





What’s the most ridiculous definition of bi and pan you’ve heard

I want to work on a new infographic and/or detailed discourse post. What are some of the most ridiculous/biphobic definitions or “distinctions” you’ve heard someone say. Please reblog/comment and share. Screenshots encouraged if you got them.

Some of the ones I’ve heard:

“Bi has preferences, pan does not”

“Bi is two genders, pan is all”

“Bi people care about genders/genitals, pan people care about personalities”

“bi is men and women, pan is men, women, and enby”

“bi people only like men and women, pan people like intersex people too”

“bi you’re attracted to people based on sex, pan you’re attracted to people based on personality.”

“I’m pan so I like men, women, and disabled people!”

I saw a screenshot of that on FB and I can’t for the life of me find it again.

oh boy I have one for you, courtesy of italian twitter:

translation:“I think [pansexuality] is a "more detailed” bisexuality, for example a bisexual could be racist, so love both sexes but not someone who’s black. Pansexuals can love anyone without any distinction"

I desperately want to tell you that this was a troll but I would be lying

The “bi cares about genitals, pan cares about personality” is honesty the worst one of all of these, not because it’s the worst thing you can say but because it’s so commonly used. It sets the idea that bisexual people are shallow and only care about look where pansexuals are pure angels who care about more than physical attractiveness. It reinforces the idea that pansexuality is the better version.

I never use this blog anymore, but I think I ought to outline this thought anyways.

There’s nothing wrong with not having dysphoria. 

There’s nothing wrong with not having dysphoria and also wanting to change your name, or your pronouns, or drastically alter your hairstyle/clothes/gender presentation. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying when strangers can’t tell your gender, or think you’re the opposite gender. And you can do all of this without dysphoria. 

What it means is that you’re GNC in an extreme way. And thats ok! It’s just a different experience from trans people who suffer from dysphoria that we need to medically alleviate. 

And I’m pretty sure these two groups of people have historically intermingled a lot, sometimes used each others’ labels. And that’s also ok. I’m just saying, it might be time, in the modern day, to separate into two different labels, because we know more now, and we have different experiences and different needs (even if we also have some shared ones). Because we now know the neurological differences between the two, as well as differences in social needs.

If you don’t have dysphoria, you’re not trans, but like, that’s ok? And I’m not gonna gatekeep you from changing your pronouns or anything, fr man that is your own life and business not mine, as long as you’re not hurting yourself I support you 100%. All I’m really saying is that we’re both valid, but not the same, and it might be best to differentiate ourselves as two similar but distinct groups with similar but distinct experiences and needs. 

hey lmao i changed my name to gus/reno and also im a tucute and use neopronouns and i dont reeaally feel like using this account ever again but if you’re chill with me i run an active (we have like. 40 people) discourse server and im potentially looking for a new mod or two




here have fun, link never expires

hey so my opinions in the past were kinda doodoo and i guess i never really addressed them, which is awfully stupid of me

so here!

honestly gave up on being a transmed. not a tucute but jesus christ im just tired of y’alls toxic asses

same thing for the ace debate, i could care less 

pro choice 

left leaning

acab (this one has changed)

blm (my uneducated ass used to say alm)

i strongly dislike donald trump AND biden

thank you these have been my opinions no one asked for, i will now die for the next 4885745874858.34889 years 

uhh, hi! i made a discourse server! again! because i want to be active in this stuff without the toxicity of tumblr beyond me!

i’ll make an official post soon but it’s still in its baby stages so ;;;

everyone is welcome! we have multiple fun bots, discourse channels, channels to show your art or your pets or the like, etc. feel free to promo this to your friends! keep in mind that we do have measures in place to prevent raids.

come on and join trans rights, baby!





hey i dont really care about discourse much but i wanna get back into art so

here’s some art i guess! 

i come back from the dead to say genital preference isn’t transphobic because penises are, 99% of the time, male anatomy, and vagina’s are, 99% of the time, female anatomy.

you can’t go around lesbians and say that they have to like penis otherwise they’re transphobic. for people who are all about comfort and respect, you sure hate giving lesbians the respect that they deserve.

bisexual people.. are attracted to people regardless of gender.. and saying they aren’t… means you think of them as gross sex machine monster things…

y’all say all men are trash, but when someone tries to include transmen you say that they aren’t. admit your transphobia and leave, sweethearts, because trans men are men through and through and if all men are trash, you need to include us too.

stop using truscum as a valid term challenge





me: joins a tucute discourse server

me: states my opinions

tucutes, banning me because i shared my opinion in a discourse server and they’re busy with their fingers in their ears going lalala:

The following are popular beliefs but untrue:

  1. That any and all discourse must be “neutral”;
  2. That “neutral” means giving any and all viewpoints the same platform, no matter how demonstrably true or immoral.

Truscum: joins a server with anti truscum and states beliefs that invalidate trans people

Truscum: is kicked


Truscum: *Make several unfounded statements that disrespects the identities and existence of several people because ~“It’s my opinion uwu”~ no matter how racist, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. it is*

Anti-truscum: *Give actual scientific sources and disprove several of these statements, continually talk about how the woman who is frequently cited as coining the term “truscum” isn’t a “"cis girl”“, she’s a transwomanwho was mercilessly harassed by these assholes, had her nudes spread around by truscum, and was accused of her genitalia being fake because "It’s a different color from the rest of your body, obviously a fake”, even when she provided pictures of her estrogen too. And that continuing to call her a “cis girl” even while knowing this just serves to add onto her harassment and a way to misgender her. Make clear that people have something called boundaries and that we don’t want our safe spaces to be constantly invaded by entitled assholes who think that their opinions should rule our lives and dictate our lived experiences*

Truscum, immediately:

i logged back in and saw that people are still spreading this post around.

i’ll never come back to discourse on tumblr while it is still like this. every single one of you will harass someone to the ends of the earth just to prove that you’re right. you almost cost me my life, and that still could’ve been worse.

if you know what’s good for you, and you want to be considered genuinely good people, you need to listen. you won’t continually harass them. when they say they need to stop, they need to fucking stop. it doesn’t mean they consider themselves in the right 100% of the time, in fact, maybe they’re resigning because they believe you are right.

this is my formal apology for the post: i’m sorry. now please, leave me alone, and anyone else involved, because discourse shouldn’t have to be as goddamn lethal as i and all of you made it become.

trendersona’s have two types:

- looks like a TERF caricature of a trans person

- looks like one of the trans steve rogers drawings RCDart did back in the day

okay, i have a question for both sides of the party that i’ve been wondering for a while:

my boyfriend is comfortable with any pronoun you throw at him (she/he/they etc), and yes, he is cis.

i’m expecting a tucute to erase his identity and i’m expecting a transmed to not really care, so take to the notes!

lesbians don’t have to date pre-op transwomen

it is I, your local transmed pug back from a long ass fuckin hiatus.

and I’m homeless, unemployed, sharing a hotel room with a binge eater in the middle of a food shortage, and can’t afford my damn meds.

I need like sixty bucks to keep myself fed for the next two weeks and I’m not even worried about the meds rn, I just need to be able to eat.

if anyone can help me out, my paypal is https://www.paypal.me/miaowo and my venmo is @AAAAAAAAAAAHHH  (Ax11+Hx3).

am hungry.


thanks to the informed consent model, i start T on Friday transmeds stay bitter while you’re on your waitlists and continue to enable the system that makes it as difficult as possible to access trans resources and medical care

you do realize that transmeds can also use informed consent, right? 

like. it’s not a tucute only zone. we can and do get hrt without sucking wpath’s cock first all the time.

it’s so funny to me when nondysphorics insist that cis people aren’t allowed to have an opinion on trans discourse.

like…buddy…youre cis. that’s you. whatchu doin with that opinion? 


Hey I’m fucking livid

In a year, their fucking waiting lists for the NHS Gender Identity Clinic have gone from 12 months to 24 months, due to “An increase of illegitimate cases”, referrals for people that are made to the Gender Identity Clinic, which go through the entire system, get an appointment and aren’t even actually trans. The clinic has to see these people anyway, at least once, which takes up valuable appointments for real trans people in desperate need.

This is the sort of shit I mean when I say that transtrenders are stealing resources. I don’t mean “oh boo hoo they’re taking our binders”, I mean you’re taking up our appointment spaces for no reason, denying people the healthcare they need all because you want to be a real trans boy uwu

Fuck you

am i the only one who thinks that the concept of “internalized bigotry” the way some of y’all throw it around is just…fancy gaslighting? like regardless of what the term originally meant (and i realize that it’s being misused), telling a trans person that they have “internalized transphobia” just because they’re transmed or telling a woman that she has “internalized misogyny” just because she doesn’t consider herself to be a feminist is…really fucked up.

like shockingly enough, minorities are not a hive mind. we don’t agree with each other on everything. someone holding a different opinion than you is not the same as racism, sexism, homophobia etc and to act like minorities are incapable of forming different opinions on their own without the influence of their oppressors is so fucking condescending. 
