#climate change


Did y’all have flesh eating bacteria on your 2020 bingo card? Vibrio bacteria has been wreaking havoc long before 2020, and will only become more prevalent with the effects of climate change. Unfortunately, this has to be treated as an emerging threat to human health. Currently, severe vibrio infection (“flesh-eating”) is rare, but lesser forms of infection often go undiagnosed. This could lead to cases going unreported, and the threat underestimated.

This is what Earth Day is all about! We’re fighting climate change today, to secure a safe environment for future generations. Today at the UN, the U.S. and 174 other countries signed the historic Paris Agreement.

Thank you, Secretary John Kerry for signing on our behalf. And thank you President Obama for helping make this happen!


GIF via Lorey.

Do you ever consider the journey your food takes from farm to fridge? It may make you think twice about wasting it.

40% of food in America ends up wasted. Food waste is the single largest contributor to landfills in the U.S.—not to mention that it wastes water, labor, fuel, money, & love!

VisitSaveTheFood.com to learn how you can help stop food waste.


#earth day    #earthday    #climate    #climatechange    #climate change    #global warming    #science    #food waste    #save the food    #savethefood    #environment    #energy    #farming    #cooking    
“Today we’re speaking with one voice, 170 nations strong, to say enough is enough. This is where we

“Today we’re speaking with one voice, 170 nations strong, to say enough is enough. This is where we turn the promise of Paris into the action we need to fight the central environmental challenge of our time.

“We won’t beat climate change with a piece of paper. Today marks a beginning, a historic start. We’re leaving the age of Jurassic fuels behind - for good - and moving to cleaner, smarter ways to power our future. The world is watching. We’ll hold our leaders to account. We’ll hold each other to account. And we’ll cut the global carbon footprint today so climate chaos doesn’t overwhelm our kids tomorrow.”

— NRDC President Rhea Suh

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40% of food in America ends up wasted. Food waste is the single largest contributor to landfills in the U.S.—not to mention that it wastes water, labor, fuel, money, & love! Visit SaveTheFood.com to learn how you can help stop food waste.

#food waste    #environment    #climate    #climate change    #nature    #cooking    #farming    
This Friday is Earth Day, and it will be historic: World leaders will meet at the United Nations in

This Friday is Earth Day, and it will be historic: World leaders will meet at the United Nations in New York to sign the historic Paris climate agreement they struck last December. The signing will officially put the world’s blueprint for a clean energy future into motion. 

But now, we must turn the promise of Paris into the concrete steps we need to protect our world. That’s why we’re looking to the world’s five largest emitters of carbon pollution — the U.S., the European Union, China, India and Brazil — to steer this new era in our fight against climate chaos.

You can help! Take action by signing our petition and asking the “Big 5″ carbon polluting countries to deliver on their Paris climate commitments. Click here to learn more and add your name!

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“Newly-released oil industry documents push back the start date of the world’s most successful disin

“Newly-released oil industry documents push back the start date of the world’s most successful disinformation campaign to the 1960s, if not earlier. The must-read documents, published by The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), strengthen the hand of the numerousattorneys general investigating whether ExxonMobil engaged in a cover-up to mislead the public and investors about the dangers of human-caused climate change.”

viaExxon Exposé Recasts Ironic 1962 Ad Touting Oil’s Ability To Melt Glaciers

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“If the [nuclear] industry were a patient, doctors would privately refer to what’s happening to it a

“If the [nuclear] industry were a patient, doctors would privately refer to what’s happening to it as “circling the drain.” People don’t typically descend from perfect health to death in a smooth glide path. They rally, then they crater, then the cycle repeats. The good days become less frequent and less encouraging as days pass. If you’ve watched a hospital patient die, the pattern is unmistakable.

The U.S. nuclear industry is circling the drain. It’s suffering from a large number of problems—public disenchantment, risk of meltdown, fuel disposal issues—but its primary illness is simple economics. Nuclear cannot compete financially with other forms of electricity production. It hasn’t been able to do so for four decades, and there’s no reason to believe it ever will.”

viaDoes Nuclear Power Have a Future in America? | NRDC 

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The Coral Garden explains why recent news of coral bleaching is bad news. This should be a warning sign that we need to demand climate action. 

Tell world leaders to take action.

#climate    #climate change    #global warming    #oceans    #corals    #environment    

A. Tackling climate change is tied to tackling major issues that plague our communities. For climate specific issues, our challenge is both in understanding how climate change impacts our lives personally, while also understanding how to transition to a system that values the progression and evolution of environmentally-minded humans as much as the technological advances that can curb climate change. One immediate issue that affects a community in my region is the link between the effects of sea level rise, flooding and displacement, or what some call climate gentrification. In Liberty City and Little Haiti, both Miami neighborhoods less vulnerable to flooding due to its higher elevation than some other areas in Miami-Dade, some investors are beginning to purchase land. Unless specifically developed with current residents in mind, the cost of property in these areas are likely to increase, putting residents who might not be able to afford the higher prices at risk of displacement.The unfortunate reality of displacement of primarily low-income and people of color leaves much in the way of action to prevent residents from losing their community and then going to even more vulnerable areas in Miami. Local groups like The CLEO Institute are dedicated to creating opportunities for underserved residents in vulnerable communities to improve their climate science knowledge and voice their concerns about climate gentrification, emergency preparedness and climate awareness.

Sasha Forbes, Project Manager at Urban Solutions at NRDC

NRDC’s very own Sasha Forbes was interviewed by American Voices for Climate. Read the rest of her interview here.

How would you answer this question?

Powerful art from Robin Wood. We can’t allow the Arctic to become another sacrifice zone for Big Oil

Powerful art from Robin Wood. 

We can’t allow the Arctic to become another sacrifice zone for Big Oil. 

Tell President Obama to put the Arctic off-limits to new offshore drilling!

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World hunger, homelessness, disease research, poverty, healthcare, student debt… There are so many better ways to spend 44 billion dollars than making twitter safe for hate speech and false information.

Earth Day

Call me an optimist, but I think we’re doomed.

“After an eight-year fight to get New York to divest its $226 billion pension fund from fossil fuels, activists have won a major victory. On Wednesday, New York Comptroller Tom DiNapoli announced the state will take a systematic approach to ensure the third-largest pension fund in the U.S. divests from fossil fuels by 2025.

“But the state isn’t stopping there, with a promise to completely decarbonize the fund by 2040. That would put it 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement timeframe of global decarbonization by 2050 and will turn up the pressure on other institutions to follow suit or be left holding worthless investments of a bygone fossil-fueled era.”


“A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down the Trump administration’s plan to relax restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, paving the way for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to enact new and stronger restrictions on power plants.

“The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia called the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule a ‘fundamental misconstruction’ of the nation’s environmental laws, devised through a ‘tortured series of misreadings’ of legal statute.

“On the last full day of the Trump presidency, it effectively ended the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to weaken and undermine climate change policies and capped a dismal string of failures in which courts threw out one deregulation after another. Experts have widely described the E.P.A.’s losing streak as one of the worst legal records of the agency in modern history.

“‘The real win here is that the Trump administration failed to tie the Biden team’s hands,” Ms. Freeman said. ‘They wanted to lock in a narrow legal interpretation and make it impossible for a new administration to set ambitious standards for power plants. That was their whole strategy. And it went down to spectacular defeat.’”


april 11 + 12, 2019

two very good days, writing essays in my favourite cafe and the best picture of me (with the pink and purple hair) at the environment march in london

Politicians acting like legality equals morality. While taking away women’s right to make choices about their body, closing borders, letting refugees die right in front of that borders and ignoring climate change. There are no problems in the system, the system itself is the problem.

Anohni & Yoko Ono: I Love You Earth

wanderlustjapan:清浄暫しとどむ by Yuri YorozunaAmong the forerunners of Transcendentalism, a movement a


清浄暫しとどむ by Yuri Yorozuna

Among the forerunners of Transcendentalism, a movement according to which the divine pervades all of humanity and nature alike, 19th century philosopher-poet and woodsman-ecologist Henry David Thoreau left behind a vital contemplative legacy resembling the intensive retreats undertaken by Buddhist meditators. 


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