#dungeon master

Got the chance to illustrate the quintessential Dungeon Master for D&D’s Dragon+ drawing f

Got the chance to illustrate the quintessential Dungeon Master for D&D’s Dragon+ drawing from my own experiences. Saying this was a really awesome project would be an understatement. Gotta thank Creative Director Shauna Narciso, and an awesome team of designers and editors behind all of this for making me look way cooler than I am :P You can read more of it here

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MasterOfDungeons!OOTD Whoever put me in charge of a campaign made a grave mistake. Good luck my play


Whoever put me in charge of a campaign made a grave mistake. Good luck my players

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So my brother is new to the Critical Role Community

He’s been watching Campaign Two for the past few days and he’s made it to episode four. Throughout this process, he’s been keeping me up to date with what he thinks about the world, magic, and characters.

As a bit of a veteran fan, this is very amusing to me.

But so far this has been my favorite comment of his:

“All these guys don’t really seem like they’re on the up-and-up to me. Most of them are running from something or they’re criminals - I mean, Caleb and Nott were in freaking prison. As far as I can tell Mollymauk is the most normal, morally-guided person without a criminal record or sketchy backstory.”

This obviously made me die laughing. The fact that he thinks MOLLY is the most normal, decent person in that party KILLS ME

Oh well, he’ll learn the truth soon…


So my brother is new to the Critical Role Community

He’s been watching Campaign Two for the past few days and he’s made it to episode four. Throughout this process, he’s been keeping me up to date with what he thinks about the world, magic, and characters.

As a bit of a veteran fan, this is very amusing to me.

But so far this has been my favorite comment of his:

“All these guys don’t really seem like they’re on the up-and-up to me. Most of them are running from something or they’re criminals - I mean, Caleb and Nott were in freaking prison. As far as I can tell Mollymauk is the most normal, morally-guided person without a criminal record or sketchy backstory.”

This obviously made me die laughing. The fact that he thinks MOLLY is the most normal, decent person in that party KILLS ME

Oh well, he’ll learn the truth soon…

✨New item!✨
Potion, very rare

A waterskin filled with a pig’s used bath water. As an action you can douse yourself with this murky brine, granting you pig powers for 1 hour. You gain a +2 bonus to Constitution saving throws and 2d10 temporary hit points for the duration. Additionally, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to forage for food.

You exude a rancid odor while coated in this liquid, giving you disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. This negative side effect lasts until you bathe.

Brewed by the all-powerful pig wizard Maurice le Boueux for his followers who desire to become more piglike. His raucous foraging parties gained widespread renown for their yield of high quality truffles as well as their unbearable stench. Although many outsiders claim Maurice is just an ordinary pig, anyone who douses themselves in his bathwater cannot deny its transformative effects!

Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 120 magic items, item cards, beautiful monster art and stat blocks, monthly setting pdfs, and vote for the content you want to see! ‍♂️

Credit.Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.

 ✨First Item✨Corrupted Treant HeartWondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Druid)_____

✨First Item✨
Corrupted Treant Heart
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Druid)
This twisted and blackened wooden heart is strung through with thorny vines and worn as a pendant.

Thorns dig into your neck while you are attuned to this magic item, and your hit point maximum is reduced by 5. Your skin develops a black and spiny bark-like appearance and you gain the benefit of the barkskinspell (doesn’t require concentration). Additionally, creatures that hit you with melee attacks take 1d4 piercing damage.

Once per dawn, as an action you can cause a surge of thorns to erupt from the ground in a line 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. Any creature on the same surface as you that is caught in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spellcasting DC. On a failure they take 8d4 piercing damage and their walking speed is halved until the start of your next turn. On a success a creature takes half damage and its walking speed is not halved.

Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 100 magic items, item cards, monster art and stat blocks, monthly setting pdfs, and more! ‍♂️

Credit.Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.

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Got super busy with freelance work the past few weeks and all I had the energy to draw was Dorian, h

Got super busy with freelance work the past few weeks and all I had the energy to draw was Dorian, haha. I’m happy Robbie’s back, but before I can dive too deep into the new crit role I gotta finish the Seven and ugly cry.

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There are two things I am always in the mood for: horse antics and sass. Ostentatia is my fucking fa

There are two things I am always in the mood for: horse antics and sass. Ostentatia is my fucking favorite and the mansion trash schtick sends me to another universe.

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Been busy the past few weeks moving, but I’m very into The Seven and catching up. Been really enjoyi

Been busy the past few weeks moving, but I’m very into The Seven and catching up. Been really enjoying Ostentatia’s Jersey Mansion Trash attitude and Sam’s queenly clapbacks.

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DUNGEON DADDY!!! So I designed this shirt specifically for our wildly creative and hysterically funn

DUNGEON DADDY!!! So I designed this shirt specifically for our wildly creative and hysterically funny DM but it’s also for sale in my @threadless shop. Free shipping now until March 31st   https://kayleepinecone.threadless.com/

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Another batch of quirky potions – their effects and visual designs are based on my monsters’ lore ♥

Another batch of quirky potions – their effects and visual designs are based on my monsters’ lore ♥ Feel free to check them out over at my Patreon page. Patrons gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as the potion cards.

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Eyebold – Tiny ooze, unalignedWhile this peculiar critter might not be a feast for the eyes, it is mEyebold – Tiny ooze, unalignedWhile this peculiar critter might not be a feast for the eyes, it is mEyebold – Tiny ooze, unalignedWhile this peculiar critter might not be a feast for the eyes, it is m

Eyebold – Tiny ooze, unaligned

While this peculiar critter might not be a feast for the eyes, it is most definitely a sight to see. Resembling a gross puddle of strangely pulsating mud at first glance, the eyebold lives up to be an affectionate companion if given the chance. It is known for vigilantly keeping an eye out for any dangers or threats and being able to change its host’s way of looking at things – quite literally. These beneficial traits make this tiny ooze – despite its repulsive appearance – a highly regarded creature. And after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

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Figment of Frost – Tiny celestial, any alignmentJust like its fiery kin, the figment if frost is borFigment of Frost – Tiny celestial, any alignmentJust like its fiery kin, the figment if frost is borFigment of Frost – Tiny celestial, any alignmentJust like its fiery kin, the figment if frost is bor

Figment of Frost – Tiny celestial, any alignment

Just like its fiery kin, the figment if frost is born from the subconscious mind of a dreaming vulpecula. It is said that the slumbering creature‘s current condition or the place it rests in has a direct effect on the shape of the manifested figment. Thus, this peculiar celestial might be the result of a vulpecula hibernating on the freezing slope of a mountain or near the gelid waters of an icy stream.

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

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Figment of Flames – Tiny celestial, any alignmentWhile this little critter appears to be some kind oFigment of Flames – Tiny celestial, any alignmentWhile this little critter appears to be some kind oFigment of Flames – Tiny celestial, any alignmentWhile this little critter appears to be some kind o

Figment of Flames – Tiny celestial, any alignment

While this little critter appears to be some kind of whimsical elemental, it is in fact the product of a vulpecula’s dream. Manifesting in the real world, a figment’s shape is influenced by the manifold facets of magical energy itself. The fiery variant is characterized by flaming fur and a strong affinity to anything related to scorching heat. Consequently, this creature can be found close to blazing places such as volcanos or in company of fire-wielding spell casters.

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

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Ambervein Sapling – Tiny plant, unalignedLike a quaintly calming aura surrounds the ambervein tree, Ambervein Sapling – Tiny plant, unalignedLike a quaintly calming aura surrounds the ambervein tree, Ambervein Sapling – Tiny plant, unalignedLike a quaintly calming aura surrounds the ambervein tree,

Ambervein Sapling – Tiny plant, unaligned

Like a quaintly calming aura surrounds the ambervein tree, so do countless rumours and myths. Legend has it that the growth of this peculiar plant can only be sparked by the very essence of a dying kind soul – be it a resolute paladin breathing her last breath while defending the defenseless or a warm-hearted druid willingly sacrificing themself for a greater cause. How much truth, however, this tragically romantic tale actually holds remains a mystery. What is certain is that the tree’s golden veins bristle with pulsating life and soothing energy – right from the fragile start of its everlasting existence.

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

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Eternal Automaton – Medium Construct, lawful neutralThe eternal automata are truly a marvel of arcanEternal Automaton – Medium Construct, lawful neutralThe eternal automata are truly a marvel of arcanEternal Automaton – Medium Construct, lawful neutralThe eternal automata are truly a marvel of arcan

Eternal Automaton – Medium Construct, lawful neutral

The eternal automata are truly a marvel of arcane mechanical engineering – even by current standards. Invented by an ancient civilization of seafarers, their creation led to a period of enormous progress, peace and prosperity. Over the centuries most of these peculiar constructs got lost in time. Legend has it, however, that some of them are still intact…

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

This creature was made in collaboration with Dungeon Strugglers&Eightfold Paper❤️

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Baby Giant Lava Slug – Tiny elemental, unalignedOften mistaken for a separate genus, this fiery critBaby Giant Lava Slug – Tiny elemental, unalignedOften mistaken for a separate genus, this fiery critBaby Giant Lava Slug – Tiny elemental, unalignedOften mistaken for a separate genus, this fiery crit

Baby Giant Lava Slug – Tiny elemental, unaligned

Often mistaken for a separate genus, this fiery critter is in fact the offspring of the giant lava slug, gastropoda magmarosa. While it lacks the sturdiness and strength of its parents, this creature can still wreak havoc by leaving a trail of lava-like slime wherever it wanders. Despite this hazardous trait and their appetite for gems of all kinds, it is said that some eccentric adventurers raise and train these baby slugs to become vigorous mounts for battle.

If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of dozens of quirky creatures as well as potion cards based on the monsters’ lore.

This creature was made in collaboration with Loot Tavern❤️

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A Disney Dungeons and Dragons DM screen?? You’re speaking right to my HEART!

Did this for a group that has a campaign based on Disney Characters! How fun is that?

Using children’s mazes from coloring books is actually a really great tool for creating dungeon layouts!

In our prior battle, our gnome had opened a portal to the plane of air elementals which, as our GM informed us, is very easy to open but very hard to close.

Gnome: Wait… It’s hard to close from here. So WHAT IF

Ranger: Don’t do thi-

Gnome: WHAT IF I go into the plane of air elementals and close that portal and then open a new one here come back through it, and THEN close that portal.

GM: Sure, if you want to risk opening a portal on the other side of the world.

Gnome: …. I’ll get back to you.

The druid is sneaking through the camp site and a few soldiers start walking towards her general direction.


DM: The camp you’re sneaking through is in an open field.

Druid Player: Shit.

Soldier: Has that tree always been there?

Druid: I’ve been here for weeks!

DM: Roll bluff.

Druid Player: Crit.

Soldier: Well the tree would know better than us I suppose!

We had just found the cleric’s mom crucified in town, took her down and let her rest.

Cleric: Mom, how are you doing?

Mom: Well I’m hanging in there.

Cleric: Mom.

Something in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (ASomething in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (ASomething in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (ASomething in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (ASomething in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (A

Something in between commissions. A bunch of portraits I sketched for our Tal’dorei D&D group (Also known as Moree & the Genasi band). Drawing faces relaxes me….I will add more in the future.

In order: Arnuel and Raudraith, the snooty elven brothers before they turned into an air and fire Genasi. They were a bunch of a-holes.

- Our dear cleric Moree and myBlood hunter Yves, a reverse AU. Where Moree is a plant Genasi this time and Yves a plain ol’ noble human (quarter elf). 

-Two NPC’s played wonderfully by our DM Niko:Captain Thiasli and the very holy dwarven Lady Anatoli

-And then the two dads of Yves,Maturin (Halfling rogue) and Aubrey(Dwarf captain) -yes that’s a reference- and the mysterious Nelsora (human fighter).

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“This is my boyfriend Arnuel, and this is Arnuel’s girlfriend Moree, and that is her boyfriend Yves,

“This is my boyfriend Arnuel, and this is Arnuel’s girlfriend Moree, and that is her boyfriend Yves, and that is their boyfriend Raudraith and that back there is Rau’s GOOD BIRD Lady Chandrahas.”


^The Dm’s Dwarven merchant NPC: Anatoli explaining the result of a late night discord conversation, where the Roll20 group decided to marry each other. 

I’m not procrastinating! You are! 


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New character illustration finished!The lovely & badass lavender Yaniir is a Tiefling Arcane Tri

New character illustration finished!

The lovely & badass lavender Yaniir is a Tiefling Arcane Tricksterrogue and she is always prepared to accept any challenge. Yaniir is mighty clever, but she can be irreverent and quite impatient. Her body is covered with glowing white markings from an arcane experiment gone wrong and she smells constantly of brimstone.

Commisioned by Noah, for one of his fellow adventurers.

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New character, who dis?My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pNew character, who dis?My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pNew character, who dis?My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pNew character, who dis?My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pNew character, who dis?My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him p

New character, who dis?

My soft-hearted and wispy Smoke Genasi: Endeavour Yves. (They/them, his/him pronouns. Yves is a smoky skeleton most of the time anyway…) They are a Blood hunter, with a mysterious past. When tired of agitated their skin becomes more transparent, showing their bone structure more clearly. This tends to scare people a tad bit… 

Yves is also very much blind. Their more “darker” abilities and excellent hearing compensate for their lack of sight.

Niko is the best Dm! I am so happy Charredlore convinced me to join up, ‘cause my new fellow adventurers are the BEST.

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‘Shudder is a stern tiefling rogue/fighter, originally hailing from the desert city of Calimport. St‘Shudder is a stern tiefling rogue/fighter, originally hailing from the desert city of Calimport. St

Shudder is a stern tiefling rogue/fighter, originally hailing from the desert city of Calimport. Stepping through a portal mirror, he descended into the Underdark alongside other adventurers to drive back the demon lords. Their quest was successful, but Shudder suffered greatly: He aged by thirty years in the span of a second, was driven insane multiple times, lost his halfling friend and apprentice Fargas Rumblefoot (who turned out to have been Fraz-Urb'luu, demon lord of deception, all along), witnessed the death of his god Kelemvor and - compelled by a demonic gnoll flail - gobbled down a chunk of the corpse of Orcus, demon lord of undeath. The Raven Queen, having taken Kelemvor’s place, saw it fit to separate Shudder from Orcus’ essence… by slaying him. Having been granted a new chance as an aasimar, he now serves her alone. 

Likewise caught up in the Raven Queen’s judgement was Dawnbringer, Shudder’s sentient sun sword. Her vessel - a golden hilt set with a brilliant ruby - was shattered, and Dawnbringer’s spirit now shares Shudder’s body. When called upon, she manifests as a blade of pure radiance in his hand. Both in the madness of the Underdark and beyond, Dawnbringer ever strives to be a relentless wellspring of cheerful hope for the often dour Shudder.’

Thank you Charredlore for providing the excellent background information, as usual :D! Commissioned by Charredlore (indirectly by one of his adventurers).

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Well hellooo! New commission finished!Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this pieceWell hellooo! New commission finished!Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this pieceWell hellooo! New commission finished!Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this pieceWell hellooo! New commission finished!Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this piece

Well hellooo! New commission finished!

Kyle, the Dungeon Master of the group, commissioned this piece for his adventurers as a parting gift. He wanted the real life people portrayed in their character’s get-up and acting in character. Designing the costumes and getting their expressions juuuust right was a lot of fun! So I’ve added some detail shots as well. 

Left to right (clockwise): Giro: water Genasi and a cleric of Vogan. A quiet fellow with a troubled past / Durbin: human monk and drunken master. Never found without a drink in his hands / Shadow: an Arakorka Rogue. A  sinister guy. Likely not to be trusted  /  Volanir: a Human noble warlock. Finds himself quite the leader. Has a logical mind and calm disposition. / Marcus:  Human Cleric of the god of society. Annoys Volanir to no end with his proper and social ways / Pierce: a human bard who enjoys attention. ‘Go big, or go home’ attitude. / and Kyle: the DM, their evil overlord :)

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 “Sveriadun is a half-elven druid hailing from the small hamlet of Skovenmark close to the Bor

Sveriadun is a half-elven druid hailing from the small hamlet of Skovenmark close to the Border Forest, east of the Anauroch desert. When tragedy born of elemental chaos struck her home, she travelled south with a handful of other survivors, searching for answers - but instead found her half-brother Telorastand the unbridled madness of the demon lords within the Underdark. She’s very compassionate and inquisitive, wielding healing magic and elemental spells in battle. At her side flies Yngwi the owl, a steadfast and wise companion.” ~Again thank you Charredlore, for the appropriate lore ;)! 

This lovely woodland half-elf druid belongs to (and was a birthday present for) an adventurer inCharredlore’s Dnd Team. 

(My colleague and friend is called Yngwie, so he is an owl now I guess, haha :P)

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