#romantic rain


A Season of Rain

Cobbler, when it rains again we’ll meet once more under that roof in the garden. Where you sketched ideas and designs of your passions in your notebook as I read about fictional characters. Exchanging words, laughs, smiles, thoughts, and I encouraged your dreams. But, Cobbler, I haven’t spoken much. Yet, here we are everytime it rained, under this roof in this garden made by faries together. When the sky is bleak and grey, the rain pouring cold around us, I’ll see you then. The faint clap of thunder, the flow of wind, and the fall of my feet- Cobbler, catch me. Even as my clothes are dreanched by the sky’s tears and you’re years apart, Cobbler, I can’t help that morning coffee is better with you. I cannot walk now, Cobbler can you mend something for my soul? So that one day, I can return to that beautiful garden in the lake surrounded by willows and ferns. Where the willows gently draped over the water, the ferns leaned out over the stone path to that roof we stayed under. I’ll be wearing those shoes you mended for me Dear Cobbler. In this lush green garden I learned to walk Cobbler, I learned to walk on my own. We’ll meet again some where else, maybe it might even be sunny.

Poem by Me ~

Wandering under the rain through the streets of an old English town you never know who you could meeWandering under the rain through the streets of an old English town you never know who you could mee

Wandering under the rain through the streets of an old English town you never know who you could meet, where it could take you and what story it would make. ☔

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Beautiful sidewalk reflections when it’s raining.

April sunshowers bring May flowers

I had to learn how to breathe

And how to smile

Without you.

Liquor tainted my veins

Leaving the memories of you very vague

Yet one night I woke up screaming your name

My throat was so tight , you were nowhere in sight

That’s when I realized that my lover lied

And my heart was slowly commiting suicide

I can now say that I am okay, but I miss you in the oddest ways

Is she everything that you thought she’d be?

Do you love her more than you loved me?

You were the cloud and I was the rain

My love was too heavy for your soul to maintain.

Lower Silesia - Szklarska Poręba

Lower Silesia - Szklarska Poręba by Rafal Pierzchala
Via Flickr:
Fuji GW690II, Fujinon 90mm/3.5, Kodak Ektar 100

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