#thinking thoughts


should I do something drastic?

Ya know, in this day and age I’m extraglad to be going into a field that’s all about evidence-based decision making. Until now, I never really thought about my grad focus (business analytics / data science) in the context of current events, but now that I am, it seems fitting.

My first assignment in one of my classes is all about evaluating the quality/reliability of research — a skill I began to develop in high school but lost strength in over time. I’ve almost certainly been guilty of accidentally sharing misinformation via unfounded claims and weak research studies because social media makes it too darn easy to pass info along without a second thought. All this to say that I’m glad I’ll be more equipped to hold myself accountable for thinking critically about information before passing it along to others.


how many times did shitty lecture jack about their responsibilities to not be  assholish straight men and jack had to just sit there like, ‘yes, Ia straight man’

tbh I know it isn’t every art piece, but why is luke mostly facing away from our view/mc? like, its something minor i always thought about on the start up screen but I was looking at like promo pieces? and mc is laying in their (the other main 3’s) arms and facing them in some sort of way, but they are mostly facing luke’s back or are back-to-back…

relationships are like glass. sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together….

i can’t stop thinking about you and it’s fucking killing me inside ⏳):


mcr needs all 63 shows because they’re telling a story with this tour. they’re using the fact that people will post about each unique performance on social media to their advantage rather than wishing the publicity away entirely. it feels very similar in storytelling medium to a comic book series, wherein releasing new issues each week the creator expects that not everyone will necessarily read every page but they’ll get the gist of it through social media/fan discussions, and where fan participation/influence toward the overall story is a given. this is gerard (and mikey)’s element. they understand the comic book medium so intimately that they’re able to make all of mcr’s existing lore for the past 20 years come to full fruition through this tour.

lev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmmlev-calder: pics that make you go hmmmmmmmm


pics that make you go hmmmmmmmm

Post link

mmmm i wonder if there’s a way to do a fanmade resource collection or smth where you can upload resources abt stuff pertaining to things in ofmd and history as a like way of increasing access to education


Dusk came on quiet tiptoes

And as the night that followed

Cloaked us,

All I could say to you was,

“Please Stay…”


She is broken but she’s fun

whatever this was




Hometown is possibly one of the most bizzare small towns ever.

Just off the top of my head:

- It has an entire hospital, seemingly existing just for one person, despite being a very small town in the middle of nowhere.

- It has enough traffic passing through it to cause a pileup (via Undyne), but no one ever talks about going in or out of it unless it’s to discuss Asriel.

- No one’s stories about Asriel match up at all - Alphys says Kris talks to him every day online, but Kris’ behavior seems to imply otherwise, Asriel is supposed to be coming home for summer vacation in the middle of fall, Toriel and Asgore are the only people in town who imply they know he’s coming home next week, Burgerpants has no idea when he’s coming home and has been unable to get in contact with him, Susie has no idea he exists at all - you get the picture.

- Dess, a missing girl who’s dissapearance seems to have impacted the state of Hometown as of yet, isn’t mentioned at all outside of her immediate family. It’s like she doesn’t even exist to anyone but them.

- The Bunker. Enough said.

- There’s an entire kingdom centralized beneath this small town, and despite Darkners and Lightners having lived in harmony “for millenia”, it seems as though everything about Darkners is isolated to this little town in the middle of nowhere.

- Queen, despite claiming to have search history for everyone in Hometown (and even having knowledge of Kris’ family, putting “Two Toriels” in their room), has no idea why Noelle was searching “December Holiday” over and over.

- Berdly also seems to have no idea why Noelle clammed up at the spelling bee (he simply thinks she “got nervous and couldn’t speak”), and it’s equally odd that the townsfolk - especially the teachers, like Toriel - would use a word that’s also the name of a missing/presumed dead girl so soon after her dissapearance.

-All of the sibling duos save for Catty and Catti have one sibling who is missing.

- Noelle’s house is completely closed off to the rest of the town.


oh angel, look at you, I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already such a mess.  You’re so cute like this, blushing and out of breath, so eager for anything I want to do to you.  Use your words, now, you know you won’t get anything with those whines.  Go on.  Speak up.  Tell me what it is you want me to do to you.  That’s it, angel.  Keep your eyes forward, I don’t want you looking away from me.  I’m the reason you feel this nice after all, aren’t I?

Just lie back for me now, nice and easy.  There, just relax.  You did so well, telling me exactly what you wanted, my perfect little angel.  Do you know what good angels get?

Spread your legs.
