

Lunar eclipse/full moon in Capricorn tonight♑️

This eclipse has the potential to reveal some profound, hidden truths, about ourselves, those close to us, and even about public figures and society at large, and bring them to the forefront of our attention. Question everything. Use this energy to look within and ask why. What is your intention at this time? Why? What are the intentions of those around you, and of our society, and why? Why have you been acting a certain way or making certain choices? Deep down, you know the answers. Learning about our motives gives us a better understanding of who we are, and therefore can give us a better understanding of those around us and our culture as a whole.

You may already know some deeper truths about our society, and because it is July 4th, try to use this energy to have an open discussion with others about the underlying causes, reasons, and motives behind why our country is the way it is. It’s time to take down the veil; it’s time to let the real truth be known by all. ⚖️

Instagram: @amanitatarot

Would y’all be interested in quick articles or posts about occult/witchy historical figures?

It would be the good and the bad, the historical and the mythical (that are sometimes portrayed as real with no evidence of their actual existence or relevance in occult spaces).

I have a few episodes for a podcast that I never started written because I find them fascinating but I wonder what you guys think.

Let me know :)

The idea that you can only go all or nothing, one and done, in or out, 100% 24/7 with deity work is entirely false.

If you personally would like to dedicate yourself wholly to a deity, by all means, more power to you! However, for folks to act like that must be the case is

  1. Historically inaccurate. Many cultures worshipped or had relationships with deities in the ways that you may have a relationship with different professors in college: you go to the one you need for their area of expertise. Of course there were cults dedicated to a singular deity but they still believed in the other deities and would interact with them, even worship/honor them, as needed.
  2. Based way too much on Abrahamic religions. Now I am not talking down on these religions, if you are a monotheist in one of these Abrahamic religions then that’s perfectly fine. That’s not even getting into those who are believers in the God of the respective religions but are also polytheists. I think a lot of it comes from those who were brought up in these religions and are taught that you must devote–even sacrifice if needed–your life to God in some cases.

Paganism isn’t like that. Deity work isn’t like that. Don’t stress people out over your personal beliefs.

Also, if you see a post online or even read a passage in a book saying that you should definitely, 100% dedicate your life to a deity please take it with a grain of salt. It doesn’t make the author or poster’s personal path incorrect, they just need to be more careful with their wording.

Anyway, this is the second time I’ve posted something like this and it’s honestly a call out to myself. Growing up as a Christian really messed me up and there’s that inner voice that tries to tell me that my practice needs to be this way or that based on the Christian practices I grew up with. Live your life, follow your path, do what feels right for you.

with love,


Spirits of Place - Genius Loci

Ever since I was young I always felt that the world around me was full of energy, of spirit. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized that what I was feeling exists, and there’s a name for it. I’m talking about the spirits of place called Genius Loci.

A beautiful scenery of mountains. There are some mountains in the distance against a bright blue sky and in the very foreground is a rocky area with a stream trickling down it making it look like a mini waterfall.

This is going to be a brief guide to Genius Loci. I’ll put links throughout the post so that you can read more if you’re interested!

What does it mean?

Genius Loci is the term used most often and it is essentially a spirit of a place, often cities or towns but can be anywhere.

The name is Roman, the plural being Genii Loci, and they were sometimes depicted in art as human-like beings holding a cornucopia, a patera (libation bowl) or a snake. There would be altars set up for these Genius Loci all throughout the western Roman Empire.

The idea of a spirit of a place exists in so many cultures. In some places like Thailand there areLak mueang (Thai: หลักเมือง)–or city pillars erected and often placed in shrines dedicated to the city’s deity (or deities).

In other places, like in Southeast Asia, spirithousesare created and placed in or near businesses, shrines, and sometimes houses.

The Romans also had household spirits or deities called Di Penates as well as Lares–guardian spirits/deities.

The term Genius Loci is sometimes used in a more modern way to indicate a nonliteral version of “spirit of a place”, similar to the “vibe” or feel of a certain architecture, design, or environment of the place.

How is it different from Animism?

The short explanation of animismis that everything, animal, plant, object, the ground, etc. has a spirit or spiritual essence. The difference lies in that Genii Loci are the spiritual embodiment of a place, meaning they embody all of its vibes and don’t represent only one aspect of it.

How is it different from a Tutelarydeity?

As mentioned before, a Genius Loci embodies the place, whereas a Tutelary deity/spirit is the guardian or protector of that place. Tutelary deities/spiritscan be Genii Loci and vice versa, but they aren’t always one in the same.

Does every place have one?

Yes! Every place can (and probably does) have a Genius Loci, some places may even have more than one. They may have different names for them depending on the culture and lore they come from, though. If you plan on interacting with them make sure to ask what they prefer to be referred to as. (See Types of Household Deities at the bottom)

How do I interact with them?

First of all: you never have to interact with them if you don’t want to. 

If you would like to interact with them, though, there are a few ways that you can achieve this:

  • First spend some time with them. Hang out in the area that you’d like to interact with the Genii Loci. Get to know them.
  • Make sure you’re being respectful!
  • Set up a spirit house or shrine.
  • Leave offerings out (but make sure they are safe to leave outside and are biodegradable OR that you come retrieve the offerings later) and let them know that it’s there for them specifically.
  • Clean up the area. No one likes when their space is dirty!
  • Listen. What do you hear? The spirits may just reach out to you after you’ve shown your willingness to hear what they have to say.

You don’t have to literally hear voices, there are several different ways that you can talk with spirits and metaphysical beings. You can use divination methods like tarot, runes, oracle cards, or you can meditate and see if you get any visions/information that come to you.

Also, you don’t have to wait for them to reach out, chances are they won’t try and contact you first. Feel free to let them know that you’d like to speak with them and that you’re open to communicating with them.

Ps: A Genius Loci likely isn’t going to tell you to hurt yourself or others. If it seems like the spirit you’re speaking to is being very hateful and/or aggressive it’s probably best to back off. Even if it is a Genius Loci (a really mad one) you should leave them be if they are being aggressive towards you. Especially if you’re pretty new with spirit work.

If you’re interested in this, you may want to check out:

Genius Loci: The Ancient Worship of Spirits of Place or Land Spirits

Animism - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology

Tutelary Deity - Academic 

Lares and Penates - Encyclopedia.com 

Types of Household Deities by culture (not a complete list)List of Tutelary Deities

Edit: When first posted I wrongly wrote that the plural of Genius LociwasGenius Locorum. Since I have changed it to the true plural form GeniiLoci.

Genius Locorum is a spirit that presides over multiple places.

Ruled By - Mars
Element - Fire?
Sacred to - Ezulie (Haiti)
Form - Fresh, Dried, Leaves

There is a lot of contradictory folklore across the nations. African folklore says basil protected against scorpions, whereas Greek lore said scorpions would breed around basil. The latin Basilisicum comes from Basilisk, and ingesting the herb was associated with curing madness or causing it.. European lore associated the herb with Satan and it was believed that cursing the ground you were to plant basil on would encourage proper growth (thus the French idiom “semer le basilic/to sow the basil” came from, meaning ranting. In India, Basil is highly looked upon and worshipped as a sacred herb, more valuable than kings and queens of ancient times.

Planting and Growing
This plant requires full sun and is a summer plant only. To get an early start indoors, plant 6 weeks before the last frost. Outdoors, make sure the soil is warm before you plant.. around 70F. Keep the soil moist and well drained during germination. Seed/lings should be ¼ in deep and about a foot apart. It grows between 1 and 2 feet tall. You may water Basil freely during the dryer summer months.
Pinch off flower heads as they bloom to encourage more leaf growth. If you’re to use this plant for cooking, avoid fertilizers and pesticides that leave harmful residues. Plant away from streets and driveways for the same reason.
A good companion plant would be tomatoes.
Problems you may have when growing this plant would be pests such as aphids, bacterial and fungal diseases in the leaves, stems, and root.

Harvesting and Storing
Keep the soil moist. After the first six leaves grow on a stem, cut it down to the second set. When a branch has 6 to 8 leave, repeat pruning down to the first set.
After 6 weeks, pinch off the center shoot to prevent early blooms. If flowers do grow, just cut them off.
Harvest basil before the cold weather settles in. Basil is very sensitive to the chill.

Basil tea after a meal is said to aid digestion and prevent flatulence.
In cases of extreme exhaustion, it’s been used effecively as a stimulant.
Useful for drawing out poisons when applied to venemos bug bites.
Basil oil has antifungal and antibiotic properties.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image source ediblegardenusa.tumblr.com
Ruled By – Leo, Sun, (or Moon), Jupiter, Hecate
Element – Fire
Sacred to – Hebe, Aphrodite, Virgin Mary
Forms – fresh sprigs, dried powder, oil

Long-time favorite herb of witches, it’s most known for counteracting bad spells, warding evil spirits and nightmares, blessing, and purification. Hang fresh or dried rosemary in the house to dispel witchcraft and evil plots. Carry the leaves in a red cloth bag for protection. Season your food to improve memory and increase clarity, for life and school. Burn when you meditate or do dream work to remember past lives. Can be used in spells for fidelity, dispelling jealousy, and to retain youth. Use in ritual baths for cleansing, burn with juniper to fumigate for health in the home (this comes from a period during WW2 when the mixture was burned in French hospitals to kill germs), or burn with sage to fumigate a ritual space and clear the energies.
This plant is a perennial evergreen that requires full sun. It’s ideal for a rock garden or the top of a dry wall.

Planting and Growing
To plant indoors, and for a headstart, place seeds or cuttings in soil 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost of Spring. Ensure the soil is well drained (rosemary is adverse to wet climates.) Make sure you give the shrub room to grow as they can grow up to 5 ft tall and just as wide. Companion plants to grow nearby are beans, carrots, cabbage, and sage.
It is ideal to prune rosemary after it flowers, and you may prune it regularly to keep it from growing lanky. Bring the plant inside for the winter, making sure it’s in a brightly lit area with a cool (but not cold) temperature.
Water the plant evenly and get cuttings or divide the plant for the next season.
Problems you may have when growing this plant include aerial blight, bacterial leaf spots, and root rot.

Harvesting and Storing
Prune the youngest stems or leaves fresh for immediate use. You may harvest up to one third of the plant at once, but must allow it time for regrowth before the next harvest.
To dry the stems for later use, wrap a bundle at the cut end and hang upside down in a dry, well ventilated area.

Rosemary tea is a folk remedy for nervous headaches. It can also be used as a mouthwash to freshen breath or treat mouth sores. If mixed with myrrh, it can aid bleeding gums.
It stimulates capillary circulation, which makes it helpful in healing colds, sore throat, and a slow liver.
It’s used in hair rinses to darken and retain hail color, and in shampoos or oils to control premature balding.
Rosemary is good in pillows to alleviate insomnia and restless sleep.
Bees are fond of rosemary.
Good for strengthening the hear and helps reduce HBP.
Can be used to help regulate periods. In the household, sprigs placed in drawers keeps moths away from clothing.

Do not ingest rosemary in large doses, or take medicinally when pregnant. Pregnant women way ingest with food as a seasoning.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image source - chasingrainbowsforever.tumblr.com

Ruled by - Venus, Mars, Pluto
Element - Air
Sacred to - Hades/Pluto
Form - Leaf, Extract, Oil

Legend states that the Nymph Minte/Minthe, lover of Pluto/Hades, was turned into a mint plant by her jealous rival, Persephone (or Demeter). Other legend states Hades made the plant grow from the dust she was trampled into. The plant was also used to mask the smell of the dead, and as such is associated with the Underworld.
Peppermint is called the lust herb; chew on fresh leaves to increase libido. Spearmint is associated with memory and intelligence; chew the leaves or rub the oil on your forehead or a white candle. Wintergreen is associated with protection; add the oil or sprinkle leaves into a bath or floor wash. This can also mean keeping away trouble, or troublesome people.
When ingested (eg: as a tea,) it aids in psychic and verbal communication of all types by stengthening our words. It is often associated with the Winter Solstice and makes a great addition as a fragrance or food additive in rites and rituals.
It makes an excellent addition to uncrossing mixtures, stength and courage mixtures, and breaking bad luck or jinxes. Keep mint in your shoe to prevent bad luck, or in your wallet to increase fortune.
Grow around the house to keep away unwanted guests, and even mice!

Planting and Growing
Mint plants are perennial, vigorous spreaders, and easily identified by their square stems.
Best grown from purchased plants or cuttings from a existing plant, place either of thee 2 feet apart in moist, well drained soil.
They grow 1 to 2 feet tall.
If planted above ground in a pot, this plant requires winter protection. Either bring it inside or cover the soil with mulch to protect the roots.
Minimal care for this plant, just keep the soil lightly moistened. To prevent the invasive nature of this plant, prune it regularly and cut the runners. You may also keep it in a medium/large pot.
Mint requires 3-6 hours of shade each day.
Good companion plants to have nearby would be cabbage and tomatoes.
Problems you may have when growing this plant include a powdery mildew, plant rust, leaf spots, anthracnose, and stem cankers.

Harvesting and Storage
Mint can be harvested as soon as it comes up in the Spring. It may be dried or frozen if harvested in larger quantities. For smaller harvests, leaves may be picked as needed.
For drying, it is recommended to harvest the plant by cutting stems 1 inch above the ground before the plant flowers. One plant may be harvested 2 or 3 times in the season.

Peppermint is used as a digestive aid and also eases gas, burping, and bloat after meals. Also great for intestinal pain, easing nausea, IBS.
Spearmint is similar medicinally, but mild compared to peppermint. It is stronger in its diaphoretic (causing perspiration) and diuretic properties.
Spearmint does not make a good medicinal tea, as it loses the majority of its oil. To infuse spearmint properly, do so in a closed container.
Spearmint is completely nontoxic.

Any kind of mint oil should be properly diluted before applying topically. Menthol is present (in varying degrees) in the mint plant family and causes a freezing-burning sensation that is harmful, especially to those who are sensitive to it.

Those who are taking iron supplements, immunosuppressants or drugs to reduce stomach acid production or to control heart conditions or high blood pressure should consult with their physician before using mint internally.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia
Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image credit - therestlesswitch.tumblr.com

Ruled by - Ghosts/Sprits, Mercury
Element - Air
Sacred to - Persephone, Venus, Aphrodite
Form - Fresh Sprigs

Parsley is mostly associated with the Underworld. Persephone was often depicted carrying a bunch with her. Ancient Greeks associated the plant with death, and as such never ate it or grew it inside, lest they invite death into their lives.
The custom of using parsley as a garnish is believed to come from the thought that the herb could appease the spirits of the dead animal it was placed upon. It refreshes, renews, and rids the area of negative or fearful energies.
Placed in a room, it can alleviate poltergeist activity. Steep fresh stems in a bucket of warm water and use to mop, or in a spray bottle to mist the room.
Brush a bundle of dry stems across a Ouija board before working to calm spirits and prevent malevolent forces from coming through.
Eat to cleanse your feelings and get rid of emotional baggage that is preventing you from experiencing loving relationships.

Planting and Growing
To start indoors, plant seeds 10 weeks before the last frost of Spring. To start outdoors, plant seeds 4 weeks before the last frost. It takes about 3 weeks to sprout, as it is a slow grower, but it can handle the cold to a degree.
Water often during germination and evenly through the summer, making sure the pot has proper drainage.
Parsley is a Biennial and requires 3 to 6 hours of shade each day.
Good companion plants to have nearby are Asparagus, Corn, and Tomatoes.
Some problems that may occur while growing Parsley are stem rot, leaf spots, black swallowtail larvae, carrot fly larvae, and celery fly larvae.
It doesn’t like to be transplanted.

Harvesting and Storage
Parsley is ready to harvest when the end of the stems hae separated into three segments of leaves. Cut stems from the outside, in, harvesting the oldest stems first. Cut near the base, leaving ¼ inch above the soil.
Leave the inner stems to mature.
To store for later use, place the ends of the stems in cool water and place in a refrigerator. You may also hang the stems upside down to dry, then crumble and store in an airtight container.

Outside of food garnish and flavorizer, parsley can also be used as an infusion in bathwater to soothe and cleanse the skin. (or a ritual bath to communicate with the dead)
The high chlorophyll content makes it a natural breath freshener.
Parsley has been credited to curing many illnesses dealing with the kidneys, liver, and bladder.
Using Parsley in recipes decreases the need for salt. This is due to the plant being a natural diuretic as it inhibits salt reabsorption by the body and increases kidney activity.
Small doses have a strong diuretic effect, but large doses are known to cause uterine problems.
Parsley also acts as a gentle laxative.

Pregnant women should not ingest large amounts of parsley.
Large amounts can have toxic effects on liver, lungs, kidneys.
Parsley oil should never be ingested.
Use caution when collecting wild parsley. Look alikes can be quite poisonous.

References - Lexa Rosean, Jack Ritchason N.D., Farmer’s Almanac, Witchipedia

Disclaimer - Nothing in this is intended to be medical advice, or used in lieu of seeing a medical professional.

image credit - cozy-aesthetics.tumblr.com
in divination

Versatile tools in divination, candles are multi-useful and can be used for three different types on divination… given that the environment is condusive to working. Taking out any mundane disturbances such as wind, irregular wick lengths, oils and wax colorants, remembering that not everything is a sign, candles can be interprested in a number of ways.

-Capromancy, divination by smoke.
-Ceromancy, divination by wax.
-Pyromancy, divination by fire.

Starting with Capromancy
A lot of smoke coming from a burning candle is neither a good or bad sign. It means that the element of communication and observation, Air, is present. It means that you need to use your mind and eyes to read the situation yourself. Watch the smoke and see what more may come of the working.

Thick, Black Smoke coming from your candle says that negative energies are present in the work space, bad energies are opposing the work being done, or there is some other conflict present. Cleanse yourself and the work space before trying again.

White Smoke is a good sign when working spells or divining for answers. It means good things are coming or your spellwork was successful.

Smoke coming toward you can be a good thing, depending on context. If you’re working a blessing or trying to attract something, this can mean that you’re getting positive results. However, if you’re working curses or hexes, this can mean that you’re not hitting the intended target or you won’t be able to escape responsibility for your work.

Smoke going away from you is also dependent on context for meaning. It can mean energies moving outword, symbolizing something not quite within reach. When working influential magicks, such as healing, blessings, manipulation, it can mean that the smoke is travelling and working toward your goal. Watch to make sure it’s on track.

Soot in a jar candle is a common occurence, although some can use the amount and location of soot as another way to tell if a working has been successful or not. A little amount of candle soot only around the top of the jar means that any opposition has been overcome. If it covers the entire jar above the wax and wick, the spell needs to be reworked. White soot can mean spirits are aiding in the completion on the working.

Moving on to Ceromancy
When your candle burns and forms a crater with tall walls of wax around it, this means that the energies forming the spell have been blocked. The energies weren’t strong enough to overcome barriers. Maybe try again at a different time.

If your candle burns quickly it can mean that excited energies are working to complete the spell quickly. Use the melted wax to read the shapes and divine other messages you may be receiving.

If the wax falls down only one side it can mean something about you or the spell was off balance. Thinking about left brain and right brain, you can figure out what may be off balance by what side the wax dripped down. Left side could be an emotional or psychic imbalance, whereas the right side could be your own personal beliefs or reservations getting in the way. The results of the working will be incomplete.

If the wax forms waterfalls it can mean that while the working has been successful, there may be trouble along the path. Strife, tears, hard work.. this is more likely if the structures remain even after the candle has burned out completely.

If you find little bits of debris in your candle, it means you need to look out for unintended consequences of your spell. There will be clean up and loose ends to take care of.

If there are no wax drips, CONGRATS. Everything went as planned!

If the candle has a chaotic end such as an explosion, the jar breaks, or really anything else off the wall, the spell just isn’t going to work. Cleanse your space and yourself, and let it go until you find out why.

If the candle wax forms shapes after burning, use your intuition to decide what those may mean. There’s no truly universal list of correspondences to say for sure what they mean. These lists are more of a guideline.

If your candle just won’t light it means that the spell you’re trying to use won’t yield the results you need or even work at all. The outcome may have already been decided or it’s simply out of your hands. Use this time to either divine what may be blocking you or refocus your intention altogether. If you’re trying to divine an answer to a question, this can mean that now is not the right time to ask.

If the candle goes out the work is complete. The energies are working out in the world. Alternatively, it could mean that a stronger, opposing force has put an end to whatever manifestation you may be working toward. Either way, leave it be. if it goes out before you get an answer to a question, it can mean that now isn’t the right time to ask.

If your candle won’t go out it’s a sign that you missed a message or you’re not done. There is more to the answer that you need to hear. Revisit your work for some time and when you feel it’s been settled, try again to extinguish the flame.

If the flame on your candle is small, it means that the energy you’ve put into your spell is weak, or it’s simply not the right time. It will flicker and bend, ultimately don’t expect favorable results. If the flame drowns in the wax and goes out, that’s a telltale sign it won’t work this time. In a yes/no scenario, this is a no.

A small but steady flame seeks patience and focus. It’s a good sign your spell will work, although not as swiftly as you might have hoped for. If the flame grows, it means the energy working behind the spell is also growing. If the flame stays low and you’re asking a yes or no question, this is a no.

Atall and strong flame means powerful energies are working toward the goal. Expect a quick and positive result. Similarly, a good clean burn, although boring, means positive results as expected, though not as quickly. When seeking a yes or no answer, this is a strong yes.

Apopping candle flame and uneven burn can signify interference or communication from spirits or energies that are working against you. Try to refocus your energies or concentrate your intention and energy. If the resistance feels too great, cease the work and try again later. A dancing or popping flame when asking a question means you need to refocus and ask again. It can also mean there isn’t a simple yes or no for your answer. A violently flickering flame is a STRONG no and a warning.

Adual flame means you need to wait for your answer just a bit longer. There’s some thinkng involved. A flame leaning to the left means yes, and a flame leaning to the right means no.

Ablue or blue-white flame is rare, but can signify angelic or faery presence. Higher, divine beings have taken an interest in your work. Red or yellow flames mean a more mundane, though still strong, energy is fueling the spell.

image credt - vvhatavvitch.tumblr.com
Traditionally black handled and with a double sided blade, the Athame is a ceremonial knife used similarly to a wand. It directs energy when casting spells and is used traditionally in a rite called Drawing Down the Moon. The end of the blade may be dulled to avoid harming oneself, and the handle may be decorated or inscribed with symbols to invoke certain energies. The athame is for ceremonial and magickal purposed only. Casting and tracing circles, cutting and re-sealing doorways to enter and exit the circle, inscribing sigils and symbols in the air, and directing energies for spells. It can be used to symbolically cut things, such as ties between people. Most often, it is shaped similar to a dagger. Some witches used a sword instead, to better differentiate from the Bolline and to best represent that it is ceremonial only.
Never touch another person’s athame, or any personal tool for that matter. It is considered an intrusion of personal space.

If any herbs, cords, or wands need to be cut, or candles need to be carved, the more practical Bolline may be used. The handle is traditionally white, and the blade is one sided, sometimes with a curve. It may be used inside and outside of the circle. The Bolline is much smaller than the Athame for ease of use and maneuverability. In Kitchen Witch practices, there is no need to have both an Athame and Bolline, in favor of having a single utility knife.

image source 13moons.com

making this its own post. context being op has maladaptive daydreaming and experiences paracosms and wanted discernment tips—though i have used these in the past for unreality and dissociation :)

outside of these examples, i will always advocate for recognizing where your paracosm begins and where it ends, as it will help you significantly in the long run. who are your recurring figures, what features have you experienced and can confidently attribute to the paracosm only—this is something that can be done alongside professional help, if you feel you cannot trust your own judgement.

these are exercises to be done in your own time to begin to trust yourself and your discerning abilities. these do not have to begin with spirits, but the end result can surely include them :)

1.tell yourself truths—i have x colour hair, i have x colour eyes—try to recognize how that feels to you. what is your train of thought, how do you receive that truth, does your mind falter and suggest otherwise, does it feel stable and sit within you as it is? as time goes on, you can expand on these truths—i am using social media, my shoes are white, the time is 9.30pm, and so on. the goal is to understand your body’s responses and the communication between your thoughts and any repeated sensations, as these would be your anchors for recognizing ‘truth’ from lie.

2.tell yourself lies—inverse to the above, tell yourself lies. if you have short hair, state it is long. wearing socks? absolutely not! play around with the length and complexity of the lie, feel how the body reacts. this is now your baseline for a ‘lie’ from a truth.

3.practice a level of controlled guessing—it sounds strange, but in your day-to-day life you can take a guess at any random occurrence with very little drawback. for example, what colour car will you see on the next street? will i see a dog during my walk today—simple things that are not so unlikely they’re impossible, but not so common that you’re guessing the sky has clouds while it’s overcast.

at any point, you can pair this with the first example. do you feel anything that would suggest truth, and is it something you can confirm? you feel you’ll see a red car on the next road over, and your body treats it like a truth—does that red car ever appear?

4.record these truths and events—find your rate of success, how each event feels and if there are any common reactions within the pool of successful predictions and guesses.

5.rely on other senses—in the case of paracosms, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to immediately discern spirit from thought without also understanding the boundaries of the paracosm itself, and that often takes time. for me, the mind is not the only way to hear and speak to a spirit. luckily, we have other systems of discernment that lie outside the realm of the mind, should it be untrustworthy in the moment.

one test i enjoy is feeling the movements within my face, namely the jaw—for many people, they’ll notice small movements that pair along their train of thought, almost as if the body is preparing itself to speak. over time, i’ve noticed that when i speak to myself in my own thoughts or am within my own paracosm, my mouth and tongue follow along in preparation. when speaking to a spirit and having it respond, my mouth does not move.

another way to look at this, if it applies, are there certain things you feel, taste, smell, or see during a paracosm that are wholly unique to it? say, the scent of a certain flower, the feeling of pins in your fingers? if yes, using these as indicators of your paracosm.

6.use physical tools alongside intuitive communication—i noticed [op] mentioned that tools are not a problem, so this is an excellent baseline to work with if you feel you cannot get a handle on the other forms described (assuming you have not tried already). if you already are in good relations with a deity, you’re free to reach out to them, or instead reach out to a local spirit. the goal is to communicate with something you recognize, or something simple.

however you would communicate intuitively—through normal conversation, question and answer setting, or other—check through that conversation with your tools. ask the deities or the spirit later on how true this conversation was as you experienced it, and compare. this works better if you record both aspects, the initial conversation and divination in part.

7. and while this was not included in the original post, which events matter, and why do they matter, if at all? purely in the context of signs and symbolism, much too often do we see something uncommon and immediately jump to the conclusion of “it’s a sign from the gods! the spirits are talking!” this is formed under the assumption that your gods or spirits want to speak to you first, rather than the other way around.

how often do you actually pay attention to your surroundings? have you recently discovered your spirituality and now look for it in every action—and in saying that, are you be prone to attributing the spirits to your symptoms?

migration season is upon us, you watch the birds fly overhead in steady formation, this is normal in this time of year. do those birds in particular feel strange, do you feel drawn into their pattern now for no reason? i am avid believer that your signs are attributed to already occurring events—that the spirits and gods do not bother to give you new situations, but rather whisper in-between the ones that already bleed into your life.

this last point is something that comes with time. eventually—innately—you will begin to understand how it feels to have their words flash before your eyes in the form of an animal, a strange cloud, a stranger.

if you don’t have it yet, don’t worry. we have plenty of time.

hey! i’m going to be doing some free three card readings to practice and build my presence in the tarot community,,,

if you’d like a reading please include your initials and whether or not you’d like me to privately if you are sending an ask. feel free to ask about anything and include as much or little information as you feel comfortable with!

(( i also do lenormand and oracle card readings, just ask if you’d like one ))
