#tarot spread



This weekend I was blessed, I got to go to Salem, Massachusetts the witch city capital of the world. My only friend who is a practicing witch @eclectic-earth and I stayed the historical Hawethorne Hotel.

I spent close to $300 . So worth every penny I got the Witchcraft Theory and Practice by Ly De Angeles, Angelite Pendant, Chalice, ENDLESS amounts or herbs, Protection oil, Archangel Gabriel Oil, and @eclectic-earth got a beautiful piece of moldavite.

Such a blessed weekend full of the energy I needed to feel. I love Salem it will always be my home.

Also read cards at the House of Seven Gables.

Best weekend ever! ✨❤️


I’ve picked up my Grimoire again and begun developing my Tarot section, (which is going to be huge and very time consuming but I am SO excited!)

Please feel free to use these pages as a guide in your own practices or as inspiration for your own BOS or Grimoire :) All I ask is that if you wish to recreate my design or wording, please credit in the description of your post!! Thank you

✨Pages in my Grimoire on Tarot ✨

These pages begin my Tarot study on the symbols associated with the Major Arcana, the 4 Suites and associated zodiacs/meanings, the court cards and what they represent in meanings, numerology and their associated majors, and lastly color symbolism. this is basically all I need to do intuitive readings with the tarot!!

The next chunk of this will be meanings for each of the major arcana, based off of my own practices and what i’ve learned about their symbols.

Beautiful Notes on the Tarot



The Elements are the forces of Nature and life, and are incorporated into ritual and magick. Every aspect of existence is bound up in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element which is Spirit (or also deemed Aether), which is present in each of the other four. Each of the four classical Elements is associated with one of the four cardinal directions; North, East, South and West.

There are also energetic associations, that add great depth to interpretations of how people with different zodiac signs interact with each other, for each sign is associated with an Element, and each Element is different.


Direction: north

Energy: ♀

Rules: grounding, strength, healing, nature, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, and wisdom.

Season/time: winter/midnight

Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Ruling Planets: Venus, and Saturn.

Colours: green, brown, black, white, and gold.

Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, primrose, oak, sage, and nuts.

Crystals: emerald, tourmaline, quartz, granite, dedrock, peridot, onyx, jasper, and amethyst.

Tools: pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, and flowers.

Virtues: patience, truth, dependable, thorough, focused.


Direction: east

Energy: ♂

Rules: mind, clarity, knowledge, logic, abstract, wind, consciousness, intuition, and memory.

Season/time: spring/dawn

Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus.

Colours: yellow, gold, white, and light blue.

Plants: acacia, anis, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, pine, and vervain.

Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, and agate.

Tools: feather, wand, staff, incense, pen, broom, and bell.

Virtues: intelligent, practical, optimistic.


Direction: south

Energy: ♂

Rules: energy, will, destruction, courage, strength, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, self-healing, divinity, light, and flame.

Season/time: summer/noon

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Ruling planets: Sun, and Mars.

Colours: red, orange, gold, and white.

Plants: allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, poppies, peppers, and thistles.

Crystals: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, quartz, tiger’s eye, and agate.

Tools: candle, lamp, athame, dagger, and burned herbs.

Virtues: courage, enthusiasm, willpower.


Direction: west

Energy: ♀

Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, reflection, lunar energy, and healing.

Season/time: autumn/twilight

Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, and Pluto.

Colours: blue, aqua, silver, and green.

Plants: aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, seaweed, rose, thyme, and willow.

Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, and sodalite.

Tools: seashells, ocean water, seaweed, moss, stones, chalice, and cauldron.

Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, and flexibility.

Virgo Season Rituals

*Smudging is a ritual from a closed practice, please research this before buying that shell, feather, and sage bundle from 5below… stay aware!

Alternatives to smudging: smoke cleansing (literally just get incense cones or sticks!), sound cleansing (get a bell or play cleansing frequencies), deep cleaning (vacuum, open the windows, wipe everything down), and your words (declaring your space sacred & protected)!

*Support your local crystal shops, farmers markets (if the season permits), and don’t be afraid to askquestions: such as, where items are sourced!

*Now is the time to for introspection, grounding, cleansing, spending time outdoors, home cooking, self care (beyond that face mask), meditation, decluttering, reorganizing, andgrowth!

Stay well!


[credits: spiritdaughtercollective & pintrest]

thecrackedamethyst:The Princess and the Pea Tarot Spread For when something is bothering you, but


The Princess and the Pea Tarot Spread

For when something is bothering you, but you’re not sure what that is, and you’re not going to be able to sleep until you figure it out.

Card 1: The Pea This thing that’s keeping you awake at night. You might not know what exactly it is, but you know that it’s there, and it’s driving you crazy.

Cards 2-4: The Mattresses The deception that is keeping you from realizing what exactly is bothering you. Everything might seem all nice, fluffy and comfortable, but you still can’t sleep now can you? You have to move these out of the way to find that darn pea.

Card 5: The Princess (you) What puts you in a position to be unable to see that there even is a pea. The princess was used to perfect beds, and as soon as something inhibited the perfection she was used to, she was unable to rest. What are you too used to, too comfortable with, what perceptions of yours is making this pea dig into your side?

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I made up this tarot spread for the new year and, since I’ve been trying my hand at recreational pho

I made up this tarot spread for the new year and, since I’ve been trying my hand at recreational photo-editing lately, I thought I’d make a graphic to share it. I think it looks pretty okay :) 

1 & 2: Lessons from the past year
3 & 4: Lessons still to come
5: The lesson you need most right now
6: The first half of the new year
7: The second half of the new year

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Baking Bread Spread

The Knead: What you must surrender in order to develop your next harvest/goal

The Dough: The central goal/idea of your next harvest

The Oven: What you need to perfect your next harvest/goal

(Note: this was created for my Lammas/Lughnasadh ritual but I wanted to have a separate post for it for easy cataloguing)

Who is celebrating Imbolc today?! ❄️Here is a spread for you lovelies to incorporate into your sabba

Who is celebrating Imbolc today?! ❄️Here is a spread for you lovelies to incorporate into your sabbat rituals and celebrations! ✨

1. The bird - Messages the universe is communicating to you at this time
2. The Goddess Brigid - Blessings you are receiving/will receive
3. The butterfly - Transformation that will occur during this time

I hope everyone has a blessed Imbolg!

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mothwing-tarot: I made a super quick and simple tarot spread based on taking things “one day at a ti


I made a super quick and simple tarot spread based on taking things “one day at a time”, for those of us who are feeling overwhelmed by a situation. This spread is designed to give fast advice on the day you’re reading for in a non-cluttered way. Hope this helps! I’d love to see people using this so feel free to tag me if you do! :)

Card One- Today’s Challenge: This card is basically self-explanatory. Pull a card to give you a hint about a problem or challenge you may face today.

Card Two- Solution to Problems that may Arise Today: This is the advice card. Pull a card to give you an idea of how to go about solving whatever comes up today. For example, pulling the Queen of Swords could indicate that you need to handle today’s issues with logic and controlled temper, and leave emotions out of it.

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I came across this lovely tarot spread created by @eclectic-earth and had to give it a go - especially as i was feeling down at the time

Card one: my problem

card i pulled : nine of wands

wisdom, perseverance and last stretch

  • im not persevung through the last few obstacles i’m hitting to reach my goals
  • i’m not preparing and protecting myself
  • i keep doubting myself and not believing or trusting in my strength, powers and lessons i’ve learnt

Card two: what to do now

card i pulled: the emperor

authority, ambition and power

  • create proper structure and stability for myself in my life
  • learn to control and understand my emotions
  • develop more self discipline
  • carry out plans in a systematically and controlled way

Card three: what to do later

card i pulled: three of wands

persistence, anticipation and progression

  • look at the bigger picture to anticipate all opportunities that are available for me
  • prepare for good and bad news in the upcoming future
  • allow myself to follow my unique curiosity’s and travel

Card four: what do i need to hear

the card i pulled: knight of pentacles

harvest, dedication and routine

  • slow and steady wins the race
  • stop rushing thing
  • stop rushing INTO things
  • make a routine that encompasses doing little bits everyday
  • decide what i want in life and take it
  • stay true to my vision to see results

Card five: what should i avoid

card i pulled: page of pentacles

manifestation, financial opportunities and skill development

  • avoid starting something new through manifestation
  • don’t waste my newly found money on stupid things i regret like always
  • avoid overworking myself

This was my second tarot spread i’ve ever done so if you have any suggestions or disagree with my interpretation of the cards, feel free to comment


i performed my first tarot reading and used @thewitchofthenorse new deck tarot spread. i want to record what i got for future reference.

Card One: personality of deck

card pulled: the world

completion, achievement, utility

  • will help me be my best self and achieve all i can
  • teacher

Card Two and Three: what the decks vibes are of me

card pulled: the magician and 2 of swords

magician - inventive, manifestation, true potential

  • i have strong energies and am being successful in what i’m attempting to manifest
  • i have the potential to be a great witch

2 of swords - impasse, stillness, indecision

  • i’m not trying hard enough but still expecting it to come to me
  • i have potential to be great but aren’t doing the work to achieve it

Card four: relationship with the deck

card pulled: hierophant

conventional, institution, traditional

  • i need to honour and respect the deck and they’ll do the same
  • its here to help me like a traditional deck

Card Five: best approach to working with the deck

card pulled: the fool

free spirit, purity, beginning

  • i should be spontaneous, curious and enthusiastic with every read

Card Six: the likely result of working with the deck

card pulled : the tower

destruction, abrupt change, lighting

  • i will have an instant shift of mentality and will change fast
  • it’ll change me for the better
  • ill have a rude and harsh awakening

Card Seven: it’s one peice of advice for me

card pulled: judgement

absolution, evaluation, reflection

  • prioritise reflection and self evaluation
  • give myself the time to regenerate and rest
  • give time for the awakening - it won’t happen instantly
  • trust myself and my judgements
  • be true to myself and accept myself for who i am

As i said, this was my first ever tarot spread and card pulling. If my interpretation of the cards are “wrong”, or you have something to add that you think would be helpful, please comment or dm me as i’m brand new to this! Thank you ❤️

hellboundwitch:This spread doesn’t have a name yet, but it’s one I use in order to get a good idea


This spread doesn’t have a name yet, but it’s one I use in order to get a good idea of where I stand/where things are going when I begin to work with a new deity, or to check in with one I’m already familiar with.

Card 01 - Who is this deity? You can basically look at this card as doing two things. The first thing is verification, to make sure you know which deity you’re dealing with. I’m especially in love with this position because I have a problem of asking after a particular deity and then getting a different one answering me when I do this spread.

The second part comes into play in figuring out which aspect of a deity you’re dealing with, if it comes to that. I have noticed that a lot of the deities I work with will present a COMPLETELY different side of themselves to others. It’s nice to know who you’re getting.

Card 02 - What will our relationship be like? This card kind of colours how I interpret the other cards in the reading. A friendly, easy going relationship will cause me to look at the cards differently than a distant, business-like relationship. But it also serves the obvious purpose of warning you of what you’re getting into.

Card 03 - What do they want from me? If you’re picturing me asking this question in a sort of desperate and hopeless way then you are correct XD;; But yeah, knowing what’s expected or required of you is always a handy thing to check.

Card 04 - How can I best make this happen? It’s kind of difficult to determine how to actually go about what you need to do, that thing and that’s what this card is for.

The first time I did this reading, it was hijacked by another deity who wanted to go out of their way to make sure I knew things were over between us — and the card I got in position #3 was the Two of Swords and the card I got here was the Ten of Swords. I needed to let go and acknowledge that our goals are too different to really reconcile with each other. And in my case, to do that, I needed to realize that the circumstances had changed irrevocably. (Ten of Swords, for me, is not only a death more final than Death, it’s an end to all pretenses and a revelation of total Truth.)

Card 05 - What may get in my way? Because when is anything ever easy, right?

To continue on my last example, what was getting in my way of moving on was my deeply rooted fear of change, of having to rebuild, and an unwillingness to dismantle what was no longer working so that I could build something better, and a fear that if things went wrong, I would have no safe space to turn to.

Card 06 - Ultimate outcome of the relationship. Straightforward enough, I think.


I really like the way this spread’s positions interact with each other. Card 3 (what’s expected of you) and Card 4 (how to best do that) are diagonal from each other, and I’ve personally gotten a lot of insight from having card 5 directly in-between what your relationship will be like and what you’re going to be doing in that relationship. When laid out, the cards kind of go back and forth between your perspective and the deity’s, so it’s kind of like a conversation in that way.

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hellboundwitch:So, I made a spread to go with my Deity Communication Spread! You can use them toge


So, I made a spread to go with my Deity Communication Spread! You can use them together or separately or not at all!

Card One is the deity — this is the equivalent to the first card in the Deity Communication Spread.

Card Two is one of the qualities/traits associated with them. I tend to read this as a more “negative” trait. Something that might seem scary or intimidating.

Card Three is another personality trait, but this one is usually read as being seen as more positive.

Card Four is what this deity rules over, or has power over.

Card Five will be for something that the deity is associated with, like a symbol or animal or something. (In my first test I got a Queen court card and the Queen itself was the answer there)

These things can be pieced together to try to get a fuller picture of who it is you might be dealing with. If you’ve already used the Deity Communication Spread, you can take Card One from that reading and place it here — and if you haven’t, you can put Card One from this reading into the communication spread, once you’ve identified them and want to know what they want.

This one has been working out pretty well for me, so hopefully y’all will like it!

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shelby-melissa:Deity Identification Spread aka “Who are You?” Spread Domain- This is what they typ


Deity Identification Spread aka “Who are You?” Spread

  1. Domain- This is what they typically have domain over. Usually, this is part of their title: “Goddess of Beauty,” “God of War.”
  2. Lesser Domain- This is a lesser domain they control. It can play into their title, or it may just be a domain that is not part of their title.
  3. Association/Symbols- These are what are typically considered associations or symbols of that deity. For example, Zues is typically associated with lightning.
  4. Traits/Charactistics- This card is traits or characteristics the deity is typically thought of as having. For example, Hera is typically considered to be very jealous.
  5. Lesser Traits- This card depicts a lesser trait the deity may have. This may be one that is not typically described in mythology or considered as common knowledge.
  6. The Deity- This card represents the deity over all.

This spread can also be used to help identify spirits, however it would be harder, in my opinion, to confirm this. With well known deities, there are myths and storied that this spread could be compared against.
This spread can also be used to help provide direction for which deity may be a good start for them.

This spread needs some testing so let me know if you do and how it works for you!

Please don’t forget to source!

This spread is for hellboundwitch’sdailyspreadscontest!

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hellboundwitch:thiscrookedcrown:Deity Dossier This spread is intended to answer those “I’m beinghellboundwitch:thiscrookedcrown:Deity Dossier This spread is intended to answer those “I’m beinghellboundwitch:thiscrookedcrown:Deity Dossier This spread is intended to answer those “I’m being



Deity Dossier

This spread is intended to answer those “I’m being contacted by a deity but which one!?!” questions. This is your answer. It won’t give a name up it will give up a LOT of information to help you find out the answer.

I’ve been working on this one for what seems like forever. This is a HUGE spread. The kind of spread where you lay out on the floor and hope the cat doesn’t mess up the spread kind of spread. It’s meant to look like a tree with the four cards at the bottom being roots but I am not an artist. I can’t even stick figure well. However, I also gave you two demos of the spread in action!

Special thanks to hellboundwitch and whatever beings were used as testers.

The text is tiny so I’ll copy it below for your convenience.

  1. Spirit or Significator: This represents the spirit, deity, or being in question. The card can be drawn or selected, depending on if you know the nature of the spirit or a card that could represent them.
  2. Past: These are past deeds or dealings the spirit has had with either other people or you that you should know about.
  3. Underlying Influences: Similar to Past, this represents influences that could be important to know. This may be an emotional thing rather than a past action. (Example: if previously betrayed by humans, a spirit is less likely to want to deal with humans.)
  4. Attitude and Thoughts or General Personality: General personality and/or how they think.
  5. Present: Their current status. If a spirit is in trouble, this information would appear here.
  6. Situation at Hand (optional): If there’s a specific situation at hand, draw this card. (Example: A spirit asks for a large offering that would be very expensive - draw this card to see why it suddenly needs that offering.
  7. Health: The health of the spirit, deity, or being. (Example: A land spirit could be ill or ailing due to pollution.)
  8. Mind: Their mental health or, possibly, their overall mood.
  9. Physical: Their physical health or how they could physically manifest. This is especially useful for finding out what deity is contacting you.
  10. Things They Like to Do: This could be things they like to do for others, part of their sphere of influence, and/or things that could be used to connect with them or honor them. Think of this like hobbies or likes.
  11. What to Know: Things that are imperative for you to know. This could be used to see how working with this being could affect you in the future.
  12. What to Avoid: Things that are imperative for you to avoid doing. Example: If a spirit hates blood, don’t give blood offerings. This could also be used to see how the spirit could negatively affect you in the future.
  13. Positive Influences: What is helpful? What will help your relationship with them? This can be something that is not in the spirit or deity’s sphere of influence but still influences them. A deity might be one of fertility but their sibling could be a deity of war. That will somewhat play into how the spirit acts. Another example would be a spirit becoming powerful because a nearby coven is worshiping it.
  14. Negative Influences: Exactly as above, but the more negative side of things. What isn’t helping this spirit? What will not help your relationship with them? Do they feel used or not appreciated? The examples above also apply. 
  15. Conscious Desires: What they want. This could be offerings or a general goal. This may be what they want from you. If they have an agenda they’ll admit to, it will be here.
  16. Unconscious Desires: This is what they want but won’t admit to or what they don’t know they want. If they have a hidden agenda, it will be here.
  17. Hopes: This can be a general list of hopes, a overall hope for the future, or what they hope to get from you.
  18. Fears: This can be a general list of fears, what they fear for the future,or what they’re concerned about in regards of you or your life.  

For those of you staring wide-eyed at this, I offer this reading in my shop.

Have fun everyone! 


This Crooked Crown Witchery & Curiosities

yessss I love this spread.

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Imbolc marks the first stirrings and flutterings of life in earth’s soil after a long winter. This spread uses the qualities of Brigid, a spirit of healing, poetry, and music, a patron of artists, poets, craftspeople, and livestock, to inform questions of what stirs inside you. This spread is cast in the shape of a Brigid’s Cross. 


Here is how my reading for myself went:

1. What am I dreaming of? (The Fool) Independence, being successful in marching to the beat of my own drummer. I’d like to take risks and embark on new adventures that allow my soul to grow.

2. What is possible? (5 of Wands) The path to what I desire will not be without obstacles, but I am more than capable of overcoming them. I should be cautious about allowing problems to seem bigger than they are and not be so easily discouraged.

3. How do I start? (3 of Wands) Assess my plans. Take time to evaluate before moving forward. Careful thought will be my friend. If necessary, revise my goals based on the current situation.

4. Why must I do this now? (King of Pentacles) It’s important to take charge and take control. Push through barriers and I will find success. If I hesitate, I risk losing out on what I could gain.

5. Why is the journey essential? (7 of Pentacles) This journey has the ability to teach me the value of patience, planning, and perseverance. I am often a person to jump into things without thinking and abandon plans before completion because I have to road map on how to complete them. If I take the advice of this reading and put careful thought and planning into this endeavor, it can teach me the value of patience and planning, traits I lack.

6. What is my secret weapon? (4 of Cups) My secret weapon is also my greatest downfall. My daydreaming and wild imagination will aid me well in this pursuit, but I must be incredibly careful to not allow myself to fall into a rut of dreaming instead of doing. It is important to be productive as well as imaginative.

7. What gift does Brigid offer me? (Queen of Cups) Brigid gifts me with a gentle and imaginative, and loving nature. She allows me to do everything with kindness and love, and that will attract kindness, love, and success into my life.

8. How can I honor and thank her? (8 of Swords) I can honor and thank her by not squandering these gifts and allowing myself to be overwhelmed by perceived isolation or obstacles. I should trust my intuition and have faith in my own ability to move forward. No one can confine me but myself.

9. What is Brigid’s message to me? (The Empress) Trust my instincts. Trust my connection to the earth. I am creative and worthy and part of a larger whole. Continue to live with love and nurturing and I will be successful and happy in life.

Spread from Sasha Graham’s 365 Tarot Spreads
