

Across The Salt Water

There are some days that she calls,

purely for the sake of hearing my voice:

my rich tones that feed the soul, like tea

dripping gently down the gullet after

a warm swallow.

We sit,

stare, talk as if we really were sitting there,

side by side,

even though we are side by side

in some roundabout way. No such luck for

speaking thoughts straight

from mouths to ears to minds without Facebook eavesdropping,

but thank God for it.

I will cut Mark Zuckerberg a portion

of our laughter - profits - if needs must,

for we share plenty.

Thank God for her, sweet shepherd of souls,

beacon of light and calm in those raging storms.

And still home to so much joy, I call her

“safe”, call her “sister” as I did choose,

or as Fate did. We were meant.

Divine intervention or just the stars aligning getting their shit together -

it was meant.

Hers is a voice that echoes in my head,

when my ship is plunging through the sea,

when I am so full to the brim with salt water

it overflows.

She calls me home.

Even from so far away, she makes me know

that I will make it there.

Top 50 Classical Quotes about Friends & Friendship

Top 50 Classical Quotes about Friends & Friendship

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Miraculous Accumulator, 2013, Giclée prints (two parts), wooden sculpture (two parts), Photographs p

Miraculous Accumulator, 2013, Giclée prints (two parts), wooden sculpture (two parts), Photographs printed in edition of 10, 74 x 100 cm each (print size), Courtesy of the artist and Ingleby Gallery


Exhibition through March 26, 2016 at Ingleby Gallery, Los Angeles Fair & Paris Fair Exhibitor

15 Calton Road, EH8 8DL Edinburgh
[email protected]
T +44 131 556 4441

Lyons’s practice explores the fragility of friendship and adventure through performances documented by photography and film. He creates ingenious and mischievous devices which are presented – having fulfilled their one purpose – as relics of the event, together with the photographic evidence. The photographs, however, are not simply documentation of a sequence of anarchic events. They fix the moment between ’cause’ and ‘effect’ and are imbued with wit, melancholy and the physical humour of early silent cinema. In this process Lyons attempts to reconcile the enthusiasm of reckless youth with the pressures of adulthood; these are snap-shots of ‘Lost Boys’ putting outlandish ideas into practice and (just) getting away with it.

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rollo may, the cry for myth

Great catch up on a rainy holiday. . . . #friends #friendship #dinner #potluck #houseparty #catchup

Great catch up on a rainy holiday.
#friends #friendship #dinner #potluck #houseparty #catchup

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photo: @gabilauura on instagram

photo:@gabilauura on instagram

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Forgive me. I say that in advance because I know once you’ve encountered me and my essence…you won’t be able to fathom how I caused your mind to think, your heart to beat, your soul to feel depth, your inner child to create and dream, or your spirit to be vulnerable and speak..

I took a trip down memory lane and stopped by a former love’s spot in my heart. I reminisced about the days of old while droping off a box of sorted emotions. And as I left, I closed the door without slamming it. Instead, I smiled while shaking off the dust of the past, healing.

I really don’t mean to cut everyone off, believe me

it happens

it’s not in my control

I can’t even control my own life

how could I control my friends

And by now you can only look at me with pity - not with love or friendship but just pity, like I’m something half-dead lying on the roadside and the kindest thing would be to put me out of my misery.

—Sally Rooney, Beautiful World, Where Are You.

I told him I was easily seduced by people who laughed at my jokes and he said he was easily seduced by people who were smarter than he was.

Sally Rooney, Conversations With Friends.

Art found on side of building,

Photo, edits, & words by me

This halloween turned out not so bad this year considering I hadn’t made plans! Went to a show

This halloween turned out not so bad this year considering I hadn’t made plans!
Went to a show called sultan show were they create a fair for all sorts of events that go on around the year! Music, crazy rides, bomb fire and to top the night off fireworks! Went with one of my oldest friends and we had a great time, definitely different to a party or that kind of scene but was a really good turn out! Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

The app I used to create this collage was ‘Grid’

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So one genius slept through her alarms this morning and missed her run and was like a bear with a headache for the morning because of it.

I managed to salvage it this afternoon by tagging on to a friends 10km so got some bonus miles! For once I left the phone behind, enjoyed the conversation and learned that yes I do need a headtorch for late afternoon runs (spot the morning runner!).
