
virtual-spell: Svtfoe wallpainting!!! ⭐️ Based on the @princess-beauty-case wallpainting series insp


Svtfoe wallpainting!!! ⭐️ Based on the @princess-beauty-case wallpainting series inspired by Claire Keane. Hope you like it!!!

AWESOME svfoe piece by @virtual-spell based on my wallpainting series (which is inspired on the AMAZING Rapunzel murals painted by Claire Keane)

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Alix kinda avoided me the next couple days. But then…he asked if he could talk to me. He apologized

Alix kinda avoided me the next couple days. But then…he asked if he could talk to me. He apologized for being so distant—being vulnerable makes him really uneasy. He told me he’s haunted by nightmares, some of which he wasn’t ready to divulge, but he most often gets one in particular. The visuals in the dream are fuzzy, he said, but there’s always a bright colorful light, menacing people standing over him, and an indescribable pain in his right leg. And then when the pain gets to be unbearable, someone chops it off with a huge meat cleaver, and he wakes up. I asked if that’s what happened to his leg in real life, and he said he didn’t remember. There’s a lot of things he doesn’t remember well, he says a lot of his childhood is a blur. The night I woke him up, he said he left to go to R&R. Apparently it’s like a monthly mandated rest and relaxation retreat…he feels kinda spacey after he goes but it’s nice cuz the nightmares stop for a few days. He also said he drinks so much soda to avoid sleeping I told him I’m really grateful that he opened up and I’m here for him. And he said “I appreciate you.” I hope it’s not bad that I’m sharing this on tumblr lol but I just feel like I needed to confide in you guys and let you know what’s up. I hope I can help somehow…❤️

[livinthefuture | 84/? NEXT | PREVIOUS|FIRST]

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Me: I love the friendship between these two characters.

My brain: Ship them.

This is the final installment in Allison’s blog series on editing the anthology “Who is the Silhouette?”.  Today (March 3) is the final day to back the project on Kickstarter.  You can find the previous posts on submissions, the editing process and more at who-is-the-silhouette.tumblr.com.

Today is the day that it all ends.

The kickstarter, that is.  Today is also the day that so much else begins.

Following a successful kickstarter, there is a two week waiting period for Kickstarter to collect and process payments and finally deliver them to the creators.  During those two weeks Tom and I will send out backer surveys to collect shipping information, wrap up the book layout, do a final round of copyediting and get everything ready to send to the printer (this time ‘round we’re working with Keness, a company out of Pittsburg.  Previously we’ve printed with Print Ninja, which has offices in Evanston and China.  We like both for different reasons.). 

Then kickstarter releases the funds and the book order goes in.  The printer will create a print proof for us to review, and then we’ll give the go-ahead to print the whole batch!  And then we wait.

Depending on the type of printing and the location of the printers, the waiting period can vary from a few weeks to a few months.  During this time we’ll send out the PDFs, gather packing materials, and get ready for the intense period of sketching, signing, packing and shipping that will follow.  

Books come in and rewards go out!  Because of Tom and my schedules, we will likely prep books in batches, with a big push to send out as many of the rewards as possible in May and June (filling out backer surveys quickly helps us get you your book in an early batch).  Our contributors will all be getting bundles of books from us, which they can sell at shows or give away or transform into paper mache hats at their discretion.  

Rewards sent, Tom and I will breathe a deep sigh of relief and not know what to do with ourselves until convention season hits in earnest and we take the book to as many shows as we can!  As much as I love ordering books on Kickstarter, there’s something extra wonderful about buying a book in person from one of that book’s creators.  We hope our books will find homes on many more shelves across the country both during and after the campaign!







imagine you start watching this new show and it’s a silly little show about space set in the future then they announce the next season so you wait excitedly for five months and finally it’s here… you all sit round the tv and suddenly one of the main characters who is known for being unemotional starts going mad because of “biology…” and you slowly realise that he needs to have sex or he’s going to die so the other main character risks his entire career to help him out then they start ‘wrestling’ on the sand and the one going through the mating fever ends up killing the other guy which ends the fever but now he’s depressed because he just killed his best friend but wait he’s not actually dead the unemotional one is overjoyed everything’s fine and then they go back to work like nothing happened… you look at everyone else sitting in stunned silence thinking “did any one else think that was a little… yknow” then you accidentally start modern fandom and shipping culture

very much enjoying the tags thank you everybody

Wait till they all actually watch it and see the unnecessary titty window situation.

[ID: A collection of tags that read:

  • #THAT was the plot?? #and they wanted us to believe the guy didnt have sex with the unemotional guy?
  • #star trek is so so gay
  • #ive seen some posts. but i did not realize it was….. that gay.
  • #only halfway through did i realise that this was star trek #i thought at first op was watching some freaky ass gay scifi and i was fully prepared to try find it #but lo and behold #ive already watched the damn show
  • #star trek #are they… you know… ‍♀️
  • (In caps) #what #star trek invented fuck or die?????
  • #what the fuck is going on in star trek
  • #i have no idea what happens in star trek but uhm. #this is a little (long string of ellipses followed by semicolons)
  • #they didnt… they wouldnt… #you cannot be serious is that how all the startrek slash started? #spock went into heat???
  • #i would need to be lobotomized for my own health
  • #what the fuck is star trek about. End ID]

Based on some of the first-hand accounts I’ve read, fans already had thoughts in that direction but were very cautious about expressing them, because, you know, it was 1967 and they were nice suburban ladies. They referred to the idea of Spock and Kirk being in love as The Premise. One little housewives’ fan club in California wrote to Leonard Nimoy in the hiatus between seasons one and two, and he was very pleasant and agreed to come and meet their group and tell them about being in the show. They didn’t say anything about The Premise directly, in case it offended him, but of course they expressed their enthusiasm for the rapport between Kirk and Spock and how curious they were about Spock’s background and inner life. And Nimoy, who was working on season two by that time, said that he couldn’t give away any specifics but there was an episode coming up that would focus more on Spock’s personal life and the planet Vulcan, and they were naturally delighted and intrigued.

So when they sat down to watch season two, episode one, “Amok Time,” they were primed for an important Spock episode, and then that played out before their widening eyes and I think it’s safe to say it blew their beehives clean off their heads.

#lmao#star trek#lest we forget the literal binders of loose leaf paper with HAND WRITTEN FANFICTION being handed around#thank trekkers for fan fiction you literal babies

Friend: So how do you cope with all of the feelings?

Me: What do you mean?

Friend: Like in your fandoms, how are you supposed to handle these so called “feels”?


Gendrya - 8x02

Not that Gendry and Arya aren’t adorable, but the whole:

Kind of had me like:

 Rokino, Stinerva, Orfus, Stingue and Yukinerva are my favourite ships in Sabertooth.    – s

Rokino, Stinerva, Orfus, Stingue and Yukinerva are my favourite ships in Sabertooth.
    – submitted by anonymous

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Boom! Comics’ Magic series, providing plenty of healthy relationships. More pls

Honestly, with Chandra being one of the new main characters and the fact that the new team is heading to Zendikar in the next issue, I’d be willing to bet we see the return of Gruulfriends in the next few months. One can only hope…

 Countries Tried to Curb Trade in Plastic Waste. The U.S. Is Shipping More.When more than 180 nation

Countries Tried to Curb Trade in Plastic Waste. The U.S. Is Shipping More.

When more than 180 nations agreed last year to place strict limits on exports of plastic waste from richer countries to poorer ones, the move was seen as a major victory in the fight against plastic pollution.

But new trade data for January, the first month that the agreement took effect, shows that American exports of plastic scrap to poorer countries have barely changed, and overall scrap plastics exports rose, which environmental watchdog groups say is evidence that exporters are ignoring the new rules.

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A small shop issue has been fixed - PDFs were previously listed with regular physical-copy shipping prices; they have now been fixed (both domestically and internationally) for no-cost ($0) shipping.

Sorry for the confusion!!

If you don’t ship Sangdo and Hojoon together, let me remind you that Sangdo is a Pisces and Hojoon is a Scorpio and if you believe in zodiac compatibility like I do, then you know that a Scorpio and Pisces are near perfect matches for each other.

Like, Hojoon treats Sangdo with such gentleness and they always seem to find a way to touch each other in videos and dear god, the way Sangdo smiles at Hojoon is just too cute, it makes my heart explode seeing these two together.
