#borderline things


My COO thought I was Fluttershy but I was like “Nah. I’m Rainbow Dash. I’m really gay and Rainbow Dash is like one big rainbow.”

Someone please stop me from ever speaking again.

People are always like, “you’ll regret not spending time with [insert old relative’s name here] once they’re gone. Literally no. Fuck that. I called my 83-year-old grandmother the other day and she defended reconnecting with the cousins (her other grandchildren) who abused my sisters and me by telling me that they "aren’t very bright” and that she needs car rides from them. That was after she insisted that my childhood was perfect and that she was basically a martyr. I’m sorry, but I can’t love this person or most of my other extended “family.” I tried.

Do you want the honest truth about looking and feeling so different in the workplace? Yes, it is difficult to have multiple marginalized identities AND also dress differently/have visible tattoos. There will always be people who will hate me before they get to know me. There will always be whispers. There will always be stares. But you know what? Being open about who I am has literally saved my life, again and again. I have seen too much and have fought too hard to let ignorance and fear stop me from being a full, participating person in this society. I am aware that I was also born into groups with privilege, and I will continue to use those privileges to fight for others. My mission is to help in some small way to tear down this broken system and create a better world - for you, for me, for all of us.

Hi there! Hello. My name is D and I was raised in a conservative Christian household in the suburbs of Brooklyn. Naturally, I’m now a tattoo-covered lesbian with an affinity for bright hair who reads too many comics. I do a lot of volunteer work, but not for Jesus, and I also take kickboxing classes. Clearly gay.

I didn’t have many friends in high school, which is how my ongoing obsession with writing and social media began. I launched my career with a GeoCities website dedicated entirely to Sailor Moon, which my librarian asked me to shut down because many bad people use the Internet. I wisely heeded her advice and years later, I’m publishing highly personal stories under my own name because what else can you do with a journalism degree?

“You’re online from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed,” my exasperated sister once told me, a habit that bosses now love me for. I’m that jerk you can’t share viral baby goat videos with because I saw them a year ago, before they went viral.

As an introvert who has once suggested that all staff meetings be held via gchat, I have found my calling in communications (seriously). I can write! I can be on social media! I can pretend to be human in important meetings!

All joking aside, I believe in being passionate about what you do and having fun while doing it. I believe in treating people like people, and in making workplaces as diverse, accessible, and inclusive as possible. I believe in fairness, and in leaving the world a bit better than when you entered it.

A coworker once told me, “people like you because you’re real.” Another coworker once called me weird and handed me a Rice Krispies treat. I think I’m winning at this career game.

Me: I can’t do the thing. I really can’t do the thing. Omg. Can’t. Do. It.

Someone else: Yeah, you can’t do the thing.

Me: Oh yeah?! Just watch me, asshole. *Does the thing*

Me: *Signs in to Twitter*

First tweet on my feed: "In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.” — Anita J.


FUCKKKK!!! Fuck this. Maybe I need to be hospitalized. The decisions I am making lately. I’m fucking up big time. I’m not seeing it until I get really high and am in the situation already. I’m at my best friends. You know. The guy, who is in love with me. Yesterday was valentines day. I worked then spent it with him. Well, I took his virginity last night. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m just going and doing everything that feels good without thinking of consequences. There’s literally no “stop and think”. Just do. I’m spending money I don’t have, buying and doing drugs.. TAKING MY BEST FRIENDS VIRGINITY! I’m so fucking stupid. I think I really need to be hospitalized. Like right now.


Fuck fuck fuck. I’m so fucking manic. I didn’t realize how manic until just now. Okay so here’s what’s happened. Me and the boyfriend broke up. I swung into a full blown manic episode without realizing it. I’m spiraling. I met a guy last night at a bar. He was super hot. We connected. Lot of similar tastes. It was great. Well I got his number. Saw that we’ve already texted eachother previously. We’ll we ended up meeting again tonight. We went to a bar. I packed my spenanite bag. Well at the bar I did Molly. It didn’t kick in that much so on the way back. I took more. Well we got to his apartment and his roommate was smoking weed. So I smoked some of my weed. He also had a blunt that I hit a few times. Well now I’m really high and have my little “reality check” moments. What am I doing?

Being borderline and having fp’s is one hell of a trip. Hanging out with old fp’s and not having the rush you used to get is weird. These people used to give me rushes, emotions, happy chemicals. Now, it’s like they’re just another person and the new fp is all you care about.

Politicians acting like legality equals morality. While taking away women’s right to make choices about their body, closing borders, letting refugees die right in front of that borders and ignoring climate change. There are no problems in the system, the system itself is the problem.

I really hope there’s an alien species watching us. I hope they see us ruining this earth and I hope they’re coming to stop us.

Höre diese Stimmen, sehe diese Schatten vor mir. All das, lässt mich den Verstand verlieren. All das, bringt mir schlaflose Nächte. All das, hält mich vom Leben fern. Und all das, bringt mich zum Verzweifeln.


I was born to wander.

Wandering eyes.

Wandering heart.

But all I’ve ever wanted was roots.

life is so fun for all of one singular second !!

But one thing we should always NOT do , is scold the person.

If you see your bpd person already curled up and having the guts to be open and honest with you about their feelings in a situation when they made a mistake or they are in the wrong, do not scold them about it and point out their mistake like a punitive parent.

because chances are;
we already know all of that. We are already beating outselves in the head with it. Telling ourselves how dumb , how cowardly and how stupid we are for failing. so having a trusted person reflect those feelings to us, is even more destructive to us than hearing it from ourselves.

you truly want to help ?
Give them a hug, a kiss , hold their hand. Lend them an ear, listen atentively. Even if you dont understand what they are going through , listen to their woes.
tell them ”it´s ok to make mistakes” and that “they are strong”. Tell them that you “believe they will do better next time.”

Maybe just, tell them “Things will be ok”
That´s we all need to hear that sometimes.

Do you still feel like your bpd person needs to hear some hard truths?
Make sure you tell them once they are stable, once they can hear the wisdom in your words. Once they dont focus so atentively on all the negativety, and start getting consumed by paranoia. Dont be a punitive person and jump to scolding. Make sure they focus on improving, and not on their failure. Express how you believe they can change and encourage them to, back them up to it. Explain that, this event doesnt change the way you view them. That it doesnt change the fact that you like/love/adore them.

Just because we are sensitive, that should not isent us from hearing what needs to be said. But those precautions are needed.

And not just to people with bpd, we should be gentle to everyone.
Be gentle to those who make mistakes. Be gentle to people that genuingly want to change. Be gentle to those who come to you searching for a shoulder.
