#bpd quotes


Tbpdfw :

you beg someone to get back with you because the only thing worse then being with them is without them.

“I know that you cannot always trust,

Even the people that we love,

That’s a fact.

A tough lesson in life I’ve come to learn,

Not all loyalty’s returned,

But I’ve got your back.”


Person: What’s it like living with bpd?

Me: I prefer my nightmares to my conscious thoughts sometimes,
That’s how bad it can be.

So, listen.

All my life I’ve been doing my best to keep up with others, to get things done, to move forward just fast enough. Now I’m 24, I finished school but I have no further education and I’m far, FAR behind of what other people achieved at my age. My mental illnesses got in the way and forced me to go much slower.

I grew up believing that I’d be something great, that I’d be successful and normal and fine. Now I’m a 24 year old self taught ghostwriter, still struggling with addiction, suicidal thoughts, social anxiety etc. and that’s not what I had in mind. But guess what? It’s ok. I’m alive, I’m slowly learning how to live this life and I’ve learned one thing of importance: life is not a race nor is it a checklist you can go through step by step. You can’t outpace your own abilities and the sooner you accept your limits without limiting your potential, the sooner you’ll move in the right direction.

I got better. I stopped cutting, I’m clean, I have a job, a fiance, an apartment. I have a life, a good one. I’ve spent the past four years creating it step by step, far slower than everyone around me. Just to wake up today, noticing I don’t want to live it anymore.

On the wall right behind the place my therapist sits during our appointments is a quote of Max Frisch, Swiss author. It says that crisis is a productive condition. You just have to take away it’s taste of catastrophe. I’ve spend a lot of time looking at that quote and even more time thinking about it. I hope some day I’ll be able to follow Max Frischs advice.

Politicians acting like legality equals morality. While taking away women’s right to make choices about their body, closing borders, letting refugees die right in front of that borders and ignoring climate change. There are no problems in the system, the system itself is the problem.

Everything’s nice and I’m feeling fine, then out of nothing I’m losing my mind. I thought I’ve left the darkness behind. It ran after me, turns out I’m easy to find.


You ask me ‘who are you?’ and I collapse. Who am I? I have a name, but I can’t put myself in words. I’m changing. Every day, every single moment. I’m trying to accept, that I’m a work in progress, yet a masterpiece. I’m more than you could ever understand and still less than you expect. I don’t know who exactly I am and I don’t think I’ll ever find out. That’s ok. I am. I just am.

I am.

Me 3 years ago: I will not leave the house unless my makeup is on fleek. Can’t bother ppl with my ugliness.

Me now: This is my face. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it.

Way too slowly I realised that no one’s gonna save me this time. No one has to. I’m finally strong enough to save myself.
