#ana recovery

Why? We have a tendency to stick with what works when it comes to music. We have our ‘favorites’ and

Why?We have a tendency to stick with what works when it comes to music. We have our ‘favorites’ and we listen to those same songs day in and day out. There is a vast sea of new music out there, though, that we need to be brave and explore. 

You never know when you’ll find your next favorite song and finding that song can have amazingly positive effects on your overall mood

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The bright side of struggling with an ED?Once you recover: all other life circumstances that people

The bright side of struggling with an ED?

Once you recover: all other life circumstances that people stress over; get anxiety over; fear - will seem like nothing to you because you have fought and won a true internal war.

Once you recover: you will gain not only deep appreciation for what most take for granted but also will gain a deep understanding of the human psyche. You will be enlightened compared to those who never face such a brutal battle. 

Once you recover… 

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I’m planning on writing 2 - so request away below!=)

edfreelife:Weekend Survival Guide When you have an ED pecking away at your mind, weekends - someth


Weekend Survival Guide

When you have an ED pecking away at your mind, weekends - something most people await with knee-trembling impatience, to you become a free roaming, untamed beast ready to swallow you alive. As if it’s not bad enough that having an eating disorder sucks in general but when something that is supposed to bring you joy and fill you with anticipation instead incites panic and fear, that’s just a cruel joke, right!?

Eating disorders take the idea of “the weekend” and completely distort your perspective causing you to instead see weekends as basically mine fields of unstructured time, 48 hours full of nothing but sitting with your urges, thoughts, loneliness and with your most depressing playlist shuffled on repeat while “everyone you know” is basking in the warm April sunshine without a care. Does this sound like something you might have gone through / are going through? I know I’ve been there and it completely blows! Since the weekend is just a few hours away, how about a survival guide? Without further babble, these 2 coping strategies worked wonders for me:

1. Take the “Un” out of “Unstructured”

How do we make unstructured time less scary? We structure it! Oh, that’s common sense you say? Yes it is but very few of us actually put in the effort in taking steps to avoid unstructured time during your days off. What you need to do is, on whatever day is your last working / school day, sit down and break each day of your weekend down into planned-out chunks that leave no room for sitting with your skewed ED thoughts. Try to be as specific as possible and account for every minute of your day if you must. Avoid ambiguous activities like “Do something until 1pm” because guess what that “something” will turn into? Nothing pleasant, that’s for sure!


8 am - Wake up, make coffee and read 10 pages of my new book.

8:45 am - Jump in the shower and get ready/dressed for the day.

9:30 am - Make and eat breakfast according to my MP.

10:15 am - Call grandma and chat for a while - I’ve been putting it off.

and so on…

Might seem micro-managey BUT trust me, if weekends always sneak up on you and toss you out of the recovery wagon out of nowhere, micromanaging your time will do wonders in preventing that from happening this weekend too!

2. Sabotage your ED!

Your eating disorder is not your friend. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of a friend - it’s the most evil and abusive asshole in your life at the moment (hopefully the only one!) So why grant ED the power to ruin a perfectly good weekend (again) by giving him what he needs to make you miserable? What the hell am I talking about!? Well…you might be giving your ED several weapons that he WILL use against you come Saturday:

  • You might be buying foods you KNOW you binge on during your grocery run.
  • You might be scouting a new workout outfit that shows off your emaciated body because you have a 5-hour date with the Gym planned.
  • You might be telling a friend that’s inviting you to hang out this weekend that you’re “sooo… busy” knowing full well you’re not.

Catch my drift?

The thing is, though, you actually have the power to say “You know what ED? No! You don’t get to destroy yet another weekend!” You have the power to let those urges and thoughts pass through your mind without tossing the keys to your future in their grimy, misery-toting invisible fingers by giving them your time of day. It won’t be easy because you’re used to stepping down and complying with the voices in your head and you WILL have to force yourself to go against them at first which WILL take effort and emotional energy on your part BUT guess what, as difficult as that will be - think of HOW difficult it will be to pick yourself up after you fall off that wagon again?

Think of how miserable you will inevitably feel after you do what the voices in your mind tell you and everything hurts and you’re crying yourself to sleep at night yet again. I guarantee you that the latter will be MUCH harder on you.

Luckily it’s completely up to you in this moment to make the decision to go one way or the other and I am confident that you CAN choose the still difficult but later rewarding path!

In summary:

  • Micromanage the hell out of your weekend by planning it out in as much detail as possible before Saturday morning rolls around.
  • Force yourself to go against the voices in your head that are telling you to “buy this gallon of ice cream because ‘this time will be different!’” and other things you KNOW for a fact are a recipe for nothing but disaster.

Do these two things and your body, mind and spirit will thank you for it come Monday. You will also feel super proud of yourself and stand tall like a champion rather than slouch like a wilted flower because ED has beaten you down again. If I could do it when I was in your shoes, you can do it too!

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“…but over time (and I promise you this) - this “comfort” will take on an uglier and uglier s

“…but over time (and I promise you this) - this “comfort” will take on an uglier and uglier shape until you’ve slowly driven yourself mad and to the point of no return. There is nothing “comfortable” about bingeing and purging in isolation for decades, while everyone you know is experiencing all aspects of life all around you as you stagnate because change scares you.”

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Full article here ✒ Click to Read!Want an ED-free life? ❥ Click Here

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edfreelife:edfreelife:Weekend Survival Guide When you have an ED pecking away at your mind, week



Weekend Survival Guide

When you have an ED pecking away at your mind, weekends - something most people await with knee-trembling impatience, to you become a free roaming, untamed beast ready to swallow you alive. As if it’s not bad enough that having an eating disorder sucks in general but when something that is supposed to bring you joy and fill you with anticipation instead incites panic and fear, that’s just a cruel joke, right!?

Eating disorders take the idea of “the weekend” and completely distort your perspective causing you to instead see weekends as basically mine fields of unstructured time, 48 hours full of nothing but sitting with your urges, thoughts, loneliness and with your most depressing playlist shuffled on repeat while “everyone you know” is basking in the warm April sunshine without a care. Does this sound like something you might have gone through / are going through? I know I’ve been there and it completely blows! Since the weekend is just a few hours away, how about a survival guide? Without further babble, these 2 coping strategies worked wonders for me:

1. Take the “Un” out of “Unstructured”

How do we make unstructured time less scary? We structure it! Oh, that’s common sense you say? Yes it is but very few of us actually put in the effort in taking steps to avoid unstructured time during your days off. What you need to do is, on whatever day is your last working / school day, sit down and break each day of your weekend down into planned-out chunks that leave no room for sitting with your skewed ED thoughts. Try to be as specific as possible and account for every minute of your day if you must. Avoid ambiguous activities like “Do something until 1pm” because guess what that “something” will turn into? Nothing pleasant, that’s for sure!


8 am - Wake up, make coffee and read 10 pages of my new book.

8:45 am - Jump in the shower and get ready/dressed for the day.

9:30 am - Make and eat breakfast according to my MP.

10:15 am - Call grandma and chat for a while - I’ve been putting it off.

and so on…

Might seem micro-managey BUT trust me, if weekends always sneak up on you and toss you out of the recovery wagon out of nowhere, micromanaging your time will do wonders in preventing that from happening this weekend too!

2. Sabotage your ED!

Your eating disorder is not your friend. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of a friend - it’s the most evil and abusive asshole in your life at the moment (hopefully the only one!) So why grant ED the power to ruin a perfectly good weekend (again) by giving him what he needs to make you miserable? What the hell am I talking about!? Well…you might be giving your ED several weapons that he WILL use against you come Saturday:

  • You might be buying foods you KNOW you binge on during your grocery run.
  • You might be scouting a new workout outfit that shows off your emaciated body because you have a 5-hour date with the Gym planned.
  • You might be telling a friend that’s inviting you to hang out this weekend that you’re “sooo… busy” knowing full well you’re not.

Catch my drift?

The thing is, though, you actually have the power to say “You know what ED? No! You don’t get to destroy yet another weekend!” You have the power to let those urges and thoughts pass through your mind without tossing the keys to your future in their grimy, misery-toting invisible fingers by giving them your time of day. It won’t be easy because you’re used to stepping down and complying with the voices in your head and you WILL have to force yourself to go against them at first which WILL take effort and emotional energy on your part BUT guess what, as difficult as that will be - think of HOW difficult it will be to pick yourself up after you fall off that wagon again?

Think of how miserable you will inevitably feel after you do what the voices in your mind tell you and everything hurts and you’re crying yourself to sleep at night yet again. I guarantee you that the latter will be MUCH harder on you.

Luckily it’s completely up to you in this moment to make the decision to go one way or the other and I am confident that you CAN choose the still difficult but later rewarding path!

In summary:

  • Micromanage the hell out of your weekend by planning it out in as much detail as possible before Saturday morning rolls around.
  • Force yourself to go against the voices in your head that are telling you to “buy this gallon of ice cream because ‘this time will be different!’” and other things you KNOW for a fact are a recipe for nothing but disaster.

Do these two things and your body, mind and spirit will thank you for it come Monday. You will also feel super proud of yourself and stand tall like a champion rather than slouch like a wilted flower because ED has beaten you down again. If I could do it when I was in your shoes, you can do it too!

Want an ED-free life? Click Here

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Reblog this with human things you find beautiful

• When people smile so wide, creases appear on their face. It’s like they’re so happy that they can’t keep it in

• Tanlines and age spots and freckles and scars and stretch marks and acne. Chapped lips, bleary eyes, broken nails, split ends. Anything that marks us as human and vulnerable and brave.

• h a n d s

• A stomach that has lots of rolls or none at all!!!!! It makes me so happy to think that that’s the place where your favourite foods are!!!!!!

It’s 2020, it’s time to stop putting so much importance and value on physical beauty. What is beauty, anyway? Everyone has a different definition of it. Stop judging others and stop judging yourself for their beauty not fitting into your version of it.

WE are beautiful and WE are radiant and no I don’t accept criticism

One day this will all come crashing right down!

(Blackbird Raum - Honey in the Hair)

hi everyone, i decided i’m actually going to try to recover this time. i’ve started treatment and i actually feel motivated to get better!

if you’re seeing this, please take it as a sign to recover!!!! you deserve it!!!

i just ordered 120 laxitives!!!

i’m so excited!! i cannot wait to take the fat shit

does the chewing and the spit your food out cause you to take in the calories???

because if so….shit

i just went on a 8,000 calorie binge but spat my food out while eating


i just had another fear food: cheese dip & chips. i’m feeling proud yet scared that i’ve gained a ton of weight which sucks. i know i’ll try to compensate tomorrow which sucks :/ i still have yet to incorporate snacks so i need to work on that.

i did it !!

today i challenged a fear food. bacon cheeseburgers used to be a favorite food of mine but i wouldn’t let myself order them for a long time. i did this spontaneously! i feel super guilty & upset but i must feel like this and move on in order to recover fully.

an update

so i didn’t log my food yestreday for a few reasons. 1. i am trying to incorporate fear foods and if i take a picture i feel like i’ll chicken out or overthink or something. i want to eat and not do it to just post. and 2. i’ve kind of been staying away from tumblr a bit these past few days. being really early in my recovery, i find it extremely triggering when i see even one pro ana post and they’re all over the recovery tags unfortunately. i may do weekly updates now instead of daily ones.

entry 6 | recovery day 8

today’s accomplishments

  • i tried oatmeal for the first time! i added cashew butter, cinnamon & apples to it.
  • i ordered a salad with no cheese and it came with cheese. i took this as a sign i need to challenge fear foods more because i actually wanted it with cheese.
  • i ate queso and chips for the first time in a year. i feel horrible about it but it’s a start.

struggles ⏳

  • i ate a pickle for lunch & i’m freaking out over how much sodium is it in lmfao

entry 5 | recovery day 7

today’s accomplishments

  • i didn’t measure out my coffee creamer again, this has become a regular thing and has actually started to not scare me so much anymore.
  • i ate lunch today !
  • i opened up about my ed to my family. i’m so proud of myself tbh.

entry 4 | recovery day 6

today’s accomplishments

  • i didn’t portion out my cereal and milk again.
  • i ate more than usual for dinner.


  • i waited until 11 to eat breakfast. i have a tough time eating when i’m hungry & instead eating when i’m used to eating.
  • i felt like i poured too much cereal & i’m currently freaking out that i ate too much.
  • having a hard time not exercising to compensate.
  • i skipped lunch again.
  • i keep weighing myself and idk how to stop.

i need advice.

i’m struggling very badly right now. which is to be expected, i am only in my first week of recovery. but i find myself wanting to restrict because 1. i’m not exercising and 2. i feel i’m not sick enough to recover. does anyone else feel this way? and does anyone have any advice on how to push through these thoughts? any and all advice is very appreciated.

entry 3 | recovery day 5

today’s accomplishments

  • i ate breakfast before 10 am & i didn’t wait until i was super hungry either. also i didn’t portion it
  • i had someone else’s leftovers for dinner & idk how many calories were in it and i didn’t look it up


  • i had rlly bad body image issues earlier, which led to me skipping lunch.

entry 2 | recovery day 4

today’s accomplishments

  • i didn’t measure out my coffee creamer again. this doesn’t bother me as much as i thought it would !
  • i didn’t measure out my cereal serving size today, which is something i haven’t done in weeks. same with my cereal milk.
  • i ate soup for lunch & not a fruit again !!
  • i had a SNACK. i ate a snack for the first time in MONTHS. & it included a fear food (almond butter)


  • i ended up going to the gym for the wrong reasons. i had a mental breakdown & left after twenty minutes.
  • mentally having a tough time realizing i need a break from exercise. i look at food as fuel for exercising so when i don’t go to the gym i tend to skip meals more. i need to figure out how to deal with that.

when i see pro ana posts in the ed recovery tag
