#witch coven

I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important t

I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important thing to discuss in Witchcraft. Basically spell fallout are the unintended or unaccounted events that happen after you perform a spell. Let’s use what happened to me as a great example of how you can F up your life with magic. 

For about 4-5 years I was working at a company that I on and off loved. At first it was not great, but we moved around and I kind of began to like where I was at and more importantly what I was working on. I learned a lot and even though it was frustrating, I wanted to be there. Then after a few years we were moved again to another space and it was a little horrible. Around that time I was super stuck and not feeling like I was experiencing any growth. Of course I blamed my environment and the circumstances around me and not my own fear-driven decision making. I could have simply looked for another job that continued my career growth. But I didn’t, I blamed everything and everyone else around me. 

Out of frustration I did a spell on the waning moon to let go of all the things that didn’t serve me. I was NOT specific and I just generally did the magic without even reading my tarot. That week I was laid off at work. I have not always been financially stable in my life and having the security of a steady paycheck was a HUGE deal for me. And now it was gone. The rug was pulled out from under me and my safe little job had vanished. Being laid off or even fired was one of my biggest fears and that experience sent me into a huge month-long panic attack. 

Of course, afterwards everything was fine. It took some time, but I was able to secure employment and continue to grow in my career. I also had a lot of personal growth related to that experience. I let go of tons of fear, moved forward with my own side business and stopped giving into other people’s expectations of me and started living for myself. 

Although these were all AMAZING things that I could never have accomplished without the help of my irresponsible spell, THERE ARE BETTER WAYS to achieve this. So before you cast a spell and turn your life into a hot mess for months on end, think about why you need the spell and all the things that could happen in your life from the casting of this one spell. And most importantly, be specific about what you want in your spell. Otherwise you’ll accidentally ‘let go’ of that job that might no longer be serving you, but is still paying the bills. 

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Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers,

Crystals are an amazing way to start your witchcraft journey. They are perfect atmosphere cleansers, help protect and can even amplify your psychic abilities. Although everyone is drawn to different crystals for their own reasons, these are always my go-to favorites and I always highly recommend them to newbie witches.

1 - Clear Quartz The OG of crystals. This clear white stone is like the grandmother of crystals. It can replace ‘almost’ any stone in a spell and is a good all around healer, protector, cleanser. If you need to start your crystal collection, start here.

2 - Rose Quartz One of my all time favorites. Not only is this pink stone gorgeous to look at, it has amazing self love properties. I find that it helps open you up to accepting and being kinder to yourself. I always have one on my altar to remind myself that I love myself above all else.

3 - Black Tourmaline This is not the stone for everyone. If you want to try it out I recommend buying one and sitting around with it for a few days and seeing if you jive with it or not. If not, no worries replace with a Black Obsidian ideas. But if you do feel like you are bonding with your Black Tourmaline it’s perfect for keeping spirits away, bad vibes and a whole bunch of other not great stuff.

4 - Moonstone I love a good Moonstone. This beautiful iridescent stone helps me feel connected to The Goddess and all things divine feminine. I always keep one next to my altar and when I do tarot readings to help me connect to my higher self and guide my intuition.

5 - Amethyst Another OG rockstar. This purple stone is fabulous for so many things. A great protector this stone will keep you safe in any situation. It’s perfect for having around your home because it’s so pretty and it keeps the space cleansed and safe.

6 - Citrine This orange stone sometimes gets overlooked but it has great properties. Abundance, growth and energy are all in here. I keep one around to make sure things are flowing and I’m growing at the same time.

7 - Selenite This crystal usually comes in a sort of tower form. It’s a light pink but looks completely different then a Rose Quartz. It’s perfect for people who struggle with insomnia or who are restless and need guidance to find their inner peace. I always keep one in my space to instill a calmness in the room.

8 - Tigers Eye This one was one of my very first favorite stones as a kid. I could not get over the shiny orange/gold stripes mixed with brown sides. It’s still one of my favorites. It’s the perfect stone to help you focus and get rid of any fear and anxiety.

9 - Smoky Quartz A darker, richer brown tone than it’s sister clear quartz, this stone is amazing at dispelling any negativity. I actively use this crystal when cleansing my tarot or tools or just wanting to rid the space of any bad vibes.

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HOW TO MAKE A CLEANSING ROOM SPRAYI was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran acr


I was looking for a cleansing incense a few months ago and ran across a shop that sold room sprays. The idea is you can use these sprays to cleanse the ‘vibe’ in your room before ritual work. I picked up one for the Full Moon and one for the New Moon and I freaking LOVE them. Especially if I’m in a hurry and don’t want to light a whole charcoal block to cleanse with loose incense or any incense in general I just use these witchy sprays.

Both sprays are come in dark glass bottles and filled with incense, distilled water, crystals and blessed by the full moon. I use them so often now that I wanted to try my hand at making my own room spray.

This recipe is for a cleansing room spray that can be used pre any spell or ritual. It’s great for times you’re on the go and can’t light incense or are sensitive to the smoke from incense in general. Room sprays are my for sure go-to now,

What you need

One small glass spray bottle

Lavender and Sage essential oil

Moon water (bonus if it’s distilled)

One small Amethyst

What you’ll do

It’s pretty simple. You just need to place the ingredients in the spray bottle. Try decorating a sticker or label and place it on your glass bottle so you know which spray it is. If you’re curious about how to make Moon Water I’ve written about it before here. You basically leave water outside during the full moon to collect the energy and you can use the water for different things like ritual baths and to make this room spray.

Change it up by adding different crystals, essential oils and herbs to make sprays for energy, self love, or anything else you can think of. I would love to make a protection spray too.

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One of my favorite ways to spell cast is with a deck of tarot cards. It’s so simple and effective, a

One of my favorite ways to spell cast is with a deck of tarot cards. It’s so simple and effective, and you can literally use this basic spell for anything you want to draw in or release from your life. You can use any tarot deck for this spell technique, but I keep an older deck that I don’t use for readings anymore and use that. 

What you need:

You can improvise in any way, but I usually have incense burning, a few white candles out (tea lights are my fave) and whatever crystals I feel are appropriate for the issue at hand. You can always use a general white quartz if you’re unsure. 

I always include a physical portion of whatever I’m spell casting for. If it’s a job I want, I might print out my resume and have it laying on the bottom, or collect a some dirt from around the building. If the spell is about me, I might cut a lock of my hair. Just so there is something to anchor the spell to. 

I will usually add whatever other elements I might need for visualization or to set the tone. Some things I have used was ribbons for school colors, pictures, herbs that have relevant properties and things like that. 

What you’ll do:

Start out by predetermining which three tarot cards you want to use. If I am looking for a job for instance I might choose the 10 of pentacles to represent money, judgement to represent the decision of me working and a third card that closely represents the work I will be doing. 

Begin your spell by casting a circle or simply visualizing a bright white light around you, protecting you and your space. Light your candles and incense. Set out your physical items leaving space for your cards. 

Set out the first one and visualize in your minds eye the intention of your spell. Then lay out the second one and visualize you getting what you want or the decision being made in your favor. Set out your third card and visualize you in the position of where you want to be. 

Meditate on this for a few minutes, making sure you are releasing your intention out into the world and knowing that if there is any mundane work to be done that you are committed to your part. (Mundane work would be working on your resume, brushing up on any skills, and submitting for the job…basically doing your best effort to get where you want to be.)

When you feel like you have released your intention, blow out the candles (or let them burn up to you) and ignite your incense. Thank the energies and release your circle however you want to. 

Collect all the items and place them in a small bag and carry them with you. Leave your tarot cards out (if you can) and revisit that energy as many times as you want until your spell is successful. Happy casting!

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What TF is a spirit attachmentAs I understand it, a spirit attachment is a collective of negative en

What TF is a spirit attachment

As I understand it, a spirit attachment is a collective of negative energy, or a form of an entity that has attached itself to you for various reasons, usually not good ones. Sometimes (most of the time really) the attachment is from you. You have harbored some negativity in your life that has now manifested into its own energy-form and is currently hanging out dragging you down. Things that can cause this? Maybe a bad break-up, a rough patch at work, or anything that seems to cause extended periods of mental distress. (Think trauma. Also this isn’t your fault sometimes it just happens because life.) Constant self-doubt, anguish, or negativity forms these things into bad energy fields that just hang around our aura making us feel like absolute shit for no reason. They can also cause us to get stuck in loops, attracting into our lives the types of people, things and situations that we have not processed out or healed from yet. 

The second kind, and far rarer are you have a nasty spirit entity clawing around you, and you need to get rid of it ASAP. Where can they come from? Could be somewhere you went that wasn’t really a spiritual ‘safe space’ but could be as simple as an old house or just a random place that had a nasty thing inhabiting it. 

Another more likely cause is that you attracted it to you with your bad vibes. (Sorry!) Sometimes these entities are pretty much just loitering around looking for someone to grab onto. They thrive off of our negativity. That’s why it’s so important to keep your space high-vibing, so you don’t attract any lower entity beings. 

How can you tell

There’s not really a ‘way’ to 100% clearly tell, sometimes you just feel off. Maybe you’ve had a stream of bad luck, sleepless nights of insomnia, nightmares or just generally feeling like shit for no reason. Of course these aren’t always the signs, so before you think you have a spirit attachment make sure to get your physical and mental health checked out first. 

You honestly probably don’t have one…even if you think you do

If you’re freaking out because you feel like you might have a spirit attachment, you probably don’t have one. I’ve only ever come in contact with one or two really HORRIBLE ones and one of those I created myself. More than likely if you are feeling off you just need to do a basic cleanse to get rid of any projecting energy BEFORE it starts manifesting into something larger. 

But in case you do here’s a cleanse 

Cleanses are always a good thing to do regularly no matter what. Especially for any magical practitioner because usually we are more sensitive to picking up energy and things, so it’s not a bad idea to start the habit of performing a monthly cleanse if you don’t already do so.

My FAVORITE way to do a cleanse is in a ritual bath. I realize not everyone takes a bath, so you can definitely do this in the shower or just stick your feet in water if you are pressed for time, space or privacy. 

What you need

One chunk of clear quartz

Incense (any kind)

White candles (My favorite inexpensive way to do this is to line the tub with white tealights)

What to do

  • Open the window. Even if it’s freezing, crack it open. Otherwise, your bad energy will just be circling the room with you. 
  • Light the candles. 
  • Light the incense. 
  • Lay out your quartz. Add more crystals if you feel it’s necessary. Sometimes I pop in a rose quartz for self-love because you can never have too much of that. 
  • You can also add herbs in at this point. My favorites are lavender or rose petals, but I HATE picking all that shit out of the tub, so I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll either put the herbs in a cloth bag beforehand or just skip it because it’s too much trouble. 
  • Fill the tub and get in. 
  • Visualize a white light protecting you and your space and ask to connect to your highest self. 
  • Next, meditate until your mind is clear. Then visualize a bright white light coming from the center of your chest radiating out to your fingers and toes, removing any blocks, attachments or bad feelings. Imagine anything you don’t want in your energy space leaving out the window alongside the incense smoke. Stay as long as you need to in this space. 

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Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in

Some people think that you find witchcraft when you’re looking for something that you don’t have in your life. That thing you can’t describe but fits you perfectly once you seek it out. But I think witchcraft finds you. It puts things in place, runs books or titles across your phone, haunts you in your sleep and finally when you’ve had all you can take, you open the door. And it’s not scary, or strange, it just feels like it was right there the whole time. 

If you’ve been called to practice magic, then chances are there were signs and signals long before you realized what the heck was even going on. Maybe you’ve dreamed about things before they happened, or maybe your empathic abilities were shining bright as a kid, bringing your moods up and down. We’ve probably all had one or more of these experiences. So read on to see, were you born a witch? 

[This post is mostly just for fun… because we are really all natural witches]

You heard people talk in your head before they spoke aloud

Ever hear someone say something before they say it, just to announce the answer out loud and have them look at you like you shocked the Hell out of them? Then they swear they didn’t say it out loud. It’s because you heard it in your head first. 

You knew something was going to happen just before it happened

Maybe it was just a gut feeling, or a heightened intuition, either way you called it, and it happened. 

You got a sick or gross feeling around someone and later learned that person was trash

Everyone LOVES person X, but you always got a horrible vibe around them. Later on you hear that they did this really nasty thing, and you’re all like, I told you so. Boom. 

You had dreams about things that didn’t happen yet

Dreamed of the house before you moved in, of a visit that didn’t happen yet, or a trip in the making. You are basically a walking psychic. 

You had imaginary friends (ghosts) and talked to them as a child

You had all the friends. Only all the friends were dead. But that either didn’t bother you, OR you didn’t realize you were the only one playing dress up and tea with your dolls. 

You could step into a room, and it could really bring you down if it was depressing or lift you up if the mood was right

Hop into a room or space, and you immediately pick up the vibe, good or bad, and it can really affect your mood. Sometimes for a while too. 

When a song plays you really feel the lyrics

Maybe it’s not a pop song, but when the lyrics play the notes speak directly to your soul. 

You are well liked by animals

Go to a friend’s house and her cats are all over you. Even your neighbor iguana sits on your lap. Animals know a witch when they see one. 

You were drawn to natural things as a child like being outside, playing with rocks or bugs

You liked to play outside but it was overkill. Not only that, but you walked around barefoot, collected rocks or just felt the Earth over being inside anyway.

You never really felt like you belonged

There was always this eerie feeling that you didn’t belong. Now I know we all kinda feel that way but you’re particular, like something was missing…

You lived in your imagination and made up stories and could visualize them as a kid

Imagination was your jam. You always made up wild stories with vivid imagination and could see every single detail in all its glory.

You liked to read and could see the images play in your mind like a TV show

Reading is still your favorite hobby. And you can still play out every scene from all your favorite books in your head. 

You said things about dead relatives to your family members that you have never met 

You knew Great-Grandma had dark brown eyes and wore a pink cardigan to church even though you never met her, and she died 8 years before you were born.

You talked to trees and plants

Trees seem alive to you. You can feel their spirits and sometimes like to walk up to them and give them a high five. 

You feel called to the ocean, rain or a specific element

The ocean is a special place for you. Its mystic energy pulls you in, and you can’t ever get enough. 

You have a natural aversion to helping people

You always volunteered to babysit the class pet, help your friend move, or just be an ear when someone needed a cry. 

People seem to tell you their darkest secrets for no reason

The grocery store checkout lady spills the tea on her divorce, or the lady you babysit for vents to you about a long stressful day at work. People seem to open up to you, and you don’t really know why. 

Graveyards never bothered you

Maybe it just seemed more like a natural ending to things than a big scary end all. Either way even when you were a kid, visiting the cemetery was never even a thrill. 

The moon has always been a big deal

Were you fascinated with the moon as a child? Spend nights staring at the stars? Or was astronomy your favorite subject?  

Have you had an unusual experience that happened to you before you discovered witchcraft? Drop a line below and share your experience…! 

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And my deities and experiences…

So, a lot of you on this platform as well as others have been interested to know my deities, and how I met them and how I worked with them etc. Which my deities are fine with and I asked for permission before hand ofc.

So my take on deity work is that, it’s not dangerous IF you know what you’re doing. If you just became a witch i do not recommend working with deities off the bat, you can worship but don’t work unless you are well versed in a pantheon, even then be careful. I don’t like to control anyone’s path, as long as you aren’t doing close practices when you shouldn’t I really have no problem, everyone’s path is their own. Aphrodite came to me 4 months into my journey.

Now, I’m not going to disclose ALL of my deities, but will disclose the first 4 that came into my life, and how they did so and my experiences with them. Also, you’ll see that I’ll be correcting some past posts, mainly the ones regarding wicca since there’s honestly a lot of debate but after conversing with some wiccans those changes will be made shortly and i’ll try to post as regularly as i can, i am a student so it’ll be irregular but it is what it is. This’ll probably be a multi part post but I will start with my first deity and I love her so much~



Aphrodite, my first deity and goddess, was one of the first to pop up in my spiritual path and she is still with me today and I could not be more grateful for her. She is the goddess of love and beauty and she is married to Ares, God of War. 

Description (To Me):

She appeared to me with long strawberry blonde (more red honestly) hair with these huge curls on the bottom, with light eyes, very tall, this gorgeous stola that was white but also kinda blush pink, and she wore a rose flower crown. She is very kind and patient and always understood the circumstances of which I was succumbed to by my family with their Christian views and I do devotional acts for her such as washing my face, self-care + self-love, and anything that promotes love and even dressing up, just make yourself feel good. 

How She Came To Me:

Lots of signs, bees, a shit ton of cinnamon in my food when i didnt ask for it to be added, seeing venus above the moon, receiving a silver heart  ring from a friend. Random roses. Clear skin without a care routine. Loads of roses and anything romantic related in my life. 

Final Thoughts:

She taught me how to self love and how much of a bad bitch I am, she helped me reclaim my beauty and I think its a luxury her devotees have, I love her, always have always will❤️


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Astrological Date: Sun at 0º Libra

During the Fall Equinox, we enter a true time of balance as the sun moves into the sign of Libra (approximately September 21st). An intellectual Air element, Libra is refined with the grace of the balance between head and heart. Now we transition into the shorter days and longer nights of the fall season, where we are called to bring our light indoors and tend to hearth and home.

Balancing of Light and Darkness

The Autumnal Equinox begins when the Sun enters the Sign of Libra, the scales. Libra represents balance and temperance, and the reconciling of opposing forces. The integration of life and death, fire and water, solar and lunar energies. It is a social Sign, ruling partnerships of all kinds and the individual contributions one makes to a group. This Air Sign is a Sign of communication and intellect-of justice and discernment. Its position on the zodiac is the halfway point between the completion of the Sun’s transit through the zodiac. The astrological year is initiated by the fires of Aries the Ram, the Vernal Equinox. This places Libra at the horizon of the descendant, marking the movement of the Sun through the outer realm of the ego and its material environment into the realms of the unconscious and the emotions. Libra is the fulcrum point marking the division between the light and dark halves of the year.

Just as the festival dates we celebrate can be slightly different depending on your interpretation (astronomical or secular), there is also conflicting information about when the exact start of the seasons is. Unlike modern calendars that define the start of a season on a Solstice or Equinox, the Celts perceived Solstices and Equinoxes as events occurring mid-season, with the seasons actually beginning and ending on the Cross Quarters.

For a modern interpretation, I bet on the definition provided by the Old Farmers Almanac. Briefly, they explain each season has both an astronomical start and a meteorological start. The astronomical start date is based on the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth, while the meteorological start date is based on the 12-month calendar and the annual temperature cycle.

The Wheel of the Year

The modern system of solar festivals, known as Sabbats, developed slowly since the 1950’s, and since then has been adapted and adopted by many traditions of The “Wheel of the Year” cycle is a MODERN construct. We can just stop debating whether or not any one ancient civilization celebrated all eight equidistant solar holidays, because we know for a fact that wasn’t true.

Fall and Autumn are both used for this wonderful season, with “Fall” being more common in America. It’s marked by the Sun going into the astrological sign Libra, to be followed by Scorpio and Sagittarius. So it’s the start of this trio of relational signs—we grow in understanding through our social and intimate connections. The Sun is waning (in the Northern Hemisphere), but this begins the season of reaching out. The Sun into Libra motivates us to build bridges, create a balance of give and take. It’s ideal for sharing your bounty with a neighbor, to make that connection, or attend community festivities.

If we see Fall Equinox as a time of refining the creative intentions of Spring Equinox, we take into account “the Other.” It’s adapting your goals, as they meet the contributions or demands of your extended social circle. Sometimes Fall brings up melancholy moods. Is it the reminder that all things diminish (die).

Libra is a time for harmonizing with the significant people in our lives—from business partners to friends we’ve lost touch with over the crazy-busy summer! It’s time for slow food dinner parties with kindred spirits, and new friends.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every [a]purpose under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.


The Autumnal Equinox is the time of year when daylight and nighttime are equal. After the Autumnal Equinox, the darkness will begin to win the battle, gaining an extra minute or so every day as we progress towards winter. Now is the time when nature begins to slow and the harvests become less plentiful. Though the autumn equinox can arrive as early as September 20th or 21st depending on solar patterns, this year it falls on September 22nd. So get ready to celebrate!

Like most Sabbats that are celebrated later in the year, the autumn equinox is about reflection and letting go of that which does not serve us any longer. It’s a chance to slough off the old and prepare for rest. We clean out that which piled up during the business of summer and store up that which we will need for our winter rest. The colors of the Autumn Equinox are just as rich and warming as the colors of autumn—deep crimson, vibrant orange, lustrous gold, and earthy brown. If you’re planning a feast, make sure to include all the fall bounties as well as late summer fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin, squash, berries, nuts, and corn are all fantastic inclusions. Looking for specific ideas on how to celebrate the Autumn Equinox without costing a mint? You’ve come to the right place! Here are 10 wonderful ways to celebrate for free or for little cost!


What’s more cozy than snuggling under a blanket with a big bowl of buttered popcorn? Of course, you could always watch a movie, but why not take your treat outside to watch nature instead? Inhale that fragrant autumn air. Really take a few moments to appreciate the breathtaking hues of the trees. Watch the birds and squirrels as they prepare for winter. Simply take in the magnificence of the season. And if you’re in a generous mood, leave a few un-buttered pieces of popcorn for the critters.


The Autumn Equinox is a time to find balance in your life. But while we tend to immediately think of time constraints as a place to find balance (work versus family time, family time versus self-care), when was the last time you balanced your spiritual centers?If you’re not familiar, chakras are points of energy on the body that have spiritual as well as physical impact. When they are balanced, life is good. When they are imbalanced, we have unwanted manifestations, such as illness and financial troubles. The good news is balancing them is as simple as taking a few minutes for visualization! Like any visualization, chakra balancing gets easier with practice, so don’t feel discouraged if you have trouble focusing during your first go around or two. A nice, simple chakra meditation can be found on YouTube. Get a blanket, find a quiet spot under a tree, and take some time to balance your chakras this Mabon! You’ll be glad you did. Bonus points if you plant your feet in the soil and get your earthing on!


Admittedly, this suggestion is a little self-benefiting. But what’s autumn without a warm drink laced with cinnamon and nutmeg? You can certainly buy one at your favorite coffee shop, but why not make one? I’m betting you already have the ingredients on hand. Take the time to really savor the process. Inhale the nutty aroma of the coffee before you brew it. Watch as the creamer turns your drink into a rich caramel color. Savor the first sip without scarfing down the entire drink. Life is a lot more pleasurable when we take time to relish the things we enjoy. Sit outside with your homemade brew, breathe deep inhalations of that luscious autumn air, and simply BE.


With Autumn Equinox being a time of reflection and balance, what better way to celebrate than to make a list for all that you are thankful for? Take a notebook to the park and make a list of everything you appreciate—from big things, like your family or health, to small things, like hot cocoa and fuzzy slipper socks. Feeling crafty? Make a gratitude tree! Simply find a funky fallen twig that has lots of little branchy offshoots to hold your leaves. Place the twig (or twigs) in a pot of stones so it’s standing upright, like a miniature dead tree. Collect fallen leaves or cut your own from construction paper. Write something you’re grateful for on each leaf. Tape on a loop of string or thread, and hang the leaves from your twig! Beauty and function— my favorite!And remember, crafts don’t need to be limited to children. Our children are grown and gone, yet we make a gratitude tree every year for Thanksgiving by adding one leaf a day for each day in November leading up to the big feast! Festiveness isn’t just reserved for those too young to drive. Embrace life! Live it with all you’ve got! And don’t forget to be grateful!


If you’re anything like me, you’re just itching to get something decorative in your home this fall. We don’t really get in to decorating for Halloween with ghosts and goblins because we don’t celebrate the way that most people in America do. We celebrate it the Christian way, not the pagan way. Why not take a nature walk and collect whatever beautiful, natural treasures you stumble upon? Colored leaves. Acorns. Gnarled twigs. Pine cones. Cool rocks. Bring a bag and collect whatever catches your eye. Arrange it on a table or counter top when you get home, throw in a candle or two (maybe gold and red) and you’ve got yourself an instant natural Mabon altar! You can even leave your natural masterpiece up for a few weeks as a spectacular (and FREE!) fall decoration!


As the sun sets on the Autumn Equinox, we welcome in the darkness of the coming season. Grab a blanket, some lawn chairs, and allow yourself to be fully in the moment as the sun sets this equinox. Once the orange globe has dipped below the horizon, breathe in the darkness of fall and honor the tranquil introspection this season inspires. With tea, of course!


Having spent most of my life in Texas, what I miss most about autumn is the coziness. Soft sweaters. Knitted throws. Hot drinks. Crisp morning air. Chilly noses on rainy days. Envelop yourself in the coziness of autumn, even if, like here in Texas, you are still running the air conditioner and suffering in 90 degree weather. Whether that means decorating your home in autumnal flare, lighting a pumpkin-spice candle, or baking a cinnamon-scented apple pie, do something special that puts you in that autumn state of mind.


The best part of autumn is undoubtedly the simplicity. Life seems to slow down just a little, following the graceful dance of nature herself. Take the time to slowdown alongside her. Treat yourself to a pumpkin latte, head over to your favorite park or even your own backyard, and just exist. Watch the passersby as you sip your drink. Observe the colors of autumn, the slight crisp that’s beginning to blossom in the air, the chatter of birds as they prepare for winter. Breathe deep. Slow your mind. Just exist. It’s something we don’t do often enough, but fall is most definitely the time for it!


 Whether autumnal or vernal, equinoxes are the perfect opportunity to find balance, just like nature! If you’ve been doing a little too much of anything—eating, working, worrying, whatever!—now is the time to take a step back and evaluate how to change your behavior in favor of a more healthy approach. Remember, anything in excess is damaging. Even drinking too much water will kill you.I know! Crazy, right?!If you find it difficult to disconnect from work. If your vice is copious amounts of sugar. If exercise has become obsessive. If spending has exceeded income, take the time to make positive changes. NOT to belittle and berate yourself. NOT to feel guilty and swim among the self-loathing waters. Objectively look at the situation, find a reasonable solution, and make changes. Shame doesn’t fix the problem. It’s a warning bell that alerts us to the need for change. Nothing more. Take a deep breath of that fresh autumn air and start again. You’ve got this!


Autumn seems to bring out the craving for bonfires and campfires. If you’re lighting one up this Autumn Equinox, toss in a couple of cinnamon sticks for good luck in the coming season. Plus your backyard will smell heavenly!

Whether you use this time to reflect or to indulge, I hope you have a spectacular Autumn Equinox celebration filled with love, coziness, and an extra dash of magic! BLESSED BE!
