#toa textpost



I can’t believe some of the things that didn’t get spoiled from Trials of Apollo. Y’all were raving about Jason’s death but forgot to mention that Hazel becomes praetor, Reyna joins the hunt, Frank half dies and comes back to life and half of Camp Jupiter dies. I see where our priorities lie smh

Reyna: Why’d you kill him?

Nico: I wanted him dead

Reyna *nods*: That’s fair

Will *was also part of the conversation*: How is that fair?

Riordanverse Characters as things I have done/said: Part 4

Lester/Apollo: Corn is fascinating…

Lester/Apollo: Observe

Lester/Apollo: *squishes corn*

Lester/Apollo: Fascinating

Chiron: Can you tell the whole camp why you’re late?

Nico: *sighs*

Nico: Somebody told me to go to hell

Nico: Couldn’t find it at first

Nico: But I’m here now

Will: You look so tired, did you get any sleep?

Nico: Yeah, I got a solid eight minutes


Nico: Not consecutively, but it was there


Nico: It’s fine, you’re not even that blurry

Riordanverse Characters as things I have done/said: Part 3

Will: *tries to scare Nico*

Nico *unbothred* If you were trying to scare me, I’ll have you know you just farted

Will: There’s only one thing worse than dying

Will: *rips paper to reveal ‘Nico’ above 'dying’

Nico *nodding*: Myself

Will: NO-

You know what I want? I WANT A CHILD OF DIONYSUS. A child of Dionysus who can make anything and anyone go crazy. Who can inflict madness on someone. Even better? If the powers are emotionally triggered. Made them mad? Boom. Not even sure if you’re real. Hurt someone they care about? They drive you into insanity. And only Mr. D himself can restrain them from hurting anyone. ✨immaculate✨

Nico: I hate it when people ask me if I’m still gay

Nico: Like what am I supposed to say?

Nico: “No, not any more. My gay card expired last week and I forgot to replace it”?

Will: Nico

Will: It’s three a.m

AU where Lester/Apollo dies and the last words in the book were “I want to feel human one last time. What’s more human than dying?”

Will *panicking*: Nico, your bleeding!

Nico *completely calm*: Don’t worry, it’s not my blood

Jason: Hey Will, are you free on Friday, around 8 PM?

Will: Uh, yeah

Jason: What about you?

Nico: Yes?

Jason: Great, cause I’m not. Go on without me and enjoy your date!

Nico: Did he just-

Frank: Ask how much I love you.


Frank: Just ask.

Hazel:How much do you-

Frank: *pulls up a slideshow* why I’m glad you asked!

Meg:What if I ordered you to kill yourself?


Meg:Well yeah? Like, why are YOU the main character all of a sudden?✋

Jason:You either finish your homework and pass all of your classes, or you drop out of highschool and end up being a worker at a McDonald’s drive-thru.

Piper: So if I don’t do my work, we can go get McDonald’s?


Piper, tossing him car keys: You’re driving.

Jason: What are you gonna do? Kill me, you dickhead?

Caligula: Yeah, pretty much.

Jason: Oh shit… well just get it over with.

Thanatos: I’ve come to take you.

Frank: Hold up, lemme ask Hazel.

Thanatos:That’s not how this works-

Frank:Sorry, she said no.

Frank: *carrying the groceries*

Hazel: *reaches out to help*

Frank:*adjusts to hold her hand*

Hazel:That’s not what I- okay.
