #2021KoreanBookClub). I’m pretty surprised at getting a score of an 8-year old…. I mean, 8-year olds are quite confident with their speech in their native language. But I do know that I need to improve the amount of words that I know - although I believe my true vocabulary number to be a bit higher (based on numerous other tests), it is still far lower than what I need in order to succeed in the TOPIK II exam this year.

Although I don’t always take vocabulary quizzes like this THAT seriously, it is still a decent indicator, especially with the age range. I think I’ll try and take this quiz again in the summer, and then towards the end of this year to see how my score changes. It’s a pretty interesting assessment tool! Let me know how you get on with your vocab scores!

NB: Post is a little long this time - lots of examples and explanation - sorry!


Here’s something that trips me up at even the best of times - both mean ‘later’ but they imply slightly different things. ‘이따가’ indicates that something will happen a short time later - usually within a few hours, whereas ‘나중에’ doesn’t really have a time inference - the time period can be either long or short, so it can be used in every situation. However you might prefer to use 이따가 instead to emphasise that the time is short, for example if you ask someone to wait for you and say to them, “I will come back later”, you can say “이따가 다시 올게요” to emphasise that the waiting time will be short. If you use 나중에 instead, the person cannot tell how long they might be waiting.


Hopefully here are some words you won’t have to use too often - both give off a meaning of ‘lonely’.외롭다 will be the adjective that most people are familiar with in meaning ‘lonely’ or ‘feeling lonely’, whereas 고독하다 is an even more intense feeling of loneliness. 고독하다 is more like ‘solitude’ - like that feeling of intense loneliness when you are on your own for long periods of time.


There are numerous ways to say ‘life’ in Korean and it can get a little confusing so let’s break down just three common terms from the numerous options. 

인생is made up of the Chinese characters 人生, the first of which means ‘person’, therefore 인생 refers to the life of a human and not the life of other living things (plants or animals) or objects, e.g. “Life is worth living 인생은 살 가치가 있어요" or “What is the meaning of (human) life?인생의 의미는 무엇인가요?”

However,is life as a concept, or life as an existence - it refers to a living thing’s existence on Earth. e.g. “Grandmother lived a good life [existence] - 할머니는 좋은 을 사셨어요" or “Cats live a perfect life [existence] - 고양이는 완벽한 을 사요"

목숨 has quite a specific use - the word is composed of (neck) and (breath) to refer to breathing as the primary function of a human or animal’s life. The easiest way to conceptualise 목숨is as ‘life that can be lost’ - it indicates the idea that a person or animal either has breath in their body (living), or does not have breath in their body (not living). The ‘breath in your neck (목숨)’ can be risked, in danger or lost, so you will likely only see this term in those kinds of sentences. e.g. “I’m risking my life-목숨이 위태로워요" or “My life is in danger - 제 목숨이 위험해요"


All of these mean ‘to try to do something’ but each have quite different uses. 시도하다 holds more of a meaning of ‘to attempt something’ - it is quite formal in the same way that in English you wouldn’t normally say “I will attempt to do it” when speaking amongst friends, therefore it is more likely to be seen in writing than speaking. e.g. “Suzy attempted singing - 수지는 노래를 시도했다” 

You could instead (mostly) use 노력하다 for less formal and less intensive situations, but it gives off a feeling of trying to do something that requires quite a lot of effort, or something that needs long-term effort, e.g. “I will try (really hard) -노력할게요

On the other hand, -아/어 보다 is used all the time and indicates that you will try something (possibly for the first time) with the aim of experiencing what that thing is like. It doesn’t require a lot of effort, and it is probably not something that will go on for a long time, e.g. “I will try eating kimchi - 김치를 먹어 볼게요


All of these are terms are common words used to express amazement, and largely could be interchanged without much trouble, but I delved a little deeper to understand the differences and here is what I found:

대박 (대박이다) has two meanings:

  1. Totally cool / really great - an expression to indicate positive feelings or a positive reaction towards something or someone, e.g. “최우식의 새 영화는 대박이다! - Choi Wooshik’s new movie is so cool/great/amazing
  2. Completely surprising - an expression to indicate shock or surprise and can be used in both positive or negative situations to mean ‘Wow!’ ‘No way!’ ‘That’s unbelievable’ ‘That’s unreal’, e.g. “복권에 당첨됐나요? 대박!! - Did you win the lottery? That’s unbelievable!!” or “남자친구랑 헤어졌다고? 대박….-You broke up with your boyfriend? No way….

These two meanings can overlap from time to time, like in the lottery example, but dividing them into two like this, makes the other two terms easier to understand. 대단하다means ‘a huge amount’ or ‘enormous’, but in expression form it means ‘outstanding’, ‘amazing’, so it has the same use as the first meaning of 대박, e.g. “와 대단하다-Wow, this is amazing.” 

Meanwhile,신기하다 means something is amazing in a surprising kind of way, so it is closely related to the second meaning of 대박 - however it is not often used with negative meanings, e.g. “네가 아직도 그걸 기억하다니 신기하구나-It’s amazing/surprising that you still remember that” or “우리가 이 곳에서 만난 건 신기하다-It’s amazing/surprising/unbelievable that we met each other here [without planning to meet]

Ordering food in a restaurant in Korea is one thing, where you can point at the menu or pick up context clues from body language and surroundings. But what about when you want to order food delivery somewhere and you can only rely on the voice on the other end of the phone. It can be a little tricky but if you at least know the key phrases and vocabulary, it hopefully won’t be as daunting.


In the following phrases, anything that is contained within the following brackets < > can be replaced with your own preferred food order.

  • 여보세요 - Hello (obviously)
  • 지금 배달되나요? / 지금 배달돼요? - Are you delivering now?
    (You can remove 지금 to purely ask ‘Are you delivering?’)
  • <후라이드 치킨 하나, 떡볶이 하나> 주세요 - One (portion) of fried chicken and one tteokbokki please
    (You could replace 주세요 with 가져다 주세요 ‘please can you bring’, or  배달해 주세요 ‘please can you deliver’ to be more specific but it’s not totally necessary)
  • <콜라>도 주세요 - Cola also please
  • 얼마예요? - How much is it?
  • 얼마나 걸려요? - How long will it take?
  • 카드 돼요? - Is card okay?
  • 카드로 결제할게요 / 현금으로 결제할게요 - I will pay by card / I will pay by cash


  • 어디세요?- Where? (asking where to deliver to) OR:
  • 주소 말씀해 주세요 / 주소 말해 주세요 / 주소 어떻게 되세요 - Please tell me your address / What is your address?
  • 주문 어떻게 되세요? / 어떤 제품 주문하시겠습니까? - What is your order? / What (product) would you like to order?
  • 다른 더 필요한 거 없으십니까? - Is there nothing else you need?
    (Don’t forget the rules of yes or no in Korean are different to English. If you say 네 [yes] to this question, that means ‘I don’t need anything else’, and if you say 아니요 [no] to this question, that means ‘Yes. I need something else’. I find it a little easier to just answer ‘있어요’ or ‘없어요’ to get around the tricky yes/no situation)
  • 주문 확인해 드리겠습니다 - I will check your order
  • 금액은 <25,500>원입니다 - The total price is 25,500 won.
  • 현금으로 결제하시겠습니까? - Will you be paying by cash?
  • 알겠습니다 - Okay.

Of course, there are numerous other things that they might say to you, but these are the key phrases you need. As long as you have the vocab from here, you should be able to at least figure out what is being said and rustle up an appropriate answer.

Also it’s worth noting that the phone conversation will normally just end with them thanking you and you thanking them back (or in the reverse order), then they will hang up. There doesn’t need to be any other formal goodbyes.

NB. As I was pulling this together, it made me remember that ordering food at a restaurant could throw some really random phrases your way so I’ll make sure to do a restaurant post at some point later if people will find it helpful!



Most people are taught 평일 quite early on to talk about ‘weekday’, but actually it technically is not the opposite of ‘weekend (주말)’. The opposite of 주말 is actually 주중, which refers to Monday to Friday. So, what about 평일 then? 평일 is very similar to 주중, but actually it refers to a ‘working day’, relating more to the average non-rest day which, for most people, is Monday to Friday. If a public holiday falls on a weekday, that day is technically not a ‘평일’ as people will not be working, but it is still a 주중 (a weekday). You will hear both of these used quite a lot, and mostly used interchangeably.

*For anyone that finds Hanja helpful - 주말 has the characters 週末 which means ‘final part of the week’, and 주중 has the characters 週中 which mean ‘central/middle part of the week’. Whereas 평일 has the characters 平日 which means ‘average day’.


Both of these mean ‘wall’ but the distinction is actually very clear between the two. 벽 is a wall in a building, such as the four walls of your room, or the walls of your house (바람벽 is specifically a partition wall for inside the house, but 벽 is sufficient). 담 is a wall that has a purpose of guarding or preventing entry, such as a fence or a perimeter wall (like a city wall, or a wall around a building). It is usually used when talking about outside walls or fences.


Playground? Since all these words start with the same two characters, it might be confusing to some regarding whether there is actually any difference here. 놀이터 is a playground that children usually play in, with slides and swings and climbing apparatus. Meanwhile 놀이공원 and 놀이동산 are used when talking about an amusement park with lots of fun rides for all ages. Both 놀이공원 and 놀이동산 are actually completely interchangeable with each other, it’s just that 놀이공원 has a Chinese root, and 놀이동산 is pure Korean. Either is fine and both are used in almost equal amounts, but it is useful to know that they mean the same thing.


I think one of the earliest words everyone will have learned is 늦다 to mean ‘late’. This can be used universally to mean ‘late’ and can be used for all contexts and subjects. However there is a more specific term for a person being late to work or to school which is 지각하다. Although you can use 늦다 in school and work settings too, 지각하다 is more specific. You will hear 늦다 far more, but it is good to be familiar with its more specific counterpart.


I’m sure everyone has heard of 사무실 to mean ‘office’, but did you know that 사무소 also means ‘office’? The difference is quite subtle though. These words are derived from Chinese, so it is a difference of one Chinese character. 사무소 (事務所) has a final character which means ‘place’ or ‘location’, whereas 사무실 (事務室) has a final character which means ‘room’. Therefore 사무소 refers to an office as a general location or place, e.g. real estate office, law office, maintenance office, whereas 사무실 refers to a specific office room, e.g. this is my office, I’m walking into the office now.

This is actually kind of specific to if you want to actually live in Korea but I was revising this topic today and thought it would be useful to share some of my learnings - of course there are going to be a lot more things you might want to ask or tell the realtor, but this will be a good starting point:


  • 어떤 집을 구하세요 -What kind of house/home are you looking for?
  • 월세를 구하시나요? 아니면 전세를 구하시나요?-Are you looking to rent (monthly rent)? Or are you looking to lease?
  • 금액은 어느 정도 생각하고 있어요?-Approximately what total cost are you thinking?
  • 원룸은 어떠세요? - What about a one room? (a studio apartment)
  • 한번 보러 가실래요?-Would you like to go to see it?
  • 주인에게 연락할게요-I will contact the owner
  • 계약금을 가지고 오셨어요?-Did you bring the contract fee?


  • 아파트를 구하고 싶은데요-I want to look for an apartment
  • 월세를 구해요-I am looking for a monthly rent (apartment)
  • 방이 2개 있는 아파트를 구해요-I am looking for an apartment with 2 rooms
  • 지하철 역에서는 거리가 얼마나 걸리나요?-How far is the distance from the subway station?
  • 몇 층이에요?-What floor is it on?
  • 건물에서 엘리베이터가 있나요?-Is there an elevator in the building?
  • 보증금은 얼마나 되나요? -How much is the deposit?
  • 조금 비싼데요. 조금 더 싼 아파트는 없나요?- It’s a little expensive. Do you have a slightly cheaper apartment?
  • 그 아파트는 특징이 있나요?-Does the apartment have any special features/characteristics?
  • 관리비가 있나요?-Is there a maintenance fee
  • 계약하려면 어떻게 하나요?-How do I sign the contract?

Image from: 구해줘! 홈즈 (Where Is My Home - MBC)

The end of the first part of NCT season is almost with us, so someone asked me if I could translate a song from the album. I chose to do Misfit since it has an MV and I only translated the verses from the MV since its a song PACKED full of new vocabulary. All the tricky vocabulary is under the cut (some really useful new words in there!)


Main vocabulary (in order of appearance)

  • 맞다 = to be correct, to be right
  • 자체 = self, oneself
  • 숨이 턱턱 막히다 = to be suffocating, stifling
  • 숨 = breath
  • 턱턱 = easily, completely
  • 막히다 = to be blocked, stopped
  • 입다 = to wear
  • 느낌 = feeling, sense
  • 지겹다 = boring, tedious
  • 고민 없다 = without worry
  • 고민 = worry, anguish
  • 끌어내리다 = to drag down, to take down, to demote
  • 애써 = with effort, laboriously, with force
  • 재단하다 = to judge, to cut out
  • 됐다 = that’s enough
  • 이대로 = like this, as it is
  • 의심 = doubt
  • 그저 = just
  • 방법 = way, means, manner
  • 맞추다 = to be in harmony, adapt, adjust
  • 어림없다 = impossible, absurd, preposterous
  • 비슷하다 = similar, to be like
  • 모습 = appearance, look, form
  • 더욱 = more, further
  • 거슬리다 = to be irritated, be offended
  • 날아가다 = to fly, to fly away, to be gone
  • 때 = time, moment
  • 마치다 = to be crazy
  • 어차피 = in any case, anyway
  • 마음대로 = as one likes, as you want
  • 언제나 = all the time, always
  • 튀어나오다 = to protrude, stick out, pop out
  • 다치다 = to be hurt, injured
  • 아무도 = nobody
  • 막지 못하다 = to not stop, to not block
  • 막하 = to block, close, enclose, stop
  • 억지로 = reluctantly, forcibly
  • 똑같다 = exactly the same, identical
  • 틀 = mold, frame, framework
  • 끼워 넣다가다 = to put in
  • 끼다 = to stick in, to fasten
  • 넣다가다 = to put in
  • 부쉬버리다 = to break completely
  • 부수다 = to break, smash, destroy
  • 버리다 = to throw away, discard
  • 지키다 = to guard, defend, protect OR to obey, observe
  • 법 = law, act, rule
  • 적당히 = adequately
  • 멈추다 = to stop, halt
  • 규칙 = rule
  • 묻다 = to ask, inquire
  • 따르다 = to follow
  • 듯 = like
  • 채우다 = to fill
  • 목줄 = leash
  • 짓밟다 = to trample, stamp on
  • 높다 = high
  • 조준 = aiming
  • 따분하다 = boring, dreary
  • 늘어놓다 (늘어놔) = to harp on, to speak at length
  • 뻔하다 = evident, clear
  • 닿다 = to reach, arrive
  • 뻗다 = to stretch, extend, straighten
  • 입 = mouth
  • 쩍 = with a smack, crack, split
  • 벌어지다 = to widen, to part, to broaden
  • 분위기 = atmosphere, mood
  • 파악 = understanding, figure out, realise
  • 태도 = attitude
  • 늘 = always, often
  • 이기다 = to win, beat
  • 기분 = mood, feelings
  • 발아래 = below one’s feet
  • 깨버리다 = to break completely
  • 깨다 = to break, shatter
  • 믿다 = to believe
  • 식겁하다 = to freakify
  • 삐딱하다 = to be slanted, askew
  • 마주치다 = to happen to meet, eyes meet
  • 망설이다 = to hesitate
  • 갈 길 = long road ahead
  • 멀다 = to be distant, far off
  • 똑바로 = straight, truthfully
  • 걷다 = to walk
  • 전부 = all, everything
  • 비스듬하다 = askew

Key Grammar

VERB -(으)ㄹ수록 = The more ______ the more ______

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -어/아야 되다 = have to ___ , must ____

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -(으)ㄹ 텐데 = Expresses the expected future state of something

ADJ/VERB/NOUN -(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 = It might…; You don’t know if…

VERB -지 말고 _____ = don’t do ____, do ______

NOUN -뿐 = Nothing more than ____ ; Only / Just

If you’re like me, this difference will have been puzzling you for a long time. I always notice -(으)로 가요 written in textbooks, but I just accepted that it was a variation and never figured out what it actually meant. So, let’s look at this subtle difference

First, let’s talk about -에 가요 and -(으)로 가요. Both structures mean ‘to go somewhere’, but -에 is a location marker so it marks the exact location of a place, whereas-(으)로 means ‘towards’ or ‘to’ (it also means ‘by’ or ‘by means of’ which I will not be able to cover in this post). The nuance is slightly different…. -에is talking about an exact place, whereas-(으)로 is talking about general direction.

  1. 어디에 가요?- Where are you going? (the exact location please)
  2. 어디로 가요? - Where are you going? (In what direction / towards where)

As you can see from the two sentences above, sentence one is a little more specific than sentence two, but they largely mean the same thing. I guess sentence two can be perceived as a little less intrusive. Similarly let’s compare the following two:

  1. 어디에 갈까?- Where should I go? (What exact place should I go to?)
  2. 어디로 갈까? - Where should I go? (What direction should I go in?)

Again, the first sentence is a little more specific than the second which is generally wondering which direction to head in. With this in mind, take a look at the following sentences:

  1. 집에 가요 - I’m going home (The focus is on your home - this is your destination)
  2. 집으로 가요 - I’m going towards home (maybe you are going home, or going to a restaurant near to your home first. The focus is more on the direction you are heading)

Next let’s look at a slightly different case - if we were talking about you moving house and you moved into your friend’s house, you might think that you would use -에 to indicate the location as it’s a specific location, however, also remember that -(으)로 also means ‘to’ / ‘towards’ so you would say 친구 집으로 이사했어요 (I moved towards/to my friend’s house).

As you will likely know, is also a time marker, so let’s look at how these particles differ regarding time.

  1. 몇 시에 만날까요? - What time shall we meet (exactly what time)
  2. 몇 시로 만날까요? - What time shall we meet (towards what time, - more of an approximation)

The second sentence, as with the examples above, can also be used to appear less direct, so if you are asking what time a meeting is, you could choose to use 몇 시로 - but both are correct given the situation.

There are lots of nuances and uses for these two particles and it takes a bit of time to move away from solely using -에, but even just knowing the above will help you to understand the subtle difference in meaning in the above contexts!


I literally went from being obsessed with studyblr to being an unemployed Master graduate. What has my life become…

Good morning, everyone! Here is today’s tip of the day.

Usually, the hardest part of an assignment is getting started. One of the best ways to deal with this is easing your way into the task. Separate it to the smallest tasks and only focus on one task at a time. These will appear much easier than thinking “I need to start writing my essay”.

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i have created a brand new blog that focuses on studying, bullet journaling, and lifestyle called study opal. feel free to check it out (insta: study.opal ) ♡︎


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Thank you for 9,000 followers!!!

it seems like i’m going to have to relearn the very basics of chemistry because i forgot basically everything. but, guess who also registered for a chemistry class this fall, so the material is necessary for me to succeed in the class.

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i am thinking of changing up how i take photos. this is mostly due to me switching to note taking on an ipad. i feel like i should take advantage of the placo paper and white edge of the ipad. hope you all like this change!

• good evening •

i am taking organic chemistry this semester and, honestly, i do not know whether i understand the material or not

good afternoon, here are my first notes from this semester. these notes are for chemistry two. i have always enjoyed the conceptual parts of chemistry, but never have been a huge fan of the mathematics.

• good evening •

these are some notes from chemistry. however, i have decided to do typed notes for chemistry and then handwritten study guides if i have time. This switch is to save time and be more time-efficient.

Good morning, everyone!

I decided to post a bit early today too since I have a study session at noon today. Here are some notes from my calculus class. I started college this week and, honestly, it has been both super exhausting but super fun.

• Good Afternoon •

Here is today’s study notes post. I first did these notes in white paper to see if it looked better for the instagram aesthetic. However, I decided to change it to black notes since I thought it looks better.

• good evening •

i have moved all of my instagram accounts to my study opal account. please check it out if you’re on insta!

Made these Biochemistry & Metabolism notes from last semester for my final exam :) It was my first time taking a 5 credit hour subject. Honestly, there were tons of stuffs + terms to memorize, especially the metabolic pathways. The nucleotide biosynthesis topic was really tough for me b/c I’ve never learn it before + I also had to memorize the diseases + syndromes along with how they affect the associated pathways. Well, I’m just glad that I got a GPA 4.0 for my Biochemistry & Metabolism! Hard work does pay off :)

25.03.2019 // Monday

Here’s a short time lapse video (this is my first time recording + editing a video haha) of me studying for my quiz on this coming Friday. Was reaaaaaaally busy with all the assignments + lab reports that I’ve finally managed to find the time to study for my Structural Biochemistry quiz, which will be covering 6 chapters + here I am on the first chapter (yes, I’m going to be so dead soon hahahaha).
