#incorrect mbti quotes



ENTJ: Legally, I won’t persecute you for your dumbass beliefs in aliens

Exorcist : I am here to remove the demon that has possessed you.

xNTx : I didn’t call you.

Demon : I did. She keeps making me cry.

Enfp : do you know what time it is?

Entp :yes.


Entp :

Enfp : you’re not telling me are you?

Entp :no.

Day 30 of quarantine

ENFP: *frantically baking cookies while there are 20+ trays of cookies around the kitchen*

ENTP: *pacing and solving their 121st rubix cube, occasionally bumping into walls*

INFP: *singing “I Won’t Say I’m In Love” passionately to a lamp while crying and acting out every single scene while doing so*

ENTJ: *Rocking back and forth drinking their 35th cup of coffee*

INTP: *Smacking themselves with their PS4 controller*

INTJ: *Frantically petting their pet snake on the sofa* We’re fine

INFJ, raising their voice slightly so they can speak to ENFP down at the other end of the grocery store aisle: Do you want any chips?


Person: Why do you go to sleep so late?

INTJ, looking off into the distance: There’s no rest for the wicked.



INFJ: Cat videos. He stays up late to watch cat videos.

ENFP : Good morning! I brought your coffee.

ISTJ : Thank you, can I have a little spoon please?

ENFP : Oh, I almost forgot! [Hugs ISTJ from behind]

ISTJ : [flustered] That’s not what I meant, but I’ll take this too-

ENTP: Ugh, ISTJ, you’re such a goodie two-shoes

ISTJ: No, I’m not!

ENTP: Oh, yes, you are! You’re like an unsalted pretzel

ISTJ: What do you mean?

ENTP: You’re like if school and news had a baby

ENFP: Get some spice into you, ISTJ!

ISTJ: I can be spicy! look, my shoe’s untied, and I’m not even gonna retie it! Actually, I am. I could trip

ENFP : I just saw a guy in the library cry for five minutes or so and then his phone alarm went off and he just…stopped crying ? And went right on back to work.

INFJ : Yeah that was just ESFJ

ESFJ : [walking past them] it’s called time management.

ENFP: Are you having a depressive episode again?

INFP: Depressive episode?

INFP: I’m having a depressive series and we’re on season 5.

ENTP: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly I’m falling asleep already.

ENTP: “Cowards,” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun, short and to the point, exciting, and dramatic.

INTJ : I don’t care about that prize.

INTJ : But I’m gonna win because I want his happiness to go away.

xNFP : Would I rather be feared or loved ? Easy, both.

xNFP : I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

INTJ : We have to maintain a cool, calm and collected mindset, and strategically plant out our attack -


intj: enfp, we need to talk about your professionalism

enfp, standing on a chair: those are some mighty brave words for a guy standing in lava

infp: i made this friendship bracelet for you.

intj: you know, i’m not really a jewelry person.

infp: you don’t have to wear it.

intj: no i’m gonna wear it forever. back off.

infj: i put a tracker in intj’s food so i can know where they are at all times

enfp: yes, so did i

istj: me too

infj: do you think all that radiation is bad for them?

enfp: i’m sure they’ll be fine

istj: they’ve lived a long life already

istj: no, entp! we are behaving so we can be invited again next year

entp: istj, with all due respect, i am going to ignore everything you just said
