#vocab list


<the Name of Various Kind of Cities 도시의 명칭> 

고대도시 ancient city

중세도시 medieval city

상업도시 commercial city

공업도시 industrial city

신도시 new town

소도시 small town

대도시 metropolis

<Urban Problem 도시문제>

오염 pollution

주택부족 housing shortage

불량주택 substandard housing

교통혼잡 traffic congestion

범죄 crime

알코올중독 alcoholism

빈부격차 rich poor gap

빈곤 poverty

경기침체 economic recession

실업 unemployment

<Things in the city 도시 관련 단어>

도로표지판 street sign

대중교통 public transport

교통경찰 traffic cop

보행자 pedestrian

보도 sidewalk

버스정류장 bus stop

지하철역 subway station

주차장 parking lot

가로등 streetlight

공중전화 public telephone

고층건물 high-rise building

아파트 apartment

공중화장실 public toilet

<Inflected words from ‘city’ and ‘urban’ 단어의 활용>

City 도시

Citizen 시민

Citizenship 시민권

Civil 시민의

Civic 도시의

Urban 도시의

Urbane 도시적인

Urbanism 도시화

Urbanize 도시화하다

-Written by Admin Sung

-Edited by Admin Yu

대학교 - University 

*Uni (the abbreviation of University)

캠퍼스 - Campus

도서관 - Library

학생 식당 - School Cafeteria

학생 기숙사 - student dormitory / a residential hall for students

학비 - school expenses

시간표 - Timetable 

장학금 - Scholarship

교과서 - Textbook

학점 - Credit (이수단위)

        - Grade(성적)

동아리 - Club

명문대학 - Prestigious university

단과대학 - College

전문대학 - Junior college

대학원 - Graduate school

학사 - College graduate

석사 - Master 

박사 - Doctorate

종강 - Finish a course

전공 - Major

학과 - Department

이력서 - Resume

학생회 - Student council

교수 - Professor

학기 - Semester

- Written by Admin Hee

- Edited by Admin Yu

병원 Hospital

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

주사 Shot

응급상황 Emergency

환자 Patient

진단 Diagnosis

치료 Cure

질병 Illness

예방 Prevention

재활 Rehabilitation

입원 Hospitalization

퇴원 Leave the hospital

의학 Medical science

약 Medicine

약국 Pharmacy

진료 Clinic

병 Disease

세균 Bacteria

바이러스 Virus

응급실 Emergency room

수술 Operation

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

today- aujourd’hui

gravedigger- un fossoyeur

forceps- le forceps

stonemason- un maçon

barber- un barbier

haircut- une coupe de cheveux 

carpenter- un charpentier

panpipes- la flûte de Pan

emptiness-  état d’être vide

marquee- un fronton, une marquise

sheep- le mouton

heaven- le ciel, le paradis

goat- la chèvre

hell- l’enfer (m)

to catch on fire- prendre feu

to fade- s'estomper

to smile- sourire

to laugh- rire

to live it up- faire la fête, mener la grande vie

la grenouille- frog

un crapaud- toad

coasse- ribbit 

un têtard- tadpole

un amphibien- amphibian 

une grenouille abricole- tree frog (more formal/scientific)

une rainette- tree frog (less formal/scientific)

une grenouille-tareau- bullfrog (standard name across all french)

un wawaron, ouaouaron- bullfrog (variant used by north american french only)

la cuisse de grenouille- frog leg (when you eat them, otherwise they’re called pattes) 

raniculteur/ranicultrice- someone who raises frogs, a frog farmer

une grenouille de bénitier- someone, most often a woman, who is religious to a fault, holier-than-thou, a zealot ‘frog from the holy water’

grenouiller-  engage in commercial or political scheming, especially unscrupulously ‘to frog’

manger la grenouille- to misappropriate funds, to embezzle, ‘to eat the frog’

la bave du crapaud n'atteint pas la blanche colombe- sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, I am rubber you are glue ‘the spit of the toad won’t reach the white dove’

il n’y a pas de grenouille qui ne trouve son crapaud- there’s someone for everyone ‘there’s not a frog that won’t find their toad

Fat Lip Vocab

casualty- une victime, qqn ou quelque chose blessé ou perdu (typiquement en guerre ou catastrophe naturelle)

victim- une victime

society- la société

old people- personnes âgées

mullet- une nuque longue

brat- un gamin

abortion- un avortement

to be sick of- en avoir marre de

to waste time- perdre du temps

to crave- désirer, souhaiter ardemment

to fall in line- rentrer dans le rang

don’t count on me- ne pas compter sur moi

reading fanfic in your target language can help you pick up new vocabulary words! I just finished ‘Batman R.I.P’ a series of vignettes of different characters grieving the loss of Bruce Wayne.

la bêta lecture- beta reading

une étude des personnage- character study

le Chevalier Noir- dark knight ‘black night’

le canon- canon

le casque- helmet, helm (in this case, batman’s cowl)

la cape- cape

la poussière- dust

un enterrement- burial

la presse people- tabloids, news about celebrities 

jouer dans la cour des grands- to punch above your weight, to play in the big leagues, to compete out of one’s skill set ‘to play in the big courts’

step-dad - beau-père  (pour les enfants d’un premier mariage, le second mari de leur mère) (beau-père can be translated as father-in-law or stepfather)

threat- une menace

whim- un caprice

the prodigal son- le fils prodigue (qqn qui était partie avec une ambition démesurée)

heinous- odieux, haineux

copasetic- exellent, super, genial

Guatemalan- guatémaltèque

in the throws of- en pleine, en train de, sous le coup de

loud and clear- haut et fort, fort et clair, très clairement

tie the knot-  être marier, ‘faire le noeud‘

flip the bird- faire un doigt d’honneur ‘renverse l’oiseau’

to flip- se retourner, basculer (argot, devenir fou)

to jump- sauter

to die- mourir

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on- ‘Allez vous faire foutre, toi et ton cheval’ C’est ‘fuck you’ avec un intensifieur qui indique que l’autre personne est trop arrogant.

get screwed- se faire baiser,  être fichu

got screwed by the horse that he rode in on- un jeux de mots avec le phrase ‘Fuck you and the horse you rode in on’. Ici le cheval représente les plans qui a mal tourné.



Kansainvälinen naistenpäivä - International Women’s Day
Hyvää naistenpäivää! - Happy Women’s Day!
Maaliskuun kahdeksas - March 8th
Nainen- woman
Tyttö - girl; daughter
Tytär - daughter
Sisko- sister
Tyttöystävä - girlfriend
Vaimo- wife
Äiti- mother
Täti - aunt
Isoäiti - grandmother
Ystävä, kaveri - friend
Työkaveri - colleague 
Kukka - flower
Kukkakimppu- bouquet
Ruusu- rose
Mimosa - mimosa
Lahja - gift, present
Suklaa - chocolate
Oikeus - right
Koulutus - education
Työ - work
Äänestäminen - voting
Syrjintä- discrimination
Tasa-arvo - equality
Rauha - peace
Juhlia - to celebrate


Boldog nőnapot! - Happy Women’s Day!

nemzetközi nőnap - International Women’s Day
nő -woman
asszony- married woman
feleség- wife
hölgy- lady
lány- girl; daughter
kislány- little girl
anya- mother
nagymama- grandmother
nagynéni- aunt
március- March
március nyolcadika - 8 March
egyenjogúság- equality, equal rights
egyenjogúsítás, emancipáció - emancipation
választójog, szavazati jog - right to vote
női jogok - women’s rights
virág- flower
(virág)csokor - bouquet
rózsa- rose
tulipán- tulips
hóvirág- snowdrop
jácint- hyacinth
csokoládé, csoki - chocolate
bonbon- box of chocolates
sütemény, süti - cake, cookies
ajándék - present, gift

“today’s korean”

hey yall~~

i’m planning on starting kind of a serie of posts with no specific subjects ; i’ll just be discussing random things i discover or learn such as words, expressions, grammar points etc.. when i feel like i have stuff to share with u and that could be useful!hope you’ll like it!^^

korean learning chat

hello everyone! i had some trouble w my kkt account so it removed me from the korean learning chat i created. i created a new one so please join this one instead of the old one ^^ thanks! https://open.kakao.com/o/g2oSB5Y


как жаль - what a pity
ехидно - (adv) maliciously; mockingly, sarcastically
любопытный - (adj) curious, inquisitive; interesting
кстати - (adv.) by the way; to the point; as a matter of fact; apropos
посочувствовать - to sympathize (with)
сказанное - (n, decline as adj.) what has been said

New Words/Hовые Cлова

наиболее - (adv) the most, above all, most of all
ляп - (n) flub, slip-up
болтать - (v) (colloq.) to blabble, talk needlessly or endlessly; (colloq.) to converse; to dangle; to shake, rock, stir
толк - (n) sense, judgement; talk, rumor

The -овать suffix can be used to turn nouns into verbs, e.g. штраф (fine, penalty) becomes штрафовать (to fine).  When conjugating, drop the -овать in the present tense. For example, ревновать (to be jealous) becomes я ревную, ты ревнуешь, etc.


чувствовать - (v) to feel
торговать - (v) to trade
жаловаться/пожаловаться - (v) to complain
иронизировать - (v) to speak ironically
переставать/перестать - (v) to stop, cease, quit
голосовать/проголосовать - (v) to vote; to give voice

New Words/Hовые Cлова

использовать - (v) to use
доставать/достать - (v) to reach, to be able to reach; to take out; get, procure, obtain
требовать/потребовать - (v) to demand, request; to need, call for
рисовать/нарисовать - (v) to draw, design; to paint

or, I had this list of words I couldn’t categorize easily


который - (pronoun) which, who, that
некоторый - (adj) some, certain
каждый - (adj) each, every
никто - (pronoun) nobody
любой - (determiner) any, either, whichever one wants
сам - (pronoun) myself, yourself

New Words/Hовые Cлова

там - (adv) there
тут - (adv) here, now, then
ничто - (pronoun) nothing
несколько - (pronoun) a few, several, some; (adv) somewhat, slightly, some

  • 起きる【おきる】 to wake up
  • 寝る【ねる】 to sleep
  • 始める【はじめる】 to begin
  • 終わる【おわる】 to stop
  • 開く【あく】 to open
  • 閉まる【しまる】 to close
  • 休む【やすむ】 to rest
  • 遊ぶ【あそぶ】 to play
  • 読む【よむ】 to read
  • 書く【かく】 to write
  • 聞く【きく】 to listen
  • 見る【みる】 to see
  • 作る【つくる】 to make
  • する to do

  • 仕事をする【しごとをする】 to work
  • 勉強をする【べんきょうをする】 to study
  • 勉強する【べんきょうする】 to study
  • 買い物をする【かいものをする】 to shop
  • 運動 をする【うんどうをする】 to exercise
  • スポーツをする  to exercise
  • 洗濯をする【せんたくをする】 to do the laundry
  • 掃除をする【そうじをする】 to clean
  • 散歩をする【さんぽをする】 to take a walk
  • お風呂に入る【おふろにはいる】 to take a bath
  • シャワーに入る【シャワーにはいる】 to take a shower
  • シャワーを浴びる【シャワーをあびる】 to take a shower
  • お風呂を出る【おふろをでる】 to get out of the bath
  • バスに乗る【バスにのる】 to get on the bus
  • バスに降りる【バスにおりる】 to get off the bus
  • 授業 を休む【じゅぎょうをやすむ】 to take a break / be absent from class
  • 仕事を休む【しごとをやすむ】 to take a break / be absent from work
  • 何時も【いつも】 usually, regularly (usually written in kana only)
  • 大抵【たいてい】 ordinarily, most of the time (usually written in kana only)
  • 良く【よく】 often (usually written in kana only)
  • 時々【ときどき】 sometimes
  • 偶に【たまに】 rarely (usually written in kana only)
  • 滅多に【めったに】 seldom (+negative verb)
  • 全然【ぜんぜん】 never (+negative verb)
  • 毎日【まいにち】 every day
  • 毎朝【まいあさ】 every morning
  • 毎晩【まいばん】 every night
  • 毎週【まいしゅう】 every week
  • ~回【~かい】 ~times
  • 一週間一回【いっしゅうかんいっかい】 once a week
  • 二週間一回【にしゅうかんいっかい】 once every two weeks
  • 毎週火曜日【まいしゅうかようび】 every Tuesday
  • 月曜日【げつようび】Monday
  • 火曜日【かようび】 Tuesday
  • 水曜日【すいようび】 Wednesday
  • 木曜日【もくようび】 Thursday
  • 金曜日【きんようび】 Friday
  • 土曜日【どようび】 Saturday
  • 日曜日【にちようび】 Sunday
  • 土日【どにち】 weekend
  • 週末【しゅうまつ】 weekend
  • 週日【しゅうじつ】 weekday

“I’m annoyed/irritable/in a bad mood” - Dutch

  • Ik ben geïrriteerd
  • Ik ben geërgerd
  • Ik ben kribbig
  • Ik ben prikkelbaar
  • Ik ben chagrijnig
  • Ik ben chagi
  • Ik ben in een slechte bui
  • Ik heb de bokkenpruik op (bokken = whining/sulking, pruik = wig, so “I’m wearing the whining wig)
  • Ik ben niet in mijn hum (short for humeur)
  • Ik ben nukkig