#dave x klaus


Klaus and Dave starGAYzing

Klaus: Sometimes I just like to look at the stars and wonder what it all means.

Dave: *looks up at the stars*

Stars: Wanna make out

Dave: *looks at Klaus*

Klaus: *winks at him*

Klaus: I’ve only had Dave for a day and a half but if anything happened to him, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.

~10 months later~


Klaus basically the next day: Wow, God? Fancy seeing you here

Klaus: You know what would be sexy. Eating food off each other.

Dave: You didn’t do the dishes did you

Klaus: not a single plate

Klaus: *does drugs in Diego’s car after Dave dies*

Diego: Ok, but just so you know, I’m judging you.

Klaus who is higher than a turtle’s life expectancy: NoT iF I JuDgE yOu FiRsT

