

not gonna lie, seeing exclusionists throwing a pity party because they have to be reminded that people outside of their approved 3-4 letters exist will never not be funny to me

Afab enby spaces are full of radfem/terf-aligned people and even crypto terfs. We need to adress the topic of enbyterfs but nobody is ready for it.

@/maleprivilegehaver is propably a terf who tries to pass as an anti- terf non binary person. Be very careful guys, he is posting on the transandrophobia tag

it really enrages me to see people claming they are pro-intersectionality while in reality they are just using an additive approach of identities/social positions when they aren’t using the unitary model.

Nooo. intersectionality is not adding disvataged/privileged idetities where the social effects of each identities are separated from one another. This is just a spread misconception of what intersectionality is.

What characterize intersectionality is the mutually co-constitutive nature of multiple aspects of identity meaning for example being a trans man, these two identities can’t be separated from each’s others. The experience of being a man is conditioned by being trans and being trans is conditioned by being a man. It’s mutually co-constitutive, it can’t be divided.

From an intersectional point of view the concept transandrophobia is valid.

Experience also means disadvantages and from an intersectional approach there are going to be disadvantages specifically for being a trans man (and not for just being trans or just being a man)in a cishetpatrical (etc etc) context.

Being TME/TMA is not based on ASAB (and claming such is bioessentialist)

One’s TME/TMA status can be situational, fluid.

Being TMA or TME does not stop you from being transmisogynistic, transandrophobic, ceterophobic, racist…etc.

This is for those who are against afab transfems and amab transmascs.

>Can u explain me why ? Why is it ok for u to segregate an identity on the basis of someone’s ASAB ? Isn’t what terfs actually do ? For them “woman” is AFAB-exclusive and yall act the same with transfem/transmasc. U use terf logic, u discriminate someone due to their genitals. ////

Why don’t you let ppl identify with whatever they want regardless of their asab and without telling them they are bad/wrong/not valid ? If an afab individual feel a connection to transfemininity, why they should be forbidden to identify as such ?

For me we should stop to imply that transfem= amab and transmasc= afab and start to recognize that some transfems are afab and some transmascs are amab (and others aren’t even afab or amab)

Sex assignement is an arbitrary act who don’t accure just one time in your life. Socially, people will assign you to a sex/gender category (often based on you appearence but not only). So if an afab is assigned to male by someone but they identify with a fingender/feingender they are in fact transfem/trans girl. Ofc, u don’t necessary need this experience to be a transfem. If u feel connected to the term for me it’s the most important.

I really don’t understand why so many ppl are so hostile towards afab/amab transfems/transmascs and have a very reductive vision of the sex/gender assignement process//

Again if an afab is comfortable with the label transfem, where is the problem if they use it ?They are not hurting anyone. Let them vibing.

A resource about afab transfems :

How is @kiss-the-cis still on the website and why are some trans people kissing cis boots with this scapegoating bullshit?

thats getting really boring now.

since you’re a pussy who won’t let me message you (i dont know why, since you said you’re not scared of me, even if you act like you are) i’m going to answer you here :)

i’m not a men. not being a women dosnt make me a men. you want me to use the term daddy? why? i can use daddy even if im not a men, but i can’t use mommy unless im a woman? what a shitty logic, dude.

chill out, its just a fucking tittle for horny times, my friend. why are you so bothered that my partners call me mommy in bed? lol, get a life and go find someone who would be willing to fuck your ugly body or something and leave people alone

My newest video is out!! I talk about the whole Kalvin Garrah situation so if you’re interested in that click the link!!

