#glo up




It’s okay to romanticise the small things about your day-to-day life. It’s okay to romanticise sleeping in, waking up to the sun tickling your skin. It’s okay to romanticise the texture of fingers against a page. Sometimes to save your day you need to romanticise sitting at a desk and working, or romanticise studying hyped up on coffee. It’s okay to picture yourself as if you were the mc in a movie. Watch yourself go through shit and know that it’s just the climax of your own story, and that while you sit in your room sobbing to sad songs, good things are just around the corner.

Sometimes to be okay or get through the day you need to romanticise the simple things.




things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever

  • change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
  • move the pictures on your wall
  • stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
  • slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
  • change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
  • drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
  • shower with the lights off, without music
  • buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
  • start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
  • wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
  • listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015

Almost all of these are about variety. Humans need stimulation! We need enrichment! We literally cannot do the same thing every day!

The other day I was feeling miserable, so I hopped on a bus and rode it all the way back to where I’d started, and my brain, which had finally had some proper stimulation via new environments, was suddenly ready to go again!

This is why taking walks/drives and trying new hobbies are good for you! Don’t turn yourself into a sad zoo animal! You need some pumpkins to roll around in your enclosure!


back to school reminders:

  • your grades don’t define you
  • mental health is a priority
  • not doing some homework assignments isn’t the end of the world
  • turn things in on time even if they aren’t completely done
  • you don’t need a perfect GPA to go to college
  • apply for scholarships
  • drama is exhausting; try to avoid it
  • ask for help when you need it
  • you aren’t stupid for not knowing everything
  • not every friend is a real one
  • teachers aren’t always right
  • everyone makes mistakes
  • you can do it


i carry a lot of hurt in my heart but that will not stop me from growing and healing and becoming better than i have ever been


start working out now. make that hair dresser appointment now. let your next meal be the healthiest you’ve ever eaten. move the furniture in your room right now. text that old friend or crush. make a new playlist. go on a run. open a window. it doesn’t matter what you do, no matter how big or small change is; change is change. and it will always, always, alwayshelp you to turn your life around and clear your head. it gives you that boost, that confidence to be a better version of yourself, no matter the impact it has.


It kinda hurts when you expect people to support you and to celebrate your small victories with you, to take you seriously when you tell them your goals, but everytime they don’t, even if it still surprises me a bit, I always feel a bit more determined. I know myself enough to know that if I want it I will get it, no matter how long it takes me. Bet.


you’ve gotta stat romanticizing your life. you gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. you have to, because that’s when you start truly living. that’s when you look forward to every day. 


The best thing I ever did was stop trying to water myself down to make myself softer or less aggressive. I naturally have a strong presence & I own the space I take up in this world even if some people think I’m too much.


Fuck anyone who tries to make you feel ashamed of who you are. They don’t know jack shit about what you’ve survived, and you don’t owe them any explanation or apology. If you aren’t hurting anyone, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud. You deserve it.


feel good things:

  • watch sunrises.somehow, this makes me feel like the beginning of something new, the birth of my better, stronger self. watch the way the sun rises, because just like that, you will rise and shine, too.
  • sing your heart out. dance until you’re exhausted. make art until you run out paint. write out your feelings. indulge in your passion and do it like you’re doing it to impress yourself.
  • relive your favorite, happiest memory. it is one easy guaranteed effective way to make your heart, your soul, and even your lips smile. no bias.
  • rewatch your favorite film. grab some chips or a bucket of popcorn and have a marathon of your most-watched flicks. don’t hesitate to replay your favorite scenes if you feel the need to.
  • aspire and try to be kind, always. being kind on a daily basis is possibly one of the most exhausting and draining thing to ever do but i promise at the end of the day, before you go to sleep you will realize: it is worth it. always.
  • take a shower. scrub off your creeping self-doubts, smell nice, and bask yourself with self-love. take your time to ponder about your life inside the tub. this is the best time to reevaluate and relax.
  • be spontaneous even just for one day.drive away from the city. get a haircut. go on a coffee shop hopping. sketch random places. let your heart and your thoughts wander. let your soul soar and be free.
  • treat yourself. it does not necessarily have to be something enormous or expensive. it could just be a new set of brushes or getting a thrifted second-hand book or buying yourself some bouquet of fresh flowers. it’s not about the tags, it’s about the thought.
  • rekindle your love for a forgotten passion. nothing beats falling in love with something the second time around. touch your dusty piano keys, change your rusty violin strings, and once again (just like the old days), let your ardor dance in harmony.
  • take a nap. because sometimes, the best way to temporarily solve something, is to do nothing. yes, it is only ethical to give yourself a break from the overwhelming society. and yes, taking a nap most of the time makes everything better.
  • if you want to or feel the need to, cry. there is nothing wrong with doing something that is inherent. this does not prove that you are weak, it only proves that you are a human being capable of feeling things. so really, do not ever plan to hinder yourself from crying. it’s often times therapeutic.
  • do something that you have never done before.no more excuses. just because there is nothing more empowering and satisfying than crossing something out of your bucketlist.


gloing up for the new year

so these can be used all year round, i just thought it’d be a good idea to make a post about it for new years because it’s a good point for starting fresh.

bring lip balm with you everywhere. dry, cracked lips aren’t cute.

get into new music! love a certain band and want to find artists similar to them? https://www.music-map.com is the place to go!

clean up your phone/social media. unfollow people you need to, delete contacts and old posts. go thru your camera roll, delete unnecessary apps.

buying a water bottle helps you drink more water. i have a contigo one i bring everywhere and it helps me stay hydrated.

try wearing accessories. scarves, necklaces, chokers, rings, bracelets, you name it. they’re good additions to your style.

get a hair cut or trim your split ends. dye it if you want! go for that crazy color! sally beauty has a lot of hair dye options.

keep your fingernails/toenails clean and trimmed.

go on a shopping trip. it doesn’t have to be big. maybe freshen up your wardrobe with a couple new outfits, or buy a couple things you’ve been wanting to.

go through your makeup. throw out expired or old products and organize what you have left.

if you haven’t already… start a skincare routine! girl if you don’t take care of your skin…it won’t treat you well. find one that works for you.

cut off those damn people that are interfering with your vibe already!

if you wear makeup, experiment with different things. try different colors, try false eyelashes, try new techniques. but remember you do NOT need makeup, it is just for fun!

put your phone/device down more. when you’re with friends, family, out in public, try to refrain from letting it distract you. you’ll find yourself more attentive and enjoying people and activities more when you put the electronics down.

compliment people! if you ever think you’re “too shy” to, just think how the compliment will make the other person feel. just do it. it’s an amazing feeling.

keep a good posture. not only is sitting/standing/walking up straight better for your body, but it makes you look more confident.

keep things clean. whether it be you, your room, house, pets, yard, etc. maintain them. it really helps.

learn when to say no. don’t be a doormat. go with your brain, not your heart. don’t feel bad for saying no, either.

if you have a hobby or passion, go after it, educate yourself, pursue it. practice. you only get better.

never forget that your diet has a major affect on how your body functions. you eat shit constantly, you’ll most likely feel like shit.

sugar scrubs are great for your body and they make you feel like an angel. you can buy them at certain stores but i prefer to make my own out of coconut oil, sugar, honey, and vanilla. it leaves me so soft, and smelling great.

stop letting your laundry pile up. clean your sheets and pillowcases once a week, too.

some of these i’m even working on myself and if there’s anything else you want to add, go ahead. just remember that working towards your goals and bettering yourself is amazing, but do not compare your progress or yourself to others, you will always be damn beautiful, and you are valid. sending everyone love!

reposting this because it’s that time of year again


If you lose interest in someone, tell them. 

If you’re not looking for a relationship, tell the person you’re seeing.

If you’re thinking of ghosting someone, tell them.

If you can’t handle meeting up with someone after all, tell them.

If you’re terrible at responding to messages, tell people.

If you prefer talking in person to texting, tell people. 

If you’re seeing several people at the same time, tell them.

If you’re looking for sex rather than dating, tell the person you’re seeing.

It is not difficult to be a decent and honest, open, communicative human being. Respect those whom you interact with and have relationships with by telling the truth instead of leading them on or being deceitful.


dear BOYS & MEN

you are handsome, valid, and amazing regardless of your body type. society’s crazy expectations do not dictate your worth. you don’t have to have styled hair to be good looking. you don’t have to have a six pack or muscular arms to look good. you don’t have to be 6’1 to be dateable. you don’t have to have a sharp jawline to be attractive. cellulite, fat, hair, whatever: you’re alright. you are incredible as you are. I hope you feel like it someday soon, if not now


‪Honest, raw, real communication changes everything. Get it out. Unburden yourself. Say what you feel.‬


You can always start again. Clean out your social media. Create a new account for your new taste in music. Study or work in a new city. Start socialising with new people. Choose a new signature scent and style and purge the outdated parts of yourself. If you don’t like where you’re at, but you don’t know what to do about it - try starting again.

UPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, aUPDATE Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. It has been so long since I have posted, a


Hello to my beautiful followers; both new and old. 

It has been so long since I have posted, and I apologize. 

It has been quite a tumultuous time since I have last posted. So much has happened so frequently and….I have coped so poorly….but I have survived, and I am so proud to say that I am alive. I will be posting about some of the events that have happened: sexual harassment at work, a broken foot that ultimately lead to a suicide attempt, psychiatric hospital stays. an assault at work by a client, my parents divorce, and cancer. 

Yes, cancer. Super fun and great, right?

How about we talk about my weight loss…since this is technically a weight loss blog….but ultimately, I guess you can say that a weight loss blog really is a life blog considering life effects weight…..medical issues affect weight….medication effects weight. 

I had gotten down to about 145 lbs. I felt fantastic and was finally so comfortable with my body. I was also approved for a panniculectomy (which will be happening at some point in time…however, due to other events, it cannot be performed at this time…there are other issues that are holding precedence over the panniculectomy).

I did notice that I began to gain weight again…I was always tired, exhausted….and then, I was attacked by one of my clients at work; twice within a month and two days…and ultimately ended up having a CT Scan which showed she fractured one of my vertebrae and bulged one of my discs……severe muscle and ligament damage…..and also nodules on my thyroid…..so not only am I injured, but I have weird things coming back on my CT scan….I’m FREAKING out at this point………SO - they tell me to get an ultrasound on my thyroid, and I did physical therapy for my injuries (and a lawsuit).

I get the ultrasound……and my doctor then decides he wants a biopsy because there are multiple nodules and they look “suspicious.” Still gaining weight at this point - I’ve been bouncing from 175-185…….AND then I get the biopsy - FNA - FUCK WHAT YOU HEARD CAUSE THEY HURT. LEMMMMME TELL YOU! My doctor probably didn’t give me enough lidocane but JESUS he was jamming needles in my neck and digging and LORD. I had a panic attack. It was a bilateral FNA on two nodules…four needles in each nodule they biopsied and it isn’t quick okay they did. I had a massive panic attack and the nurse put a cold wash cloth on my head and then I lost my eyebrows. Great bruises after that too…..

Two days later I was diagnosed with cancer. I am currently awaiting results on the other tumor in my neck - may be bilateral papillary thyroid cancer…but at this point it doesn’t matter due to the size of the other tumor and it’s internal components (calcifications). 

I will be getting a total thyroidectomy in a few weeks and be in the hospital for 10 days due to my bleeding complications (think back to my gastric bypass surgery and the massive internal bleed I suffered. That story can be found on my weight loss resources page [link at the top])


My weight loss has been fabulous, but halted due to cancer (and psych. meds but I’ll tell you about that in my post about my suicide attemptt). My thyroid is no longer working properly and it is causing weight gain as well as a bunch of other symptoms that make completing daily tasks exhausting. 

I am three years out and so thankful for this surgery. I have completely changed my eating habits and my life. It has taught me how to love my body and myself at any weight…I have been all over the map….and as I sit here and type this out, I am a chunky little nugget and that’s okay. I am beautiful no matter what. 

I again apologize for my absence.

More life stories coming soon <3  

p.s. I chopped all of my hair off, dyed it blue, cut it shorter….shaved my sides into a fade…..got box braids…ya know. 

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⚡️Life tips in general⚡️

Okay, here we go my ladies. This is a topic that has always been very dear to my heart and I want to share my ways with all of you who might be needing it right now!

First of all, becoming your best version is one of the hardest challenges throughout your life because just like seasons you my friend are ever changing, which means the way you are right now just being yourself will not be the same in a couple of years. But guess what that nothing to sweat about.

1. Find what excites you. It might be painting, eating or running. Whatever it is stick to that and try to get really good at it.

2. You gotta get to the point where your looks are not gonna make or break you, now I know how hard that is and it takes aaaages to get to that point, but you gotta start somewhere. Better start now. Go makeup-less every once in awhile, sleep naked, wear clothes in your own home that make you uncomfortable until you are no more. Read some books that help you overcome these fears.

3. The art of not caring: so I have mentioned this before but here what I’m referring to is to care about people close to you and not about strangers. People will always want to bring you down and that’s a fact, because when they see someone content with their life and happy in what they are, they get jealous and try to bring you waaay down to their vibe. Always listen, but only take advice that you believe will benefit you. Listening never hurts but only take the information the helps you out. People wanna bring you down, don’t let them. Ultimately this is you and you know what you need/want do not care about people judging you, they do not know better.

4. DO NOT STAY IN A FRIENDSHIP IF ITS TOXIC!!!! Yall dont even know, I just had to back away from 4 friends after finding out the level of bullshit they were saying. I kid you not when I say the people you surround yourself with will form you, your thoughts and everything, they reperesent you in a way you never even knew of. So look around and if they aren’t who you thought they were just go.

5. Speak up, but be respectful damn(unless they are assholes). If something wrong and you cancel something or someone says something and u dont like it, tell them why. Don’t start shouting just explain.

6. Never let people who are not worth it get a rise out of you. It is actually one of my fav things to do lol. When people start complaining I just stay cool as a pool, its funny to see people trying so hard to get into an argument with you.

7. Lastly don’t be afraid to take some time to yourself. No shame in needing some time off from everything around you for a lil’ bit. Take a day of just relaxing with a face mask and some hot cocoa, and you already doin’ better.

first day in school vs final day in school. kids, it gets so much betterfirst day in school vs final day in school. kids, it gets so much better

first day in school vs final day in school. kids, it gets so much better

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