

Cut me as you please but know that I learn every time you make me bleed.

Mae, bleed

For as long as I can remember, you have always been by my side, and it scares me to think that you could suddenly disappear.

Mae, fear of losing you

And after all the things that we’ve been through, I’m the girl you chose to let go.

Mae, you let me go

You weren’t exactly gentle with my heart.

Mae, not exactly

I want to save the love we have but in able to do so, I need to save myself first.

Mae, saving us

Tell me, how could I believe in a love that wasn’t even remotely real?

Mae, how

Perhaps, you only saw the way I hurt you and the not the way I hurt myself trying to save you.

Mae, you only saw your pain

Sometimes, one’s best intention is not enough to ease the pain.

Mae, ain’t enough

Dear You,

There’s no point staying where your hungry heart has nothing to eat.

Love, Me

Mae, just go

This mood when I feel my dried tears on my cheeks and I neither want to live nor die.

I thought I was doing better.

But then there was that one comment.

By a stranger.

And now I’m reliving all the traumatic feelings. The rape. The kidnapping. Everything.

Drowning. Just drowning by myself.

All I wanted was you to be mine. Now you’re mine and all I feel is anxiety.

Please stop breaking my heart over and over again.
