#how many calories


ew!!!! i fucking binged

i purged some of it up but couldn’t get it all up so i track everything

i just took 5 laxitives!!!(i know laxitives mess with your body but i was sad) don’t wanna look obese in christmas photos

gonna fast and eat under 500 calories tomorrow

how many laxitives am i supposed to take??

last time i took 8, and omfg it was such a bad idea. i was literally shitting my guts out for 10 hours (i had school that day).

right now i took 3 and idk if it’s enough or not

i just binged on 3k calories for reference

lads, mum just picked up my package which had my 120 laxitives in it. here’s the thing you could clearly tell it was pills plushy said it was from a pharmacy.

shit what do i tell her?!??!?!


no one:

me: *binged on 2000 calories*

also me: “maybe if i drink this green tea it won’t count.”

i just ordered 120 laxitives!!!

i’m so excited!! i cannot wait to take the fat shit

my only goal is to lose 2 pounds by halloween

i will update you on how it goes

today’s weight (24/10/2020- 8st 10pounds)

bitCh i have lost 5 pounds in one week…


i think it’s because i just started to drink tea or something

does the chewing and the spit your food out cause you to take in the calories???

because if so….shit

i just went on a 8,000 calorie binge but spat my food out while eating

all i want in life is to be called the skinny friend


here’s so legpo :)

stay safe sweetpeas

does any one else wanna be a skinny bitch but still have a fat ass?

…just me?

pov: i’m a fat bitch who complains about her weight 24/7 but gives up on day 7 of restricting to binge✌️

me after being off tumblr for a month:

anywayyy i’m back on trying to be skinnyyyy
