

Feel like I am just dragging a rotting corpse next to my side these days.

Day 16

When did you first decide to loose weight?

Pretty much as long as I can remember I was never happy with my body, always thought I needed to loose weight, but about ~3 years ago I had consciously decided to diet and try to loose weight.

Day 14

What’s your UGW?

Right now it’s 115 lbs, I think I’d be happy there but I’d totally try to go for like 105-110 lbs.

H: 5’8

Day 3

Breakfast: part of a plain almond milk latte (20 cal)

Lunch: sparkling ice, peach nectarine flavor (5 cal)

Dinner: nothing

Snacks: a little bit of guava white tea unsweetened (26 cal), 4 pieces of gum (20 cal)

Water intake: 48 fl oz

Total: 70 cal

Exersise: -218 cal

Net total:

-148 cal

Today went well, I do wish I could’ve drank more water but I wasn’t feeling it, although I will probably have a glass or two before bed. I could’ve eaten a cake pop today though and I didn’t so that felt great. Have a great day everyone! :)

Ew guys I weighed in at 137 today and I am absolutely furious, that’s a 3 lb gain since I last weighed, im supposed to get my period today though so that must be apart of it but still WTF

Day 10

The hardest things I’ve had to give up:

  • Cheezzze
  • Eating out with friends
  • Eating all the bad food on holidays
  • Drinking sugary drinks like Frappuccinos (I was never a soda person)
  • Being honest with my parents :(

Day 9

Did people ever makes comments about your weight in a negative way?

No one has ever made comments about my weight with bad intentions. I was a really skinny kid, so my classmates would occassionaly say something about that and I had a nice butt in high school and for some reason both girls and boys would compliment me for it.
