#james potter




once the veil began to envelop sirius, he no longer saw the mortal world. but rather the world he was entering: the afterlife.


you just know


that after fourteen long years, sirius finally saw james again. 

in all honesty, i never meant for this post to be a sad one. i mean, there was no one in the world that sirius loved more than james.

the reason i made this post was because i noticed the beginnings of a smile on sirius’ face as he began to be enveloped by the veil. he was smiling. despite the fact that he had died and left harry behind, i believed that he was happy.

it had been fourteen years, at least 4,231 days of those days were in azkaban. and after he escaped, he was on the run and cooped up in his childhood home. a place that he absolutely hated. you better believe that he thought of james every single day. thought of his face, his odd habits, his laugh, the way he cried when he saw lily at the end of aisle on his wedding day. anything that he could remember.

in a desperate attempt to avoid forgetting, he’d run through all the details that he could remember. and then sometime during his third year in that cell, he struggled to remember the sound of his best friend’s voice. the pain that caused him was greater than anything the dementors could ever cause him.

imagine: a bright corridor of doors in the afterlife. each one belonging to a person that is alive. when it comes time for yours to open and you get to walk into the next life, oneperson already there gets to greet you. imagine sirius’ door opening and james is standing right there in front of him.

“hey, padfoot.”

just imagine that in the place that harry once stood, he saw a man who was nearly identical, just slightly taller with hazel eyes and no scar gracing his forehead. it took him a second to realize that it was a different person, he didn’t quite believe it was really james. and then it dawned on him.

sirius inhaled a sharp breath, because after fourteen years, he was finally hearing james’ voice again. he was finally remembering what it sounded like.

after fourteen long years, sirius was reunited with his best friend. his brother. it was the moment that he had dreamed of over and over again. when sirius exhaled that breath, he smiled because he knew that they’d never be separated again. and that was all sirius could ever ask for.

“I have no hesitation in saying that James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found any of the secret passages out of the castle.”


okay but if james and snape’s relationship was really just rivalry, why did james hide their confrontations from lily? if james was really attacking snape because he was a death eater, why did he hide their confrontations from lily? if james’s behavior toward snape was justifiable and reasonable, why did he hide their confrontations from lily?

Because it’s childish behaviour and he’s supposed to have ‘matured’ by then. Lily gave Severus no end of grief for sneaking out to the Shrieking Shack and obsessing over the marauders. Regardless of whether or not it was justified, she berated Snape for acting recklessly and antagonizing James’ group. That’s how Lily regards Snape and the marauders, and she’s the person James is trying to win over and impress.

None of their behaviour is justifiable, just to be clear. To reiterate my point: it makes sense James would hide this stuff from Lily cause he wants to represent his best 'mature’ headboy self to Lily, that is above silly rivalries and pranks.

James didn’t hate Snape for being a deatheater, in his own words it’s cause 'he exists’. Meaning all of Snape, the culmination of him that (rather understandably) rubs James the wrong way. A nasty, ugly, greasy, contrary, anti-social, dark-arts loving, Slytherin that for some incomprehensible reason is held in high regard by the girl he likes, who he himself has continuously and spectacularly failed to win over.

Even then 'hate’ is arguable, James did save Severus’s life. As much as it can be argued that it was entirely for selfish reasons, not wishing death upon Snape could have just as likely have weighed in.

Disclaimer: this is only in response to the original post. I’m not defending his other actions nor do I mean to minimize acts such as sexual assault and reckless endangerment to ~harmless rivalry things~.

The marauders absolutely crossed some lines, I just don’t think sneaking hexes back at Snape is necessarily one of them.

“He especially disliked James. Jealous, I think, of James’s talent on the Quidditch field … anyway”



It was chilly, a slight breeze turning the base of ones breath visible in the dusk air. Spring had arrived, and small buds of flowers and grass had begun to rise.
Now, one could gaze upon it with sadness, the stones rising from the ground as grim reminders of the past, of all the memories, painful and bitter.
One might say it was quite poetic and beautiful, if they were to gaze upon the scene, how perfectly calm everything seemed to be, but that would only prove their ignorance.
But you see, to those of personal connection, this small plot, six feet under, held something so heartbreaking, their breaths came in painful gasps. Their vision would blur together and they would struggle to remain upright, that was the pain of living while those you loved did not.
Truly, for those who were gone, the last enemy to be destroyed is death, but for those who remain, it is, perhaps, the very thing that makes one crave it.


Come on guys! You have to promise!” You had laughed, pushing your hair out of your face and your cheeks tinting a slight red.
The six of you had stood on the edge of the astronomy tower, looking out across the grounds and black lake.
“You know we will, do we have to bloody promise?” Sirius had shook his head at you, humor written all over his face.
“It’s the thought! I mean, this is our last night at Hogwarts, after this, we go out into the world! We have to promise to meet every month at least!” You cried indignantly and Sirius pulled you closer, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pressing a kiss to the side of your forehead.
“She’s right,” Lily had nodded, her red hair curling in the gentle breeze. “We don’t know how long we’ve got.”
“Geez, way to make it depressing Lils,” James had given his girlfriend a sidelong glance.
“It’s true. We might not make it to 20,” Remus had shrugged, leaning his arms on the railing.
“Okay, okay,” James stuck his arm out. “I promise, that we will meet every month at least.”
Remus added his hand, then Lily, Peter, Sirius, and lastly you, with a huge smile on your face.


To anyone else, a small, rag-tag group of young adults stood gathered in a small cemetery might seem out of the ordinary.
It was so strange, that a once abnormal occurrence was depressingly common. Just two months ago, they had been here for Marlene’s ceremony. But now, they were here for you.
James and Lily arrived first.
Lily Potter was tucked under the arm of her husband, her arm on her slightly protruding stomach.Her mascara had run onto her face, her tears leaving thick trails. Her red hair was knotted and dull, evidence to her pulling at it and running her hands through it, trying to get her mind off the sharp pain in her heart.


We’re best friends right?” You had asked her the night before you left for the end of your first year.
“Of course. Why?” A young Lily had asked curiously.
“I just don’t want you to forget me,” you had smiled awkwardly and Lily had hugged you tightly.
“Never! What girl could forget her best friend?”


James Potter clutched onto his wife, his glasses askew and his hand for once not fiddling with his hair every few seconds, no his free hand clutched onto a photograph of you two, a fat tear slipping down his cheek.


You better not hurt her Potter!” You had threatened him, waving your finger in his face.
“I would never!” James had nodded vigorously.
“Good. Cause you might be one of my best friends, but Lily is my BEST friend and if you did I’d have to hurt you in the most brutal way possible,” you had smiled at him and nudged his shoulder, swinging your broom over yours. “Now let’s go kick Slytherin’s arse.”


Peter Pettigrew had arrived next, standing slightly off from the others, a heartbroken expression on his face. His feet shuffled at times, and his knees shook from wanting nothing more than to drop and never get up.


What’s wrong Petey?” You had sat down on the steps your friend was on and looked at him worriedly.
“Just the slytherins,” Peter had responded glumly. “They were saying I was too cowardly to be on Gryffindor.”
“And you listened to them?”
Peter furrowed his brows at you curiously.
“I mean, the hat placed you here for a reason! You get to choose your path Wormtail, It’s your life. But if you ask me your pretty brave,” you smiled at him and ruffled his hair comfortingly.  


Remus arrived a few minutes later, coming to stand on Lily’s other side, a comforting hand on her shoulder. His hair messy, his chest heaving slightly with contained cries. He silently dropped a (Y/F/F) onto the fresh dirt and refused to meet anyone’s eyes.


Remus!” You gasped in horror and rushed towards your friend, who had scratches and blood dripping down his face. “What happened?”
“It’s nothin’,” he waved you off and tried to sulk back to his dorm, only to be stopped by you flinging his arm over your shoulder and bearing half of his weight.
He sighed in relief as you helped him up the stairs.
“Why’re you helping?” He asked tiredly as you leant him on his bed.  
“Well I’m still your friend, even if you don’t want to tell me what happened.”
“I’m a werewolf,” Remus rushed suddenly and you blinked slowly, before walking up and kissing his forehead as he leant back in his bead.
“You don’t hate me?” He asked curiously and you laughed.
“Rem, I could never hate you. I’m so sorry you go through that and I’m going to do everything in my power to help.”


Lastly, Sirius Black shuffled in. His hands stuffed in his pockets and his face was expressionless. His trademark smirk gone, his eyes hollow and rid of their shine.
He wasn’t used to your absence, Every few seconds he would turn to look for you, and every few seconds his heart shattered more as he realized you would never be there again.


Sirius Orion Black!” You shouted and he paused, his dark hair falling in his face.
“What?” He sighed heavily.
“I’m not allowed to date?” You quoted him from earlier. “Excuse me but you have dated every girl in hogwarts with the exception of me!”
He turned around and crossed his arms.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I do that because the one girl I am in love with doesn’t think of me like that?” He took a step closer to you and you could feel his breath.
You faltered for a second and looked up at him curiously.
“Well then kiss her, prat. And see if your right,” you had raised an eyebrow in challenge, feeling braver than you felt.
Sirius gave you his signature smirk before crashing his lips to yours.


No words were exchanged, but none were needed.
James stared down at his wife and then turned his face towards the sky. Is this what would happen? One by one they would die, until none were left?
The five stood there, until the sun began to slip farther from view, the darkness reflecting the mood, but not doing it justice.
“We came,” Lily said softly, directing her words down to the grave. “How come we kept our promise but you didn’t keep yours?” Her voice cracked, showing how often she had been crying.
But it wasn’t true, you were there, in spirit at least. You kept your promise.
You stood, invisible to the human eye as you watched your friends, heartbroken.
“Oh but Lily, I kept my promise. And now I’m always with you, with all of you. Until the very end, until we meet again.” You said and reached out, as if to brush the hair from her face, but your hand making no impact.

I’m gonna reblog this, cause I actually really like it?

happy birthday, sirius black. i hope remus bought you tickets to see harry styles.

james potter, it’s a shame you never got to use bath bombs.

tested positive for being in love with remus lupin.
