

Cherry red tongue pressed against a lily pink tongue. Spinning in circular motions until our lips locked..

Locked inside of a beautiful hell

You tore my soul out of chest

My ribs could no longer protect it.

Will you ever come back and unlock me from this hell you trapped me in?

I can’t breathe.

What If

Thousands of years ago

The magic that lives inside of me

& inside of you

Lived within two different souls

That were soul mates

Yet one got taken away too soon

those two souls were never forever..

So every different generation that specific magic

In those two souls try to find each other

To die together & love each other for eternity

& maybe that is why we feel as though we’ve known each other forever

Our souls are familiar with one another

Too bad you and I no longer lay side by side

I wonder what souls this magic will possess next generation.

I could sit here and write hundreds of pages about how much I loved you, I could sit here and write hundreds of pages about how much I missed you, I could sit here and write thousands of pages about how much you hurt me. But instead I am going to sit here and write to you, about how big of a mistake you made when you decided to take my heart and leave, and why the reasoning as to why you left me was so unbelievable I am afraid to love again. 

We dated for almost a year; even though it felt like I had known you my whole life. You stole my heart one cold December night, the best, yet now, the worst night of my life. You told me that you loved me fast into our relationship. And I believed you, because you sometimes would cry to me late at night about how lucky you were to have me and how you could not believe how much your heart loved mine. You kissed my lips with such passion that every other guys kiss feels like poison… Their lips are not yours. You would surprise me late at night picking me up and twirling me around in your uniform.. I always stayed missing you so much. I loved it when you came back home to me after being away for a long time. My heart craved yours everyday. You corrupted my middle name. You were the only one that every called me that. Now when I hear it I can hear your voice saying it. It was always at the end of “I love you”. Long story short, I have memories with you that will never leave my mind. I loved you, god how much I loved you. Yet, one day you called me and told me that I told you I love you too much.. I don’t know why that would make you no longer love me.. You told me that I was a “vicious cycle” because I constantly needed to be reminded that you were never leaving me.. Yet, you should have understood that I only would ask you that because I loved you so much I never wanted to live without you. You yelled at me because I loved you.. You no longer loved me because I loved you? Well the next morning I woke up expecting to see you, that maybe if we just talked in person and you hugged me that you would understand how much you truly do love me. Well you texted me the next morning telling me that you love me so much “I really love you”, though a few moments later you informed me that you haven’t loved me in nine months, that I know longer make you happy, and you couldn’t put up with me anymore, but my love, all I ever did was love you. All I ever did was love you, and wait until I could kiss your lips again. How can you cry about how much you loved me seven months into our relationship , yet you haven’t loved me in nine? Well my heart had to learn how to beat on its own again when you left, and it still isn’t back to its self, I miss that heart so much. It felt so warm, so loved. I found out a week after you left me that you already had another girlfriend and about how much you lied to me during our relationship. A part of me wonders why you left me for her, because well, you left me for her. You made the biggest mistake leaving me because nobody will ever love you as much as my soul loved yours. I truly hope that you realize that one day. But my heart wants to know , my heart craves to know every single day did you really never love me? Did you lie for 10 months about loving me? How did you do that? I know you loved me…I could tell, I swear that I could see the love you had for me in your eyes. I felt so much love from you. So did you really never love me? You held me when I cried and you swore you’d never leave me, yet you never loved me? I guess ill never know but that question will always haunt me. I really hope, I really hoped that you loved me. Because your love is what made me. And lastly though, my love, I am so sorry that I loved you so much it made you feel as though you had to leave,, I’ll never understand your reasoning. 

Now my heart will never trust that someone loves me. 

I think that you haunted my sheets because every time I lay down I smell you and every time I try to sleep I dream of you. Sometimes I wake up thinking that you are next to me, but then I realize that you have not kept me warm at night in 10 weeks. You promised me forever, yet here I am alone. Did you find another girl named Lauren that you “love” all  throughout your bones?

I’m not that naive but there are moments when I hope that we last…forever.


this doesn’t even feel real. this is so unfair. my heart is in my throat and i can’t help but sob for his wife and kids, the foos- especially dave and his family, and the millions of fans including myself who adored him. rest easy, taylor. we love you forever and always



Sade - Never as Good as the First Time (1986)


your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?


LOTR Chapters On Screen: The Return of the King-Book V

“Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!”

Then Merry heard in all sounds of the hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed, and the clear voice was like the ring of steel.

“But no living man am I! You are looking upon a woman. Eowyn am I, Eomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.”

The winged creature screamed at her, but then the Ringwraith was silent, as if in sudden doubt. Very amazement for a moment conquered Merry’s fear. He opened his eyes and the blackness was lifted from them. There some paces from him sat the great beast, and all seemed dark about it, and above it loomed the Nazgul Lord like a shadow of despair. A little to the left facing them stood whom he had called Dernhelm. But the helm of her secrecy had fallen from her, and and her bright hair, released from its bonds, gleamed with pale gold upon her shoulders. Her eyes grey as the sea were hard and fell, and yet tears gleamed in them. A sword was in her hand, and she raised her shield against the horror of her enemy’s eyes.

-Book V, Chapter VI: The War of the Ring
