#thin inspo


btw its black history month which means all my nonblack followers/lurkers have to send me $400 to show your alliance ☺


Day 18

What food is your weakness?

I’m not sure, probably brownies or like anything potatoes.

Day 16

When did you first decide to loose weight?

Pretty much as long as I can remember I was never happy with my body, always thought I needed to loose weight, but about ~3 years ago I had consciously decided to diet and try to loose weight.

Day 15

Are you vegan or vegetarian?

Yes, I’ve been vegan for 4 years and vegetarian for about 3 before that.

I feel like a failure why can’t I loose weight fast enough

Day 14

What’s your UGW?

Right now it’s 115 lbs, I think I’d be happy there but I’d totally try to go for like 105-110 lbs.

H: 5’8

Day 4

Breakfast: iced latte with almond milk (75 cal)

Lunch: iced latte with almond milk (75 cal), homemade avocado brownie (120 cal)

Dinner: roasted broccoli w/ toppings (304 cal), vegan corn bread (100 cal)

Snacks: iced latte with almond milk (67 cal), ½ fiber one brownie (35 cal), some mocha cookie crumble frapp with coconut milk (43 cal)

Total: 819

Exersise: -426 cal

Net total:

394 cal

I feel so bad, I was on the edge of binging and I ate stuff I wish I didn’t, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I had to exersise so much to burn off the extra calories. I would really appreciate some meanspo right now, feel free to send me some!
